- buslines - (combinatorial) number of different paths in tree
- cutting - (open data) separate points in a plane by the least amount of lines
- investigation - (graph) generalized binary search on tree
- critical - (graph) Find all critical nodes of a dag in linear time
- networks - (geometry) Find a connecting segment of two networks in linear time
- nextperm - (combinatorial) Find the next 3-1-2 pattern avoiding permutation
- sorting - (longest increasing subsequence) given a set of numbers, count its subsets, which have some properties
- game - (number theory) recursive euclidean algorithm plus modular arithmetic
- posters - (interval tree) find the area of a sum of rectangles intersected with another rectangle (many queries)
- shades - (stringology) Aho-Corasic on fractions
- hyperways - (graph) union find but whith detecting 2-connected components
- malloc - (BST / interval tree) allocating and freeing bytes in memory
- (CZ) - universities - (graph) longest path in tree containing same number of black and white vertices
- (HU) - newtree - (geometry) find a triangle containing a given point
- (PL) - wall - (dynamic programming) computing answer for every interval of a sequence with marked end
- (SK) - rubic - (data structures) resizable interval tree over permutations
- (CZ) - socks - (graph) shortest path in graph from A to B, containing vertex C
- (HU) - tickets - (greedy) scheduling, union-find
- (PL) - newspapers - (divide and conquer) given a tree, find a path with the highest average of weights, the path must be longer than k
- (SK) - slalom - (geometry) find the widest path through a set of vertical line segments