@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ We also anticipate our attack to work better with smaller training sets, as ther
-5. **Easy vs. Hard Samples.** We find that target samples which rank very high or low in the original influence rankings are easier to push to top-$k$ rankings upon manipulation (or equivalently samples which have a high magnitude of influence either positive or negative). This is so because the influence scores of extreme rank samples are more sensitive to model parameters as shown experimentally in the figure below, thus making them more susceptible to influence-based attacks.
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ We also anticipate our attack to work better with smaller training sets, as ther
-6. **Impossibility Theorem for Data Valuation Attacks.** We observe that even with a large $C$, our attacks still cannot achieve a $100\%$ success rate. Motivated by this, we wonder if there exist target samples for which the influence score cannot be moved to top-$k$ rank? The answer is yes and we formally state this impossibility result as follows.