GELF (Graylog Extended Log Format) is a Graylog log format
- type: "gelf"
# List of Graylog Gelf Input. Format should be host:port
- localhost:2022
# (optional)
# The maximum size of a chunk.
# Default: 1420
chunk_size: 1420
# (optional)
# The Level of compression.
# Between 0 (None) to 9 (Best Compression).
# Default: 1
compression_level: 1420
# (optional)
# Type of compression.
# - Gzip: 0
# - Zlib: 1
# - None: 2
# Default: 0 (Gzip)
compression_type: 0
# (optional)
# How often to retry to send messages in case it was not delivered successfully
# Default: 30 seconds
retry_interval: 30
# (optional)
# The maximum size of messages that can be queued (in case of delivery issues) before messages are dropped.
# Default is one message, use -1 to not limit the queue.
max_queue_size: 1