"I just wasted five hours running an analysis on the wrong input file."
"I can't remember where I saved my output."
"I accidentally overwrote my raw data."
Many of us have probably said one or more of the above sentences. When you're balancing multiple projects and lots of data, it can be easy to lose track of files. One of the biggest challenges to any project is placing project files in a structure that is easy for you, the scientist, to access and maintain.
This chapter will cover the basics of project organization and data organization and management. At the end of this chapter, you should be familiar with:
- Concept: How to store project input files, scripts and project outputs
- Concept: How to organize your data in a way that is reusable for you, and for others
- Hands-On: How to use the command line to create directories, move files and view the files that you have
This book will discuss not solely the Dendropy computing library, but efficient Python computation for phylogenetic analyses. In this section, we are going to address a very specific aim: setting up projects on your computer in a way that will allow you to manage your projects efficiently. We will use hands-on examples throughout this section.
When managing a project, you want to keep files together as much as possible. Doing this makes it easier to document your project, and avoid losing data files. For example, let's create a directory at the command line for all of our project data. We will do this in UNIX, not Python right away. The reason for this is that most servers, Macintosh and Linux machines will have the tools to do this available. UNIX is a very commonly-used tool. Open your command line and type:
mkdir phylo_data_science
This has created a new directory in your computer called phylo_data_science. You can think of this as a workspace for all the phylo_data_science files. If a file is related to this tutorial, it should go here. The directory is currently empty. You can try navigating to this directory using your normal file viewer. We're now going to put some content into this directory. Open a test editor of your choosing. In the file write a short note about why you have created this directory. For example, in my directory, I wrote
This directory contains files for a tutorial on using data science to learn phylogenetics
save this as README.txt. Now, at the command line, type:
cd phylo
then hit tab. What happens when you hit tab? The whole file name pops up! This behavior is called tab completion, and it's incredibly useful. Tab completion saves you from typing out the whole file name (and potentially making typos). If you press tab and nothing comes up? Then you know that either you haven't entered enough characters to make a unique match
- for example, if you have phylo_data_science and phylo_Bayesian, or that the file doesn't exist in the directory you're in.
We are now in the phylo_data_science directory. If you type
you should see the README file you made. If you don't see it, check that you've saved the file correctly. If you have, check that you're in the right directory by typing
for print working directory. If something went wrong in your cd command, this will let you know.
Now, we will make four subdirectories.
mkdir scripts
mkdir data
mkdir output
mkdir documentation
These four subdirectories will all serve important purposes. Our scripts directory will house the Python code we will write. We will talk in further chapters about why it is important and useful to keep all of the scripts for a single project together. For now, just know that it is.
Our data directory will house our raw data. We want our raw data to be housed on its own. If we make a mistake in how we save output files, we can always go back to our raw data and run the analysis again ... so long as we have maintained the integrity of our raw data. Once we have populated our data directory with the necessary data, we do not write to it. A simple motto for this philosophy is that data are read-only.
We do, however, write to our output directory. We will talk in future chapters about using Python to make readable and informative output file names. For now, just know that the results of any analysis go in the output directory.
Documentation is where we can put miscellaneous, informative files. For example, papers that you are reading for your project, cost sheets for sequencing, talk slides.
This is the basic setup all chapters of this book will rely on. This manner of file organization is very transparent: anyone looking at your file directory can understand what components of your research project are stored where. If you follow this structure, when you go to publish your paper, you can simply archive your entire project directory to meet most funders' and journal's guidelines for providing data and software code. And who couldn't use a little less on their plate when it comes time to submit a paper?
So far, we have introduced two important concepts: keep files together as much as possible and data are read-only. The first principle means to keep data, output and code related to one project in one place on your computer to increase your organization. The second principle means to treat raw data as untouchable. Any outputs of analyses should be kept separate to avoid loss of data, and to ensure you can rerun any steps as needed.
In learning these two concepts, we have used hands-on commands: mkdir to create directories, ls to look at their contents and cd to navigate. We also learned to check our navigation with the pwd command and to use tab-complete to increase the efficiency of our typing.
"I know I made a plot of this ... I just can't remember how."
"This looks totally different on my computer."
"My coworker doesn't have Excel."
Almost everyone used a spreadsheet program to manage data at some point in our career. These graphical programs offer a clean interface to view and manage the data we work so hard to collect. But these types of programs can also introduce problems in biological workflows.
There are three main issues with using Excel and other similar programs to carry out computations:
- They can be black boxes. Most spreadsheet programs are closed-source, meaning that their inner workings might not be examineable by users because the source code is not available. Exceptions to this do exist, such as Open Office. Behaviors can also vary between platforms (i.e., Macintosh vs. Windows) or across versions of the software in ways that are somewhat unpredictable.
- You need to maintain a separate log file with your commands. As we'll see in this section, programmatically working with data provides an inherent log of all the commands you did. As long as you provide the version number of the Python distribution and any libraries you're working with, a colleague should be able to reproduce what you did exactly. By contrast, to do this in a spreadsheet program requires either writing out exactly what data were highlighted and what options were clicked on.
- Reuse and batching is tricky. When you are using a spreadsheet program, you are generally performing operations on one file at a time. Many spreadsheet programs have a system, often called macros, that allows for a series of operations to be carried out in several spreadsheet files. But you often still need to click each file to open it, and start your macro. Writing code that can be reused because it explicitly lists every operation performed allows us to process large batches of files in a way that simply isn't possible with spreadsheet programs.
In this chapter, we will discuss moving data management and analysis past the traditional spreadsheet paradigm. Along the way, we will learn about how to store data in a way that is both human- and machine-readable. Using a test dataset on ant (Formicidae) taxonomy, we will import datasets using Python and begin to explore them programmatically. At the end of this chapter, you will be familiar with:
- Concept: How to store data and documentation in a way that is useful to you, colleagues and is machine-readable.
- Concept: How the Pandas Python library can be used to move beyond reliance on spreadsheets.
- Hands-On: Commands to load libraries in the Python language and to begin calling useful functions for data manipaltion.
When you save a file in Excel, you don't simply save the data. You save, encoded in binary, information about cell positioning, coloring, and other document attributes. In the previous section, we mentioned that the behavior of a file loaded into a spreadsheet viewing program can vary between versions of the software. This is not because the data are changing. This is because there are often subtle changes to how the data are displayed or how statistics are calculated. These subtle changes can cause dramatically different renderings of files across versions and platforms.
All of this extraneous information also makes the file harder to read at the command line, or in Python. For example, in the data directory, you will find two data files: Ants.csv and Ants.xlsx. At the command line, type:
head Data/Ants.csv
head Data/Ants.xlsx
Note for Pat and Andre: If you do this in your own workspaces, you'll need to do:
head ../Data/Ants.csv
head ../Data/Ants.xlsx
Which of these files are you able to visualize?
The Ants.csv file is stored in what is called a flat file. Flat files are plain text - they don't contain any characters that can't be typed with a keyboard, or viewed at the command line. Any fancy formatting in a plain text file comes from the viewer. For example, this book is written in plain text. The nice formatting you see is the result of rendering software. If you were to view this file at the command line, you would still be able to access all of the data within it. Because flat files can be read by both human and machine, they are often considered preferable to files with extensive encoding of extra information.
For the purposes of this lesson, we will show you how to get data out of spreadsheet files (such as Excel files), but we will predominantly be describing how you can avoid using these file types.
Inside each flat file, data should be organized with each row being an observation, and each column being the variables observed. If you open the Ants.csv file, you will note that each row corresponds to one fossil ant. Each column is labeled as a variable observed about the ant - taxonomy, age of the fossil and notes. Most programmatic ways of handling data assume this structure.
You will also notice that all the column names have underscores, rather than spaces. Most programming languages will assume that a space indicates the end of a name, so it's best to avoid spaces. Lastly, notice that the data directory also contains a README. This README tells the user what data files they should expect to find when they download your data.
There are many ways to process data at the command line. These range from simple methods available in UNIX to elaborate and complex libraries in R or Python. In this section, we'll get to know Pandas a little better. We will use Pandas as a gateway to getting familiar with Python. Once we have learned how to carry out some common spreadsheet operations, we will discuss Python programming more generally in the next chapter. This is by no means an exhaustive look at the Pandas library. It is simply a teaser to show some useful ways that you might interact with data in Python.
Pandas was written by Wes McKinney to facilitate efficient data processing, manipulation and plotting in Python. The fundamental data type of Pandas is a dataframe, an object containing rows and columns of data. For our Ants.csv data, the rows will be the fossil ants. The columns will be the observations (fossil minimum ages, maximum ages, and taxonomy). It's instructive to look at an example. At the command line, type:
ipython notebook
This will open an iPython Notebook. These notebooks are Python instances, run on your computer, but rendered in the browser. Browser rendering allows the notebook to have lots of nice features, like plot rendering and clean visualization of dataframes. Each space for you to type is called a 'cell'. A cell is a unit of code that can be run independently of all other cells. This is very nice for debugging, as we will see later.
In the first cell, type:
import pandas as pd
Pandas is a library for the Python language. Libraries are sets of code, created for a purpose, and contributed back to Python. Python, being an open source and user-developed language, welcomes this. When we tell Python to import a library, we are telling Python to look into that codebase and make its functions open to us. The 'as pd' is called an alias. Many programmers prefer to type fewer characters than more, and so will use aliases to shorten the names of libraries.
When we load a library, the functions in it can then be called for our use. We do this by typing the name (or alias) of the library, followed by a dot, and then the name of the function. For example:
will return the output:
In the command pd.read_csv, we called the function read_csv out of the Pandas library. We haven't provided it with any data to read, therefore, Python simply told us that the function is available via Pandas to parse text.
Now we will use this function to load some data into Python, via the Pandas library:
ant_data = pd.read_csv('data/Ants.csv')
Note for Pat and Andre: If you do this in your own workspaces, you'll need to do:
ant_data = pd.read_csv('../Data/Ants.csv')
To view the data, type:
What we see is the data. We are able to call up the data to view because the data have been saved to a variable, ant_data, which was stored in memory as a dataframe when we called pd.read_csv.
Try this command again without saving it to a variable.
What happens?
Is it what you expected?
Why did this happen?
Let's take a closer look at the ant_data object. On the face of it, it looks very much like our Excel file. Now, we'll explore how to access data in this dataframe. Let's start by getting a look at all the names in the file. There are a couple ways we can do this:
In our first block of code, we call the dataframe object and use what is called indexing to get the first column. Now, you may be thinking, what is going on with the notation? The brackets indicate that we will be accessing a column. Python counts from zero. This may be somewhat surprising - that the language doesn't start with one. It's actually quite natural- you weren't born at one year old, were you? But it still takes a little to get used to - programmers often verbally say the first item, but they mean the zeroeth item.
In our second block of code, we call the column by its name - specimen. This is a very natural way to access the data. We gave attributes of the data names, why not use them?
Try accessing other columns.
- When will it be useful to access by name?
- When will it not?
We can also select multiple columns at once using our column names.
ant_data[['specimen', 'tribe']]
Try to access these same columns using their numerical index of columns. When you have an answer, highlight below to check it against my answer. Remember, Python indexes values from zero, not one!
! ant_data[[0,3]]
Selecting rows of data is also possible. The below code grab all columns in the fifth row of the dataframe:
This introduces a couple of interesting concepts. The first is using inclusive and exclusive indexing. This is an example of the 5 being inclusive - we will get the fifth row of data. The six is exclusive - we will stop accessing data at the 6th row.
You might notice that we are not using the specimen names as we access data. That is because, by default, Pandas assigns an index to the dataframe. We can alter this default behavior:
ant_data = pd.read_csv('data/Ants.csv', index_col=0)
This behavior sets the index to be the zeroeth column in the dataframe, the specimen column. We can now use the names of our specimens to index:
When we accession this way, the indexing is no longer inclusive. This will return the same taxon is before. In the next chapter, we will look at more efficient ways of performing this selection and slicing.
Try assigning a subset of columns to an object. Are the objects you assign what you expect, in terms of the number of rows and columns you select? Inclusive vs. exlcusive indexing can be challenging.
In this chapter, we have discussed data storage using flat files, which can be read by both computers and humans. We introduced Python libraries and learned how we can call functions out of a library to do useful tasks for us. And finally, we have started to use a small set of functions in the Pandas library to access data programmatically. In the next chapter, we will build on these concepts to perform a wider range of data tasks.
When would we not want to use lists of columns and rows to select data out of a dataframe? When we have a lot of data, which is rapidly becoming the norm in biology. In order to process data at a large scale, we need better tools to allow us to do complex data filtering, selection and manipulation. By using Python, we automatically create a log of all the operations we perform as we access our data. By the end of this chapter, you will understand:
- Concept: How the Pandas library operates to access data in a dataframe.
- Concept: How accessing data programmatically leads to reproducible research by preserving a log of your work.
- Hands-On: Commands for using Pandas to perform common spreadsheet sorting and viewing functions.
We will now discuss using what is called 'slicing' to access swaths of data in our dataframe. To do this, we will introduce two new functions, loc and iloc. loc allows for data to be accessed via either the number of the column or row, or the name of the column or row. iloc allows for data to be accessed via the column or row number only.
As an example, let's try to access our same row the previous chapter:
These outputs have the same information, but they look rather different. Try assigning each output to a variable. Now, we will call the type function on each variable. For example, if I called my variables casa_iloc and casa_loc, I would type:
Type is a function that is built in to Python. It allows us to know what sorts of objects our variables are, which in turn tells us about their properties. You will note that the output for the iloc function is a dataframe, with which we are familiar. The output of the loc function is a series, which we have not seen before.
A series is a Pandas object type. It is a one-dimensional array (i.e. not a matrix). In some ways, if a dataframe is like a spreadsheet, a series is like a single row of column in that sheet. More information on the series data type can be found by typing
in your notebook.
If you type
followed by a tab in your iPython notebook, you will see a list of functions available to operate on series.
Try some of the functions available to the series and dataframe objects. When do you think it might be prefereable to use loc vs. iloc?
Using these complex indexers, we can begin to make multiple selections of data. For example, this syntax will select all values of the subfamily column:
ant_data.loc[:, 'subfamily']
What happens if you plug in numbers on either side of the colon to get a selection of columns? Try it!
Pandas doesn't love mixed type indexing. But if you try:
ant_data.loc[['Casaleia_eocenica','Myopopone_sinensis'], 'subfamily']
thereby passing in a list of rows that we're interested in getting info from, you can index the data this way.
How could you print the minimum ages for all three Mianeuretus listed in this data file?
The above is more useful and flexible than what we discussed in Chapter Two. But it's still somewhat naive - we need to know where, exactly the data are in the file to retrieve them. We'll now cover a few methods to allow us to sort and access data without knowing this a priori.
Something we might want to do is know which of our ants are at least as old as the KPg event, the end of the Cretaceous. Ants are thought to have arisen during the Cretaceous. We can do this easily and assign our sample of old ants to a new dataframe:
old_ants = ant_data[ant_data.min_ma > 65.5]
The way this works is that we select all the values in the dataframe column min_ma that are larger than 65.5. By default, this will take the whole row. Then, we assign that to a new dataframe. We can write this dataframe to a csv file for storeage like so:
- The syntax is a little weird. Can you explain why we have dataframe typed in twice?
- Try this again - how could we filter for ants that only existed after the end of the Creatceous? Can we use the same column?
- When you open the parentheses on a function argument and press tab, you can see all the arguments, or special options, available to that function. Try a couple, such as delimiters. Once you've chosen an argument, Shift+Tab will show you possible values for the argument.
We can also use this type of indexing to compare columns. Our max_ma column should always be bigger than min_ma. We can check for rows where this isn't the case - these are errors.
ant_data[ant_data.min_ma > ant_data.max_ma]
In our data, we don't have any such errors, but if we did, we could drop them like so:
ant_data = ant_data[ant_data.min_ma > ant_data.max_ma]
Does anyone see a problem with what I did there?
In the previous command, I switched the inequality to accidentally drop all the values I actually wanted to keep! So far, we've covered some important conceptual data lessons - that data are read-only, that data should be stored in flat files. We will now learn an important lesson as it pertains to code - that code can be saved for later, as an exact record of what we did in a session of programming.
This might not sound that important, but I think most of us have probably been working in a spreadsheet and completely forgotten how we got the useful annotations on a plot, of calculated a summary statistic. In this section, we will cover some best practices for keeping track of what we've done. We will expand on these best practices later, and in more complexity.
Following this chapter, there is a short practicum where we will use what we've learned to subsample taxonomic data for use in a later phylogenetic analysis.
Pandas for parsing data
Grouping data by taxonomic level
Choosing a subset of data to include - at random, and with clade-structured subsampling
Writing out the relevant info about what taxa were subsampled
Reading character data
Subsampling character data according to part (1) Managing the namespaces Using pack to ensure that all data are represented in both datasets (important in BEAST, will shortly be unimportant in RevBayes) Writing out the data
Processing the output
Pruning non-data tips from a tree (ie occurrance time taxa) Summarizing Some sort of short capstone, such as showing how to extract the width of the HPD to demonstrate something about sampling or something.