This small ad hocly written script reads BLE Advertisements sent by RuuviTag sensors and forwards them to a MQTT broker. The script uses a message format that works directly with Home Assistant MQTT Discovery.
The only thing you need to configure is the MQTT URL and credentials. You don't need to pair the devices, the script will discover all sensors automatically.
Run ruuvi-mqtt on a Linux box that has a bluetooth adapter, like a Raspberry Pi 4.
graph LR
A(Ruuvi Tag 1) -.->|BLE| R(ruuvi-mqtt)
B(Ruuvi Tag 2) -.->|BLE| R(ruuvi-mqtt)
C(Ruuvi Tag N) -.->|BLE| R(ruuvi-mqtt)
R -->|TCP| S[MQTT broker]
S --- H(Home Assistant)
style R fill:#e4e,color:white
Easiest way to use this is with Docker. First install Docker if you don't already have it:
apt install
sudo adduser pi docker
newgrp docker
Add a new container running this script, modify the MQTT_URL
with your
MQTT broker address and credentials.
docker run -e MQTT_URL=mqtt://username:password@hostname:1883 -d \
--restart=always -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus kuplatupsu/ruuvi-mqtt
Optionally you can define an offset to all reported pressure values, in hPa. Use something like elevation_in_meters/8 if you wish to compensate for elevation. For example:
Your sensors should now be automatically detected by the Home Assistant.