diff --git a/app/collins/models/AssetMeta.scala b/app/collins/models/AssetMeta.scala
index a8d13c6ae..8ccd6921e 100644
--- a/app/collins/models/AssetMeta.scala
+++ b/app/collins/models/AssetMeta.scala
@@ -206,9 +206,15 @@ object AssetMeta extends Schema with AnormAdapter[AssetMeta] with AssetMetaKeys
val BaseProduct = findOrCreateFromName("BASE_PRODUCT")
val BaseVendor = findOrCreateFromName("BASE_VENDOR")
val BaseSerial = findOrCreateFromName("BASE_SERIAL")
+ val GpuProduct= findOrCreateFromName("GPU_PRODUCT")
+ val GpuVendor = findOrCreateFromName("GPU_VENDOR")
def getValues(): Seq[AssetMeta] = {
- Seq(BaseDescription, BaseProduct, BaseVendor, BaseSerial)
+ Seq(BaseDescription, BaseProduct, BaseVendor, BaseSerial, GpuProduct, GpuVendor)
+ }
+ def getLshwValues(): Set[AssetMeta] = {
+ Set(BaseDescription, BaseProduct, BaseVendor, BaseSerial, GpuProduct, GpuVendor)
diff --git a/app/collins/models/LshwHelper.scala b/app/collins/models/LshwHelper.scala
index 72df84c8c..770db0861 100644
--- a/app/collins/models/LshwHelper.scala
+++ b/app/collins/models/LshwHelper.scala
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package collins.models
import collins.models.AssetMeta.DynamicEnum._
import collins.models.AssetMeta.Enum._
import collins.models.lshw.Cpu
+import collins.models.lshw.Gpu
import collins.models.lshw.Disk
import collins.models.lshw.Memory
import collins.models.lshw.Nic
@@ -34,8 +35,11 @@ object LshwHelper extends CommonHelper[LshwRepresentation] {
+ override val managedDynamicTags = AssetMeta.DynamicEnum.getLshwValues()
def construct(asset: Asset, lshw: LshwRepresentation): Seq[AssetMetaValue] = {
collectCpus(asset, lshw) ++
+ collectGpus(asset, lshw) ++
collectMemory(asset, lshw) ++
collectNics(asset, lshw) ++
collectDisks(asset, lshw) ++
@@ -45,11 +49,12 @@ object LshwHelper extends CommonHelper[LshwRepresentation] {
def reconstruct(asset: Asset, assetMeta: Seq[MetaWrapper]): Reconstruction = {
val metaMap = assetMeta.groupBy { _.getGroupId }
val (cpus,postCpuMap) = reconstructCpu(metaMap)
- val (memory,postMemoryMap) = reconstructMemory(postCpuMap)
+ val (gpus,postGpuMap) = reconstructGpu(postCpuMap)
+ val (memory,postMemoryMap) = reconstructMemory(postGpuMap)
val (nics,postNicMap) = reconstructNics(postMemoryMap)
val (disks,postDiskMap) = reconstructDisks(postNicMap)
val (base,postBaseMap) = reconstructBase(postDiskMap)
- (LshwRepresentation(cpus, memory, nics, disks, base.headOption.getOrElse(ServerBase())), postBaseMap.values.flatten.toSeq)
+ (LshwRepresentation(cpus, gpus, memory, nics, disks, base.headOption.getOrElse(ServerBase())), postBaseMap.values.flatten.toSeq)
protected def reconstructCpu(meta: Map[Int, Seq[MetaWrapper]]): FilteredSeq[Cpu] = {
@@ -72,6 +77,7 @@ object LshwHelper extends CommonHelper[LshwRepresentation] {
(cpuSeq, filteredMeta)
protected def collectCpus(asset: Asset, lshw: LshwRepresentation): Seq[AssetMetaValue] = {
if (lshw.cpuCount < 1) {
return Seq()
@@ -86,6 +92,43 @@ object LshwHelper extends CommonHelper[LshwRepresentation] {
+ protected def reconstructGpu(meta: Map[Int, Seq[MetaWrapper]]): FilteredSeq[Gpu] = {
+ val gpuSeq = meta.foldLeft(Seq[Gpu]()) { case (seq, map) =>
+ val groupId = map._1
+ val wrapSeq = map._2
+ val product = amfinder(wrapSeq, GpuProduct, _.toString, "")
+ val vendor= amfinder(wrapSeq, GpuVendor, _.toString, "")
+ if (product.isEmpty || vendor.isEmpty) {
+ seq
+ } else {
+ Gpu("", product, vendor) +: seq
+ }
+ }
+ val filteredMeta = meta.map { case(groupId, metaSeq) =>
+ val newSeq = filterNot(
+ metaSeq,
+ Set(GpuProduct.id, GpuVendor.id)
+ )
+ groupId -> newSeq
+ }
+ (gpuSeq, filteredMeta)
+ }
+ protected def collectGpus(asset: Asset, lshw: LshwRepresentation): Seq[AssetMetaValue] = {
+ if (lshw.gpuCount < 1) {
+ return Seq()
+ }
+ lshw.gpus.foldLeft((0,Seq[AssetMetaValue]())) { case (run,gpu) =>
+ val groupId = run._1
+ val total = run._2
+ val res: Seq[AssetMetaValue] = Seq(
+ AssetMetaValue(asset, GpuProduct.id, groupId, gpu.product.toString),
+ AssetMetaValue(asset, GpuVendor.id, groupId, gpu.vendor.toString)
+ )
+ (groupId + 1, total ++ res)
+ }._2
+ }
protected def reconstructMemory(meta: Map[Int, Seq[MetaWrapper]]): FilteredSeq[Memory] = {
if (!meta.contains(0)) {
return (Seq[Memory](), meta)
diff --git a/app/collins/models/lshw/Gpu.scala b/app/collins/models/lshw/Gpu.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..732d6c98a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/collins/models/lshw/Gpu.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package collins.models.lshw
+import play.api.libs.json.Format
+import play.api.libs.json.JsObject
+import play.api.libs.json.JsSuccess
+import play.api.libs.json.JsValue
+import play.api.libs.json.Json
+object Gpu {
+ implicit object GpuFormat extends Format[Gpu] {
+ override def reads(json: JsValue) = JsSuccess(Gpu(
+ (json \ "DESCRIPTION").as[String],
+ (json \ "PRODUCT").as[String],
+ (json \ "VENDOR").as[String]))
+ override def writes(gpu: Gpu) = JsObject(Seq(
+ "DESCRIPTION" -> Json.toJson(gpu.description),
+ "PRODUCT" -> Json.toJson(gpu.product),
+ "VENDOR" -> Json.toJson(gpu.vendor)))
+ }
+case class Gpu(
+ description: String, product: String, vendor: String) extends LshwAsset {
+ import Gpu._
+ override def toJsValue() = Json.toJson(this)
diff --git a/app/collins/models/shared/CommonHelper.scala b/app/collins/models/shared/CommonHelper.scala
index 142b2341f..dde068d3b 100644
--- a/app/collins/models/shared/CommonHelper.scala
+++ b/app/collins/models/shared/CommonHelper.scala
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ trait CommonHelper[T] {
type FilteredSeq[T1] = Tuple2[Seq[T1], Map[Int, Seq[MetaWrapper]]]
val managedTags: Set[AssetMeta.Enum]
+ val managedDynamicTags: Set[AssetMeta] = Set()
* Construct an appropriate AssetMetaValue sequence from the representation
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ trait CommonHelper[T] {
def updateAsset(asset: Asset, rep: T): Boolean = {
val mvs = construct(asset, rep)
if (!managedTags.isEmpty) {
- AssetMetaValue.deleteByAssetAndMetaId(asset, managedTags.map(_.id.toLong))
+ AssetMetaValue.deleteByAssetAndMetaId(asset, ((managedTags.map(_.id.toLong) ++ managedDynamicTags.map(_.id))))
mvs.size == AssetMetaValue.create(mvs)
diff --git a/app/collins/util/LshwRepresentation.scala b/app/collins/util/LshwRepresentation.scala
index 1ae6b0dd1..c7ba2dc10 100644
--- a/app/collins/util/LshwRepresentation.scala
+++ b/app/collins/util/LshwRepresentation.scala
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import play.api.libs.json.Json
import collins.models.lshw.Cpu
import collins.models.lshw.Cpu.CpuFormat
+import collins.models.lshw.Gpu
+import collins.models.lshw.Gpu.GpuFormat
import collins.models.lshw.Disk
import collins.models.lshw.Disk.DiskFormat
import collins.models.lshw.Memory
@@ -19,10 +21,11 @@ import collins.models.lshw.ServerBase.ServerbaseFormat
object LshwRepresentation {
def empty(): LshwRepresentation = {
- new LshwRepresentation(Seq(), Seq(), Seq(), Seq(), new ServerBase)
+ new LshwRepresentation(Seq(), Seq(), Seq(), Seq(), Seq(), new ServerBase)
implicit object LshwFormat extends Format[LshwRepresentation] {
import Cpu._
+ import Gpu._
import Disk._
import Memory._
import Nic._
@@ -30,12 +33,14 @@ object LshwRepresentation {
import Json.toJson
override def reads(json: JsValue) = JsSuccess(LshwRepresentation(
(json \ "CPU").as[Seq[Cpu]],
+ (json \ "GPU").as[Seq[Gpu]],
(json \ "MEMORY").as[Seq[Memory]],
(json \ "NIC").as[Seq[Nic]],
(json \ "DISK").as[Seq[Disk]],
(json \ "BASE").as[ServerBase]))
override def writes(lshw: LshwRepresentation) = JsObject(Seq(
"CPU" -> Json.toJson(lshw.cpus),
+ "GPU" -> Json.toJson(lshw.gpus),
"MEMORY" -> Json.toJson(lshw.memory),
"NIC" -> Json.toJson(lshw.nics),
"DISK" -> Json.toJson(lshw.disks),
@@ -45,6 +50,7 @@ object LshwRepresentation {
case class LshwRepresentation(
cpus: Seq[Cpu],
+ gpus: Seq[Gpu],
memory: Seq[Memory],
nics: Seq[Nic],
disks: Seq[Disk],
@@ -61,6 +67,8 @@ case class LshwRepresentation(
def cpuSpeed: Double = cpus.sortBy(_.speedGhz).lastOption.map(_.speedGhz).getOrElse(0.0)
+ def gpuCount: Int = gpus.size
def totalMemory: ByteStorageUnit = memory.foldLeft(new ByteStorageUnit(0)) {
case (total, mem) =>
new ByteStorageUnit(total.bytes + mem.size.bytes)
diff --git a/app/collins/util/config/GpuConfig.scala b/app/collins/util/config/GpuConfig.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..934c9508d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/collins/util/config/GpuConfig.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package collins.util.config
+object GpuConfig extends Configurable {
+ override val namespace = "gpu"
+ override val referenceConfigFilename = "gpu_reference.conf"
+ def supportedVendorStrings= getStringSet("supportedVendorStrings", Set("NVIDIA Corporation"))
+ override protected def validateConfig() {
+ supportedVendorStrings
+ }
diff --git a/app/collins/util/parsers/LshwParser.scala b/app/collins/util/parsers/LshwParser.scala
index 97dbfa0d0..dbe61db47 100644
--- a/app/collins/util/parsers/LshwParser.scala
+++ b/app/collins/util/parsers/LshwParser.scala
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@ package collins.util.parsers
import collins.models.lshw.LshwAsset
import collins.models.lshw.Cpu
+import collins.models.lshw.Gpu
import collins.models.lshw.Memory
import collins.models.lshw.Disk
import collins.models.lshw.Nic
import collins.models.lshw.ServerBase
import collins.util.config.LshwConfig
+import collins.util.config.GpuConfig
import collins.util.LshwRepresentation
import collins.util.ByteStorageUnit
import collins.util.BitStorageUnit
@@ -25,10 +27,11 @@ class LshwParser(txt: String) extends CommonParser[LshwRepresentation](txt) {
val wildcard: PartialFunction[NodeSeq, LshwAsset] = { case _ => null }
lazy val matcher = cpuMatcher.orElse(
- memMatcher.orElse(
- diskMatcher.orElse(
- nicMatcher.orElse(
- wildcard))))
+ gpuMatcher.orElse(
+ memMatcher.orElse(
+ diskMatcher.orElse(
+ nicMatcher.orElse(
+ wildcard)))))
override def parse(): Either[Throwable, LshwRepresentation] = {
val xml = try {
@@ -40,10 +43,11 @@ class LshwParser(txt: String) extends CommonParser[LshwRepresentation](txt) {
val rep = try {
val base = getBaseInfo(xml)
- getCoreNodes(xml).foldLeft(LshwRepresentation(Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil, base)) {
+ getCoreNodes(xml).foldLeft(LshwRepresentation(Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil, base)) {
case (holder, node) =>
matcher(node) match {
case c: Cpu => holder.copy(cpus = c +: holder.cpus)
+ case g: Gpu => holder.copy(gpus = g +: holder.gpus)
case m: Memory => holder.copy(memory = m.copy(bank = holder.memory.size) +: holder.memory)
case d: Disk => holder.copy(disks = d +: holder.disks)
case n: Nic => holder.copy(nics = n +: holder.nics)
@@ -79,6 +83,13 @@ class LshwParser(txt: String) extends CommonParser[LshwRepresentation](txt) {
Cpu(cores, threads, speed, asset.description, asset.product, asset.vendor)
+ val gpuMatcher: PartialFunction[NodeSeq, Gpu] = {
+ case n if ((n \ "@class" text) == "display" && GpuConfig.supportedVendorStrings.exists(s => (n \\ "vendor" text).contains(s))) => {
+ val asset = getAsset(n)
+ Gpu(asset.description, asset.product, asset.vendor)
+ }
+ }
val memMatcher: PartialFunction[NodeSeq, Memory] = {
case n if (n \ "@class" text) == "memory" && (n \ "@id" text).contains("bank:") =>
val asset = getAsset(n)
diff --git a/app/views/asset/show_hwdetails.scala.html b/app/views/asset/show_hwdetails.scala.html
index 135ff818f..837a6d59e 100644
--- a/app/views/asset/show_hwdetails.scala.html
+++ b/app/views/asset/show_hwdetails.scala.html
@@ -73,6 +73,26 @@
CPU Collected CPU Information
+ @if(aa.lshw.gpuCount > 0) {
+ GPU Collected GPU Information
+ Id | Description | Vendor |
+ @aa.lshw.gpus.zipWithIndex.map { case(gpu,id) =>
+ @id |
+ @gpu.product |
+ @gpu.vendor |
+ }
+ }
Memory Collected Memory Information
diff --git a/app/views/asset/show_overview.scala.html b/app/views/asset/show_overview.scala.html
index b5999396f..f6fe5f809 100644
--- a/app/views/asset/show_overview.scala.html
+++ b/app/views/asset/show_overview.scala.html
@@ -204,6 +204,15 @@ Hardware Summary Summary of system components reported by LSHW@{if (aa.lshw.hasHyperthreadingEnabled) "Yes" else "No"}
+ GPU |
+ |
+ Total GPUs |
+ @aa.lshw.gpuCount |
Memory |
diff --git a/conf/docker/validations.conf b/conf/docker/validations.conf
index a46e7bc4a..3e7c250ad 100644
--- a/conf/docker/validations.conf
+++ b/conf/docker/validations.conf
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ config.validations = [
+ collins.util.config.GpuConfig,
diff --git a/conf/evolutions/collins/14.sql b/conf/evolutions/collins/14.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77688c71a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf/evolutions/collins/14.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# --- Add GPU information to asset_meta
+# --- !Ups
+INSERT INTO asset_meta (name, priority, label, description) VALUES ('GPU_PRODUCT', -1, 'GPU Product', 'GPU product (description of GPU)');
+INSERT INTO asset_meta (name, priority, label, description) VALUES ('GPU_VENDOR', -1, 'GPU Vendor', 'GPU vendor');
+# --- !Downs
+DELETE FROM asset_meta WHERE name ='GPU_VENDOR'
diff --git a/conf/reference/gpu_reference.conf b/conf/reference/gpu_reference.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc4f09517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf/reference/gpu_reference.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+gpu {
+ # A list of hardware vendors that should be parsed by lshw as "gpu vendors"
+ gpuVendors = []
diff --git a/conf/validations.conf b/conf/validations.conf
index 63d931ffc..366723a0c 100644
--- a/conf/validations.conf
+++ b/conf/validations.conf
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ config.validations = [
+ collins.util.config.GpuConfig,
diff --git a/support/ruby/collins-client/lib/collins/asset.rb b/support/ruby/collins-client/lib/collins/asset.rb
index 495de8584..898e910f2 100644
--- a/support/ruby/collins-client/lib/collins/asset.rb
+++ b/support/ruby/collins-client/lib/collins/asset.rb
@@ -193,6 +193,15 @@ def cpus
extract(extras, "HARDWARE", "CPU") || []
+ # @return [Fixnum] Number of GPU's found
+ def gpu_count
+ (extract(extras, "HARDWARE", "GPU") || []).length
+ end
+ # @return [Array] GPU information
+ def gpus
+ extract(extras, "HARDWARE", "GPU") || []
+ end
# @return [Array] Disk information
def disks
extract(extras, "HARDWARE", "DISK") || []
diff --git a/support/ruby/collins-client/spec/collins/asset_spec.rb b/support/ruby/collins-client/spec/collins/asset_spec.rb
index ca58dbeac..1567abc5f 100644
--- a/support/ruby/collins-client/spec/collins/asset_spec.rb
+++ b/support/ruby/collins-client/spec/collins/asset_spec.rb
@@ -96,6 +96,14 @@
+ context "assets with GPUs should have" do
+ subject { Collins::Asset.from_json(CollinsFixture.full_asset_with_gpu(true)) }
+ it "#gpu_count" do
+ subject.gpu_count.should == 2
+ end
+ end
context "Update" do
it "lshw is not an attribute" do
["lshw","LSHW"].each do |name|
diff --git a/support/ruby/collins-client/spec/fixtures/full_asset_with_gpu.json b/support/ruby/collins-client/spec/fixtures/full_asset_with_gpu.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..332c0fc9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/ruby/collins-client/spec/fixtures/full_asset_with_gpu.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"status":"success:ok","data":{"ASSET":{"ID":2,"TAG":"U000006","STATE":{"ID":1,"STATUS":null,"NAME":"NEW","LABEL":"New","DESCRIPTION":"A service in this state is inactive. It does minimal work and consumes minimal resources."},"STATUS":"New","TYPE":"SERVER_NODE","CREATED":"2017-04-26T16:52:36","UPDATED":"2017-04-26T16:52:38","DELETED":null},"HARDWARE":{"CPU":[{"CORES":6,"THREADS":6,"SPEED_GHZ":2.3,"DESCRIPTION":"AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 4174 HE Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"CORES":6,"THREADS":6,"SPEED_GHZ":2.3,"DESCRIPTION":"AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 4174 HE Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""}],"GPU":[{"DESCRIPTION":"GM200GL [Quadro M6000] - NVIDIA Corporation","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"DESCRIPTION":"GM200GL [Quadro M6000] - NVIDIA Corporation","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""}],"MEMORY":[{"SIZE":0,"SIZE_S":"0","SIZE_HUMAN":"0 Bytes","BANK":0,"DESCRIPTION":"Empty Memory Bank","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"SIZE":0,"SIZE_S":"0","SIZE_HUMAN":"0 Bytes","BANK":1,"DESCRIPTION":"Empty Memory Bank","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"SIZE":8589934592,"SIZE_S":"8589934592","SIZE_HUMAN":"8.00 GB","BANK":2,"DESCRIPTION":"DIMM DDR3 Synchronous 1333 MHz (0.8 ns) - Hyundai HMT31GR7BFR4A-H9","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"SIZE":0,"SIZE_S":"0","SIZE_HUMAN":"0 Bytes","BANK":3,"DESCRIPTION":"Empty Memory Bank","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"SIZE":0,"SIZE_S":"0","SIZE_HUMAN":"0 Bytes","BANK":4,"DESCRIPTION":"Empty Memory Bank","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"SIZE":8589934592,"SIZE_S":"8589934592","SIZE_HUMAN":"8.00 GB","BANK":5,"DESCRIPTION":"DIMM DDR3 Synchronous 1333 MHz (0.8 ns) - Hyundai HMT31GR7BFR4A-H9","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"SIZE":0,"SIZE_S":"0","SIZE_HUMAN":"0 Bytes","BANK":6,"DESCRIPTION":"Empty Memory Bank","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"SIZE":0,"SIZE_S":"0","SIZE_HUMAN":"0 Bytes","BANK":7,"DESCRIPTION":"Empty Memory Bank","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"SIZE":8589934592,"SIZE_S":"8589934592","SIZE_HUMAN":"8.00 GB","BANK":8,"DESCRIPTION":"DIMM DDR3 Synchronous 1333 MHz (0.8 ns) - Hyundai HMT31GR7BFR4A-H9","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"SIZE":0,"SIZE_S":"0","SIZE_HUMAN":"0 Bytes","BANK":9,"DESCRIPTION":"Empty Memory Bank","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"SIZE":0,"SIZE_S":"0","SIZE_HUMAN":"0 Bytes","BANK":10,"DESCRIPTION":"Empty Memory Bank","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""},{"SIZE":8589934592,"SIZE_S":"8589934592","SIZE_HUMAN":"8.00 GB","BANK":11,"DESCRIPTION":"DIMM DDR3 Synchronous 1333 MHz (0.8 ns) - Hyundai HMT31GR7BFR4A-H9","PRODUCT":"","VENDOR":""}],"NIC":[],"DISK":[],"BASE":{"DESCRIPTION":"Rack Mount Chassis","PRODUCT":"PowerEdge C6105 (N/A)","VENDOR":"Winbond Electronics","SERIAL":"FZ22YQ1"}},"LLDP":{"INTERFACES":[{"NAME":"eth0","CHASSIS":{"NAME":"accessB07.corp.uhq.ua.tc","ID":{"TYPE":"mac","VALUE":"ec:3e:f7:1e:77:c0"},"DESCRIPTION":"Juniper Networks, Inc. ex4300-48p Ethernet Switch, kernel JUNOS 14.1X53-D30.3, Build date: 2015-10-02 12:40:24 UTC Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Juniper Networks, Inc."},"PORT":{"ID":{"TYPE":"local","VALUE":"529"},"DESCRIPTION":"ge-0/0/12"},"VLANS":[{"ID":40,"NAME":"vlan-40"}]}]},"IPMI":{"ASSET_ID":2,"ASSET_TAG":"U000006","IPMI_USERNAME":"root","IPMI_PASSWORD":"YCM0PCt6y37uJsHb","IPMI_GATEWAY":"","IPMI_ADDRESS":"","IPMI_NETMASK":"","ID":2},"ADDRESSES":[],"POWER":[],"ATTRIBS":{"0":{"CHASSIS_TAG":"U000006"}}}}
diff --git a/support/ruby/collins-client/spec/support/collins_fixture.rb b/support/ruby/collins-client/spec/support/collins_fixture.rb
index e29e5e716..a5630ef6b 100644
--- a/support/ruby/collins-client/spec/support/collins_fixture.rb
+++ b/support/ruby/collins-client/spec/support/collins_fixture.rb
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ def partial_asset_no_state json = false
def basic_log json=false
get_fixture_data 'basic_log.json', json
+ def full_asset_with_gpu json=false
+ get_fixture_data 'full_asset_with_gpu.json', json
+ end
def data name
diff --git a/test/collins/models/LshwHelperSpec.scala b/test/collins/models/LshwHelperSpec.scala
index 2ae5e1356..9704d0108 100644
--- a/test/collins/models/LshwHelperSpec.scala
+++ b/test/collins/models/LshwHelperSpec.scala
@@ -88,6 +88,20 @@ class LshwHelperSpec extends mutable.Specification {
LshwHelper.updateAsset(asset, parsed())
asset.getMetaAttribute(AssetMeta.Enum.DiskType.toString) must beNone
+ "with a dual NVIDIA GPU" in new LshwCommonHelper("lshw-gpu.xml") {
+ val lshw = parsed()
+ val stub = getStub()
+ val constructed: Seq[AssetMetaValue] = LshwHelper.construct(stub, lshw)
+ val reconstructed = LshwHelper.reconstruct(stub, metaValue2metaWrapper(constructed))._1
+ lshw mustEqual reconstructed
+ }
+ "with a single NVIDIA GPU" in new LshwCommonHelper("lshw-dell.xml") {
+ val lshw = parsed()
+ val stub = getStub()
+ val constructed: Seq[AssetMetaValue] = LshwHelper.construct(stub, lshw)
+ val reconstructed = LshwHelper.reconstruct(stub, metaValue2metaWrapper(constructed))._1
+ lshw mustEqual reconstructed
+ }
diff --git a/test/collins/util/parsers/LshwParserSpec.scala b/test/collins/util/parsers/LshwParserSpec.scala
index 75ec67f6c..9eb98d4af 100644
--- a/test/collins/util/parsers/LshwParserSpec.scala
+++ b/test/collins/util/parsers/LshwParserSpec.scala
@@ -493,5 +493,28 @@ class LshwParserSpec extends mutable.Specification {
} // wonky opterons
+ "Parse GPU server" in {
+ "dual nvidia GPU server" in new LshwParserHelper("lshw-gpu.xml"){
+ val parseResults = parsed()
+ parseResults must beRight
+ parseResults.right.toOption must beSome.which { rep =>
+ rep.cpuCount mustEqual 2
+ rep.cpuCoreCount mustEqual 12
+ rep.gpuCount mustEqual 2
+ }
+ }
+ "Dell single nvidia GPU server" in new LshwParserHelper("lshw-dell.xml"){
+ val parseResults = parsed()
+ parseResults must beRight
+ parseResults.right.toOption must beSome.which { rep =>
+ rep.cpuCount mustEqual 1
+ rep.cpuCoreCount mustEqual 4
+ rep.gpuCount mustEqual 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
} // The LSHW parser should
diff --git a/test/resources/lshw-dell.xml b/test/resources/lshw-dell.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..553cb91ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/resources/lshw-dell.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+ Laptop
+ Precision 7510 (06D9)
+ Dell Inc.
+ 64
+ SMBIOS version 2.8
+ DMI version 2.8
+ 32-bit processes
+ Motherboard
+ 0M91XC
+ Dell Inc.
+ 0
+ A00
+ Dell Inc.
+ 0
+ 1.9.5
+ 12/22/2016
+ 65536
+ 16711680
+ PCI bus
+ Plug-and-Play
+ BIOS EEPROM can be upgraded
+ BIOS shadowing
+ Booting from CD-ROM/DVD
+ Selectable boot path
+ Enhanced Disk Drive extensions
+ 5.25" 1.2MB floppy
+ 3.5" 720KB floppy
+ 3.5" 2.88MB floppy
+ Print Screen key
+ i8042 keyboard controller
+ INT14 serial line control
+ INT17 printer control
+ USB legacy emulation
+ Smart battery
+ BIOS boot specification
+ Function-key initiated network service boot
+ UEFI specification is supported
+ L1 cache
+ 43
+ L1 Cache
+ 131072
+ 131072
+ Synchronous
+ Internal
+ Write-back
+ Data cache
+ L1 cache
+ 44
+ L1 Cache
+ 131072
+ 131072
+ Synchronous
+ Internal
+ Write-back
+ Instruction cache
+ L2 cache
+ 45
+ L2 Cache
+ 1048576
+ 1048576
+ Synchronous
+ Internal
+ Write-back
+ Unified cache
+ L3 cache
+ 46
+ L3 Cache
+ 8388608
+ 8388608
+ Synchronous
+ Internal
+ Write-back
+ Unified cache
+ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz
+ Intel Corp.
+ 47
+ cpu@0
+ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz
+ U3E1
+ 3371203000
+ 3371203000
+ 64
+ 100000000
+ 64bits extensions (x86-64)
+ mathematical co-processor
+ FPU exceptions reporting
+ virtual mode extensions
+ debugging extensions
+ page size extensions
+ time stamp counter
+ model-specific registers
+ 4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)
+ machine check exceptions
+ compare and exchange 8-byte
+ on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)
+ fast system calls
+ memory type range registers
+ page global enable
+ machine check architecture
+ conditional move instruction
+ page attribute table
+ 36-bit page size extensions
+ debug trace and EMON store MSRs
+ thermal control (ACPI)
+ multimedia extensions (MMX)
+ fast floating point save/restore
+ streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)
+ streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)
+ self-snoop
+ HyperThreading
+ thermal interrupt and status
+ pending break event
+ fast system calls
+ no-execute bit (NX)
+ CPU Frequency scaling
+ System Memory
+ 48
+ System board or motherboard
+ 34359738368
+ SODIMM Synchronous 2133 MHz (0.5 ns)
+ SK Hynix
+ 0
+ ChannelA-DIMM0
+ 17179869184
+ 64
+ 2133000000
+ DIMM [empty]
+ 1
+ ChannelB-DIMM0
+ SODIMM Synchronous 2133 MHz (0.5 ns)
+ SK Hynix
+ 2
+ ChannelB-DIMM1
+ 17179869184
+ 64
+ 2133000000
+ DIMM [empty]
+ 3
+ ChannelA-DIMM1
+ Host bridge
+ Sky Lake Host Bridge/DRAM Registers
+ Intel Corporation
+ 100
+ pci@0000:00:00.0
+ 07
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI bridge
+ Sky Lake PCIe Controller (x16)
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1
+ pci@0000:00:01.0
+ 07
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI Express
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ VGA compatible controller
+ GM107GLM [Quadro M2000M]
+ NVIDIA Corporation
+ 0
+ pci@0000:01:00.0
+ a2
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI Express
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ extension ROM
+ Audio device
+ NVIDIA Corporation
+ NVIDIA Corporation
+ 0.1
+ pci@0000:01:00.1
+ a1
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI Express
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ Signal processing controller
+ Intel Corporation
+ Intel Corporation
+ 4
+ pci@0000:00:04.0
+ 07
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ Power Management
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ USB controller
+ Sunrise Point-H USB 3.0 xHCI Controller
+ Intel Corporation
+ 14
+ pci@0000:00:14.0
+ 31
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ Signal processing controller
+ Sunrise Point-H Thermal subsystem
+ Intel Corporation
+ 14.2
+ pci@0000:00:14.2
+ 31
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ Communication controller
+ Sunrise Point-H CSME HECI #1
+ Intel Corporation
+ 16
+ pci@0000:00:16.0
+ 31
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ RAID bus controller
+ SATA Controller [RAID mode]
+ Intel Corporation
+ 17
+ pci@0000:00:17.0
+ 31
+ 32
+ 66000000
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ PCI bridge
+ Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #2
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1c
+ pci@0000:00:1c.0
+ f1
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ PCI bridge
+ Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #3
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1c.2
+ pci@0000:00:1c.2
+ f1
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ Unassigned class
+ Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
+ Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
+ 0
+ pci@0000:03:00.0
+ 01
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI Express
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ PCI bridge
+ Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #5
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1c.4
+ pci@0000:00:1c.4
+ f1
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ ISA bridge
+ Sunrise Point-H LPC Controller
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1f
+ pci@0000:00:1f.0
+ 31
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ bus mastering
+ Memory controller
+ Sunrise Point-H PMC
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1f.2
+ pci@0000:00:1f.2
+ 31
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ bus mastering
+ Audio device
+ Sunrise Point-H HD Audio
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1f.3
+ pci@0000:00:1f.3
+ 31
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ SMBus
+ Sunrise Point-H SMBus
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1f.4
+ pci@0000:00:1f.4
+ 31
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Ethernet interface
+ Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1f.6
+ pci@0000:00:1f.6
+ eth0
+ 31
+ 1000000000
+ 1000000000
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ Physical interface
+ twisted pair
+ 10Mbit/s
+ 10Mbit/s (full duplex)
+ 100Mbit/s
+ 100Mbit/s (full duplex)
+ 1Gbit/s (full duplex)
+ Auto-negotiation
+ 1
+ scsi3
+ Emulated device
+ ATA Disk
+ Samsung SSD 850
+ 0.0.0
+ scsi@3:0.0.0
+ /dev/sda
+ 8:0
+ 2B6Q
+ 1024209543168
+ Partitioned disk
+ MS-DOS partition table
+ EXT4 volume
+ Linux
+ 1
+ scsi@3:0.0.0,1
+ /dev/sda1
+ /
+ /var/lib/docker/aufs
+ 8:1
+ 1.0
+ 990118936576
+ 990118936576
+ Primary partition
+ Bootable partition (active)
+ Extended Attributes
+ 4GB+ files
+ 16TB+ files
+ directories with 65000+ subdirs
+ needs recovery
+ extent-based allocation
+ initialized volume
+ Extended partition
+ 2
+ scsi@3:0.0.0,2
+ /dev/sda2
+ 8:2
+ 34088158208
+ 34088158208
+ Primary partition
+ Extended partition
+ Partitioned disk
+ Extended partition
+ Linux swap / Solaris partition
+ 5
+ /dev/sda5
+ 8:5
+ 34088157184
+ No filesystem
+ LG
+ 1
+ 12/29/2016
+ Sys. Battery Bay
+ 90990
diff --git a/test/resources/lshw-gpu.xml b/test/resources/lshw-gpu.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff25685b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/resources/lshw-gpu.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1564 @@
+ Rack Mount Chassis
+ PowerEdge C6105 (N/A)
+ Winbond Electronics
+ N/A
+ FZ22YQ1
+ 64
+ SMBIOS version 2.6
+ DMI version 2.6
+ 64-bit processes
+ 32-bit processes
+ Motherboard
+ 001V46
+ Winbond Electronics
+ 0
+ A01
+ .FZ22YQ1.CN7170315N0004.
+ N/A
+ Winbond Electronics
+ 1
+ 1.7.6
+ 04/21/2011
+ 65536
+ 4128768
+ ISA bus
+ PCI bus
+ Plug-and-Play
+ BIOS EEPROM can be upgraded
+ BIOS shadowing
+ Booting from CD-ROM/DVD
+ Selectable boot path
+ BIOS ROM is socketed
+ Enhanced Disk Drive extensions
+ Print Screen key
+ INT14 serial line control
+ INT17 printer control
+ INT10 CGA/Mono video
+ USB legacy emulation
+ Booting from LS-120
+ Booting from ATAPI ZIP
+ BIOS boot specification
+ AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 4174 HE
+ Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)
+ 5
+ cpu@0
+ D1
+ To Be Filled By O.E.M.
+ CPU 0
+ 2300000000
+ 2300000000
+ 64
+ 200000000
+ 64bits extensions (x86-64)
+ mathematical co-processor
+ FPU exceptions reporting
+ virtual mode extensions
+ debugging extensions
+ page size extensions
+ time stamp counter
+ model-specific registers
+ 4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)
+ machine check exceptions
+ compare and exchange 8-byte
+ on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)
+ memory type range registers
+ page global enable
+ machine check architecture
+ conditional move instruction
+ page attribute table
+ 36-bit page size extensions
+ multimedia extensions (MMX)
+ fast floating point save/restore
+ streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)
+ streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)
+ HyperThreading
+ fast system calls
+ no-execute bit (NX)
+ multimedia extensions (MMXExt)
+ multimedia extensions (3DNow!Ext)
+ multimedia extensions (3DNow!)
+ L1 cache
+ 6
+ L1-Cache
+ 786432
+ 786432
+ 1000000000
+ Pipeline burst
+ Internal
+ Write-back
+ Unified cache
+ L2 cache
+ 7
+ L2-Cache
+ 3145728
+ 3145728
+ 1000000000
+ Pipeline burst
+ Internal
+ Write-back
+ Unified cache
+ L3 cache
+ 8
+ L3-Cache
+ 6291456
+ 6291456
+ 1000000000
+ Pipeline burst
+ Internal
+ Write-back
+ Unified cache
+ AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 4174 HE
+ Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)
+ 9
+ cpu@1
+ D1
+ To Be Filled By O.E.M.
+ CPU 1
+ 2300000000
+ 2300000000
+ 64
+ 200000000
+ 64bits extensions (x86-64)
+ mathematical co-processor
+ FPU exceptions reporting
+ virtual mode extensions
+ debugging extensions
+ page size extensions
+ time stamp counter
+ model-specific registers
+ 4GB+ memory addressing (Physical Address Extension)
+ machine check exceptions
+ compare and exchange 8-byte
+ on-chip advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC)
+ memory type range registers
+ page global enable
+ machine check architecture
+ conditional move instruction
+ page attribute table
+ 36-bit page size extensions
+ multimedia extensions (MMX)
+ fast floating point save/restore
+ streaming SIMD extensions (SSE)
+ streaming SIMD extensions (SSE2)
+ HyperThreading
+ fast system calls
+ no-execute bit (NX)
+ multimedia extensions (MMXExt)
+ multimedia extensions (3DNow!Ext)
+ multimedia extensions (3DNow!)
+ L1 cache
+ a
+ L1-Cache
+ 786432
+ 786432
+ 1000000000
+ Pipeline burst
+ Internal
+ Write-back
+ Unified cache
+ L2 cache
+ b
+ L2-Cache
+ 3145728
+ 3145728
+ 1000000000
+ Pipeline burst
+ Internal
+ Write-back
+ Unified cache
+ L3 cache
+ c
+ L3-Cache
+ 6291456
+ 6291456
+ 1000000000
+ Pipeline burst
+ Internal
+ Write-back
+ Unified cache
+ System Memory
+ 28
+ System board or motherboard
+ 34359738368
+ DIMM DDR3 Synchronous [empty]
+ ModulePartNumber00
+ Manufacturer00
+ 0
+ SerNum00
+ DIMM DDR3 Synchronous [empty]
+ ModulePartNumber01
+ Manufacturer01
+ 1
+ SerNum01
+ DIMM DDR3 Synchronous 1333 MHz (0.8 ns)
+ Hyundai
+ 2
+ 8AF9A71E
+ 8589934592
+ 64
+ 1333000000
+ DIMM DDR3 Synchronous [empty]
+ ModulePartNumber03
+ Manufacturer03
+ 3
+ SerNum03
+ DIMM DDR3 Synchronous [empty]
+ ModulePartNumber04
+ Manufacturer04
+ 4
+ SerNum04
+ DIMM DDR3 Synchronous 1333 MHz (0.8 ns)
+ Hyundai
+ 5
+ 8BF9171E
+ 8589934592
+ 64
+ 1333000000
+ DIMM DDR3 Synchronous [empty]
+ ModulePartNumber06
+ Manufacturer06
+ 6
+ SerNum06
+ DIMM DDR3 Synchronous [empty]
+ ModulePartNumber07
+ Manufacturer07
+ 7
+ SerNum07
+ DIMM DDR3 Synchronous 1333 MHz (0.8 ns)
+ Hyundai
+ 8
+ 95F9871E
+ 8589934592
+ 64
+ 1333000000
+ DIMM DDR3 Synchronous [empty]
+ ModulePartNumber09
+ Manufacturer09
+ 9
+ SerNum09
+ DIMM DDR3 Synchronous [empty]
+ ModulePartNumber10
+ Manufacturer10
+ a
+ SerNum10
+ DIMM DDR3 Synchronous 1333 MHz (0.8 ns)
+ Hyundai
+ b
+ A2F9B71E
+ 8589934592
+ 64
+ 1333000000
+ Host bridge
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 DMI2
+ Intel Corporation
+ 100
+ pci@0000:00:00.0
+ 02
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI bridge
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 PCI Express Root Port 1
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1
+ pci@0000:00:01.0
+ 02
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ PCI bridge
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 PCI Express Root Port 2
+ Intel Corporation
+ 2
+ pci@0000:00:02.0
+ 02
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ VGA compatible controller
+ GM200GL [Quadro M6000]
+ NVIDIA Corporation
+ 0
+ pci@0000:02:00.0
+ a1
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI Express
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ extension ROM
+ Audio device
+ NVIDIA Corporation
+ NVIDIA Corporation
+ 0.1
+ pci@0000:02:00.1
+ a1
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI Express
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ PCI bridge
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 PCI Express Root Port 3
+ Intel Corporation
+ 3
+ pci@0000:00:03.0
+ 02
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ VGA compatible controller
+ GM200GL [Quadro M6000]
+ NVIDIA Corporation
+ 0
+ pci@0000:03:00.0
+ a1
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI Express
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ extension ROM
+ Audio device
+ NVIDIA Corporation
+ NVIDIA Corporation
+ 0.1
+ pci@0000:03:00.1
+ a1
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI Express
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ System peripheral
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 DMA Channel 0
+ Intel Corporation
+ 4
+ pci@0000:00:04.0
+ 02
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ System peripheral
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 DMA Channel 1
+ Intel Corporation
+ 4.1
+ pci@0000:00:04.1
+ 02
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ System peripheral
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 DMA Channel 2
+ Intel Corporation
+ 4.2
+ pci@0000:00:04.2
+ 02
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ System peripheral
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 DMA Channel 3
+ Intel Corporation
+ 4.3
+ pci@0000:00:04.3
+ 02
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ System peripheral
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 DMA Channel 4
+ Intel Corporation
+ 4.4
+ pci@0000:00:04.4
+ 02
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ System peripheral
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 DMA Channel 5
+ Intel Corporation
+ 4.5
+ pci@0000:00:04.5
+ 02
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ System peripheral
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 DMA Channel 6
+ Intel Corporation
+ 4.6
+ pci@0000:00:04.6
+ 02
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ System peripheral
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 DMA Channel 7
+ Intel Corporation
+ 4.7
+ pci@0000:00:04.7
+ 02
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ System peripheral
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 Address Map, VTd_Misc, System Management
+ Intel Corporation
+ 5
+ pci@0000:00:05.0
+ 02
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ System peripheral
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 Hot Plug
+ Intel Corporation
+ 5.1
+ pci@0000:00:05.1
+ 02
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ System peripheral
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 RAS, Control Status and Global Errors
+ Intel Corporation
+ 5.2
+ pci@0000:00:05.2
+ 02
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ Xeon E7 v3/Xeon E5 v3/Core i7 I/O APIC
+ Intel Corporation
+ 5.4
+ pci@0000:00:05.4
+ 02
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ Unassigned class
+ C610/X99 series chipset SPSR
+ Intel Corporation
+ 11
+ pci@0000:00:11.0
+ 05
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ SATA controller
+ C610/X99 series chipset sSATA Controller [AHCI mode]
+ Intel Corporation
+ 11.4
+ pci@0000:00:11.4
+ 05
+ 32
+ 66000000
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ USB controller
+ C610/X99 series chipset USB xHCI Host Controller
+ Intel Corporation
+ 14
+ pci@0000:00:14.0
+ 05
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ Communication controller
+ C610/X99 series chipset MEI Controller #1
+ Intel Corporation
+ 16
+ pci@0000:00:16.0
+ 05
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ Communication controller
+ C610/X99 series chipset MEI Controller #2
+ Intel Corporation
+ 16.1
+ pci@0000:00:16.1
+ 05
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ USB controller
+ C610/X99 series chipset USB Enhanced Host Controller #2
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1a
+ pci@0000:00:1a.0
+ 05
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Debug port
+ Enhanced Host Controller Interface (USB2)
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ Audio device
+ C610/X99 series chipset HD Audio Controller
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1b
+ pci@0000:00:1b.0
+ 05
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ PCI Express
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ PCI bridge
+ C610/X99 series chipset PCI Express Root Port #1
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1c
+ pci@0000:00:1c.0
+ d5
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ PCI bridge
+ C610/X99 series chipset PCI Express Root Port #4
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1c.3
+ pci@0000:00:1c.3
+ d5
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ PCI bridge
+ AST1150 PCI-to-PCI Bridge
+ ASPEED Technology, Inc.
+ 0
+ pci@0000:05:00.0
+ 03
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ Power Management
+ PCI Express
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ VGA compatible controller
+ ASPEED Graphics Family
+ ASPEED Technology, Inc.
+ 0
+ pci@0000:06:00.0
+ 30
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ extension ROM
+ PCI bridge
+ C610/X99 series chipset PCI Express Root Port #5
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1c.4
+ pci@0000:00:1c.4
+ d5
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ PCI Express
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ USB controller
+ C610/X99 series chipset USB Enhanced Host Controller #1
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1d
+ pci@0000:00:1d.0
+ 05
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Debug port
+ Enhanced Host Controller Interface (USB2)
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ ISA bridge
+ C610/X99 series chipset LPC Controller
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1f
+ pci@0000:00:1f.0
+ 05
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ SATA controller
+ C610/X99 series chipset 6-Port SATA Controller [AHCI mode]
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1f.2
+ pci@0000:00:1f.2
+ 05
+ 32
+ 66000000
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ Power Management
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ SMBus
+ C610/X99 series chipset SMBus Controller
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1f.3
+ pci@0000:00:1f.3
+ 05
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Signal processing controller
+ C610/X99 series chipset Thermal Subsystem
+ Intel Corporation
+ 1f.6
+ pci@0000:00:1f.6
+ 05
+ 64
+ 33000000
+ Power Management
+ Message Signalled Interrupts
+ bus mastering
+ PCI capabilities listing
+ Host bridge
+ Family 10h Processor HyperTransport Configuration
+ Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)
+ 101
+ pci@0000:00:18.0
+ 00
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Host bridge
+ Family 10h Processor Address Map
+ Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)
+ 102
+ pci@0000:00:18.1
+ 00
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Host bridge
+ Family 10h Processor DRAM Controller
+ Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)
+ 103
+ pci@0000:00:18.2
+ 00
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Host bridge
+ Family 10h Processor Miscellaneous Control
+ Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)
+ 104
+ pci@0000:00:18.3
+ 00
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Host bridge
+ Family 10h Processor Link Control
+ Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)
+ 105
+ pci@0000:00:18.4
+ 00
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Host bridge
+ Family 10h Processor HyperTransport Configuration
+ Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)
+ 106
+ pci@0000:00:19.0
+ 00
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Host bridge
+ Family 10h Processor Address Map
+ Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)
+ 107
+ pci@0000:00:19.1
+ 00
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Host bridge
+ Family 10h Processor DRAM Controller
+ Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)
+ 108
+ pci@0000:00:19.2
+ 00
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Host bridge
+ Family 10h Processor Miscellaneous Control
+ Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)
+ 109
+ pci@0000:00:19.3
+ 00
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Host bridge
+ Family 10h Processor Link Control
+ Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)
+ 10a
+ pci@0000:00:19.4
+ 00
+ 32
+ 33000000
+ Ethernet interface
+ 1
+ bond0
+ e8:9a:8f:23:15:72
+ Physical interface
+ Ethernet interface
+ 2
+ bond0.100
+ e8:9a:8f:23:15:72
+ Physical interface
+ Ethernet interface
+ 3
+ bond0.101
+ e8:9a:8f:23:15:72
+ Physical interface
+ Ethernet interface
+ 4
+ bond0.103
+ e8:9a:8f:23:15:72
+ Physical interface
+ Ethernet interface
+ 5
+ bond0.105
+ e8:9a:8f:23:15:72
+ Physical interface
+ Ethernet interface
+ 6
+ vnet0
+ fe:54:00:52:1a:d7
+ 10000000
+ Physical interface