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Filter events

Tyler Long edited this page Oct 11, 2018 · 1 revision

Filter events

Let's say you only interested in 'SET' events, you can filter the event stream before subscribe:

import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators'

const person = SubX.create()
    filter(event => event.type === 'SET')

Example above isn't useful in real project because there is already person.set$ available. It just shows you how to filter events.

Sometimes you might only want the changes to a SubX object's direct properties (no recursive events):

const person = SubX.create()
const directChangesToPerson$ = person.$.pipe(filter(event => event.path.length === 1))

It's a convenstion to end an event stream with $, that's why we name the constant directChangesToPerson$ instead of directChangesToPerson.

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