By typing !legends
in one of the main public channels the following message will be shown:
!subscribe STASH_ADDRESS
↻: Total number of core assignments (parachains) by the validator.
❒: Total number of authored blocks by the validator.
✓i: Total number of implicit votes by the validator.
✓e: Total number of explicit votes by the validator.
✗: Total number of missed votes by the validator.
MVR: Missed Votes Ratio (MVR) MVR = (✗) / (✓i + ✓e + ✗)
GRD: Grade reflects the Backing Votes Ratio (BVR) BVR = 1 - MVR
by the validator:
‣ A+ = BVR > 99%
‣ A = BVR > 95%
‣ B+ = BVR > 90%
‣ B = BVR > 80%
‣ C+ = BVR > 70%
‣ C = BVR > 60%
‣ D+ = BVR > 50%
‣ D = BVR > 40%
‣ F = BVR <= 40%
PPTS: Sum of para-validator points the validator earned.
TPTS: Sum of para-validator points + authored blocks points the validator earned.
*: ✓ is the Total number of (implicit + explicit) votes and ✗ is the Total number of missed votes by the subscribed validator.
A, B, C, D: Represents each validator in the same val. group as the subscribed validator.
!subscribe groups
↻: Total number of core assignements.
❒: Total number of authored blocks.
✓i: Total number of implicit votes.
✓e: Total number of explicit votes.
✗: Total number of missed votes by the validator.
GRD: Grade reflects the Backing Votes Ratio.
MVR: Missed Votes Ratio.
PPTS: Sum of para-validator points the validator earned.
TPTS: Sum of para-validator points + authored blocks points the validator earned.
Note: Val. groups and validators are sorted by para-validator points in descending order.
!subscribe parachains
↻: Total number of validator group rotations per parachain.
❒: Total number of authored blocks from all validators when assigned to the parachain.
✓i: Total number of implicit votes from all validators when assigned to the parachain.
✓e: Total number of explicit votes from all validators when assigned to the parachain.
✗: Total number of missed votes from all validators when assigned to the parachain.
PPTS: Sum of para-validator points from all validators.
TPTS: Sum of para-validator points + authored blocks points from all validators.
Note: Parachains are sorted by para-validator points in descending order.
!subscribe insights
Score: score = (1 - mvr) * 0.75 + ((avg_pts - min_avg_pts) / (max_avg_pts - min_avg_pts)) * 0.18 + (pv_sessions / total_sessions) * 0.07
Commission Score: commission_score = score * 0.25 + (1 - commission) * 0.75
Timeline: Graphic performance representation in the last X sessions:
‣ ❚ = BVR >= 90%
‣ ❙ = BVR >= 60%
‣ ❘ = BVR >= 40%
‣ ! = BVR >= 20%
‣ ¿ = BVR < 20%
‣ ? = No-votes
‣ • = Not P/V
‣ _ = Waiting
Note: This report also provides all the validator info described before.