This example uses the same gRPC defs.proto as the grpc_dynamic_codegen example in which a server takes a payload containing bytes and capitalizes them. In this case we are demonstrating the use of the propagator-grpc-census-binary propagator. The propagator can be useful when communicating with another service that is already instrumented using OpenCensus.
If both sides of gRPC communication are using OpenTelemetry instrumentation then
the propagator-grpc-census-binary
propagator isn't required. Context will be
propagated using the traceparent
header (thanks to the
propagator from opentelemetry-core). If there is a mix of OpenCensus and OpenTelemetry
instrumentation then the propagator-grpc-census-binary
propagator allows OpenTelemetry
to propagate context through the grpc-trace-bin
binary header.
The same source code is used to run various versions of the client and server. Environment
variables (set up through scripts
in package.json) determine the various
combinations. This table shows what to expect:
Combination | Client Instrumentation | Server Instrumentation | Propagation Header |
1 | OpenTelemetry (default propagator) | OpenTelemetry (default propagator) | traceparent |
2 | OpenCensus | OpenTelemetry (binary propagator) | grpc-trace-bin |
3 | OpenCensus | OpenCensus | grpc-trace-bin |
4 | OpenTelemetry (binary propagator) | OpenCensus | grpc-trace-bin |
If context propagation is working correctly we should see consistent values
for traceId
in the output of both the client and server. (Note: the example
uses simple Console Exporters rather than Jaeger or Zipkin). The servers also
output the contents of grpc.Metadata
which allows us to see the values of
or grpc-trace-bin
where applicable.
# from this directory
npm install
OpenTelemetry (with default propagator) used on both client and server.
Propagation through traceparent
Run the server
# from this directory npm run server:otel:defprop
Run the client
# from this directory npm run client:otel:defprop
OpenTelemetry (with binary propagator) used on server, OpenCensus used
on client. Propagation through grpc-trace-bin
Run the server
# from this directory npm run server:otel:binprop
Run the client
# from this directory npm run client:census
See combination2 for example output
OpenCensus used on both client and server. Propagation through grpc-trace-bin
Run the server
# from this directory npm run server:census
Run the client
# from this directory npm run client:census
OpenCensus used on server, OpenTelemetry (with binary propagator) used on
client. Propagation through grpc-trace-bin
Run the server
# from this directory npm run server:census
Run the client
# from this directory npm run client:otel:binprop
See combination4 for example output
- For more information on OpenTelemetry, visit:
- For more information on OpenTelemetry for Node.js, visit:
Apache License 2.0