This repo contains spec for ton smart contract introspection and reference implementation for JS.
Spec could be found here
yarn add ton-smc-introspection
method generates FunC code for basic introspection.
import {genSupportsInterfaceFunction} from 'ton-smc-introspection'
let interfaces = [
name: 'MathFunctionsInterface',
declaration: [
'get-method: int sum(int a, int b)',
'get-method: int sub(int a, int b)'
name: 'ConstantsInterface',
declaration: [
'get-method: int get_speed_of_light()'
seed: 'random_seed' // used to avoid colisions
(int, int, int) supported_interfaces() method_id {
;; 0x5fd2: MathFunctionsInterface
;; 0x2545: ConstantsInterface
;; 0x667a: BasicIntrospection
return (0x5fd2, 0x2545, 0x667a);
You can use this function in your FunC smart contract code.