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Matrix API Reference

flavianv edited this page Aug 9, 2012 · 45 revisions

Matrix library functions can be divided into three types:

In addition, matrix library contains

Value operations work over individual values in a matrix, usually transforming them in some way.

# mat.mapValues( mapping function ): Matrix

Maps the values of the matrix to new values using a function

// The new matrix contains the squares of the elements from the original matrix
val squaredMatrix = matrix.mapValues{ value : Int => value * value }

# mat.filterValues( filter function ) : Matrix

Keep only the values of the matrix that set the function to true

// The new matrix contains only the positive non-zero elements from the matrix
val filteredMatrix = matrix.filterValues{ _ > 0 }

# mat.binarizeAs[NewValT] : Matrix

Sets all of the non-zero values of the matrix to the one element of the type

// The new matrix contains ones as integers for all non-zero values from the matri
val binMatrix = matrix.binarizeAs[Int]

# mat.getRow( rowNumber ) : RowVector

Returns the row indexed with the specified value from the original matrix

// Returns the 3-rd row from the matrix
val row = matrix.getRow(3)
// Returns the row from the matrix that is indexed with “France”
val row = matrix.getRow("France")

# matrix.reduceRowVectors{ reduce function } : RowVector

Reduces all row vectors into a single row vector using a associative pairwise aggregation function

// Returns the row vector of all column-wise products of the matrix
// matrix = 1 1 1
//          2 2 1
//          3 0 1
// rowProd = 6 0 1
val rowProd = matrix.reduceRowVectors { (x,y) => x * y }

# matrix.sumRowVectors : RowVector

Reduces all row vectors into the sum row vector

// Returns the row vector of all column-wise sums of the matrix
val rowSum = matrix.sumRowVectors

# matrix.mapRows{ mapping function } : Matrix

Maps all row vectors into new row vector using a function over the list of non-zero elements in the original rows

// Returns the row vector of all column-wise sums of the matrix
val rowSum = matrix.mapRows{ fn }
def fn( list : List[(Int,Double)]) : List[(Int,Double)]  

# matrix.topRowElems( numberOfElements ) : Matrix

Returns the matrix containing only the top K elements in each row

// Returns the matrix with top 10 elements
val topkMatrix = matrix.topRowElems(10)

# matrix.rowL1Normalize : Matrix

Returns the matrix containing the L1 row-normalized elements of the original matrix

// Returns the adjacency matrix of the follow graph normalized by outdegree
// matrix = 1 0 1
//          1 1 1
//          1 0 0
// matrixL1Norm = 0.5 0 0.5
//                0.33 0.33 0.33
//                1 0 0
val matrixL1Norm = matrix.rowL1Normalize

# matrix.rowL2Normalize : Matrix

Returns the matrix containing the L2 row-normalized elements of the original matrix

// Returns the adjacency matrix of the follow graph normalized by outdegree
val matrixL2Norm = matrix.rowL2Normalize

# matrix.rowMeanCentering : Matrix

Returns the matrix containing the row-mean centered elements of the original matrix

// Substracts all of the row-wise means from all the elements
val matrixCentered = matrix.rowMeanCentering

# matrix.rowSizeAveStdev : Matrix

Computes the row size, ave and stdev and returns a k x 3 matrix containing the stats

// Computes the row stats
val matrixRowStats = matrix.rowSizeAveStdev
def rowColValSymbols : List[Symbol] = List(rowSym, colSym, valSym)

Column Vector Operations

Column vector operations are similar to the row vector ones, where all function names are renamed from row to col and the return type is in general ColVector.

# matrix1 * ( matrix2 ) : Matrix

Computes the product of two matrices

// Computes the product of two matrices
val matrixProd = matrix1 * matrix2

# matrix / scalar(LiteralScalar) : Matrix

Computes the element-wise division of a matrix by a scalar

// Computes the element-wise division of a matrix by 100
val matrixDiv = matrix / 100

# matrix1.elemWiseOp( matrix2 ){ function }

Computes the element-wise merging of two matrices

// Computes the element-wise division of a matrix by 100
matrix1.elemWiseOp(matrix2)((x,y) => x/y)

# matrix1 + (matrix2) : Matrix

Computes the sum of two matrices

// Computes the sum of two matrices
matrixSum = matrix1 + matrix2

# matrix1 - (matrix2) : Matrix

Computes the difference between two matrices

// Computes the difference between two matrices
matrixDiff = matrix1 - matrix2

# matrix1.hProd( matrix2 ) : Matrix

Computes the element-wise product of two matrices

// Computes the element-wise product of two matrices
matrixProd = matrix1.hProd( matrix2 )

# matrix2/row/column ) : Matrix

Merges the elements of the two matrices creating a matrix that has as values the pair tuples. Similarly when zipping a matrix with a row or a vector, it zips the values of the row/column across all of the rows/columns of the matrix

// Returns the matrix with elements of the type ( 0, elem2), ( elem1, 0) and (elem1, elem2)
// matrix = 0 1 1
//          1 2 0
// rowVct = 1 0 1
// matrixVctPairs = (0, 1) (1, 0) (1, 1)
//                  (1, 1) (2, 0) (0, 1)
matrixPairs = matrix2 )
matrixVctPairs = ( rowVct )

# matrix.nonZerosWith( Scalar )

// Similar to zip, but combine the scalar on the right with all non-zeros in this matrix:
// Computes the element-wise product of two matrices
matrixProd = matrix1.nonZerosWith( matrix2 )

# matrix.trace : Scalar

Computes the trace of a matrix

// Computes the element-wise product of two matrices
trace = matrix.trace

# matrix.sum : Scalar

Computes the sum of the elements of a matrix

// Computes the sum of the elements of a matrix
sum = matrix.sum

# matrix.transpose : Matrix

Computes the sum of the elements of a matrix

// Computes the sum of the elements of a matrix
matrixTranspose = matrix.transpose

# matrix.diagonal : DiagonalMatrix

Returns the diagonal of the matrix

// Returns the diagonal of the matrix
matrixDiag = matrix.diagonal


# pipe.toMatrix( fields ) : Matrix

Constructs a matrix from a pipe.

// The matrix will contain all of the data from the pipe and will have the names of the row, column and value dimensions ‘a, ‘b and ‘c.
val matrix = pipe.toMatrix(‘a,’b,’c)

# pipe.mapToMatrix( fields ) { mapping function } : Matrix

Constructs a matrix from a pipe by applying first a mapping function

// The new pipe contains all of the triples data in matrix with squared values
val matrix = pipe.mapToMatrix(‘a, ‘b, ‘c){ (x, y, z) => (x, y, z * z) }

# pipe.flatMapToMatrix( fields ) { mapping function } : Matrix

Constructs a matrix from a pipe by applying first a mapping function

// The new pipe contains all of the triples data in matrix with squared values
val matrix = pipe.mapToMatrix( ‘a, ‘b, ‘c){ (x, y, z) => (x, y, z * z) }

Companion object methods

# Matrix.readTSV( filename ) : Matrix

Loads a matrix from a TSV file that contains a triple per line

// The matrix contains the data from the TSV file
val newMatrix = Matrix.readTSV( "input" )

# matrix.pipe : RichPipe

Returns the pipe associated with the matrix. The pipe contains tuples of three elements that can be accessed using matrix.rowSym, matrix.colSym, matrix.valSym.

// The new pipe contains all of the triples data in matrix
val newPipe = matrix.pipe

# matrix.pipeAs( toFields ) : RichPipe

Returns the list of the fields of the pipe associated with the matrix: matrix.rowSym, matrix.colSym, matrix.valSym.

// The new pipe contains all of the triples data in matrix renamed to
val pipeFields = matrix.pipeAs( ‘a, ‘b, ‘c)

# matrix.write( toFields ) : Matrix

Writes to a sink and return the matrix data for further processing.

// Writes to a sink and return the matrix data for further processing.
matrix.write( “output” )

# matrix.fields : List[Symbol]

Returns the list of the fields of the pipe associated with the matrix: matrix.rowSym, matrix.colSym, matrix.valSym.

// The new pipe contains all of the triples data in matrix
val pipeFields = matrix.fields

# matrix.hasHint : SizeHint

Returns the list of the fields of the pipe associated with the matrix: matrix.rowSym, matrix.colSym, matrix.valSym.

// The new pipe contains all of the triples data in matrix
val pipeFields = matrix.fields

# matrix.withSizeHint : Matrix

Adds a SizeHint to the matrix

// The new matrix has a new SizeHint
val newMatrix = matrix.withSizeHint( 4000, 4000 )


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