This script is using data-catalog REST interface to fetch, delete and insert data from elastic search. It primary use case is data migration.It can be also used to retrive, change data/index and then insert to elastic.
- Activate Data Catalog's virtual environment (create it by running
). python [-h] (-fetch | -delete | -insert) token [base_url]
Params: -fetch, -delete and -insert cannot be used together.
- token: OAUTH token (with "bearer" prefix). It must have admin privileges to be able to do actions on all organization's data.
- base_url: base URL for datacatalog service. Default: http://localhost:5000
- -h, --help: show help message and exit
- -fetch: fetch data from elastic search. Retrived data is save in working directory in file: data_input.json
- -delete: delete data by removing elastic search index
- -insert: insert data from file. Expected file name is: data_input.json and it should be found in working directory.