This setup instruction is dedicated for OS X. You can probably follow these steps on any Linux machine.
We assume you are using an IAM Role/User with AdministratorAccess
This project contains two apps, bot and web.
- Scheduled website health checking
- Storing results
- Slack notification about failure/recovery of ping result
- Web user interface to manage data
- List ping results
We use some CloudFormation templates and shell scripts to setup the apps.
After clone this repository into your local, set an AWS credential to use AWS API inside setup scripts.
$ cd /path/to/repos
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We need a S3 bucket that stores CloudFormation templates and Lambda function archives. You can create a bucket via AWS CLI or S3 Management Console. If you use AWS CLI, type and execute a command below.
# Create it via AWS CLI
$ aws s3api create-bucket \
--bucket $YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME \
--create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
# Configure a file which tells about some configurations to the deploy script
$ cp scripts/ scripts/
$ vim scripts/
# Ship it
$ ./scripts/
# You will see messages like follows when the deploy script is completed.
# pingbot was deployed!
# Check the web app at:
# get DynamoDB table name
TABLE_NAME=$( aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION --stack-name pingbot --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?OutputKey==`PingbotTargetsTableName`].OutputValue' --output text )
# Without Slack notification
$ aws dynamodb put-item \
--table-name $TABLE_NAME \
--item file://res/example/target.json \
--return-consumed-capacity TOTAL
# With Slack notification
# *) Configure `slackChannel` and `slackWebhook` fields in `res/example/target-with-slack.json` before executing this command.
$ aws dynamodb put-item \
--table-name pingbot-targets \
--item file://res/example/target-with-slack.json \
--return-consumed-capacity TOTAL
Since we recommend you to create a specific health check path (like '/healthcheck') and disable logging on that path, follow this section if you cannot create such paths on your products.
pingbot makes all requests with following UserAgent format.
You can tell your web-server to not log these requests through your web-server's configuration.
Put something like following lines into your apache config or .htaccess, for example.
SetEnvIf User-Agent "pingbot" nolog
CustomLog logs/access_log combined env=!nolog
$ cd /path/to/repos
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ ./scripts/
$ cd /path/to/repos
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ ./scripts/
You can disable scheduled event if you just want to stop health checking not to delete whole apps.
EVENT_NAME=$( aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION --stack-name pingbot --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?OutputKey==`ScheduledEventName`].OutputValue' --output text )
$ aws events disable-rule --name $EVENT_NAME
To re-enable it
EVENT_NAME=$( aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION --stack-name pingbot --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?OutputKey==`ScheduledEventName`].OutputValue' --output text )
$ aws events enable-rule --name $EVENT_NAME