To run management Web UI locally:
# First install the build toolchain
curl -o- | bash
nvm install node
npm install yarn
yarn install
yarn run dev
# Open localhost:8000, if port 8000 is already taken,8001 will be used, and so on
To change the endpoint of management Web UI's backend server on API server,
update configurations in config/proxy.ts
test: {
// localhost:8000/api/** ->**
'/api/': {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: { '^': '' },
To run nginx with local build:
yarn run build
sudo nginx -c docker/nginx_test.conf
sudo systemctl restart nginx
# Install node dependencies
npm install
# Or using yarn
# To start local dev server
npm start
# Build the project
npm run build
# Check code style
npm run lint
# You can also use script to auto fix some lint error:
npm run lint:fix
# Test code
npm test
To build docker image
# Build docker image
yarn install
yarn run build
yarn run docker:image -- TAG=${tag}