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Numpy and Scipy

NumPy and SciPy are open-source add-on modules to Python that provide common mathematical and numerical routines in pre-compiled, fast functions.


Have a look at Numpy_Tutorial.pdf to familiarise yourself with arrays. Also take a look at: (solutions to questions marked with an asterisk are hidden on the website)


  • Import the numpy package under the name np
  • Convert a list of numbers (5 elements) to a numpy array
  • Convert a numpy array to a list
  • Create two numpy arrays of the same length and apply following mathematical operations: +,*,-,/,%
  • Create a null vector of size 10 but the fifth value which is 1 *
  • Create a vector with values ranging from 10 to 99 *
  • Create a 3x3 matrix with values ranging from 0 to 8 *
  • Find indices of non-zero elements from [1,2,0,0,4,0] *
  • Declare a 10x10x10 array with random values *
  • Normalize a 5x5 random matrix (between 0 and 1) *
  • Multiply a 5x3 matrix by a 3x2 matrix (real matrix product) *
  • Create a random vector of size 1000 and find the mean value *
  • Create two numpy arrays and apply following correlation functions: Pearson r, Spearman rho, Kendall tau

How to get data into python

Create data frames from lists

import numpy as np
t = np.linspace(-6, 6, 20)
sin_t = np.sin(t)
cos_t = np.cos(t)
pandas.DataFrame({'t': t, 'sin': sin_t, 'cos': cos_t})

Data frames with pandas module - read in from files


import pandas
data = pandas.read_csv('examples/brain_size.csv', sep=';', na_values=".")

Manipulating data

data.shape    # 40 rows and 8 columns
data.columns # It has columns
data[data['Gender'] == 'Female']['VIQ'].mean() # simple calculation

# Grouping data
groupby_gender = data.groupby('Gender')
for gender, value in groupby_gender['VIQ']:
    print((gender, value.mean()))

For a quick view on a large dataframe, use its describe method: pandas.DataFrame.describe().


  • What is the mean value for VIQ for the full population?
  • How many males/females were included in this study?
  • Hint use ‘tab completion’ to find out the methods that can be called, instead of ‘mean’ in the above example.
  • What is the average value of MRI counts expressed in log units, for males and females?

Hypothesis testing

There are numerous statistics and statisctical tests implemented in Scipy. Take a look at

from scipy import stats

# 1-sample t-test: testing the value of a population mean
stats.ttest_1samp(data['VIQ'], 0) 

# 2-sample t-test: testing for difference across populations
female_viq = data[data['Gender'] == 'Female']['VIQ']
male_viq = data[data['Gender'] == 'Male']['VIQ']
stats.ttest_ind(female_viq, male_viq)

# Paired t-test
stats.ttest_rel(data['FSIQ'], data['PIQ'])

# Wilcoxon signed-rank test
stats.wilcoxon(data['FSIQ'], data['PIQ']) 


  • Test the difference between weights in males and females.
  • Use non parametric statistics to test the difference between VIQ in males and females.


Create an example data

import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 20)
# normal distributed noise
y = -5 + 3*x + 4 * np.random.normal(size=x.shape)
# Create a data frame containing all the relevant variables
data = pandas.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y})

Run the statistical model

from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
model = ols("y ~ x", data).fit()


  • Retrieve the estimated parameters from the model above.
  • What does following statistical model test and what is the outcome?
data = pandas.read_csv('examples/brain_size.csv', sep=';', na_values=".")
model = ols("VIQ ~ Gender + 1", data).fit()