Resource are the objects that are going to be used for steps in the scenario. They are listed under the resources key in the pipeline configuration.
http client that can be used for sending http requests and comparing the responses
Initialize resource in config.yml
- name: # name of the resource
type: # | httpclient |
# base url for the http client that will automatically be prepended to any route in the feature.
base_url: # string
# timeout for the request round-trip.
timeout: # duration
# stubs file path (`./stubs`)
stubs_path: # string
- httpclient
send an http request without a request body
Given $resource send request to $target
send an http request with a request body
Given $resource send request to $target with body $body
Given $resource send request to $target with payload $body
send an http request with a request body from a file
Given $resource send request to $target with body from file $file
Given $resource send request to $target with payload from file $file
set request header
Given $resource set request header key $key with value $value
check http response code
Given $resource response code should be $code
check http response headers
Given $resource response header $header_name should be $header_value
check response body
Given $resource response body should contain $body
check response body
Given $resource response body should equal $body
http wiremock server resource that mocks API responses
Initialize resource in config.yml
- name: # name of the resource
type: # | wiremock |
# wiremock base url (e.g : http://localhost:8080)
base_url: # string
# stubs file path (`./stubs`)
stubs_path: # string
- wiremock
set a response code and body for any request that comes to the wiremock target
Given set $resource response code to $code and response body $body
set a response code and body from a file for any request that comes to the wiremock target
Given set $resource response code to $code and response body from file $file
set a response code and body for a given path for wiremock
Given set $resource with path $path response code to $code and response body $body
set a response code and body for a given method and path for wiremock
Given set $resource with method $method and path $path response code to $code and response body $body
set a response code for a given method and path for wiremock
Given set $resource with method $method and path $path response code to $code
set a response code for a given method and path for wiremock
Given set $resource with method $method and path $path response code to $code and response body from file $file
check requests count on a given endpoint
Given $resource with path $path request count should be $count
database driver that interacts with a sql database
Initialize resource in config.yml
- name: # name of the resource
type: # | postgres | mysql |
# sql driver (postgres or mysql)
driver: # string
# sql database source name (`postgres://user:pass@host:port/dbname?sslmode=disable`)
datasource: # string
- postgres
- mysql
truncates the target table and sets row results to the passed values
Given set $resource table $table list of content $content
compares table content after an action
Given $resource table $table should look like $content
messaging queue that that publishes and serves messages
Initialize resource in config.yml
- name: # name of the resource
type: # | rabbitmq | nsq |
# queue driver (rabbitmq)
driver: # string
# queue source dsn (`amqp://user:pass@host:port/`)
datasource: # string
# stubs file path (`./stubs`)
stubs_path: # string
- rabbitmq
- nsq
publish a message to message queue
Given publish message to $resource target $target with payload $payload
publish a message to message queue from a file
Given publish message to $resource target $target with payload from file $file
listen for messages on a given queue. Declaration should be before the publish action
Given listen message from $resource target $target
count messages for a given target. Declaration should be before the publish action
Given message from $resource target $target count should be $count
compare message payload by checking if the message contains other JSON. Declaration should be before the publish action
Given message from $resource target $target should contain $payload
compare message payload by checking for exact JSON matches. Declaration should be before the publish action
Given message from $resource target $target should equal $payload
to communicate with shell command
Initialize resource in config.yml
- name: # name of the resource
type: # | shell |
# shell command prefixes
prefix: # string
- shell
execute shell command
Given $resource execute $command
check stdout for executed command contains a given value
Given $resource stdout should contains $substring
check stdout for executed command not contains a given value
Given $resource stdout should not contains $substring
check stdout for executed command contains a given value
Given $resource stderr should contains $substring
check stderr for executed command not contains a given value
Given $resource stderr should not contains $substring
check exit code is equal given value
Given $resource exit code equal to $exit_code
check exit code is not equal given value
Given $resource exit code not equal to $exit_code
cache driver that interacts with a cache service
Initialize resource in config.yml
- name: # name of the resource
type: # | redis |
# cache driver (only "redis" for now)
driver: # string
# cache source url (`redis://user:secret@localhost:6379/0?foo=bar&qux=baz`)
datasource: # string
- redis
set key to hold the string value
Given cache $resource stores $key with value $value
compares cached content after an action
Given cache $resource stored key $key should look like $value
check if such key exists in the cache
Given cache $resource has key $key
check if such key doesn't exists in the cache
Given cache $resource hasn't key $key