Download the TikTokLiveSharp-SourceCode from the Releases-Page
When downloading the main-branch, the folder will contain both TikTokLiveSharp and TikTokLiveUnity-assets. To resolve this, combine Base.gitignore & TikTokLiveSharp.gitignore into a new .gitignore. Then overwrite the existing gitignore with this file. You can delete all files then discard that deletion to ensure no TikTokLiveUnity-assets remain.
TikTokLiveSharp is now also available as a Nuget-Package under the name TikTokLive_Sharp.
Open The Project in Visual Studio to build the project. The library should build without errors.
With The Project opened & built in Visual Studio, set TikTokLiveSharp_TestApplication as the Startup-Project and Start the Project. Enter a HostID to display incoming messages in the Console.