freenas-java-api-client connects FreeNAS/TrueNAS and allows the execution of operations and retrival information from the system.
This will allow interaction with the system by a Java application without knowing any details regarding the API.
The library seeks to maintains consistency with different versions of the API - so that if the API changes then applications using the library will not break.
The FreeNAS Java API Client supports API v1 and v2 (WIP).
- Java 1.8 or higher
- Maven
The idea is not avoid a modern Java syntax to ensure it could run on legacy systems.
The library is split into four modules:
- accounts: account management
- connectors: connection configuration of the FreeNAS/TrueNAS API
- network: network management
- storage: storage management
AuthenticationConnector auth = new AuthenticationConnector("root", "passwordForMyRoot");
EndpointConnector ep = new EndpointConnector("", "http");
GlobalConfigurationConnector gs = new GlobalConfigurationRestConnector(ep, auth);
String hostname = gs.getHostname();
System.out.println("The FreeNAS hostname is: " + hostname);
freenas-cli -user USERNAME -pass PASSWORD -url NAS_URL -COMMAND ARGS
Available commands:
- volume
- alerts
- share
Add new dataset:
freenas-cli -user USERNAME -pass PASSWORD -url http://NAS_IP -volume add zz05 -vname zz
Delete dataset:
freenas-cli -user USERNAME -pass PASSWORD -url http://NAS_IP -volume delete zz/zz05 -vname zz
List Datasets from a Volume:
freenas-cli -user USERNAME -pass PASSWORD -url http://NAS_IP -volume list all -vname zz
List alerts available:
freenas-cli -user USERNAME -pass PASSWORD -url http://NAS_IP -alerts list all
List NFS shares:
freenas-cli -user USERNAME -pass PASSWORD -url http://NAS_IP -share list all
Create the NFS Share:
freenas-cli -user USERNAME -pass PASSWORD -url http://NAS_IP -share add /mnt/primary03 "NFSShareTest" sys
Delete the NFS Share:
freenas-cli -user USERNAME -pass PASSWORD -url http://NAS_IP -share delete /mnt/primary03
How to configure conf/freenas.yml?
Using the YML configuration file is preferred as you will nto need to pass the credentials and endpoint on every run.
username: <username>
password: <pass>
url: http://freenas-address-url
The project is organized into three modules:
- freenas-entities: the entities related with the object that exists in FreeNAS/TrueNAS and their serializers;
- freenas-java: the interface/API and the RESTful/WS connectors;
- freenas-cli: a command line interface to interact with FreeNAS.