If you need to generate data for demo please don't do it as "Name0", "Name1", .... Instead you should use fake data generators such as forgery.
Just add it to Gemfile:
group :development do
gem 'forgery'
Generate title for blog post:
> Forgery(:lorem_ipsum).words(4, random: true).capitalize
=> "Purus sit amet nulla"
Generate user name and email:
> Forgery(:name).full_name
=> "Shawn Smith"
> Forgery(:email).address
=> "[email protected]"
Generate credit card number:
> Forgery(:credit_card).number(type: 'Visa')
=> "4532443581421162"
See additional information about usage in official README, wiki or in code base.
Code of forgery is easy to read and understand. Feel free to explore and contribute. It especially need documentation improvements.