- New, more spaced out design.
- SVG based Retina graphics, based on Font Awesome.
- Custom social sharing buttons.
- Nicer, larger font.
- Mobile first design.
- Improved error page. Now it has an actual footer, and the errors can be more easily displayed using the
- Decent antispam system. If the user is logged in, antispam protection is ommited. If not, reCAPTCHA keys can be supplied for Google's new tick-CAPTCHA to be used. If both of those are failed, basic fill-box protection is used.
- Shunned jQuery.
- Shunned the dependency on the soon-to-be deprecated Google Charts API, in favour of PHP QR Code.
- Using a different ZeroClipboard script and updating it's settings to more reliably find copy material.
- Dependency system for scripts, so scripts like ZeroClipboard are not loaded where they're not needed, such as on the index page. Dependencies are added to the
array, and then if the dependency is in the array during loading, the script is loaded. - Updated POT.
- Corrected all of the settings code in
. It should now more reliably detect whether settings are enabled or not.
- reCAPTCHA support.
- Single new bookmarklet.
- Custom CSS styling which will not be overwritten on upgrade.
Big changes:
- Internationalisation! See Wiki for instructions on how to use Infinity Squared in your language and translate it for other people to use.
- A proper CSS mobile interface. When I tried to add internationalisation, it quickly became apparent that having two code bases was stupid.
Bug fixes:
- HTML5 doctype
- Upgraded to qTip2
- Including jQuery and qTip from CDN
- No longer loading G+ code if it's not enabled
- Parallel loading of scripts thanks to Chrome's audits
- Rearranged the CSS so that it's more readable
Many thanks to Ozh for help with internationalisation
- Bookmarklets updated to the code relevant to YOURLS 1.6
- Added CSS animation to the main menu
- Updated jQuery to 1.9.1 (included with YOURLS 1.6)
- Updated qTip² and Formalize.me so they're compatible with the new version of jQuery
- Added a few more comments to the code so it's easier to modify it
- Improved the readability of the documentation by moving over to Markdown
- Usual assortment of bug fixed, cleaned up code etc.
- Added a mobile version of the theme which can be disabled in the config file
- Discreet gradient in the menu
- New Google+ sharer
- Bookmarklet code updated with code with YOURLS 1.5
- Usual assortment of bug fixes, cleaned up code etc.