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mbinyam edited this page Jun 19, 2019 · 5 revisions

Theme: b-ber-theme-serif

Users can modify any of the settings in _project/serif/_settings.scss, and additional styling should take place in the _project/serif/_overrides.scss file.

This page covers instructions on using the variables and mixins made available by the b-ber-theme-serif theme.


The following list is not exhaustive. It covers the non-standard variables listed the _settings.scss file only.

Variable Default Explanation
$debug false Add a debug grid to the XHTML files to verify vertical rhythm
$text-indent true Should new paragraphs should be indented. Does not indent paragraphs following headers.
$vertical-space false Should there be space vertical space between each paragraph
$font-size-base 1em Must be in ems. This is the base font size of the text, meaning that paragraphs will all be this font size
$line-height-base 1.3 Must be a float value.
$font-scale minor-second The meter of vertical rhythm, based on modular-scale
*-image-height 4/5 The number of lines that a small image in the flow of the text should take up


The following list is not exhaustive. It shows only the most commonly used mixins.


Add media queries.

Input (SCSS)

@include break('mobile') {
    p {
        color: blue;


@media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 680px) {
    p {
        color: blue;


mobile, tablet, desktop


Short-hand for CSS @font-face declaration.

Input (SCSS)

@include font-face('MyFont', 'my-font', ('otf'));

Output (CSS)

@font-face {
    font-family: "MyFont";
    src: url("../fonts/my-font.otf");
    font-weight: 400;
    font-style: normal;


<font-name>, <file-name>, <formats>, <font-weight>, <font-style>

one-line, two-lines, ...

Add vertical space.

Input (SCSS)

section {
    padding-top: one-line(0);

Output (CSS)

section {
    padding-top: 1.3em;


A single integer, which represents the base size used to calculate the resulting measurement. For example, the following is in the _settings.scss:

$font-size-base: 1em;
$line-height-base: 1.3;

$font-scale: 'minor-second'; // A ratio to calculate steps in font-size

Internally, this creates a list which would appear as the following:

$font-sizes: (
    2: 1.138em      // The next step on our font scale
    1: 1.067        // The next step on our font scale
    0: 1em,         // Our base font size that we defined in $font-size-base
    -1: 0.937em     // The previous step using our selected ratio

When we pass 0 into one-line it calculates the line-height for $font-sizes(0), or 1em:

1em * 1.3 = 1.3em

Using one-line(1) makes the same calculation using the next step in the scale, which would be 1.067.

There is no upper or lower limit to the sizes that can be entered:

section {
    padding-top: one-line(1000);

For simplicity, the following mixins are also available, which also take a single argument for the base size:

  • two-lines()
  • three-lines()
  • four-lines()
  • five-lines()

one-em, two-ems, ...

This is the same as the n-lines mixin but used for horizontal space. There are also the following methods available:

  • two-ems()
  • three-ems()
  • four-ems()
  • five-ems()

Input (SCSS)

section {
    padding-left: two-ems(0);

Output (CSS)

section {
    padding-left: 2em;


A short-hand for assigning an elements margin or padding.

Input (SCSS)

section {
    padding: @include padding(1, 1, 1, 1, 0) ;

Output (CSS)

section {
    padding: 1em 1.3em 1em 1.3em;


This is the same as CSS padding/margin declarations (top, right, bottom, left), with an extra number as the last parameter for the font-size base to do the calculations against.

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