These are the sources of my (almost) daily sketch from Sep. 2018.
- place this folder in openFrameworks/apps/
- drug the folder from finder to project generator and press "update"
- click "open in IDE"!
- Macbook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)
- High Sierra 10.13.5
- Xcode 9.4.1
- of 0.10.0 (built from git repository)
- some of works use shader with OpenGL3/GLSL 150 mode(ofLineWidth doesn't work).
(2023-01-23) updated.
- Macbook Pro 2019 16inch (Intel)
- macOS 12.3.1(Monteley)
- using Visual Studio Code, each space contains
- When to use
as an alternative intellisense, runcompiledb -n make
each time you add a new include file in the header to generatecompile_commands.json
Codes are MIT Lisence. Generated images(thumbnails and videos on instagram/twitter) are CC BY-NC-SA.
- z/x key moves the hue of color
- space to reset background
- mouse to move a camera(ofEasyCam)
- space to force to accelerate particles
- it is heavy, usually up to 3fps
- any key to reset
- mouseX to amout of blur(also modulated by sine wave), mouseY to strength of pixel displacement
- z/x keys to global-strength of pixel displacement(displayed in top-left, recommend 10~20)
- f to switch fullscreen
- r to switch to circle displacement(6)
- space to switch to noise image
- mouseX to noise strength,mouseY to amount of blur
- almost same as above
- r to switch to rectangle
- you should link/copy futura.ttf from your ~/Library/fonts
- mouseX to noise strength
- f to switch fullscreen
- click to draw the characters again,space to reset the screen
- click to reset,f to switch fullscreen(and glitch...)
(2023-01-27: glitch did not happen on newer environment, in of 0.11.2 and Macbook Pro 16inch 2019 model)
- click to reset,f to fullscreen
- d to debug view
- c to switch CAT mode.
- For triple-pendulum program- I modified this code. Thanks.
- data.h is walking motion data(in text...!) from Zach's example
- g to switch debug view
- d to switch human bone(I mistaked keys g and d, to be fixed)
- space to reset
- mouseX changes an amount of displacement
- space to reset
- up-down key to changes screen division
- z key to change sorting direction(horizontal/vertical)
- left-right key to change images