diff --git a/assets/js/game.js b/assets/js/game.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b42c46e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/game.js
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+function initializeFuse() {
+ const fuseOptions = {
+ // isCaseSensitive: false,
+ // includeScore: false,
+ // shouldSort: true,
+ // includeMatches: false,
+ // findAllMatches: false,
+ // minMatchCharLength: 1,
+ // location: 0,
+ threshold: 0.3,
+ // distance: 100,
+ // useExtendedSearch: false,
+ // ignoreLocation: false,
+ // ignoreFieldNorm: false,
+ // fieldNormWeight: 1,
+ keys: [
+ "tag"
+ ]
+ };
+ return new Fuse(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(players)), fuseOptions);
+var fuse = initializeFuse();
+// Variables
+var easyMode = true;
+var guessesPerGame = 5;
+var tableHeader = "
Tag \
+Race \
+Country \
+$$$ \
+Rating \
+Age \
+Active ";
+// Initial game state
+var main_player = players[Math.floor(Math.random() * players.length)];
+var number_of_guesses = guessesPerGame;
+var guesses = [];
+var guessesCompares = [];
+const earnings_format = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD', minimumFractionDigits: 0 })
+var currentListItemFocused = -1;
+var won = false;
+// ----- SEARCH -----
+function elementSelectCallback(event) {
+ document.getElementById('search-result').innerHTML = "";
+ var input = document.getElementById('player_tag');
+ input.value = this.innerText;
+ input.focus;
+function renderListElementWithCallback(text, index) {
+ var element = document.createElement("li");
+ element.id = "autocomplete-item-${index}";
+ element.role = "listitem";
+ element.tabindex = "0";
+ element.innerText = text;
+ element.addEventListener("click", elementSelectCallback);
+ return element;
+function search(event) {
+ var key = event.keyCode || event.charCode;
+ //console.log(key);
+ if (key == 40 || key == 38) { // down && up
+ currentListItemFocused++;
+ var suggestions = document.getElementById('search-result').childNodes;
+ if (!suggestions || suggestions.length <= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (currentListItemFocused >= suggestions.length) {
+ currentListItemFocused = 0;
+ } else if (currentListItemFocused < 0) {
+ currentListItemFocused = suggestions.length - 1;
+ }
+ suggestions[currentListItemFocused].focus();
+ //suggestions[currentListItemFocused].setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
+ document.getElementById('player_tag').value = suggestions[currentListItemFocused].innerHTML;
+ //document.getElementById('player_tag').setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", suggestions[currentListItemFocused].id);
+ return;
+ } else if (key == 13) { // Enter
+ document.getElementById('search-result').innerHTML = "";
+ currentListItemFocused = -1;
+ guess(document.getElementById('player_tag').value);
+ return;
+ }
+ const input = document.getElementById('player_tag').value;
+ //console.log(input);
+ const result = fuse.search(input, { limit: 10 });
+ const tags = result.map(function (item) { return players[item["refIndex"]].tag; });
+ var suggestions = document.getElementById('search-result');
+ suggestions.innerHTML = "";
+ for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
+ suggestions.appendChild(renderListElementWithCallback(tags[i], i));
+ }
+// ----- GUESSING & RENDERING -----
+function formatRace(race) {
+ const imgPrefix = " ";
+ } else if (race === "T") {
+ return imgPrefix + "terran.svg\" alt=\"T\" />";
+ } else if (race === "Z") {
+ return imgPrefix + "zerg.svg\" alt=\"Z\" />";
+ } else if (race === "R") {
+ return imgPrefix + "random.svg\" alt=\"R\" />";
+ } else {
+ return race;
+ }
+function formatActive(text) {
+ if (text) {
+ return "🎮";
+ } else {
+ return "🚫";
+ }
+function birthdayEmptyOrNull(player) {
+ return player.birthday == "NULL" || player.birthday == "" || !player.birthday;
+function _calculateAge(birthday) {
+ var ageDifMs = Date.now() - birthday.getTime();
+ var ageDate = new Date(ageDifMs);
+ return Math.abs(ageDate.getUTCFullYear() - 1970);
+function actualOlder(guess, actual) {
+ if (guess > actual) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+function renderHigher(higher) {
+ if (higher) {
+ return "⏫";
+ } else {
+ return "⏬";
+ }
+function withinPercentMargin(guess, actual, percent) {
+ return Math.abs((actual - guess) / parseFloat(guess)) <= percent;
+function compare(guess, actual, no_name) {
+ var displayData = {};
+ displayData.correct = guess.tag === actual.tag;
+ if (!no_name) {
+ displayData.tag = guess.tag;
+ displayData.aligulacId = guess.id;
+ } else {
+ displayData.tag = "???";
+ displayData.unknown = true;
+ }
+ displayData.race = {
+ race: guess.race,
+ correct: guess.race == actual.race,
+ }
+ displayData.country = {
+ country: guess.country,
+ correct: guess.country == actual.country,
+ close: guess.country != "KR" && actual.country != "KR",
+ }
+ displayData.sum_earnings = {
+ sum_earnings: guess.sum_earnings,
+ correct: guess.sum_earnings == actual.sum_earnings,
+ close: withinPercentMargin(guess.sum_earnings, actual.sum_earnings, 0.10),
+ higher: guess.sum_earnings < actual.sum_earnings,
+ }
+ displayData.rating = {
+ rating: guess.rating,
+ correct: guess.rating == actual.rating,
+ close: withinPercentMargin(guess.rating, actual.rating, 0.10),
+ higher: guess.rating < actual.rating,
+ }
+ if (!birthdayEmptyOrNull(guess) && !birthdayEmptyOrNull(actual)) {
+ const guessAge = _calculateAge(new Date(guess.birthday));
+ const actualAge = _calculateAge(new Date(actual.birthday));
+ displayData.age = {
+ hasAge: true,
+ age: guessAge,
+ correct: guessAge == actualAge,
+ close: Math.abs(guessAge - actualAge) <= 1,
+ higher: actualOlder(guessAge, actualAge),
+ }
+ } else {
+ displayData.age = {
+ hasAge: false,
+ }
+ }
+ const activeGuess = !(guess.position === "NULL" || !guess.position);
+ const actualActive = !(actual.position === "NULL" || !actual.position);
+ displayData.active = {
+ active: activeGuess,
+ correct: activeGuess === actualActive,
+ }
+ //console.log(JSON.stringify(displayData));
+ return displayData;
+function renderCorrectClose(data) {
+ if (data.correct) {
+ return "🟩";
+ } else if (data.close) {
+ return "🟨";
+ } else {
+ return "🟥";
+ }
+function socialRow(displayData) {
+ var result = ""
+ result += renderCorrectClose(displayData.race);
+ result += renderCorrectClose(displayData.country);
+ result += renderCorrectClose(displayData.sum_earnings);
+ result += renderCorrectClose(displayData.rating);
+ if (displayData.age.hasAge) {
+ result += renderCorrectClose(displayData.age);
+ } else {
+ result += "🤷♂️"
+ }
+ result += renderCorrectClose(displayData.active);
+ return result;
+function stats(displayData) {
+ var result = ""
+ if (displayData.unknown) {
+ result += "" + displayData.tag + " ";
+ } else {
+ result += "" + displayData.tag + " ";
+ }
+ if (displayData.race.correct) {
+ result += "" + formatRace(displayData.race.race) + " "
+ } else {
+ result += "" + formatRace(displayData.race.race) + " "
+ }
+ if (displayData.country.correct) {
+ result += ""
+ } else if (displayData.country.close) {
+ result += " "
+ } else {
+ result += " ";
+ }
+ result += displayData.country.country + " "
+ if (displayData.sum_earnings.correct) {
+ result += "" + earnings_format.format(displayData.sum_earnings.sum_earnings) + " "
+ } else if (displayData.sum_earnings.close) {
+ result += "" + earnings_format.format(displayData.sum_earnings.sum_earnings) + renderHigher(displayData.sum_earnings.higher) + " "
+ } else {
+ result += "" + earnings_format.format(displayData.sum_earnings.sum_earnings) + renderHigher(displayData.sum_earnings.higher) + " "
+ }
+ if (displayData.rating.correct) {
+ result += "" + displayData.rating.rating + " "
+ } else if (displayData.rating.close) {
+ result += "" + displayData.rating.rating + renderHigher(displayData.rating.higher) + " "
+ } else {
+ result += "" + displayData.rating.rating + renderHigher(displayData.rating.higher) + " "
+ }
+ if (displayData.age.hasAge) {
+ if (displayData.age.correct) {
+ result += "" + displayData.age.age + " "
+ } else if (displayData.age.close) {
+ result += "" + displayData.age.age + renderHigher(displayData.age.higher) + " "
+ } else {
+ result += "" + displayData.age.age + renderHigher(displayData.age.higher) + " "
+ }
+ } else {
+ result += "🤷♂️ "
+ }
+ if (displayData.active.correct) {
+ result += "" + formatActive(displayData.active.active) + " ";
+ } else {
+ result += "" + formatActive(displayData.active.active) + " ";
+ }
+ var table = document.getElementById('result-display');
+ var row = table.insertRow(1);
+ if (displayData.correct) {
+ row.class = "correct-result"
+ }
+ row.innerHTML = result;
+function reset() {
+ main_player = players[Math.floor(Math.random() * players.length)];
+ number_of_guesses = guessesPerGame;
+ document.getElementById('countdown-display').innerHTML = "" + number_of_guesses + " tries left.";
+ document.getElementById('result-display').innerHTML = tableHeader;
+ guesses = [];
+ guessesCompares = [];
+ currentListItemFocused = -1;
+ won = false;
+ if (easyMode) {
+ const displayData = compare(main_player, main_player, true);
+ stats(displayData);
+ }
+function guess(tag) {
+ if (won || number_of_guesses <= 0) {
+ reset();
+ }
+ var foundPlayers = players.filter(x => x.tag === tag);
+ if (foundPlayers.length <= 0) {
+ alert('Player not found, try again!');
+ return;
+ } else if (foundPlayers.length > 1) {
+ alert('error: multiple players found!');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (guesses.includes(foundPlayers[0].tag)) {
+ alert('Already guessed! Try a diffrent player.');
+ return;
+ }
+ guesses.push(foundPlayers[0].tag);
+ document.getElementById('player_tag').value = "";
+ number_of_guesses--;
+ document.getElementById('countdown-display').innerHTML = "" + number_of_guesses + " tries left.";
+ if (foundPlayers[0].id == main_player.id) {
+ const displayData = compare(foundPlayers[0], main_player, false);
+ guessesCompares.push(displayData);
+ stats(displayData);
+ document.getElementById('result-display').innerHTML = "You won! 🎉 Try again? Share 📢 " + document.getElementById('result-display').innerHTML
+ won = true;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ const displayData = compare(foundPlayers[0], main_player, false);
+ guessesCompares.push(displayData);
+ stats(displayData);
+ }
+ if (number_of_guesses <= 0) {
+ const displayData = compare(main_player, main_player, false);
+ stats(displayData);
+ document.getElementById('result-display').innerHTML = "You lost! 😢 Try again? Share 📢 " + document.getElementById('result-display').innerHTML
+ document.getElementById('countdown-display').innerHTML = "" + number_of_guesses + " tries left.";
+ }
+function socialGrid(guessArray) {
+ var grid = "";
+ for (i = 0; i < guessArray.length; i++) {
+ grid += socialRow(guessArray[i]) + ' ';
+ }
+ return grid;
+function socialDialog() {
+ const dialog = document.getElementById("socialDialog");
+ const dialogCloseButton = document.getElementById("socialDialogButton");
+ var socialTwitterDiv = document.getElementById("socialTwitterText");
+ dialogCloseButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ document.getElementById("socialDialog").close();
+ });
+ var socialText = "I played #guessthesc2pro " + socialGrid(guessesCompares) + " Try it out: https://guessthesc2pro.com";
+ socialTwitterDiv.innerHTML = socialText;
+ dialog.showModal();
+function playersList() {
+ var result = "";
+ for (i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
+ result += (i + 1) + ": " + players[i].tag + " ";
+ }
+ document.getElementById('player-display').innerHTML = result;
diff --git a/assets/js/players250.js b/assets/js/players250.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..806ad87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/players250.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2990 @@
+var players = [
+ {
+ "id": 485,
+ "tag": "Serral",
+ "name": "Joona Sotala",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1998-03-22",
+ "country": "FI",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 3762,
+ "position": 1,
+ "sum_earnings": 1304282
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 49,
+ "tag": "Maru",
+ "name": "조성주",
+ "romanized_name": "Cho Seong Ju",
+ "birthday": "1997-07-28",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3423,
+ "position": 4,
+ "sum_earnings": 1162687
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1662,
+ "tag": "Rogue",
+ "name": "이병렬",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Byung Ryul",
+ "birthday": "1994-01-13",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2978,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 1030970
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 76,
+ "tag": "Dark",
+ "name": "박령우",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Ryung Woo",
+ "birthday": "1995-10-06",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 3420,
+ "position": 5,
+ "sum_earnings": 1004969
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 48,
+ "tag": "INnoVation",
+ "name": "이신형",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Shin Hyung",
+ "birthday": "1993-07-25",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2790,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 741536
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5414,
+ "tag": "Reynor",
+ "name": "Riccardo Romiti",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2002-07-01",
+ "country": "IT",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 3321,
+ "position": 7,
+ "sum_earnings": 733978
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 63,
+ "tag": "TY",
+ "name": "전태양",
+ "romanized_name": "Jun Tae Yang",
+ "birthday": "1994-09-18",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2582,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 679833
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1658,
+ "tag": "Zest",
+ "name": "주성욱",
+ "romanized_name": "Joo Sung Wook",
+ "birthday": "1992-07-11",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2944,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 652314
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 110,
+ "tag": "sOs",
+ "name": "김유진",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Yoo Jin",
+ "birthday": "1993-10-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2604,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 622197
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 309,
+ "tag": "Stats",
+ "name": "김대엽",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Dae Yeob",
+ "birthday": "1992-05-15",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2746,
+ "position": 26,
+ "sum_earnings": 601150
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 125,
+ "tag": "soO",
+ "name": "어윤수",
+ "romanized_name": "Eo Yun Su",
+ "birthday": "1992-09-24",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2551,
+ "position": 37,
+ "sum_earnings": 597578
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4495,
+ "tag": "Neeb",
+ "name": "Alex Sunderhaft",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1998-02-17",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2965,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 587837
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1793,
+ "tag": "Solar",
+ "name": "강민수",
+ "romanized_name": "Kang Min Soo",
+ "birthday": "1996-05-09",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 3216,
+ "position": 9,
+ "sum_earnings": 572430
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 47,
+ "tag": "ByuN",
+ "name": "변현우",
+ "romanized_name": "Byun Hyun Woo",
+ "birthday": "1993-05-08",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3284,
+ "position": 8,
+ "sum_earnings": 567424
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 186,
+ "tag": "Classic",
+ "name": "김도우",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Doh Woo",
+ "birthday": "1991-11-27",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2939,
+ "position": 15,
+ "sum_earnings": 525578
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 36,
+ "tag": "MC",
+ "name": "장민철",
+ "romanized_name": "Jang Min Chul",
+ "birthday": "1991-06-17",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1905,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 515559
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 233,
+ "tag": "herO",
+ "name": "김준호",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Joon Ho",
+ "birthday": "1992-08-18",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 3419,
+ "position": 6,
+ "sum_earnings": 509355
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 3,
+ "tag": "Life",
+ "name": "이승현",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Seung Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1997-01-11",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2244,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 470559
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5,
+ "tag": "PartinG",
+ "name": "원이삭",
+ "romanized_name": "Won Lee Sak",
+ "birthday": "1994-08-24",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2896,
+ "position": 16,
+ "sum_earnings": 456210
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 19,
+ "tag": "Polt",
+ "name": "최성훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Seong Hun",
+ "birthday": "1988-07-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2135,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 452370
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 184,
+ "tag": "SpeCial",
+ "name": "Juan Carlos Tena Lopez",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-05-20",
+ "country": "MX",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2640,
+ "position": 33,
+ "sum_earnings": 450572
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 23,
+ "tag": "Scarlett",
+ "name": "Sasha Hostyn",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-12-14",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2718,
+ "position": 28,
+ "sum_earnings": 427786
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 13,
+ "tag": "Mvp",
+ "name": "정종현",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Jong Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1991-02-12",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1805,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 408481
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 10115,
+ "tag": "Oliveira",
+ "name": "李培楠",
+ "romanized_name": "Li Peinan",
+ "birthday": "2000-06-28",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3026,
+ "position": 12,
+ "sum_earnings": 394695
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 28,
+ "tag": "MMA",
+ "name": "문성원",
+ "romanized_name": "Moon Sung Won",
+ "birthday": "1988-10-29",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1952,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 384886
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 111,
+ "tag": "Snute",
+ "name": "Jens W. Aasgaard",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-07-28",
+ "country": "NO",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2138,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 379605
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 26,
+ "tag": "Nerchio",
+ "name": "Artur Bloch",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-08-09",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2092,
+ "position": 68,
+ "sum_earnings": 377091
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 177,
+ "tag": "Trap",
+ "name": "조성호",
+ "romanized_name": "Cho Sung Ho",
+ "birthday": "1994-03-24",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2824,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 375661
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2170,
+ "tag": "ShoWTimE",
+ "name": "Tobias Sieber",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1994-02-23",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2873,
+ "position": 18,
+ "sum_earnings": 359660
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1665,
+ "tag": "Cure",
+ "name": "김도욱",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Doh Wook",
+ "birthday": "1994-11-25",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3162,
+ "position": 10,
+ "sum_earnings": 341515
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4,
+ "tag": "DRG",
+ "name": "박수호",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Soo Ho",
+ "birthday": "1991-06-03",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2878,
+ "position": 17,
+ "sum_earnings": 329875
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5847,
+ "tag": "Elazer",
+ "name": "Mikołaj Ogonowski",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-12-11",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2832,
+ "position": 22,
+ "sum_earnings": 324647
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5878,
+ "tag": "Clem",
+ "name": "Clément Desplanches",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2002-04-08",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3534,
+ "position": 2,
+ "sum_earnings": 319507
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 10,
+ "tag": "Stephano",
+ "name": "Ilyes Satouri",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-03-12",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2182,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 315444
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 6,
+ "tag": "TaeJa",
+ "name": "윤영서",
+ "romanized_name": "Yun Young Seo",
+ "birthday": "1995-01-01",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2333,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 298238
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 258,
+ "tag": "HeRoMaRinE",
+ "name": "Gabriel Segat",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-07-04",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3029,
+ "position": 11,
+ "sum_earnings": 295363
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 44,
+ "tag": "GuMiho",
+ "name": "고병재",
+ "romanized_name": "Koh Byung Jae",
+ "birthday": "1992-08-04",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3003,
+ "position": 14,
+ "sum_earnings": 291348
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 22,
+ "tag": "NesTea",
+ "name": "임재덕",
+ "romanized_name": "Lim Jae Duk",
+ "birthday": "1982-12-12",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1380,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 279955
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "tag": "Leenock",
+ "name": "이동녕",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Dong Nyoung",
+ "birthday": "1995-04-01",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2278,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 277999
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 12,
+ "tag": "Bomber",
+ "name": "최지성",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Ji Sung",
+ "birthday": "1988-01-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1979,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 256123
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 11,
+ "tag": "HerO",
+ "name": "송현덕",
+ "romanized_name": "Song Hyun Deok",
+ "birthday": "1990-06-20",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1956,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 255663
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 15,
+ "tag": "HyuN",
+ "name": "고석현",
+ "romanized_name": "Ko Seok Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1988-01-15",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1810,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 234686
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 58,
+ "tag": "MaNa",
+ "name": "Grzegorz Komincz",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-12-14",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2496,
+ "position": 41,
+ "sum_earnings": 231483
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 7,
+ "tag": "Rain (P)",
+ "name": "정윤종",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Yoon Jong",
+ "birthday": "1992-08-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2232,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 230519
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1659,
+ "tag": "Dear",
+ "name": "백동준",
+ "romanized_name": "Baek Dong Jun",
+ "birthday": "1994-04-25",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2622,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 224029
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 73,
+ "tag": "Jaedong",
+ "name": "이제동",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Je Dong",
+ "birthday": "1990-01-09",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1978,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 221753
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2,
+ "tag": "Creator",
+ "name": "장현우",
+ "romanized_name": "Jang Hyun Woo",
+ "birthday": "1997-02-23",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2835,
+ "position": 21,
+ "sum_earnings": 209624
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 14,
+ "tag": "MarineKing",
+ "name": "이정훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Jung Hoon",
+ "birthday": "1993-07-11",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1523,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 206257
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 106,
+ "tag": "aLive",
+ "name": "한이석",
+ "romanized_name": "Han Lee Seok",
+ "birthday": "1992-11-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2105,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 202162
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4105,
+ "tag": "Kelazhur",
+ "name": "Diego Guilherme Schwimer",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-10-10",
+ "country": "BR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2669,
+ "position": 32,
+ "sum_earnings": 199875
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 117,
+ "tag": "SHIN",
+ "name": "신희범",
+ "romanized_name": "Shin Hee Bum",
+ "birthday": "1996-09-03",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 3003,
+ "position": 13,
+ "sum_earnings": 194371
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4734,
+ "tag": "Has",
+ "name": "柯昱夆",
+ "romanized_name": "Ke Yu Feng",
+ "birthday": "1997-06-03",
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2146,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 185073
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 422,
+ "tag": true,
+ "name": "방태수",
+ "romanized_name": "Bang Tae Soo",
+ "birthday": "1992-04-15",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2085,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 180570
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 89,
+ "tag": "NaNiwa",
+ "name": "Johan Lucchesi",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-03-14",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2013,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 176795
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8,
+ "tag": "viOLet",
+ "name": "김동환",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Dong Hwan",
+ "birthday": "1990-12-05",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2026,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 176184
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 575,
+ "tag": "uThermal",
+ "name": "Marc Schlappi",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-11-10",
+ "country": "NL",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2449,
+ "position": 44,
+ "sum_earnings": 173202
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1517,
+ "tag": "Bunny (KR)",
+ "name": "이재선",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Jae Sun",
+ "birthday": "1995-09-11",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2836,
+ "position": 20,
+ "sum_earnings": 168965
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1652,
+ "tag": "Patience",
+ "name": "조지현",
+ "romanized_name": "Jo Ji Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1996-02-23",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2385,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 152539
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 27,
+ "tag": "Sen",
+ "name": "楊家正",
+ "romanized_name": "Yang Chia Cheng",
+ "birthday": "1987-01-15",
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1459,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 152401
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 145,
+ "tag": "MacSed",
+ "name": "胡翔",
+ "romanized_name": "Hu Xiang",
+ "birthday": "1988-10-04",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1928,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 151988
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4134,
+ "tag": "Astrea",
+ "name": "Max Angel",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-03-08",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2784,
+ "position": 25,
+ "sum_earnings": 150052
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 72,
+ "tag": "Bly",
+ "name": "Олександр Свісюк",
+ "romanized_name": "Aleksandr Svusyuk",
+ "birthday": "1989-01-22",
+ "country": "UA",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2382,
+ "position": 47,
+ "sum_earnings": 149410
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4049,
+ "tag": "Lambo",
+ "name": "Julian Brosig",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-11-10",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2822,
+ "position": 23,
+ "sum_earnings": 148986
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 34,
+ "tag": "ForGG",
+ "name": "박지수",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Ji Soo",
+ "birthday": "1990-02-13",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2148,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 147810
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5945,
+ "tag": "iAsonu",
+ "name": "周航",
+ "romanized_name": "Zhou Hang",
+ "birthday": "1992-11-19",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2229,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 145916
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 251,
+ "tag": "MaSa",
+ "name": "Maru Kim",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-03-20",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2155,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 144629
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 45,
+ "tag": "Soulkey",
+ "name": "김민철",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Min Chul",
+ "birthday": "1991-12-10",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1931,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 141760
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 126,
+ "tag": "PuMa",
+ "name": "이호준",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Ho Joon",
+ "birthday": "1991-07-23",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1337,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 141584
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 160,
+ "tag": "XiGua",
+ "name": "王磊",
+ "romanized_name": "Wang Lei",
+ "birthday": "1987-01-14",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1763,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 139108
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5087,
+ "tag": "PtitDrogo",
+ "name": "Théo Freydière",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-11-09",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2306,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 138775
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 129,
+ "tag": "HuK",
+ "name": "Chris Loranger",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1989-05-10",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1790,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 138575
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1557,
+ "tag": "Hydra",
+ "name": "신동원",
+ "romanized_name": "Shin Dong Won",
+ "birthday": "1991-09-04",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2337,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 136051
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 276,
+ "tag": "Jim",
+ "name": "曹晋珲",
+ "romanized_name": "Cao Jinhun",
+ "birthday": "1995-10-10",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1679,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 134838
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 214,
+ "tag": "Harstem",
+ "name": "Kevin de Koning",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1994-07-28",
+ "country": "NL",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2575,
+ "position": 34,
+ "sum_earnings": 133032
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 35,
+ "tag": "Ryung",
+ "name": "김동원",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Dong Won",
+ "birthday": "1991-04-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2692,
+ "position": 29,
+ "sum_earnings": 131877
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 109,
+ "tag": "Dream",
+ "name": "조중혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Cho Joong Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1996-10-27",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2685,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 130286
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 161,
+ "tag": "TooDming",
+ "name": "黄慧明",
+ "romanized_name": "Huang Huiming",
+ "birthday": "1988-10-07",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1815,
+ "position": 97,
+ "sum_earnings": 127972
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 29,
+ "tag": "jjakji",
+ "name": "정지훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Ji Hoon",
+ "birthday": "1994-02-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2161,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 127909
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1098,
+ "tag": "Cham",
+ "name": "Pablo Cham",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-02-19",
+ "country": "MX",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2480,
+ "position": 42,
+ "sum_earnings": 118613
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4452,
+ "tag": "Spirit",
+ "name": "Piotr Walukiewicz",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1998-10-08",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2737,
+ "position": 27,
+ "sum_earnings": 115073
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 185,
+ "tag": "StarDust",
+ "name": "손석희",
+ "romanized_name": "Son Seok Hee",
+ "birthday": "1990-05-27",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1843,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 112614
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 7956,
+ "tag": "Cyan",
+ "name": "黄旻",
+ "romanized_name": "Huang Min",
+ "birthday": "1992-10-28",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2332,
+ "position": 51,
+ "sum_earnings": 111585
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 51,
+ "tag": "San",
+ "name": "강초원",
+ "romanized_name": "Kang Cho Won",
+ "birthday": "1990-05-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1884,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 111014
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 123,
+ "tag": "TLO",
+ "name": "Dario Wünsch",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-07-13",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2114,
+ "position": 65,
+ "sum_earnings": 108557
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 79,
+ "tag": "ByuL",
+ "name": "한지원",
+ "romanized_name": "Han Ji Won",
+ "birthday": "1992-08-07",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2302,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 106614
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "VortiX",
+ "name": "Juan Moreno Duran",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-09-10",
+ "country": "ES",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2107,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 106480
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 223,
+ "tag": "FruitDealer",
+ "name": "김원기",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Won Ki",
+ "birthday": "1985-07-27",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1204,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 102641
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 31,
+ "tag": "Losira",
+ "name": "황강호",
+ "romanized_name": "Hwang Kang Ho",
+ "birthday": "1992-04-11",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1969,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 102448
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 54,
+ "tag": "YoDa",
+ "name": "최병현",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Byung Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1992-12-24",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1736,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 101774
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Nina",
+ "name": "Alison Qual",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-08-15",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2081,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 101540
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 19591,
+ "tag": "MaxPax",
+ "name": null,
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2004-07-01",
+ "country": "DK",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 3489,
+ "position": 3,
+ "sum_earnings": 98101
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 139,
+ "tag": "ThorZaIN",
+ "name": "Marcus Eklöf",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1991-02-09",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1571,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 98047
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 24,
+ "tag": "KeeN",
+ "name": "황규석",
+ "romanized_name": "Hwang Kyu Seok",
+ "birthday": "1994-10-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2520,
+ "position": 40,
+ "sum_earnings": 93783
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 68,
+ "tag": "Hurricane",
+ "name": "남기웅",
+ "romanized_name": "Nam Ki Woong",
+ "birthday": "1995-11-18",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2350,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 93414
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1649,
+ "tag": "MarineLorD",
+ "name": "Alexis Eusebio",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-06-01",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2553,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 93284
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5064,
+ "tag": "Lilbow",
+ "name": "David Moschetto",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-06-27",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2103,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 89171
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8106,
+ "tag": "Nice",
+ "name": "黄昱翔",
+ "romanized_name": "Huang Yu Shiang",
+ "birthday": "1999-05-15",
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2204,
+ "position": 56,
+ "sum_earnings": 89036
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 18,
+ "tag": "Symbol",
+ "name": "강동현",
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+ "birthday": "1992-01-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1801,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 88730
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 43,
+ "tag": "Genius",
+ "name": "정민수",
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+ "birthday": "1991-08-01",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1539,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 87094
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1813,
+ "tag": "Bunny (DK)",
+ "name": "Patrick Brix",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-12-04",
+ "country": "DK",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1924,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 86152
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 75,
+ "tag": "SortOf",
+ "name": "Rickard Bergman",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-07-24",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2166,
+ "position": 62,
+ "sum_earnings": 85572
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Probe",
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+ "birthday": "1996-12-13",
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2110,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 17,
+ "tag": "Squirtle",
+ "name": "박현우",
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+ "birthday": "1992-07-06",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1597,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 82622
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 41,
+ "tag": "Kas",
+ "name": "Михайло Гайда",
+ "romanized_name": "Mikhaylo Hayda",
+ "birthday": "1988-11-25",
+ "country": "UA",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1929,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 82588
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 39,
+ "tag": "First",
+ "name": "강현우",
+ "romanized_name": "Kang Hyun Woo",
+ "birthday": "1992-06-11",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1860,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 81888
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 83,
+ "tag": "HasuObs",
+ "name": "Dennis Schneider",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1988-05-26",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1479,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 81445
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 86,
+ "tag": "Alicia",
+ "name": "양준식",
+ "romanized_name": "Yang Joon Sik",
+ "birthday": "1987-08-01",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1489,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 81058
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1660,
+ "tag": "Impact",
+ "name": "김준혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Joon Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1995-09-07",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2383,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 80427
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 249,
+ "tag": "XY",
+ "name": "向瑶",
+ "romanized_name": "Xiang Yao",
+ "birthday": "1987-05-14",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1959,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 79610
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4521,
+ "tag": "DnS",
+ "name": "Adrien Bouet",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-04-19",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2345,
+ "position": 49,
+ "sum_earnings": 78837
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 152,
+ "tag": "DIMAGA",
+ "name": "Дмитро Філіпчук",
+ "romanized_name": "Dmytro Filipchuk",
+ "birthday": "1986-06-03",
+ "country": "UA",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1940,
+ "position": 81,
+ "sum_earnings": 78310
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2053,
+ "tag": "Zoun",
+ "name": "박한솔",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Han Sol",
+ "birthday": "1997-06-17",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2845,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 75594
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 16,
+ "tag": "Curious",
+ "name": "이원표",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Won Pyo",
+ "birthday": "1990-03-28",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1811,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 74199
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 82,
+ "tag": "Oz",
+ "name": "김학수",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Hak Soo",
+ "birthday": "1989-04-23",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1633,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 73593
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 80,
+ "tag": "RorO",
+ "name": "신노열",
+ "romanized_name": "Shin No Yeol",
+ "birthday": "1991-01-19",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1720,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 72278
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 55,
+ "tag": "Flash",
+ "name": "이영호",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Young Ho",
+ "birthday": "1992-07-05",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1995,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 71486
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 163,
+ "tag": "Socke",
+ "name": "Giacomo Thüs",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1987-02-02",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1461,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 71166
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 21,
+ "tag": "Seed",
+ "name": "안상원",
+ "romanized_name": "Ahn Sang Won",
+ "birthday": "1991-01-13",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1559,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 70592
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2566,
+ "tag": "Armani",
+ "name": "박진혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Jin Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1996-04-29",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2269,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 70175
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 208,
+ "tag": "Ret",
+ "name": "Joseph de Kroon",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1985-11-03",
+ "country": "NL",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1598,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 69973
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8676,
+ "tag": "SKillous",
+ "name": "Никита Гуревич",
+ "romanized_name": "Nikita Gurevich",
+ "birthday": "2001-04-17",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2798,
+ "position": 24,
+ "sum_earnings": 67181
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 95,
+ "tag": "Happy (RU)",
+ "name": "Дмитрий Костин",
+ "romanized_name": "Dmitry Kostin",
+ "birthday": "1991-06-17",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2033,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 65413
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 50,
+ "tag": "LucifroN",
+ "name": "Pedro Moreno Durán",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1991-10-31",
+ "country": "ES",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1576,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 64665
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 155,
+ "tag": "IdrA",
+ "name": "Gregory Fields",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-08-21",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1240,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 64643
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9,
+ "tag": "Sniper",
+ "name": "권태훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Kwon Tae Hoon",
+ "birthday": "1995-01-22",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1455,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 63980
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4198,
+ "tag": "Zanster",
+ "name": "Anton Dahlström",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-11-21",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2008,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 63973
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 153,
+ "tag": "Welmu",
+ "name": "Vesa Matti Hovinen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-12-05",
+ "country": "FI",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1811,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 62846
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 882,
+ "tag": "iaguz",
+ "name": "Ethan Zugai",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-11-09",
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1726,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 61311
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 144,
+ "tag": "Grubby",
+ "name": "Manuel Schenkhuizen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1986-05-11",
+ "country": "NL",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1501,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 61129
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 90,
+ "tag": "Revival",
+ "name": "김동현",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Dong Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1992-01-31",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1629,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 59678
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4723,
+ "tag": "Namshar",
+ "name": "Christoffer Kolmodin",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-01-16",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2197,
+ "position": 58,
+ "sum_earnings": 59442
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 42,
+ "tag": "Heart",
+ "name": "김민혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Min Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1990-11-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1743,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 57270
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 32,
+ "tag": "SuperNova",
+ "name": "김영진",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Young Jin",
+ "birthday": "1990-05-17",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1799,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 56337
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 164,
+ "tag": "White-Ra",
+ "name": "Олексій Крупник",
+ "romanized_name": "Aleksey Krupnyk",
+ "birthday": "1980-11-15",
+ "country": "UA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1142,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 56135
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4370,
+ "tag": "GunGFuBanDa",
+ "name": "Fabian Mayer",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1998-04-23",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2524,
+ "position": 39,
+ "sum_earnings": 54442
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9990,
+ "tag": "Seither",
+ "name": "Sheldon Barrow",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1994-06-29",
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1853,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 51707
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 655,
+ "tag": "FireCake",
+ "name": "Sébastien Lebbe",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-04-27",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1739,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 51662
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 37,
+ "tag": "duckdeok",
+ "name": "김경덕",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Kyeong Deok",
+ "birthday": "1995-01-27",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1656,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 51576
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8913,
+ "tag": "Gerald",
+ "name": "Mateusz Budziak",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1998-10-16",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2345,
+ "position": 48,
+ "sum_earnings": 50777
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 13216,
+ "tag": "Wayne",
+ "name": "Иван Чепурнов",
+ "romanized_name": "Ivan Chepurnov",
+ "birthday": "2001-06-09",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2560,
+ "position": 36,
+ "sum_earnings": 50215
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4388,
+ "tag": "JonSnow",
+ "name": "Jarod George",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-01-13",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1903,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 49180
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 13017,
+ "tag": "Future",
+ "name": "Joseph Stanish",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2002-05-09",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2458,
+ "position": 43,
+ "sum_earnings": 49101
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5933,
+ "tag": "Jieshi",
+ "name": "胡家骏",
+ "romanized_name": "Hu Jiajun",
+ "birthday": "1995-11-05",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2330,
+ "position": 52,
+ "sum_earnings": 48278
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 300,
+ "tag": "FanTaSy",
+ "name": "정명훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Myung Hoon",
+ "birthday": "1991-07-01",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2505,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 47471
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 65,
+ "tag": "July",
+ "name": "박성준",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Sung Joon",
+ "birthday": "1986-12-18",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1326,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 46957
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 92,
+ "tag": "kiwian",
+ "name": "김정훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Jung Hoon",
+ "birthday": "1990-11-26",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1833,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 46256
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 267,
+ "tag": "Dayshi",
+ "name": "Antoine Stievenart",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1994-08-08",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1869,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 44180
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 146,
+ "tag": "TargA",
+ "name": "Kristoffer Marthinsen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-04-15",
+ "country": "NO",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1787,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 44142
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 131,
+ "tag": "Brat_OK",
+ "name": "Павел Кузнецов",
+ "romanized_name": "Pavel Kuznetsov",
+ "birthday": "1987-01-03",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1837,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 44099
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 103,
+ "tag": "elfi",
+ "name": "Samuli Sihvonen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-10-24",
+ "country": "FI",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1694,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 43193
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 151,
+ "tag": "MorroW",
+ "name": "Carl Stefan Andersson",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-08-11",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1398,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 43058
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 12125,
+ "tag": "MeomaikA",
+ "name": "Trần Hồng Phúc",
+ "romanized_name": "Tran Hong Phuc",
+ "birthday": "1994-01-12",
+ "country": "VN",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1968,
+ "position": 78,
+ "sum_earnings": 42088
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 169,
+ "tag": "HalfBreed",
+ "name": "Felipe Zuñiga",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1989-12-16",
+ "country": "CL",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1548,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 41916
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 206,
+ "tag": "RainBOw",
+ "name": "김성제",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Seong Je",
+ "birthday": "1984-02-08",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1432,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 41264
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 128,
+ "tag": "SaSe",
+ "name": "Kim Hammar",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1987-07-12",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1531,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 40842
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2309,
+ "tag": "Rex",
+ "name": "雷皓成",
+ "romanized_name": "Lei Haocheng",
+ "birthday": "1993-04-23",
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2011,
+ "position": 75,
+ "sum_earnings": 40539
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 38,
+ "tag": "TheStC",
+ "name": "최연식",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Yeon Sik",
+ "birthday": "1989-01-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1476,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 40525
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 105,
+ "tag": "Super",
+ "name": "서성민",
+ "romanized_name": "Seo Sung Min",
+ "birthday": "1994-05-01",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2058,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 39671
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 200,
+ "tag": "SeleCT",
+ "name": "류경현",
+ "romanized_name": "Ryoo Kyung Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1988-10-21",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1083,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 39257
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 224,
+ "tag": "SjoW",
+ "name": "Jeffrey Brusi",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1986-12-23",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1387,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 38711
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4564,
+ "tag": "Denver",
+ "name": "Clément Coste",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-04-10",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2468,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 38613
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5409,
+ "tag": "ShaDoWn",
+ "name": "Thomas Labrousse",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-07-21",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2292,
+ "position": 53,
+ "sum_earnings": 38564
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1148,
+ "tag": "EnDerr",
+ "name": "Caviar Napoleon Marquises-Acampado",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-12-02",
+ "country": "PH",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1883,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 38267
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5499,
+ "tag": "PiLiPiLi",
+ "name": "Павел Пилипенко",
+ "romanized_name": "Pavel Pilipenko",
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+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2077,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 36991
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 87,
+ "tag": "Golden",
+ "name": "조명환",
+ "romanized_name": "Jo Myung Hwan",
+ "birthday": "1994-07-19",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1698,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 36892
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8980,
+ "tag": "Coffee",
+ "name": "吴奕棽",
+ "romanized_name": "Wu Yishen",
+ "birthday": "1999-12-05",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2422,
+ "position": 46,
+ "sum_earnings": 36552
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2567,
+ "tag": "Pigbaby",
+ "name": "양희수",
+ "romanized_name": "Yang Hee Soo",
+ "birthday": "1992-12-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1763,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 36490
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 21244,
+ "tag": "trigger",
+ "name": null,
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2002-07-11",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2427,
+ "position": 45,
+ "sum_earnings": 35528
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 121,
+ "tag": "DeMusliM",
+ "name": "Benjamin Baker",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-01-24",
+ "country": "UK",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1882,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 34996
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 119,
+ "tag": "mOOnGLaDe",
+ "name": "Andrew Pender",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1986-07-14",
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1378,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 34393
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 310,
+ "tag": "Top",
+ "name": "胡涛",
+ "romanized_name": "Hu Tao",
+ "birthday": "1990-01-29",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1579,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 34304
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 46,
+ "tag": "JYP",
+ "name": "박진영",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Jin Young",
+ "birthday": "1991-10-13",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1333,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 34294
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2568,
+ "tag": "Trust",
+ "name": "최성일",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Sung Il",
+ "birthday": "1995-04-12",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2110,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 34286
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 13361,
+ "tag": "Firefly",
+ "name": "薛涛",
+ "romanized_name": "Xue Tao",
+ "birthday": "2000-10-02",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2671,
+ "position": 31,
+ "sum_earnings": 33879
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1709,
+ "tag": "MyuNgSiK",
+ "name": "김명식",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Myung Sik",
+ "birthday": "1994-11-05",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1991,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 33381
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 104,
+ "tag": "Rain (T)",
+ "name": "박서용",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Seo Yong",
+ "birthday": "1993-12-04",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1378,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 33175
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 93,
+ "tag": "NaDa",
+ "name": "이윤열",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Yun Yeol",
+ "birthday": "1984-11-20",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1257,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32999
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 353,
+ "tag": "Lyn",
+ "name": "박준",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Joon",
+ "birthday": "1986-12-21",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1541,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32997
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 221,
+ "tag": "ViBE",
+ "name": "Dan Scherlong",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1987-05-09",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1525,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32910
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 910,
+ "tag": "JimRising",
+ "name": "Jaime Arturo Duran Silencio",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-10-12",
+ "country": "MX",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1698,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32460
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 141,
+ "tag": "InCa",
+ "name": "송준혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Song Joon Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1991-07-23",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1060,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32108
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5118,
+ "tag": "Semper",
+ "name": "Alex Dimitriu",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-09-06",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1905,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32031
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 274,
+ "tag": "Rail",
+ "name": "Артём Авраменко",
+ "romanized_name": "Artem Avramenko",
+ "birthday": "1993-12-15",
+ "country": null,
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2082,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32020
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8148,
+ "tag": "NightMare",
+ "name": "장욱",
+ "romanized_name": "Jang Wook",
+ "birthday": "1999-02-23",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2862,
+ "position": 19,
+ "sum_earnings": 31513
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 14887,
+ "tag": "Krystianer",
+ "name": "Krystian Szczęsny",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2004-01-29",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2528,
+ "position": 38,
+ "sum_earnings": 31457
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 242,
+ "tag": "Loner",
+ "name": "戴逸",
+ "romanized_name": "Dai Yi",
+ "birthday": "1991-02-10",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1318,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 31028
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 20,
+ "tag": "YongHwa",
+ "name": "최용화",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Yong Hwa",
+ "birthday": "1992-01-30",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1657,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 30988
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 57,
+ "tag": "GanZi",
+ "name": "김동주",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Dong Joo",
+ "birthday": "1987-12-30",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1382,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 30870
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 193,
+ "tag": "GoOdy",
+ "name": "Sascha Lupp",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1985-10-27",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1498,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 30688
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 246,
+ "tag": "PiG",
+ "name": "Jared Krensel",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1988-12-11",
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1627,
+ "position": 127,
+ "sum_earnings": 29947
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 107,
+ "tag": "Suppy",
+ "name": "Conan Liu",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-03-05",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1712,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 29867
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 175,
+ "tag": "Bbyong",
+ "name": "정우용",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Woo Yong",
+ "birthday": "1992-09-08",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2103,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 29656
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 70,
+ "tag": "Moon",
+ "name": "장재호",
+ "romanized_name": "Jang Jae Ho",
+ "birthday": "1986-12-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1405,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 29528
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 747,
+ "tag": "Petraeus",
+ "name": "Mackenzie Smith",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-06-25",
+ "country": "NZ",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1753,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 29354
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1655,
+ "tag": "Kane",
+ "name": "Sam Morrissette",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-11-16",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1827,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 28684
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 10953,
+ "tag": "Hellraiser",
+ "name": "Богдан Козар",
+ "romanized_name": "Bogdan Kozar",
+ "birthday": "1998-12-28",
+ "country": "UA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2330,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 28407
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 174,
+ "tag": "ToD",
+ "name": "Yoan Merlo",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1985-03-20",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1375,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 28139
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 941,
+ "tag": "Sacsri",
+ "name": "이예훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Yeh Hoon",
+ "birthday": "1992-02-18",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1908,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 27842
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 136,
+ "tag": "HongUn",
+ "name": "안홍욱",
+ "romanized_name": "Ahn Hong Wook",
+ "birthday": "1987-03-26",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1104,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 27738
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 7958,
+ "tag": "Erik",
+ "name": "Erik Bermelho",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-11-20",
+ "country": "BR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2176,
+ "position": 60,
+ "sum_earnings": 27711
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8169,
+ "tag": "Vindicta",
+ "name": "Miguel Marmolejo",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2000-11-23",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2111,
+ "position": 66,
+ "sum_earnings": 27028
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 189,
+ "tag": "BlinG",
+ "name": "Samayan Kay",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1991-11-07",
+ "country": "UK",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1459,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 26946
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2453,
+ "tag": "RiSky",
+ "name": "Joshua Hayward",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-02-27",
+ "country": "UK",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2036,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 26927
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9846,
+ "tag": "goblin",
+ "name": "Leon Vrhovec",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2002-02-03",
+ "country": "HR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2252,
+ "position": 55,
+ "sum_earnings": 26812
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 195,
+ "tag": "Billowy",
+ "name": "김도경",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Do Kyung",
+ "birthday": "1994-08-19",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1998,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 26801
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 271,
+ "tag": "Jinro",
+ "name": "Jonathan Walsh",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1989-01-14",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1116,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 26710
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 261,
+ "tag": "qxc",
+ "name": "Kevin Riley",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1989-10-11",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1620,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 26583
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 81,
+ "tag": "Zenio",
+ "name": "최정민",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Jung Min",
+ "birthday": "1991-03-31",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1335,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 25194
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 112,
+ "tag": "TAiLS",
+ "name": "김원형",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Won Hyung",
+ "birthday": "1992-08-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1706,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24823
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 74,
+ "tag": "sC",
+ "name": "김승철",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Seung Chul",
+ "birthday": "1995-02-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1486,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24699
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 88,
+ "tag": "sLivko",
+ "name": "Артём Гаравцов",
+ "romanized_name": "Artem Garavtsov",
+ "birthday": "1989-08-27",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1319,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24647
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 172,
+ "tag": "Strelok",
+ "name": "Євген Опаришев",
+ "romanized_name": "Evhen Oparyshev",
+ "birthday": "1985-05-25",
+ "country": "UA",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1489,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24610
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 11820,
+ "tag": "ExpecT",
+ "name": null,
+ "romanized_name": "Tsung Yen Wu",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1662,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24536
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 187,
+ "tag": "Adelscott",
+ "name": "Benoît Strypsteen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1985-09-23",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1138,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24506
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 115,
+ "tag": "BabyKnight",
+ "name": "Jon Andersen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-06-15",
+ "country": "DK",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1499,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24231
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 381,
+ "tag": "Reality",
+ "name": "김기현",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Ki Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1993-06-06",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2256,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23940
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 192,
+ "tag": "Naama",
+ "name": "Santeri Lahtinen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-10-13",
+ "country": "FI",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1049,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23888
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 60,
+ "tag": "TitaN",
+ "name": "Олег Купцов",
+ "romanized_name": "Oleg Kuptsov",
+ "birthday": "1989-11-04",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1375,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23779
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 243,
+ "tag": "Minigun",
+ "name": "Chad Richard Jones",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-07-10",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1393,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23590
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 210,
+ "tag": "Tefel",
+ "name": "Łukasz Czarnecki",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1988-01-18",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1605,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23380
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 140,
+ "tag": "NightEnD",
+ "name": "Silviu Lazar",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1988-02-19",
+ "country": "RO",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1608,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23257
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 365,
+ "tag": "KingKong",
+ "name": "유충희",
+ "romanized_name": "Yoo Choong Hee",
+ "birthday": "1990-04-26",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1956,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23246
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9314,
+ "tag": "DisK",
+ "name": "Alexandre Corriveau",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-01-01",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2197,
+ "position": 57,
+ "sum_earnings": 23218
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 537,
+ "tag": "Ian",
+ "name": "呂家宏",
+ "romanized_name": "Lu Jiahong",
+ "birthday": "1990-08-31",
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1226,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 22605
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 113,
+ "tag": "Swagger",
+ "name": "신상호",
+ "romanized_name": "Shin Sang Ho",
+ "birthday": "1990-02-09",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1319,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 22588
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 15204,
+ "tag": "ButAlways",
+ "name": "Chen Ting Yu",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "TW",
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+ "rating": 1701,
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+ "sum_earnings": 22231
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "GogojOey",
+ "name": null,
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "HK",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1931,
+ "position": 82,
+ "sum_earnings": 22115
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 56,
+ "tag": "Hack",
+ "name": "김영일",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Young Il",
+ "birthday": "1994-08-15",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1749,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 21844
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 220,
+ "tag": "Ensnare",
+ "name": "김상철",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Sang Cheol",
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+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1160,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 21641
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 978,
+ "tag": "PSiArc",
+ "name": "西村 直紘",
+ "romanized_name": "Nishimura Naohiro",
+ "birthday": "1989-07-18",
+ "country": "JP",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1852,
+ "position": 93,
+ "sum_earnings": 21612
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 6058,
+ "tag": "Silky",
+ "name": "Nick McNeese",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-09-01",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2263,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 215,
+ "tag": "Arthur",
+ "name": "윤명혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Yoon Myung Hyuk",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "KR",
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+ "rating": 1616,
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+ "sum_earnings": 21232
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 216,
+ "tag": "Kyrix",
+ "name": "한준",
+ "romanized_name": "Han Joon",
+ "birthday": "1993-03-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1096,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 21040
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 219,
+ "tag": "Illusion",
+ "name": "이유성",
+ "romanized_name": "Yoo Sung 'Chris' Lee",
+ "birthday": "1996-03-04",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1366,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 20545
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Xenocider",
+ "name": "Libo Chang",
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+ "birthday": "1997-08-12",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1617,
+ "position": null,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Demi",
+ "name": null,
+ "romanized_name": "Varun Immanuel",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "IN",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1654,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Fenix",
+ "name": "Jian Carlo Morayra Alejo",
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+ "birthday": "1992-06-03",
+ "country": "PE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1012,
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+ "sum_earnings": 20189
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "monchi",
+ "name": "Phillip Simon",
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+ "birthday": null,
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+ "rating": 1218,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 124,
+ "tag": "BoxeR",
+ "name": "임요환",
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+ "birthday": "1980-09-04",
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+ "rating": 1262,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Sora",
+ "name": "김정훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Jung Hoon",
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+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1775,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 19866
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 114,
+ "tag": "AcE",
+ "name": "정우서",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Woo Seo",
+ "birthday": "1988-10-17",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1365,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 19570
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 118,
+ "tag": "Beastyqt",
+ "name": "Александар Крстић",
+ "romanized_name": "Aleksandar Krstic",
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+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1825,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 142,
+ "tag": "CranK",
+ "name": "최재원",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Jae Won",
+ "birthday": "1989-08-29",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1434,
+ "position": 154,
+ "sum_earnings": 19355
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 59,
+ "tag": "BBoongBBoong",
+ "name": "최종혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Jong Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1988-08-05",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1588,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 19124
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 40,
+ "tag": "Happy (KR)",
+ "name": "안호진",
+ "romanized_name": "Ahn Ho Jin",
+ "birthday": "1991-01-22",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1377,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 18993
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 61,
+ "tag": "Sleep",
+ "name": "김성한",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Seong Han",
+ "birthday": "1992-09-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1392,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 18982
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1171,
+ "tag": "Strange",
+ "name": "Алексей Соляков",
+ "romanized_name": "Alexey Solyakov",
+ "birthday": "1997-03-04",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2570,
+ "position": 35,
+ "sum_earnings": 18601
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 25,
+ "tag": "CoCa",
+ "name": "최종환",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Jong Hwan",
+ "birthday": "1994-04-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1773,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 18598
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 67,
+ "tag": "Lucky",
+ "name": "이인수",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee In Soo",
+ "birthday": "1991-12-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1413,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 18263
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07141d9
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+var players = [
+ {
+ "id": 485,
+ "tag": "Serral",
+ "name": "Joona Sotala",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1998-03-22",
+ "country": "FI",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 3762,
+ "position": 1,
+ "sum_earnings": 1304282
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 49,
+ "tag": "Maru",
+ "name": "조성주",
+ "romanized_name": "Cho Seong Ju",
+ "birthday": "1997-07-28",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3423,
+ "position": 4,
+ "sum_earnings": 1162687
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1662,
+ "tag": "Rogue",
+ "name": "이병렬",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Byung Ryul",
+ "birthday": "1994-01-13",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2978,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 1030970
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 76,
+ "tag": "Dark",
+ "name": "박령우",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Ryung Woo",
+ "birthday": "1995-10-06",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 3420,
+ "position": 5,
+ "sum_earnings": 1004969
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 48,
+ "tag": "INnoVation",
+ "name": "이신형",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Shin Hyung",
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+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2790,
+ "position": null,
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+ "tag": "Reynor",
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+ "birthday": "2002-07-01",
+ "country": "IT",
+ "race": "Z",
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+ "position": 7,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 63,
+ "tag": "TY",
+ "name": "전태양",
+ "romanized_name": "Jun Tae Yang",
+ "birthday": "1994-09-18",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2582,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 679833
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1658,
+ "tag": "Zest",
+ "name": "주성욱",
+ "romanized_name": "Joo Sung Wook",
+ "birthday": "1992-07-11",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2944,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 652314
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 110,
+ "tag": "sOs",
+ "name": "김유진",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Yoo Jin",
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+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2604,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 622197
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 309,
+ "tag": "Stats",
+ "name": "김대엽",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Dae Yeob",
+ "birthday": "1992-05-15",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2746,
+ "position": 26,
+ "sum_earnings": 601150
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 125,
+ "tag": "soO",
+ "name": "어윤수",
+ "romanized_name": "Eo Yun Su",
+ "birthday": "1992-09-24",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2551,
+ "position": 37,
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+ "id": 1793,
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+ "name": "강민수",
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+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
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+ "sum_earnings": 572430
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+ {
+ "id": 47,
+ "tag": "ByuN",
+ "name": "변현우",
+ "romanized_name": "Byun Hyun Woo",
+ "birthday": "1993-05-08",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3284,
+ "position": 8,
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+ },
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+ "id": 186,
+ "tag": "Classic",
+ "name": "김도우",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Doh Woo",
+ "birthday": "1991-11-27",
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+ "race": "P",
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+ "tag": "MC",
+ "name": "장민철",
+ "romanized_name": "Jang Min Chul",
+ "birthday": "1991-06-17",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1905,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 515559
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 233,
+ "tag": "herO",
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+ "romanized_name": "Kim Joon Ho",
+ "birthday": "1992-08-18",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
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+ "position": 6,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 3,
+ "tag": "Life",
+ "name": "이승현",
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+ "birthday": "1997-01-11",
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+ "id": 5,
+ "tag": "PartinG",
+ "name": "원이삭",
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+ "birthday": "1994-08-24",
+ "country": "KR",
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+ "rating": 2896,
+ "position": 16,
+ "sum_earnings": 456210
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+ "id": 19,
+ "tag": "Polt",
+ "name": "최성훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Seong Hun",
+ "birthday": "1988-07-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2135,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 452370
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+ {
+ "id": 184,
+ "tag": "SpeCial",
+ "name": "Juan Carlos Tena Lopez",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-05-20",
+ "country": "MX",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2640,
+ "position": 33,
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+ {
+ "id": 23,
+ "tag": "Scarlett",
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+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-12-14",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2718,
+ "position": 28,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 13,
+ "tag": "Mvp",
+ "name": "정종현",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Jong Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1991-02-12",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1805,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 408481
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 10115,
+ "tag": "Oliveira",
+ "name": "李培楠",
+ "romanized_name": "Li Peinan",
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+ "race": "T",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 28,
+ "tag": "MMA",
+ "name": "문성원",
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+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
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+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 384886
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+ {
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+ "tag": "Snute",
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+ "birthday": "1990-07-28",
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+ "rating": 2138,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 379605
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+ {
+ "id": 26,
+ "tag": "Nerchio",
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+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-08-09",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2092,
+ "position": 68,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 177,
+ "tag": "Trap",
+ "name": "조성호",
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+ "birthday": "1994-03-24",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2824,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 375661
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2170,
+ "tag": "ShoWTimE",
+ "name": "Tobias Sieber",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1994-02-23",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2873,
+ "position": 18,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1665,
+ "tag": "Cure",
+ "name": "김도욱",
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+ "birthday": "1994-11-25",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3162,
+ "position": 10,
+ "sum_earnings": 341515
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4,
+ "tag": "DRG",
+ "name": "박수호",
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+ {
+ "id": 5847,
+ "tag": "Elazer",
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+ {
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+ {
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+ "birthday": "1997-07-04",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "GuMiho",
+ "name": "고병재",
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+ "id": 22,
+ "tag": "NesTea",
+ "name": "임재덕",
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+ "position": null,
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+ "id": 1,
+ "tag": "Leenock",
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+ "birthday": "1995-04-01",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2278,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 277999
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 12,
+ "tag": "Bomber",
+ "name": "최지성",
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+ "birthday": "1988-01-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1979,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 256123
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 11,
+ "tag": "HerO",
+ "name": "송현덕",
+ "romanized_name": "Song Hyun Deok",
+ "birthday": "1990-06-20",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1956,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 255663
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 15,
+ "tag": "HyuN",
+ "name": "고석현",
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+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
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+ "sum_earnings": 234686
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 58,
+ "tag": "MaNa",
+ "name": "Grzegorz Komincz",
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+ "birthday": "1993-12-14",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2496,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 7,
+ "tag": "Rain (P)",
+ "name": "정윤종",
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+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2232,
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+ "id": 1659,
+ "tag": "Dear",
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+ "id": 73,
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+ "rating": 1978,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 221753
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2,
+ "tag": "Creator",
+ "name": "장현우",
+ "romanized_name": "Jang Hyun Woo",
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+ "position": 21,
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+ {
+ "id": 14,
+ "tag": "MarineKing",
+ "name": "이정훈",
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+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 206257
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "aLive",
+ "name": "한이석",
+ "romanized_name": "Han Lee Seok",
+ "birthday": "1992-11-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
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+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 202162
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4105,
+ "tag": "Kelazhur",
+ "name": "Diego Guilherme Schwimer",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-10-10",
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+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2669,
+ "position": 32,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 117,
+ "tag": "SHIN",
+ "name": "신희범",
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+ {
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+ "tag": "Has",
+ "name": "柯昱夆",
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+ "birthday": "1997-06-03",
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+ "race": "P",
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+ "sum_earnings": 185073
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": true,
+ "name": "방태수",
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+ "position": null,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "NaNiwa",
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+ "birthday": "1990-03-14",
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+ "rating": 2013,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8,
+ "tag": "viOLet",
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+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 176184
+ },
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+ "tag": "uThermal",
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+ "race": "T",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1517,
+ "tag": "Bunny (KR)",
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+ "position": 20,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1652,
+ "tag": "Patience",
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+ "position": null,
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+ },
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+ "tag": "Sen",
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+ "race": "Z",
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+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 152401
+ },
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+ "birthday": "1988-10-04",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "MaSa",
+ "name": "Maru Kim",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-03-20",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2155,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 144629
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 45,
+ "tag": "Soulkey",
+ "name": "김민철",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Min Chul",
+ "birthday": "1991-12-10",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1931,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 141760
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 126,
+ "tag": "PuMa",
+ "name": "이호준",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Ho Joon",
+ "birthday": "1991-07-23",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1337,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 141584
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 160,
+ "tag": "XiGua",
+ "name": "王磊",
+ "romanized_name": "Wang Lei",
+ "birthday": "1987-01-14",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1763,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 139108
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5087,
+ "tag": "PtitDrogo",
+ "name": "Théo Freydière",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-11-09",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2306,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 138775
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 129,
+ "tag": "HuK",
+ "name": "Chris Loranger",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1989-05-10",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1790,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 138575
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1557,
+ "tag": "Hydra",
+ "name": "신동원",
+ "romanized_name": "Shin Dong Won",
+ "birthday": "1991-09-04",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2337,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 136051
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 276,
+ "tag": "Jim",
+ "name": "曹晋珲",
+ "romanized_name": "Cao Jinhun",
+ "birthday": "1995-10-10",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1679,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 134838
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 214,
+ "tag": "Harstem",
+ "name": "Kevin de Koning",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1994-07-28",
+ "country": "NL",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2575,
+ "position": 34,
+ "sum_earnings": 133032
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 35,
+ "tag": "Ryung",
+ "name": "김동원",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Dong Won",
+ "birthday": "1991-04-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2692,
+ "position": 29,
+ "sum_earnings": 131877
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 109,
+ "tag": "Dream",
+ "name": "조중혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Cho Joong Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1996-10-27",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2685,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 130286
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 161,
+ "tag": "TooDming",
+ "name": "黄慧明",
+ "romanized_name": "Huang Huiming",
+ "birthday": "1988-10-07",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1815,
+ "position": 97,
+ "sum_earnings": 127972
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 29,
+ "tag": "jjakji",
+ "name": "정지훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Ji Hoon",
+ "birthday": "1994-02-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2161,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 127909
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1098,
+ "tag": "Cham",
+ "name": "Pablo Cham",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-02-19",
+ "country": "MX",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2480,
+ "position": 42,
+ "sum_earnings": 118613
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4452,
+ "tag": "Spirit",
+ "name": "Piotr Walukiewicz",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1998-10-08",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2737,
+ "position": 27,
+ "sum_earnings": 115073
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 185,
+ "tag": "StarDust",
+ "name": "손석희",
+ "romanized_name": "Son Seok Hee",
+ "birthday": "1990-05-27",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1843,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 112614
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 7956,
+ "tag": "Cyan",
+ "name": "黄旻",
+ "romanized_name": "Huang Min",
+ "birthday": "1992-10-28",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2332,
+ "position": 51,
+ "sum_earnings": 111585
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 51,
+ "tag": "San",
+ "name": "강초원",
+ "romanized_name": "Kang Cho Won",
+ "birthday": "1990-05-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1884,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 111014
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 123,
+ "tag": "TLO",
+ "name": "Dario Wünsch",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-07-13",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2114,
+ "position": 65,
+ "sum_earnings": 108557
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 79,
+ "tag": "ByuL",
+ "name": "한지원",
+ "romanized_name": "Han Ji Won",
+ "birthday": "1992-08-07",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2302,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 106614
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 52,
+ "tag": "VortiX",
+ "name": "Juan Moreno Duran",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-09-10",
+ "country": "ES",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2107,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 106480
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 223,
+ "tag": "FruitDealer",
+ "name": "김원기",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Won Ki",
+ "birthday": "1985-07-27",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1204,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 102641
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 31,
+ "tag": "Losira",
+ "name": "황강호",
+ "romanized_name": "Hwang Kang Ho",
+ "birthday": "1992-04-11",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1969,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 102448
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 54,
+ "tag": "YoDa",
+ "name": "최병현",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Byung Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1992-12-24",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1736,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 101774
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 317,
+ "tag": "Nina",
+ "name": "Alison Qual",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-08-15",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2081,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 101540
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 19591,
+ "tag": "MaxPax",
+ "name": null,
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2004-07-01",
+ "country": "DK",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 3489,
+ "position": 3,
+ "sum_earnings": 98101
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 139,
+ "tag": "ThorZaIN",
+ "name": "Marcus Eklöf",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1991-02-09",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1571,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 98047
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 24,
+ "tag": "KeeN",
+ "name": "황규석",
+ "romanized_name": "Hwang Kyu Seok",
+ "birthday": "1994-10-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2520,
+ "position": 40,
+ "sum_earnings": 93783
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 68,
+ "tag": "Hurricane",
+ "name": "남기웅",
+ "romanized_name": "Nam Ki Woong",
+ "birthday": "1995-11-18",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2350,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 93414
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1649,
+ "tag": "MarineLorD",
+ "name": "Alexis Eusebio",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-06-01",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2553,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 93284
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5064,
+ "tag": "Lilbow",
+ "name": "David Moschetto",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-06-27",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2103,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 89171
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8106,
+ "tag": "Nice",
+ "name": "黄昱翔",
+ "romanized_name": "Huang Yu Shiang",
+ "birthday": "1999-05-15",
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2204,
+ "position": 56,
+ "sum_earnings": 89036
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 18,
+ "tag": "Symbol",
+ "name": "강동현",
+ "romanized_name": "Kang Dong Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1992-01-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1801,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 88730
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 43,
+ "tag": "Genius",
+ "name": "정민수",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Min Soo",
+ "birthday": "1991-08-01",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1539,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 87094
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1813,
+ "tag": "Bunny (DK)",
+ "name": "Patrick Brix",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-12-04",
+ "country": "DK",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1924,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 86152
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 75,
+ "tag": "SortOf",
+ "name": "Rickard Bergman",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-07-24",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2166,
+ "position": 62,
+ "sum_earnings": 85572
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4120,
+ "tag": "Probe",
+ "name": "Sean Kempen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-12-13",
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2110,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 83062
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 17,
+ "tag": "Squirtle",
+ "name": "박현우",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Hyun Woo",
+ "birthday": "1992-07-06",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1597,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 82622
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 41,
+ "tag": "Kas",
+ "name": "Михайло Гайда",
+ "romanized_name": "Mikhaylo Hayda",
+ "birthday": "1988-11-25",
+ "country": "UA",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1929,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 82588
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 39,
+ "tag": "First",
+ "name": "강현우",
+ "romanized_name": "Kang Hyun Woo",
+ "birthday": "1992-06-11",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1860,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 81888
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 83,
+ "tag": "HasuObs",
+ "name": "Dennis Schneider",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1988-05-26",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1479,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 81445
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 86,
+ "tag": "Alicia",
+ "name": "양준식",
+ "romanized_name": "Yang Joon Sik",
+ "birthday": "1987-08-01",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1489,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 81058
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1660,
+ "tag": "Impact",
+ "name": "김준혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Joon Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1995-09-07",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2383,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 80427
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 249,
+ "tag": "XY",
+ "name": "向瑶",
+ "romanized_name": "Xiang Yao",
+ "birthday": "1987-05-14",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1959,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 79610
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4521,
+ "tag": "DnS",
+ "name": "Adrien Bouet",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-04-19",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2345,
+ "position": 49,
+ "sum_earnings": 78837
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 152,
+ "tag": "DIMAGA",
+ "name": "Дмитро Філіпчук",
+ "romanized_name": "Dmytro Filipchuk",
+ "birthday": "1986-06-03",
+ "country": "UA",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1940,
+ "position": 81,
+ "sum_earnings": 78310
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2053,
+ "tag": "Zoun",
+ "name": "박한솔",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Han Sol",
+ "birthday": "1997-06-17",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2845,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 75594
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 16,
+ "tag": "Curious",
+ "name": "이원표",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Won Pyo",
+ "birthday": "1990-03-28",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1811,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 74199
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 82,
+ "tag": "Oz",
+ "name": "김학수",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Hak Soo",
+ "birthday": "1989-04-23",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1633,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 73593
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 80,
+ "tag": "RorO",
+ "name": "신노열",
+ "romanized_name": "Shin No Yeol",
+ "birthday": "1991-01-19",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1720,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 72278
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 55,
+ "tag": "Flash",
+ "name": "이영호",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Young Ho",
+ "birthday": "1992-07-05",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1995,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 71486
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 163,
+ "tag": "Socke",
+ "name": "Giacomo Thüs",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1987-02-02",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1461,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 71166
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 21,
+ "tag": "Seed",
+ "name": "안상원",
+ "romanized_name": "Ahn Sang Won",
+ "birthday": "1991-01-13",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1559,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 70592
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2566,
+ "tag": "Armani",
+ "name": "박진혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Jin Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1996-04-29",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2269,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 70175
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 208,
+ "tag": "Ret",
+ "name": "Joseph de Kroon",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1985-11-03",
+ "country": "NL",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1598,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 69973
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8676,
+ "tag": "SKillous",
+ "name": "Никита Гуревич",
+ "romanized_name": "Nikita Gurevich",
+ "birthday": "2001-04-17",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2798,
+ "position": 24,
+ "sum_earnings": 67181
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 95,
+ "tag": "Happy (RU)",
+ "name": "Дмитрий Костин",
+ "romanized_name": "Dmitry Kostin",
+ "birthday": "1991-06-17",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2033,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 65413
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 50,
+ "tag": "LucifroN",
+ "name": "Pedro Moreno Durán",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1991-10-31",
+ "country": "ES",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1576,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 64665
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 155,
+ "tag": "IdrA",
+ "name": "Gregory Fields",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-08-21",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1240,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 64643
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9,
+ "tag": "Sniper",
+ "name": "권태훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Kwon Tae Hoon",
+ "birthday": "1995-01-22",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1455,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 63980
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4198,
+ "tag": "Zanster",
+ "name": "Anton Dahlström",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-11-21",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2008,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 63973
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 153,
+ "tag": "Welmu",
+ "name": "Vesa Matti Hovinen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-12-05",
+ "country": "FI",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1811,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 62846
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 882,
+ "tag": "iaguz",
+ "name": "Ethan Zugai",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-11-09",
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1726,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 61311
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 144,
+ "tag": "Grubby",
+ "name": "Manuel Schenkhuizen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1986-05-11",
+ "country": "NL",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1501,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 61129
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 90,
+ "tag": "Revival",
+ "name": "김동현",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Dong Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1992-01-31",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1629,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 59678
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4723,
+ "tag": "Namshar",
+ "name": "Christoffer Kolmodin",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-01-16",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2197,
+ "position": 58,
+ "sum_earnings": 59442
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 42,
+ "tag": "Heart",
+ "name": "김민혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Min Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1990-11-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1743,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 57270
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 32,
+ "tag": "SuperNova",
+ "name": "김영진",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Young Jin",
+ "birthday": "1990-05-17",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1799,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 56337
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 164,
+ "tag": "White-Ra",
+ "name": "Олексій Крупник",
+ "romanized_name": "Aleksey Krupnyk",
+ "birthday": "1980-11-15",
+ "country": "UA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1142,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 56135
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4370,
+ "tag": "GunGFuBanDa",
+ "name": "Fabian Mayer",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1998-04-23",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2524,
+ "position": 39,
+ "sum_earnings": 54442
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9990,
+ "tag": "Seither",
+ "name": "Sheldon Barrow",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1994-06-29",
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1853,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 51707
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 655,
+ "tag": "FireCake",
+ "name": "Sébastien Lebbe",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-04-27",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1739,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 51662
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 37,
+ "tag": "duckdeok",
+ "name": "김경덕",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Kyeong Deok",
+ "birthday": "1995-01-27",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1656,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 51576
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8913,
+ "tag": "Gerald",
+ "name": "Mateusz Budziak",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1998-10-16",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2345,
+ "position": 48,
+ "sum_earnings": 50777
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 13216,
+ "tag": "Wayne",
+ "name": "Иван Чепурнов",
+ "romanized_name": "Ivan Chepurnov",
+ "birthday": "2001-06-09",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2560,
+ "position": 36,
+ "sum_earnings": 50215
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4388,
+ "tag": "JonSnow",
+ "name": "Jarod George",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-01-13",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1903,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 49180
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 13017,
+ "tag": "Future",
+ "name": "Joseph Stanish",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2002-05-09",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2458,
+ "position": 43,
+ "sum_earnings": 49101
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5933,
+ "tag": "Jieshi",
+ "name": "胡家骏",
+ "romanized_name": "Hu Jiajun",
+ "birthday": "1995-11-05",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2330,
+ "position": 52,
+ "sum_earnings": 48278
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 300,
+ "tag": "FanTaSy",
+ "name": "정명훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Myung Hoon",
+ "birthday": "1991-07-01",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2505,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 47471
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 65,
+ "tag": "July",
+ "name": "박성준",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Sung Joon",
+ "birthday": "1986-12-18",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1326,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 46957
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 92,
+ "tag": "kiwian",
+ "name": "김정훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Jung Hoon",
+ "birthday": "1990-11-26",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1833,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 46256
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 267,
+ "tag": "Dayshi",
+ "name": "Antoine Stievenart",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1994-08-08",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1869,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 44180
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 146,
+ "tag": "TargA",
+ "name": "Kristoffer Marthinsen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-04-15",
+ "country": "NO",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1787,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 44142
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 131,
+ "tag": "Brat_OK",
+ "name": "Павел Кузнецов",
+ "romanized_name": "Pavel Kuznetsov",
+ "birthday": "1987-01-03",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1837,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 44099
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 103,
+ "tag": "elfi",
+ "name": "Samuli Sihvonen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-10-24",
+ "country": "FI",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1694,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 43193
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 151,
+ "tag": "MorroW",
+ "name": "Carl Stefan Andersson",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-08-11",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1398,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 43058
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 12125,
+ "tag": "MeomaikA",
+ "name": "Trần Hồng Phúc",
+ "romanized_name": "Tran Hong Phuc",
+ "birthday": "1994-01-12",
+ "country": "VN",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1968,
+ "position": 78,
+ "sum_earnings": 42088
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 169,
+ "tag": "HalfBreed",
+ "name": "Felipe Zuñiga",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1989-12-16",
+ "country": "CL",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1548,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 41916
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 206,
+ "tag": "RainBOw",
+ "name": "김성제",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Seong Je",
+ "birthday": "1984-02-08",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1432,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 41264
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 128,
+ "tag": "SaSe",
+ "name": "Kim Hammar",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1987-07-12",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1531,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 40842
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2309,
+ "tag": "Rex",
+ "name": "雷皓成",
+ "romanized_name": "Lei Haocheng",
+ "birthday": "1993-04-23",
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2011,
+ "position": 75,
+ "sum_earnings": 40539
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 38,
+ "tag": "TheStC",
+ "name": "최연식",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Yeon Sik",
+ "birthday": "1989-01-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1476,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 40525
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 105,
+ "tag": "Super",
+ "name": "서성민",
+ "romanized_name": "Seo Sung Min",
+ "birthday": "1994-05-01",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2058,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 39671
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 200,
+ "tag": "SeleCT",
+ "name": "류경현",
+ "romanized_name": "Ryoo Kyung Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1988-10-21",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1083,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 39257
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 224,
+ "tag": "SjoW",
+ "name": "Jeffrey Brusi",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1986-12-23",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1387,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 38711
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4564,
+ "tag": "Denver",
+ "name": "Clément Coste",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-04-10",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2468,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 38613
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5409,
+ "tag": "ShaDoWn",
+ "name": "Thomas Labrousse",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-07-21",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2292,
+ "position": 53,
+ "sum_earnings": 38564
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1148,
+ "tag": "EnDerr",
+ "name": "Caviar Napoleon Marquises-Acampado",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-12-02",
+ "country": "PH",
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+ "rating": 1883,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 38267
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "PiLiPiLi",
+ "name": "Павел Пилипенко",
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+ "birthday": "1996-05-11",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2077,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 36991
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 87,
+ "tag": "Golden",
+ "name": "조명환",
+ "romanized_name": "Jo Myung Hwan",
+ "birthday": "1994-07-19",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1698,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 36892
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8980,
+ "tag": "Coffee",
+ "name": "吴奕棽",
+ "romanized_name": "Wu Yishen",
+ "birthday": "1999-12-05",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2422,
+ "position": 46,
+ "sum_earnings": 36552
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2567,
+ "tag": "Pigbaby",
+ "name": "양희수",
+ "romanized_name": "Yang Hee Soo",
+ "birthday": "1992-12-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1763,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 36490
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 21244,
+ "tag": "trigger",
+ "name": null,
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2002-07-11",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2427,
+ "position": 45,
+ "sum_earnings": 35528
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 121,
+ "tag": "DeMusliM",
+ "name": "Benjamin Baker",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-01-24",
+ "country": "UK",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1882,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 34996
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 119,
+ "tag": "mOOnGLaDe",
+ "name": "Andrew Pender",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1986-07-14",
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1378,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 34393
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 310,
+ "tag": "Top",
+ "name": "胡涛",
+ "romanized_name": "Hu Tao",
+ "birthday": "1990-01-29",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1579,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 34304
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 46,
+ "tag": "JYP",
+ "name": "박진영",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Jin Young",
+ "birthday": "1991-10-13",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1333,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 34294
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2568,
+ "tag": "Trust",
+ "name": "최성일",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Sung Il",
+ "birthday": "1995-04-12",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2110,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 34286
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 13361,
+ "tag": "Firefly",
+ "name": "薛涛",
+ "romanized_name": "Xue Tao",
+ "birthday": "2000-10-02",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2671,
+ "position": 31,
+ "sum_earnings": 33879
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1709,
+ "tag": "MyuNgSiK",
+ "name": "김명식",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Myung Sik",
+ "birthday": "1994-11-05",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1991,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 33381
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 104,
+ "tag": "Rain (T)",
+ "name": "박서용",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Seo Yong",
+ "birthday": "1993-12-04",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1378,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 33175
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 93,
+ "tag": "NaDa",
+ "name": "이윤열",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Yun Yeol",
+ "birthday": "1984-11-20",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1257,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32999
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 353,
+ "tag": "Lyn",
+ "name": "박준",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Joon",
+ "birthday": "1986-12-21",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1541,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32997
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 221,
+ "tag": "ViBE",
+ "name": "Dan Scherlong",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1987-05-09",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1525,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32910
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 910,
+ "tag": "JimRising",
+ "name": "Jaime Arturo Duran Silencio",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-10-12",
+ "country": "MX",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1698,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32460
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 141,
+ "tag": "InCa",
+ "name": "송준혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Song Joon Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1991-07-23",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1060,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32108
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5118,
+ "tag": "Semper",
+ "name": "Alex Dimitriu",
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+ "birthday": "1995-09-06",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1905,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32031
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 274,
+ "tag": "Rail",
+ "name": "Артём Авраменко",
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+ "birthday": "1993-12-15",
+ "country": null,
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2082,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 32020
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8148,
+ "tag": "NightMare",
+ "name": "장욱",
+ "romanized_name": "Jang Wook",
+ "birthday": "1999-02-23",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2862,
+ "position": 19,
+ "sum_earnings": 31513
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 14887,
+ "tag": "Krystianer",
+ "name": "Krystian Szczęsny",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2004-01-29",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2528,
+ "position": 38,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 242,
+ "tag": "Loner",
+ "name": "戴逸",
+ "romanized_name": "Dai Yi",
+ "birthday": "1991-02-10",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1318,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 31028
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 20,
+ "tag": "YongHwa",
+ "name": "최용화",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Yong Hwa",
+ "birthday": "1992-01-30",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1657,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 30988
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 57,
+ "tag": "GanZi",
+ "name": "김동주",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Dong Joo",
+ "birthday": "1987-12-30",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1382,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 30870
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 193,
+ "tag": "GoOdy",
+ "name": "Sascha Lupp",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1985-10-27",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1498,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 30688
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 246,
+ "tag": "PiG",
+ "name": "Jared Krensel",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1988-12-11",
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1627,
+ "position": 127,
+ "sum_earnings": 29947
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 107,
+ "tag": "Suppy",
+ "name": "Conan Liu",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-03-05",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1712,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 29867
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 175,
+ "tag": "Bbyong",
+ "name": "정우용",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Woo Yong",
+ "birthday": "1992-09-08",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2103,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 29656
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 70,
+ "tag": "Moon",
+ "name": "장재호",
+ "romanized_name": "Jang Jae Ho",
+ "birthday": "1986-12-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1405,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 29528
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 747,
+ "tag": "Petraeus",
+ "name": "Mackenzie Smith",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-06-25",
+ "country": "NZ",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1753,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 29354
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1655,
+ "tag": "Kane",
+ "name": "Sam Morrissette",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-11-16",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1827,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 28684
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 10953,
+ "tag": "Hellraiser",
+ "name": "Богдан Козар",
+ "romanized_name": "Bogdan Kozar",
+ "birthday": "1998-12-28",
+ "country": "UA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2330,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 28407
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 174,
+ "tag": "ToD",
+ "name": "Yoan Merlo",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1985-03-20",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1375,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 28139
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 941,
+ "tag": "Sacsri",
+ "name": "이예훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Yeh Hoon",
+ "birthday": "1992-02-18",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1908,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 27842
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 136,
+ "tag": "HongUn",
+ "name": "안홍욱",
+ "romanized_name": "Ahn Hong Wook",
+ "birthday": "1987-03-26",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1104,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 27738
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 7958,
+ "tag": "Erik",
+ "name": "Erik Bermelho",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-11-20",
+ "country": "BR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2176,
+ "position": 60,
+ "sum_earnings": 27711
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Vindicta",
+ "name": "Miguel Marmolejo",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2000-11-23",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2111,
+ "position": 66,
+ "sum_earnings": 27028
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 189,
+ "tag": "BlinG",
+ "name": "Samayan Kay",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1991-11-07",
+ "country": "UK",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1459,
+ "position": null,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "RiSky",
+ "name": "Joshua Hayward",
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+ "birthday": "1996-02-27",
+ "country": "UK",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2036,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 26927
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9846,
+ "tag": "goblin",
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+ "birthday": "2002-02-03",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 195,
+ "tag": "Billowy",
+ "name": "김도경",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Do Kyung",
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+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1998,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 26801
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 271,
+ "tag": "Jinro",
+ "name": "Jonathan Walsh",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1989-01-14",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1116,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 26710
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 261,
+ "tag": "qxc",
+ "name": "Kevin Riley",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1989-10-11",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1620,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 26583
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 81,
+ "tag": "Zenio",
+ "name": "최정민",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Jung Min",
+ "birthday": "1991-03-31",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1335,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 25194
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 112,
+ "tag": "TAiLS",
+ "name": "김원형",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Won Hyung",
+ "birthday": "1992-08-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1706,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24823
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 74,
+ "tag": "sC",
+ "name": "김승철",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Seung Chul",
+ "birthday": "1995-02-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1486,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24699
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 88,
+ "tag": "sLivko",
+ "name": "Артём Гаравцов",
+ "romanized_name": "Artem Garavtsov",
+ "birthday": "1989-08-27",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1319,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24647
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 172,
+ "tag": "Strelok",
+ "name": "Євген Опаришев",
+ "romanized_name": "Evhen Oparyshev",
+ "birthday": "1985-05-25",
+ "country": "UA",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1489,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24610
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 11820,
+ "tag": "ExpecT",
+ "name": null,
+ "romanized_name": "Tsung Yen Wu",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1662,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24536
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 187,
+ "tag": "Adelscott",
+ "name": "Benoît Strypsteen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1985-09-23",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1138,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24506
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 115,
+ "tag": "BabyKnight",
+ "name": "Jon Andersen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-06-15",
+ "country": "DK",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1499,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 24231
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 381,
+ "tag": "Reality",
+ "name": "김기현",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Ki Hyun",
+ "birthday": "1993-06-06",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2256,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23940
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 192,
+ "tag": "Naama",
+ "name": "Santeri Lahtinen",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-10-13",
+ "country": "FI",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1049,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23888
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 60,
+ "tag": "TitaN",
+ "name": "Олег Купцов",
+ "romanized_name": "Oleg Kuptsov",
+ "birthday": "1989-11-04",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1375,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23779
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 243,
+ "tag": "Minigun",
+ "name": "Chad Richard Jones",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-07-10",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1393,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23590
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 210,
+ "tag": "Tefel",
+ "name": "Łukasz Czarnecki",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1988-01-18",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1605,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23380
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 140,
+ "tag": "NightEnD",
+ "name": "Silviu Lazar",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1988-02-19",
+ "country": "RO",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1608,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23257
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 365,
+ "tag": "KingKong",
+ "name": "유충희",
+ "romanized_name": "Yoo Choong Hee",
+ "birthday": "1990-04-26",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1956,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 23246
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9314,
+ "tag": "DisK",
+ "name": "Alexandre Corriveau",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-01-01",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2197,
+ "position": 57,
+ "sum_earnings": 23218
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 537,
+ "tag": "Ian",
+ "name": "呂家宏",
+ "romanized_name": "Lu Jiahong",
+ "birthday": "1990-08-31",
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1226,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 22605
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 113,
+ "tag": "Swagger",
+ "name": "신상호",
+ "romanized_name": "Shin Sang Ho",
+ "birthday": "1990-02-09",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1319,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 22588
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 15204,
+ "tag": "ButAlways",
+ "name": "Chen Ting Yu",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1701,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 22231
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8359,
+ "tag": "GogojOey",
+ "name": null,
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "HK",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1931,
+ "position": 82,
+ "sum_earnings": 22115
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 56,
+ "tag": "Hack",
+ "name": "김영일",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Young Il",
+ "birthday": "1994-08-15",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1749,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 21844
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 220,
+ "tag": "Ensnare",
+ "name": "김상철",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Sang Cheol",
+ "birthday": "1987-09-21",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1160,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 21641
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 978,
+ "tag": "PSiArc",
+ "name": "西村 直紘",
+ "romanized_name": "Nishimura Naohiro",
+ "birthday": "1989-07-18",
+ "country": "JP",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1852,
+ "position": 93,
+ "sum_earnings": 21612
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 6058,
+ "tag": "Silky",
+ "name": "Nick McNeese",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-09-01",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2263,
+ "position": 54,
+ "sum_earnings": 21292
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 215,
+ "tag": "Arthur",
+ "name": "윤명혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Yoon Myung Hyuk",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1616,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 21232
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 216,
+ "tag": "Kyrix",
+ "name": "한준",
+ "romanized_name": "Han Joon",
+ "birthday": "1993-03-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1096,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 21040
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 219,
+ "tag": "Illusion",
+ "name": "이유성",
+ "romanized_name": "Yoo Sung 'Chris' Lee",
+ "birthday": "1996-03-04",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1366,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 20545
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1819,
+ "tag": "Xenocider",
+ "name": "Libo Chang",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-08-12",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1617,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 20365
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5109,
+ "tag": "Demi",
+ "name": null,
+ "romanized_name": "Varun Immanuel",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "IN",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1654,
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+ "sum_earnings": 20336
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 156,
+ "tag": "Fenix",
+ "name": "Jian Carlo Morayra Alejo",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-06-03",
+ "country": "PE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1012,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 20189
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 78,
+ "tag": "monchi",
+ "name": "Phillip Simon",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "AT",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1218,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 20017
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 124,
+ "tag": "BoxeR",
+ "name": "임요환",
+ "romanized_name": "Lim Yo Hwan",
+ "birthday": "1980-09-04",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1262,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 19960
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1978,
+ "tag": "Sora",
+ "name": "김정훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Jung Hoon",
+ "birthday": "1994-02-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1775,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 19866
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 114,
+ "tag": "AcE",
+ "name": "정우서",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Woo Seo",
+ "birthday": "1988-10-17",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1365,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 19570
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 118,
+ "tag": "Beastyqt",
+ "name": "Александар Крстић",
+ "romanized_name": "Aleksandar Krstic",
+ "birthday": "1990-12-29",
+ "country": "RS",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1825,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 19507
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 142,
+ "tag": "CranK",
+ "name": "최재원",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Jae Won",
+ "birthday": "1989-08-29",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1434,
+ "position": 154,
+ "sum_earnings": 19355
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 59,
+ "tag": "BBoongBBoong",
+ "name": "최종혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Jong Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1988-08-05",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1588,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 19124
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 40,
+ "tag": "Happy (KR)",
+ "name": "안호진",
+ "romanized_name": "Ahn Ho Jin",
+ "birthday": "1991-01-22",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1377,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 18993
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 61,
+ "tag": "Sleep",
+ "name": "김성한",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Seong Han",
+ "birthday": "1992-09-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1392,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 18982
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1171,
+ "tag": "Strange",
+ "name": "Алексей Соляков",
+ "romanized_name": "Alexey Solyakov",
+ "birthday": "1997-03-04",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2570,
+ "position": 35,
+ "sum_earnings": 18601
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 25,
+ "tag": "CoCa",
+ "name": "최종환",
+ "romanized_name": "Choi Jong Hwan",
+ "birthday": "1994-04-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1773,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 18598
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 67,
+ "tag": "Lucky",
+ "name": "이인수",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee In Soo",
+ "birthday": "1991-12-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1413,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 18263
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 183,
+ "tag": "Bischu",
+ "name": "Jesper Johansson",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-01-18",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1358,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 18159
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 12918,
+ "tag": "MilkiCow",
+ "name": "Илья Потапов",
+ "romanized_name": "Ilya Potapov",
+ "birthday": "2003-02-19",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2059,
+ "position": 72,
+ "sum_earnings": 18104
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 6937,
+ "tag": "Guru",
+ "name": "Szymon Nieciąg",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1994-05-12",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1949,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 17946
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 162,
+ "tag": "DarKFoRcE",
+ "name": "Jonathan Belke",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1255,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 17611
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "eGGz",
+ "name": "Sebastián Latorre",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1999-08-22",
+ "country": "CO",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2077,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 17538
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5114,
+ "tag": "Cloudy",
+ "name": "高源",
+ "romanized_name": "Gao Yuan",
+ "birthday": "1994-04-20",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1712,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 17390
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5635,
+ "tag": "Shana",
+ "name": "王雨伦",
+ "romanized_name": "Wang Yulun",
+ "birthday": "1997-07-08",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1579,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 17370
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 181,
+ "tag": "Bulldozer",
+ "name": "서기수",
+ "romanized_name": "Seo Ki Soo",
+ "birthday": "1984-11-29",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1139,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 17316
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9299,
+ "tag": "TeebuL",
+ "name": "Haseeb Ishaq",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "UK",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1748,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 17123
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 122,
+ "tag": "Clide",
+ "name": "한규종",
+ "romanized_name": "Han Kyu Jong",
+ "birthday": "1987-11-04",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1201,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 17043
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 253,
+ "tag": "anypro",
+ "name": "이정환",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Jung Hwan",
+ "birthday": "1987-08-19",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1111,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 16829
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4455,
+ "tag": "NXZ",
+ "name": "Ryan Jones",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-06-16",
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1585,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 16536
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 217,
+ "tag": "LoveCD",
+ "name": "李俊峰",
+ "romanized_name": "Li Junfeng",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1378,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 16257
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "ArT",
+ "name": "Tymoteusz Makaran",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-10-18",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2156,
+ "position": 64,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 66,
+ "tag": "Sage",
+ "name": "우경철",
+ "romanized_name": "Woo Kyung Chul",
+ "birthday": "1990-11-21",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1864,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 16067
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 245,
+ "tag": "State",
+ "name": "Ryan Visbeck",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-09-24",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1463,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 15923
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 98,
+ "tag": "YugiOh",
+ "name": "정승일",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Seung Il",
+ "birthday": "1992-06-17",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1605,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 15785
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 149,
+ "tag": "Sheth",
+ "name": "Shawn Simon",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1988-10-11",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1216,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 15597
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 64,
+ "tag": "Sting",
+ "name": "주훈",
+ "romanized_name": "Joo Hoon",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1518,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 15539
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 33,
+ "tag": "Puzzle",
+ "name": "김상준",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Sang Jun",
+ "birthday": "1992-10-02",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2016,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 15352
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1656,
+ "tag": "Starbuck",
+ "name": "Matic Dejak",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-01-30",
+ "country": "SI",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2035,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 15341
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 97,
+ "tag": "LiveZerg",
+ "name": "Андрей Гульдяшов",
+ "romanized_name": "Andrey Guldyashov",
+ "birthday": "1992-05-03",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1562,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 15113
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 295,
+ "tag": "CatZ",
+ "name": "Paulo Vizcarra",
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+ "birthday": "1986-07-04",
+ "country": "PE",
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+ "rating": 1569,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 14642
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 239,
+ "tag": "Stork",
+ "name": "송병구",
+ "romanized_name": "Song Byung Goo",
+ "birthday": "1988-08-04",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1737,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 14451
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 213,
+ "tag": "Apocalypse",
+ "name": "김민형",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Min Hyeong",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1800,
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+ "sum_earnings": 14106
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Blysk",
+ "name": "Thomas Kopankiewicz",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-11-23",
+ "country": "SG",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1594,
+ "position": null,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Epic",
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+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
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+ "rating": 2105,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 437,
+ "tag": "Slam",
+ "name": "劉彥呈",
+ "romanized_name": "Liu Yancheng",
+ "birthday": "1990-05-10",
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1293,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 13809
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 134,
+ "tag": "Virus",
+ "name": "박준용",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Joon Yong",
+ "birthday": "1992-10-26",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1208,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 13638
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9237,
+ "tag": "MCanning",
+ "name": "Chris Canning",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1800,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 13575
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 315,
+ "tag": "Infi",
+ "name": "王诩文",
+ "romanized_name": "Wang Xuwen",
+ "birthday": "1989-09-14",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1042,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 13524
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 458,
+ "tag": "Forte",
+ "name": "김기용",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Ki Yong",
+ "birthday": "1996-12-26",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1995,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 13372
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 260,
+ "tag": "MaFia",
+ "name": "Timothy He",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1650,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 13346
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 108,
+ "tag": "Feast",
+ "name": "Jérémy Vansnick",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1993-06-14",
+ "country": "BE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1339,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 13321
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 96,
+ "tag": "Daisy",
+ "name": "이종혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Jong Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1991-09-25",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1416,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 13311
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2102,
+ "tag": "Bails",
+ "name": "Bailey Thomas",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-06-25",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1621,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 13168
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 180,
+ "tag": "TT1",
+ "name": "Payam Toghyan",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1988-03-18",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1259,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 13140
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 3608,
+ "tag": "Ein",
+ "name": "高坤",
+ "romanized_name": "Gao Kun",
+ "birthday": "1990-04-11",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1522,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 12958
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 227,
+ "tag": "ClouD",
+ "name": "Carlo Giannacco",
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+ "birthday": "1987-05-31",
+ "country": "IT",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1216,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 12947
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 53,
+ "tag": "fraer",
+ "name": "Ігор Турчин",
+ "romanized_name": "Igor Turchin",
+ "birthday": "1991-11-18",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1544,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 12879
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 7555,
+ "tag": "Ryu",
+ "name": "Eduard Condori",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "PE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1961,
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+ "sum_earnings": 12376
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 166,
+ "tag": "Check (1986)",
+ "name": "이형주",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Hyung Joo",
+ "birthday": "1986-02-14",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1346,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 12365
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 285,
+ "tag": "XluoS",
+ "name": "宋迎",
+ "romanized_name": "Song Ying",
+ "birthday": "1990-02-20",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1245,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 12364
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2966,
+ "tag": "Bioice",
+ "name": "Jackson Wroblewski",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1835,
+ "position": 94,
+ "sum_earnings": 12337
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 481,
+ "tag": "DeParture",
+ "name": "현성민",
+ "romanized_name": "Hyun Sung Min",
+ "birthday": "1995-08-22",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1998,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 12327
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 30,
+ "tag": "NAKSEO",
+ "name": "탁현승",
+ "romanized_name": "Tak Hyun Seung",
+ "birthday": "1994-03-29",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1515,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 12274
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 143,
+ "tag": "Choya",
+ "name": "이형섭",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Hyung Sup",
+ "birthday": "1988-08-08",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1212,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 12255
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1663,
+ "tag": "Check (1993)",
+ "name": "김민규",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Min Kyu",
+ "birthday": "1993-01-05",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1590,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 12176
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 6459,
+ "tag": "NoRegreT",
+ "name": "Jake Umpleby",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1996-03-25",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1610,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 12118
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4740,
+ "tag": "Pezz",
+ "name": "Jack Perry",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1840,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 12027
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 102,
+ "tag": "LoWeLy",
+ "name": "Антон Плебановіч",
+ "romanized_name": "Anton Plebanovich",
+ "birthday": "1986-10-02",
+ "country": "BY",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1325,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 11991
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 250,
+ "tag": "Tarson",
+ "name": "Tomasz Boroń",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1986-04-11",
+ "country": "PL",
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+ "rating": 1161,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 11984
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 167,
+ "tag": "dde",
+ "name": "이동연",
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+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1225,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 11605
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 168,
+ "tag": "Goswser",
+ "name": "Michael Dobler",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-08-20",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1336,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 11578
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 3501,
+ "tag": "Azure",
+ "name": "Craig MacKechnie",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-07-31",
+ "country": "AU",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1683,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 11568
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 170,
+ "tag": "KiWiKaKi",
+ "name": "Jonathan Garneau",
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+ "birthday": "1989-04-06",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1356,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 11466
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 236,
+ "tag": "TheBest",
+ "name": "김찬민",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Chan Min",
+ "birthday": "1991-04-05",
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+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1330,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 11411
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Shine",
+ "name": "이영한",
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+ "birthday": "1991-08-24",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1618,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 11331
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "XlorD",
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+ "birthday": "1991-09-27",
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+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1339,
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+ "sum_earnings": 11096
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Raza",
+ "name": "Raza Sekha",
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+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "UK",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1763,
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+ {
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+ "tag": "BreakingGG",
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+ "birthday": null,
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+ "rating": 1660,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "piglet",
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+ "birthday": null,
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+ "rating": 1811,
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+ "sum_earnings": 11036
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+ {
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+ "tag": "YoungYakov",
+ "name": "Яков Моисеенко",
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+ "birthday": "2004-04-15",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2338,
+ "position": 50,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Courage",
+ "name": "钱赞企",
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+ "country": "CN",
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+ "rating": 1133,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 10879
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Bistork",
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+ "country": "HK",
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+ "rating": 1344,
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+ {
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+ "tag": "KrasS",
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+ "birthday": null,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "HaNfy",
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+ "rating": 1641,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "hendralisk",
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+ "birthday": null,
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 137,
+ "tag": "Last",
+ "name": "김성현",
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+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1416,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 10696
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5938,
+ "tag": "Silky",
+ "name": "殷泳鑫",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Percival",
+ "name": "정재영",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Jae Yeong",
+ "birthday": "2002-03-28",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2242,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 10571
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "LaLuSh",
+ "name": "Faton Rekathati",
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+ "birthday": "1988-04-23",
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+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1110,
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+ "sum_earnings": 10482
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "DieStar",
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+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1990-06-18",
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+ "rating": 1416,
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+ "tag": "AqueroN",
+ "name": "Rubén Villanueva",
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+ "rating": 2171,
+ "position": 61,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Winter",
+ "name": "Felix Hegethorn",
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+ "birthday": "1995-02-18",
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+ "rating": 1605,
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 399,
+ "tag": "LiveForever",
+ "name": "김태환",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Tae Hwan",
+ "birthday": "1989-05-04",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1206,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 10177
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "YB",
+ "name": "변영봉",
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+ "country": "KR",
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+ "rating": 1977,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 10136
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Prince",
+ "name": "최민우",
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+ "country": "KR",
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+ "rating": 2378,
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+ "sum_earnings": 10124
+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Ranger",
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+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-07-30",
+ "country": "MY",
+ "race": "P",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "PandaBearMe",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "SuHoSin",
+ "name": "김수호",
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+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1273,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 10031
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 225,
+ "tag": "Maka",
+ "name": "곽한얼",
+ "romanized_name": "Kwak Han Eol",
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+ "country": "KR",
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+ "rating": 1080,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 9969
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Ruin",
+ "name": "홍덕",
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+ "rating": 1695,
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Journey",
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "Flying",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "inori",
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "tag": "EffOrt",
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1642,
+ "tag": "ParalyzE",
+ "name": "정경두",
+ "romanized_name": "Jung Kyung Doo",
+ "birthday": "1992-10-15",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1615,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 8417
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5130,
+ "tag": "Jarppi",
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+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "CL",
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+ "rating": 1779,
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+ "sum_earnings": 8360
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 91,
+ "tag": "Noblesse",
+ "name": "채도준",
+ "romanized_name": "Chae Do Joon",
+ "birthday": "1995-01-12",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1349,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 8070
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 10051,
+ "tag": "Pacomike",
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+ "birthday": null,
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+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1668,
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+ "sum_earnings": 7930
+ },
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+ "id": 1023,
+ "tag": "Couguar",
+ "name": "Виталий Рощин",
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+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1701,
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+ "sum_earnings": 7785
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 99,
+ "tag": "hyvaa",
+ "name": "신대근",
+ "romanized_name": "Shin Dae Keun",
+ "birthday": "1991-04-23",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1394,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7769
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 962,
+ "tag": "ZhuGeLiang",
+ "name": "戴文磊",
+ "romanized_name": "Dai Wenlei",
+ "birthday": "1994-09-14",
+ "country": "FI",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1755,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7750
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 165,
+ "tag": "JonnyREcco",
+ "name": "Paul Whyte",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-10-27",
+ "country": "UK",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1578,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7749
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 229,
+ "tag": "Spear",
+ "name": "김현목",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Hyun Mok",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1703,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7738
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 262,
+ "tag": "HayprO",
+ "name": "Hayder Hussein",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1983-06-19",
+ "country": "SE",
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+ "rating": 1011,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7672
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8580,
+ "tag": "GAMETIME",
+ "name": "Stephen Ankawi",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
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+ "sum_earnings": 7660
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 247,
+ "tag": "Pet",
+ "name": "박남규",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Nam Kyu",
+ "birthday": "1995-10-22",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1912,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7610
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 593,
+ "tag": "Maker",
+ "name": "Ricardo Flores",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "MX",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1066,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7563
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 133,
+ "tag": "Sound",
+ "name": "배상환",
+ "romanized_name": "Bae Sang Hwan",
+ "birthday": "1993-12-24",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1635,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7494
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 12136,
+ "tag": "Drager",
+ "name": "Edwin Williams",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "ZA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1487,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7439
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 10181,
+ "tag": "starkiller",
+ "name": "John Puchalski",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1547,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7434
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 292,
+ "tag": "Tarrantius",
+ "name": "Patric Dann",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1346,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7355
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 222,
+ "tag": "Ziktomini",
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+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
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+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1300,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7323
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2046,
+ "tag": "Blaze",
+ "name": "한재운",
+ "romanized_name": "Han Jae Woon",
+ "birthday": "1995-05-03",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1825,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7280
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8885,
+ "tag": "HateMe",
+ "name": "Moritz Pölzl",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "AT",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2062,
+ "position": 71,
+ "sum_earnings": 7242
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 414,
+ "tag": "Miniraser",
+ "name": "Viktor Malmberg",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1994-10-20",
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1635,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7214
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 159,
+ "tag": "Seiplo",
+ "name": "John Seipel",
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+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "SE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1213,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7189
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 355,
+ "tag": "TheWinD",
+ "name": "박상익",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Sang Ik",
+ "birthday": "1982-08-06",
+ "country": "KR",
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+ "rating": 1071,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7165
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 14666,
+ "tag": "BattleB",
+ "name": null,
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "2003-01-27",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2164,
+ "position": 63,
+ "sum_earnings": 7155
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4501,
+ "tag": "Optimus",
+ "name": "Vincent Klerks",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1995-08-24",
+ "country": "NL",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1826,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7072
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9849,
+ "tag": "Dolan",
+ "name": "Paul Dolan",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1998-07-24",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1965,
+ "position": 79,
+ "sum_earnings": 7039
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 198,
+ "tag": "asd",
+ "name": "이대진",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Dae Jin",
+ "birthday": "1991-07-16",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1375,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7034
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8427,
+ "tag": "Wanted",
+ "name": "陈思成",
+ "romanized_name": "Chen Sicheng",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1688,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 7015
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9025,
+ "tag": "ziGGy",
+ "name": "Szymon Filipek",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1918,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6993
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2044,
+ "tag": "Sorry",
+ "name": "김지성",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Ji Sung",
+ "birthday": "1995-08-10",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1801,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6962
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 542,
+ "tag": "desRow",
+ "name": "Marc-Olivier Proulx",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1989-09-16",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1147,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6960
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 270,
+ "tag": "Delphi",
+ "name": "Lukas Hilgers",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1070,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6936
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 279,
+ "tag": "Terminator",
+ "name": "하재상",
+ "romanized_name": "Ha Jae Sang",
+ "birthday": "1992-05-03",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1817,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6898
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 470,
+ "tag": "Revenant",
+ "name": "Marcus Tan Sin Yik",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1992-05-27",
+ "country": "SG",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1358,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6885
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2289,
+ "tag": "Jig",
+ "name": "Simon Lacasse-Labelle",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1699,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6839
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 339,
+ "tag": "jookTo",
+ "name": "조만혁",
+ "romanized_name": "Cho Man Hyuk",
+ "birthday": "1992-03-26",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1480,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6746
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9212,
+ "tag": "Arctur",
+ "name": "Алексей Рожнов",
+ "romanized_name": "Aleksey Rozhnov",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1876,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6715
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 652,
+ "tag": "Hui",
+ "name": "袁錦輝",
+ "romanized_name": "Yuan Jin Hui",
+ "birthday": "1986-03-09",
+ "country": "TW",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 992,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6684
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 171,
+ "tag": "JangBi",
+ "name": "허영무",
+ "romanized_name": "Heo Yeong Moo",
+ "birthday": "1989-05-03",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1731,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6627
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4750,
+ "tag": "MightyKiwi",
+ "name": "David Gore",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "NZ",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1426,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6570
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 281,
+ "tag": "JazBas",
+ "name": "조성준",
+ "romanized_name": "Sung Joon 'Thomas' Cho",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "NZ",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1457,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6533
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9087,
+ "tag": "Raze",
+ "name": "Jay Whipple",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1717,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6359
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5139,
+ "tag": "Majestic",
+ "name": "Miguel Juliá",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1997-04-25",
+ "country": "ES",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1596,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6321
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 10699,
+ "tag": "Chick",
+ "name": "吴传涛",
+ "romanized_name": "Wu Chuantao",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1444,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6290
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8023,
+ "tag": "Cuddlebear",
+ "name": "Maximilian Risdall",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1861,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6285
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 15254,
+ "tag": "Mixu",
+ "name": "Mikael Helenius",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "FI",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2000,
+ "position": 77,
+ "sum_earnings": 6284
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 7679,
+ "tag": "Punk",
+ "name": "庞昊",
+ "romanized_name": "Pang Hao",
+ "birthday": null,
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1313,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6254
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 190,
+ "tag": "Avenge",
+ "name": "김남중",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Nam Joong",
+ "birthday": "1995-04-20",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 1709,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6233
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 390,
+ "tag": "Hyperdub",
+ "name": "김유종",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Yoo Jong",
+ "birthday": "1989-02-06",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 1168,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6148
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 235,
+ "tag": "SLusH",
+ "name": "Paul-David Page",
+ "romanized_name": null,
+ "birthday": "1982-12-10",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 1174,
+ "position": null,
+ "sum_earnings": 6125
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37ddc14
--- /dev/null
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+var players = [
+ {
+ "id": 485,
+ "tag": "Serral",
+ "name": "Joona Sotala",
+ "romanized_name": "",
+ "birthday": "1998-03-22",
+ "country": "FI",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 3762,
+ "position": 1,
+ "sum_earnings": 1304282
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 49,
+ "tag": "Maru",
+ "name": "조성주",
+ "romanized_name": "Cho Seong Ju",
+ "birthday": "1997-07-28",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3423,
+ "position": 4,
+ "sum_earnings": 1162687
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 76,
+ "tag": "Dark",
+ "name": "박령우",
+ "romanized_name": "Park Ryung Woo",
+ "birthday": "1995-10-06",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 3420,
+ "position": 5,
+ "sum_earnings": 1004969
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5414,
+ "tag": "Reynor",
+ "name": "Riccardo Romiti",
+ "romanized_name": "",
+ "birthday": "2002-07-01",
+ "country": "IT",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 3321,
+ "position": 7,
+ "sum_earnings": 733978
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 309,
+ "tag": "Stats",
+ "name": "김대엽",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Dae Yeob",
+ "birthday": "1992-05-15",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2746,
+ "position": 26,
+ "sum_earnings": 601150
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1793,
+ "tag": "Solar",
+ "name": "강민수",
+ "romanized_name": "Kang Min Soo",
+ "birthday": "1996-05-09",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 3216,
+ "position": 9,
+ "sum_earnings": 572430
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 47,
+ "tag": "ByuN",
+ "name": "변현우",
+ "romanized_name": "Byun Hyun Woo",
+ "birthday": "1993-05-08",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3284,
+ "position": 8,
+ "sum_earnings": 567424
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 233,
+ "tag": "herO",
+ "name": "김준호",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Joon Ho",
+ "birthday": "1992-08-18",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 3419,
+ "position": 6,
+ "sum_earnings": 509355
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 23,
+ "tag": "Scarlett",
+ "name": "Sasha Hostyn",
+ "romanized_name": "",
+ "birthday": "1993-12-14",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 2718,
+ "position": 28,
+ "sum_earnings": 427786
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 10115,
+ "tag": "Oliveira",
+ "name": "李培楠",
+ "romanized_name": "Li Peinan",
+ "birthday": "2000-06-28",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3026,
+ "position": 12,
+ "sum_earnings": 394695
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2170,
+ "tag": "ShoWTimE",
+ "name": "Tobias Sieber",
+ "romanized_name": "",
+ "birthday": "1994-02-23",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2873,
+ "position": 18,
+ "sum_earnings": 359660
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1665,
+ "tag": "Cure",
+ "name": "김도욱",
+ "romanized_name": "Kim Doh Wook",
+ "birthday": "1994-11-25",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3162,
+ "position": 10,
+ "sum_earnings": 341515
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 5878,
+ "tag": "Clem",
+ "name": "Clément Desplanches",
+ "romanized_name": "",
+ "birthday": "2002-04-08",
+ "country": "FR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3534,
+ "position": 2,
+ "sum_earnings": 319507
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 258,
+ "tag": "HeRoMaRinE",
+ "name": "Gabriel Segat",
+ "romanized_name": "",
+ "birthday": "1997-07-04",
+ "country": "DE",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3029,
+ "position": 11,
+ "sum_earnings": 295363
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 44,
+ "tag": "GuMiho",
+ "name": "고병재",
+ "romanized_name": "Koh Byung Jae",
+ "birthday": "1992-08-04",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 3003,
+ "position": 14,
+ "sum_earnings": 291348
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4105,
+ "tag": "Kelazhur",
+ "name": "Diego Guilherme Schwimer",
+ "romanized_name": "",
+ "birthday": "1995-10-10",
+ "country": "BR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2669,
+ "position": 32,
+ "sum_earnings": 199875
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 117,
+ "tag": "SHIN",
+ "name": "신희범",
+ "romanized_name": "Shin Hee Bum",
+ "birthday": "1996-09-03",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "Z",
+ "rating": 3003,
+ "position": 13,
+ "sum_earnings": 194371
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1517,
+ "tag": "Bunny (KR)",
+ "name": "이재선",
+ "romanized_name": "Lee Jae Sun",
+ "birthday": "1995-09-11",
+ "country": "KR",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2836,
+ "position": 20,
+ "sum_earnings": 168965
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4134,
+ "tag": "Astrea",
+ "name": "Max Angel",
+ "romanized_name": "",
+ "birthday": "1997-03-08",
+ "country": "US",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2784,
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+ "sum_earnings": 150052
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4452,
+ "tag": "Spirit",
+ "name": "Piotr Walukiewicz",
+ "romanized_name": "",
+ "birthday": "1998-10-08",
+ "country": "PL",
+ "race": "T",
+ "rating": 2737,
+ "position": 27,
+ "sum_earnings": 115073
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 7956,
+ "tag": "Cyan",
+ "name": "黄旻",
+ "romanized_name": "Huang Min",
+ "birthday": "1992-10-28",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2332,
+ "position": 51,
+ "sum_earnings": 111585
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 8676,
+ "tag": "SKillous",
+ "name": "Никита Гуревич",
+ "romanized_name": "Nikita Gurevich",
+ "birthday": "2001-04-17",
+ "country": "RU",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2798,
+ "position": 24,
+ "sum_earnings": 67181
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 21244,
+ "tag": "trigger",
+ "name": null,
+ "romanized_name": "",
+ "birthday": "2002-07-11",
+ "country": "CA",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2427,
+ "position": 45,
+ "sum_earnings": 35528
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 13361,
+ "tag": "Firefly",
+ "name": "薛涛",
+ "romanized_name": "Xue Tao",
+ "birthday": "2000-10-02",
+ "country": "CN",
+ "race": "P",
+ "rating": 2671,
+ "position": 31,
+ "sum_earnings": 33879
+ }
diff --git a/content/_index.md b/content/_index.md
index 2b35df5..627c78c 100644
--- a/content/_index.md
+++ b/content/_index.md
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-title = "Guess the SC2 pro - Hard Mode"
-description = "Test your esports knowledge as you attempt to identify top SC2 players. Dive into the world of professional gaming, unraveling clues to unveil the identities of elite StarCraft II competitors. Challenge your strategic thinking and gaming expertise in this fun and interactive guessing game. Play now and see if you have what it takes to recognize the stars of the SC2 scene. Play 'Guess that SC2 Pro' today!"
+title = "Guess the SC2 pro"
+description = "Test your esports knowledge as you attempt to identify top SC2 players in 'Normal Mode'. Dive into the world of professional gaming, unraveling clues to unveil the identities of elite StarCraft II competitors. Challenge your strategic thinking and gaming expertise in this fun and interactive guessing game. Play now and see if you have what it takes to recognize the stars of the SC2 scene. Play 'Guess that SC2 Pro' today!"
author = "tobijdc"
draft = false
+type = "page"
+layout = "easy-mode"
-Guess the SC2 Pro out of the all time top 300 highest earners - Hard Mode. You have 5 guesses.
+Guess the StarCraft2 Pro out of the top 250 highest earners.
+You get all his information upfront, but what is his tag? You have 5 guesses.
diff --git a/content/about.md b/content/about.md
index 9d38211..2034268 100644
--- a/content/about.md
+++ b/content/about.md
@@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ StarCraft® is a trademarks or registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, I
## Changelog
+- 2024-02-14:
+ - "EasyMode" now default and renamed "Normal".
+ - "EasyMode" now easier:
+ - uses top 250 instead of top 300 players.
+ - "HardMode" now harder:
+ - uses top 400 instead of top 300 players.
+ - Some game description changes
+ - Own minified JS bundles per game mode.
- 2024-02-08:
- Link to Aligulac on player name
- Introduction of Changelog :)
diff --git a/content/easy-mode.md b/content/easy-mode.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e8846f3..0000000
--- a/content/easy-mode.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-title = "Easy Mode"
-description = "Test your esports knowledge as you attempt to identify top SC2 players in 'Easy Mode'. Dive into the world of professional gaming, unraveling clues to unveil the identities of elite StarCraft II competitors. Challenge your strategic thinking and gaming expertise in this fun and interactive guessing game. Play now and see if you have what it takes to recognize the stars of the SC2 scene. Play 'Guess that SC2 Pro' today!"
-author = "tobijdc"
-draft = false
-type = "page"
-layout = "easy-mode"
-Guess the SC2 Pro out of the all time top 300 highest earners.
-You get all his information upfront, but what is his tag? You have 5 guesses.
diff --git a/content/hard-mode.md b/content/hard-mode.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d947914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/hard-mode.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+title = "Guess the SC2 pro - Hard Mode"
+description = "Test your esports knowledge as you attempt to identify top SC2 players. Dive into the world of professional gaming, unraveling clues to unveil the identities of elite StarCraft II competitors. Challenge your strategic thinking and gaming expertise in this fun and interactive guessing game. Play now and see if you have what it takes to recognize the stars of the SC2 scene. Play 'Guess that SC2 Pro' today!"
+author = "tobijdc"
+draft = false
+type = "page"
+layout = "hard-mode"
+Hard Mode:
+ - a bigger player pool --> 400 players
+ - no information upfront
+You need to guess the StarCraft2 Pro out of the top 400 highest earners - You have 5 guesses.
diff --git a/content/katowice.md b/content/katowice.md
index ac21c08..7ee2758 100644
--- a/content/katowice.md
+++ b/content/katowice.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-title = "'Guess the SC2 Pro' Katowice Edition"
+title = "Guess the SC2 Pro - Katowice 2024 Edition"
description = "Test your esports knowledge as you attempt to identify the Katowice SC2 players. Dive into the world of professional gaming, unraveling clues to unveil the identities of elite StarCraft II competitors. Challenge your strategic thinking and gaming expertise in this fun and interactive guessing game. Play now and see if you have what it takes to recognize the stars of the SC2 scene. Play 'Guess that SC2 Pro' today!"
author = "Tobijdc"
draft = false
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ type = "page"
layout = "katowice"
-Celebrating the [most hyped tournament of the year](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/IEM_Katowice/2024), guess the Katowice SC2 Pro.
+Celebrating the [most hyped tournament of the year](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/IEM_Katowice/2024), guess the Katowice 2024 Starcraft2 Pro.
You have 4 guesses.
diff --git a/hugo.toml b/hugo.toml
index 7f86211..f9fbc48 100644
--- a/hugo.toml
+++ b/hugo.toml
@@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ ignoreErrors = ["error-disable-taxonomy"]
- identifier = "hard-mode"
- name = "Hard-Mode"
+ identifier = "normal-mode"
+ name = "Normal"
pageRef = "/"
weight = 20
- identifier = "ez"
- name = "EZ-Mode"
- pageRef = "/easy-mode"
+ identifier = "hard"
+ name = "Hard"
+ pageRef = "/hard-mode"
weight = 30
diff --git a/layouts/index.html b/layouts/index.html
index 6588dd9..5f73e3a 100644
--- a/layouts/index.html
+++ b/layouts/index.html
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
{{ define "main" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ partial "game.html" .}}
{{ end }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layouts/page/easy-mode.html b/layouts/page/hard-mode.html
similarity index 84%
rename from layouts/page/easy-mode.html
rename to layouts/page/hard-mode.html
index e921c1d..0b2ef93 100644
--- a/layouts/page/easy-mode.html
+++ b/layouts/page/hard-mode.html
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
{{ define "main" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ partial "game.html" .}}
diff --git a/layouts/page/katowice.html b/layouts/page/katowice.html
index 5244bc1..b60e86a 100644
--- a/layouts/page/katowice.html
+++ b/layouts/page/katowice.html
@@ -1,304 +1,14 @@
{{ define "main" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ partial "game.html" .}}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/head-extra.html b/layouts/partials/head-extra.html
index 57ae9b1..0ebe5a1 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/head-extra.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/head-extra.html
@@ -1,7 +1,24 @@
+{{ $game := resources.Get "js/game.js" }}
+{{ $players400 := resources.Get "js/players400.js" }}
+{{ $players250 := resources.Get "js/players250.js" }}
+{{ $playersKatowice24 := resources.Get "js/playersKatowice24.js" }}
+{{ $jsHard := resources.Concat "js/bundle-hard.js" (slice $players400 $game) | minify }}
+{{ $jsKatowice24 := resources.Concat "js/bundle-katowice-24.js" (slice $playersKatowice24 $game) | minify }}
+{{ $js := resources.Concat "js/bundle.js" (slice $players250 $game) | minify }}
+{{ if eq .Layout "easy-mode"}}
+{{ else if eq .Layout "katowice" }}
+{{ else if eq .Layout "hard-mode" }}
+{{ end }}
diff --git a/static/_headers b/static/_headers
index e773e19..35e1e9b 100644
--- a/static/_headers
+++ b/static/_headers
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Referrer-Policy: no-referrer
diff --git a/static/_redirects b/static/_redirects
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9b7a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/_redirects
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/easy-mode / 301
diff --git a/static/js/game.js b/static/js/game.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 13792de..0000000
--- a/static/js/game.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3991 +0,0 @@
-var players = [
- {
- "id": 485,
- "tag": "Serral",
- "name": "Joona Sotala",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1998-03-22",
- "country": "FI",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 3762,
- "position": 1,
- "sum_earnings": 1304282
- },
- {
- "id": 49,
- "tag": "Maru",
- "name": "조성주",
- "romanized_name": "Cho Seong Ju",
- "birthday": "1997-07-28",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 3423,
- "position": 4,
- "sum_earnings": 1162687
- },
- {
- "id": 1662,
- "tag": "Rogue",
- "name": "이병렬",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Byung Ryul",
- "birthday": "1994-01-13",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2978,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 1030970
- },
- {
- "id": 76,
- "tag": "Dark",
- "name": "박령우",
- "romanized_name": "Park Ryung Woo",
- "birthday": "1995-10-06",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 3420,
- "position": 5,
- "sum_earnings": 1004969
- },
- {
- "id": 48,
- "tag": "INnoVation",
- "name": "이신형",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Shin Hyung",
- "birthday": "1993-07-25",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2790,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 741536
- },
- {
- "id": 5414,
- "tag": "Reynor",
- "name": "Riccardo Romiti",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "2002-07-01",
- "country": "IT",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 3321,
- "position": 7,
- "sum_earnings": 733978
- },
- {
- "id": 63,
- "tag": "TY",
- "name": "전태양",
- "romanized_name": "Jun Tae Yang",
- "birthday": "1994-09-18",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2582,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 679833
- },
- {
- "id": 1658,
- "tag": "Zest",
- "name": "주성욱",
- "romanized_name": "Joo Sung Wook",
- "birthday": "1992-07-11",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2944,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 652314
- },
- {
- "id": 110,
- "tag": "sOs",
- "name": "김유진",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Yoo Jin",
- "birthday": "1993-10-16",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2604,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 622197
- },
- {
- "id": 309,
- "tag": "Stats",
- "name": "김대엽",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Dae Yeob",
- "birthday": "1992-05-15",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2746,
- "position": 26,
- "sum_earnings": 601150
- },
- {
- "id": 125,
- "tag": "soO",
- "name": "어윤수",
- "romanized_name": "Eo Yun Su",
- "birthday": "1992-09-24",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2551,
- "position": 37,
- "sum_earnings": 597578
- },
- {
- "id": 4495,
- "tag": "Neeb",
- "name": "Alex Sunderhaft",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1998-02-17",
- "country": "US",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2965,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 587837
- },
- {
- "id": 1793,
- "tag": "Solar",
- "name": "강민수",
- "romanized_name": "Kang Min Soo",
- "birthday": "1996-05-09",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 3216,
- "position": 9,
- "sum_earnings": 572430
- },
- {
- "id": 47,
- "tag": "ByuN",
- "name": "변현우",
- "romanized_name": "Byun Hyun Woo",
- "birthday": "1993-05-08",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 3284,
- "position": 8,
- "sum_earnings": 567424
- },
- {
- "id": 186,
- "tag": "Classic",
- "name": "김도우",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Doh Woo",
- "birthday": "1991-11-27",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2939,
- "position": 15,
- "sum_earnings": 525578
- },
- {
- "id": 36,
- "tag": "MC",
- "name": "장민철",
- "romanized_name": "Jang Min Chul",
- "birthday": "1991-06-17",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1905,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 515559
- },
- {
- "id": 233,
- "tag": "herO",
- "name": "김준호",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Joon Ho",
- "birthday": "1992-08-18",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 3419,
- "position": 6,
- "sum_earnings": 509355
- },
- {
- "id": 3,
- "tag": "Life",
- "name": "이승현",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Seung Hyun",
- "birthday": "1997-01-11",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2244,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 470559
- },
- {
- "id": 5,
- "tag": "PartinG",
- "name": "원이삭",
- "romanized_name": "Won Lee Sak",
- "birthday": "1994-08-24",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2896,
- "position": 16,
- "sum_earnings": 456210
- },
- {
- "id": 19,
- "tag": "Polt",
- "name": "최성훈",
- "romanized_name": "Choi Seong Hun",
- "birthday": "1988-07-02",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2135,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 452370
- },
- {
- "id": 184,
- "tag": "SpeCial",
- "name": "Juan Carlos Tena Lopez",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1993-05-20",
- "country": "MX",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2640,
- "position": 33,
- "sum_earnings": 450572
- },
- {
- "id": 23,
- "tag": "Scarlett",
- "name": "Sasha Hostyn",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1993-12-14",
- "country": "CA",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2718,
- "position": 28,
- "sum_earnings": 427786
- },
- {
- "id": 13,
- "tag": "Mvp",
- "name": "정종현",
- "romanized_name": "Jung Jong Hyun",
- "birthday": "1991-02-12",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1805,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 408481
- },
- {
- "id": 10115,
- "tag": "Oliveira",
- "name": "李培楠",
- "romanized_name": "Li Peinan",
- "birthday": "2000-06-28",
- "country": "CN",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 3026,
- "position": 12,
- "sum_earnings": 394695
- },
- {
- "id": 28,
- "tag": "MMA",
- "name": "문성원",
- "romanized_name": "Moon Sung Won",
- "birthday": "1988-10-29",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1952,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 384886
- },
- {
- "id": 111,
- "tag": "Snute",
- "name": "Jens W. Aasgaard",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1990-07-28",
- "country": "NO",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2138,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 379605
- },
- {
- "id": 26,
- "tag": "Nerchio",
- "name": "Artur Bloch",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1992-08-09",
- "country": "PL",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2092,
- "position": 68,
- "sum_earnings": 377091
- },
- {
- "id": 177,
- "tag": "Trap",
- "name": "조성호",
- "romanized_name": "Cho Sung Ho",
- "birthday": "1994-03-24",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2824,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 375661
- },
- {
- "id": 2170,
- "tag": "ShoWTimE",
- "name": "Tobias Sieber",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1994-02-23",
- "country": "DE",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2873,
- "position": 18,
- "sum_earnings": 359660
- },
- {
- "id": 1665,
- "tag": "Cure",
- "name": "김도욱",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Doh Wook",
- "birthday": "1994-11-25",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 3162,
- "position": 10,
- "sum_earnings": 341515
- },
- {
- "id": 4,
- "tag": "DRG",
- "name": "박수호",
- "romanized_name": "Park Soo Ho",
- "birthday": "1991-06-03",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2878,
- "position": 17,
- "sum_earnings": 329875
- },
- {
- "id": 5847,
- "tag": "Elazer",
- "name": "Mikołaj Ogonowski",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1997-12-11",
- "country": "PL",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2832,
- "position": 22,
- "sum_earnings": 324647
- },
- {
- "id": 5878,
- "tag": "Clem",
- "name": "Clément Desplanches",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "2002-04-08",
- "country": "FR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 3534,
- "position": 2,
- "sum_earnings": 319507
- },
- {
- "id": 10,
- "tag": "Stephano",
- "name": "Ilyes Satouri",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1993-03-12",
- "country": "FR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2182,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 315444
- },
- {
- "id": 6,
- "tag": "TaeJa",
- "name": "윤영서",
- "romanized_name": "Yun Young Seo",
- "birthday": "1995-01-01",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2333,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 298238
- },
- {
- "id": 258,
- "tag": "HeRoMaRinE",
- "name": "Gabriel Segat",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1997-07-04",
- "country": "DE",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 3029,
- "position": 11,
- "sum_earnings": 295363
- },
- {
- "id": 44,
- "tag": "GuMiho",
- "name": "고병재",
- "romanized_name": "Koh Byung Jae",
- "birthday": "1992-08-04",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 3003,
- "position": 14,
- "sum_earnings": 291348
- },
- {
- "id": 22,
- "tag": "NesTea",
- "name": "임재덕",
- "romanized_name": "Lim Jae Duk",
- "birthday": "1982-12-12",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1380,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 279955
- },
- {
- "id": 1,
- "tag": "Leenock",
- "name": "이동녕",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Dong Nyoung",
- "birthday": "1995-04-01",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2278,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 277999
- },
- {
- "id": 12,
- "tag": "Bomber",
- "name": "최지성",
- "romanized_name": "Choi Ji Sung",
- "birthday": "1988-01-16",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1979,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 256123
- },
- {
- "id": 11,
- "tag": "HerO",
- "name": "송현덕",
- "romanized_name": "Song Hyun Deok",
- "birthday": "1990-06-20",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1956,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 255663
- },
- {
- "id": 15,
- "tag": "HyuN",
- "name": "고석현",
- "romanized_name": "Ko Seok Hyun",
- "birthday": "1988-01-15",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1810,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 234686
- },
- {
- "id": 58,
- "tag": "MaNa",
- "name": "Grzegorz Komincz",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1993-12-14",
- "country": "PL",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2496,
- "position": 41,
- "sum_earnings": 231483
- },
- {
- "id": 7,
- "tag": "Rain (P)",
- "name": "정윤종",
- "romanized_name": "Jung Yoon Jong",
- "birthday": "1992-08-14",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2232,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 230519
- },
- {
- "id": 1659,
- "tag": "Dear",
- "name": "백동준",
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- "birthday": "1994-04-25",
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- "rating": 2622,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 224029
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- {
- "id": 73,
- "tag": "Jaedong",
- "name": "이제동",
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- "birthday": "1990-01-09",
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- "rating": 1978,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 221753
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- {
- "id": 2,
- "tag": "Creator",
- "name": "장현우",
- "romanized_name": "Jang Hyun Woo",
- "birthday": "1997-02-23",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2835,
- "position": 21,
- "sum_earnings": 209624
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- {
- "id": 14,
- "tag": "MarineKing",
- "name": "이정훈",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Jung Hoon",
- "birthday": "1993-07-11",
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- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1523,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 206257
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- {
- "id": 106,
- "tag": "aLive",
- "name": "한이석",
- "romanized_name": "Han Lee Seok",
- "birthday": "1992-11-16",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 2105,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 202162
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- {
- "id": 4105,
- "tag": "Kelazhur",
- "name": "Diego Guilherme Schwimer",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1995-10-10",
- "country": "BR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2669,
- "position": 32,
- "sum_earnings": 199875
- },
- {
- "id": 117,
- "tag": "SHIN",
- "name": "신희범",
- "romanized_name": "Shin Hee Bum",
- "birthday": "1996-09-03",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 3003,
- "position": 13,
- "sum_earnings": 194371
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- {
- "id": 4734,
- "tag": "Has",
- "name": "柯昱夆",
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- "birthday": "1997-06-03",
- "country": "TW",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2146,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 185073
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- {
- "id": 422,
- "tag": true,
- "name": "방태수",
- "romanized_name": "Bang Tae Soo",
- "birthday": "1992-04-15",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2085,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 180570
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- {
- "id": 89,
- "tag": "NaNiwa",
- "name": "Johan Lucchesi",
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- "birthday": "1990-03-14",
- "country": "SE",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2013,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 176795
- },
- {
- "id": 8,
- "tag": "viOLet",
- "name": "김동환",
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- "birthday": "1990-12-05",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2026,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 176184
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- {
- "id": 575,
- "tag": "uThermal",
- "name": "Marc Schlappi",
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- "birthday": "1995-11-10",
- "country": "NL",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2449,
- "position": 44,
- "sum_earnings": 173202
- },
- {
- "id": 1517,
- "tag": "Bunny (KR)",
- "name": "이재선",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Jae Sun",
- "birthday": "1995-09-11",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2836,
- "position": 20,
- "sum_earnings": 168965
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- {
- "id": 1652,
- "tag": "Patience",
- "name": "조지현",
- "romanized_name": "Jo Ji Hyun",
- "birthday": "1996-02-23",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2385,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 152539
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- {
- "id": 27,
- "tag": "Sen",
- "name": "楊家正",
- "romanized_name": "Yang Chia Cheng",
- "birthday": "1987-01-15",
- "country": "TW",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1459,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 152401
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- {
- "id": 145,
- "tag": "MacSed",
- "name": "胡翔",
- "romanized_name": "Hu Xiang",
- "birthday": "1988-10-04",
- "country": "CN",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1928,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 151988
- },
- {
- "id": 4134,
- "tag": "Astrea",
- "name": "Max Angel",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1997-03-08",
- "country": "US",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2784,
- "position": 25,
- "sum_earnings": 150052
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- {
- "id": 72,
- "tag": "Bly",
- "name": "Олександр Свісюк",
- "romanized_name": "Aleksandr Svusyuk",
- "birthday": "1989-01-22",
- "country": "UA",
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- "rating": 2382,
- "position": 47,
- "sum_earnings": 149410
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- {
- "id": 4049,
- "tag": "Lambo",
- "name": "Julian Brosig",
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- "birthday": "1995-11-10",
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- "rating": 2822,
- "position": 23,
- "sum_earnings": 148986
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- {
- "id": 34,
- "tag": "ForGG",
- "name": "박지수",
- "romanized_name": "Park Ji Soo",
- "birthday": "1990-02-13",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2148,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 147810
- },
- {
- "id": 5945,
- "tag": "iAsonu",
- "name": "周航",
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- "birthday": "1992-11-19",
- "country": "CN",
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- "rating": 2229,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 145916
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- "id": 251,
- "tag": "MaSa",
- "name": "Maru Kim",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1995-03-20",
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- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2155,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 144629
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- {
- "id": 45,
- "tag": "Soulkey",
- "name": "김민철",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Min Chul",
- "birthday": "1991-12-10",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1931,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 141760
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- {
- "id": 126,
- "tag": "PuMa",
- "name": "이호준",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Ho Joon",
- "birthday": "1991-07-23",
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- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1337,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 141584
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- {
- "id": 160,
- "tag": "XiGua",
- "name": "王磊",
- "romanized_name": "Wang Lei",
- "birthday": "1987-01-14",
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- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1763,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 139108
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- "id": 5087,
- "tag": "PtitDrogo",
- "name": "Théo Freydière",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1995-11-09",
- "country": "FR",
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- "rating": 2306,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 138775
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- {
- "id": 129,
- "tag": "HuK",
- "name": "Chris Loranger",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1989-05-10",
- "country": "CA",
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- "rating": 1790,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 138575
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- {
- "id": 1557,
- "tag": "Hydra",
- "name": "신동원",
- "romanized_name": "Shin Dong Won",
- "birthday": "1991-09-04",
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- "rating": 2337,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 136051
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- "id": 276,
- "tag": "Jim",
- "name": "曹晋珲",
- "romanized_name": "Cao Jinhun",
- "birthday": "1995-10-10",
- "country": "CN",
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- "rating": 1679,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 134838
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- "id": 214,
- "tag": "Harstem",
- "name": "Kevin de Koning",
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- "birthday": "1994-07-28",
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- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2575,
- "position": 34,
- "sum_earnings": 133032
- },
- {
- "id": 35,
- "tag": "Ryung",
- "name": "김동원",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Dong Won",
- "birthday": "1991-04-16",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2692,
- "position": 29,
- "sum_earnings": 131877
- },
- {
- "id": 109,
- "tag": "Dream",
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- "romanized_name": "Cho Joong Hyuk",
- "birthday": "1996-10-27",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 2685,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 130286
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- {
- "id": 161,
- "tag": "TooDming",
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- "birthday": "1988-10-07",
- "country": "CN",
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- "rating": 1815,
- "position": 97,
- "sum_earnings": 127972
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- {
- "id": 29,
- "tag": "jjakji",
- "name": "정지훈",
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- "birthday": "1994-02-16",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2161,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 127909
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- "id": 1098,
- "tag": "Cham",
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- "birthday": "1997-02-19",
- "country": "MX",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2480,
- "position": 42,
- "sum_earnings": 118613
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- {
- "id": 4452,
- "tag": "Spirit",
- "name": "Piotr Walukiewicz",
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- "birthday": "1998-10-08",
- "country": "PL",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2737,
- "position": 27,
- "sum_earnings": 115073
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- {
- "id": 185,
- "tag": "StarDust",
- "name": "손석희",
- "romanized_name": "Son Seok Hee",
- "birthday": "1990-05-27",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1843,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 112614
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- "id": 7956,
- "tag": "Cyan",
- "name": "黄旻",
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- "birthday": "1992-10-28",
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- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2332,
- "position": 51,
- "sum_earnings": 111585
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- {
- "id": 51,
- "tag": "San",
- "name": "강초원",
- "romanized_name": "Kang Cho Won",
- "birthday": "1990-05-14",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1884,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 111014
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- "id": 123,
- "tag": "TLO",
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- "birthday": "1990-07-13",
- "country": "DE",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2114,
- "position": 65,
- "sum_earnings": 108557
- },
- {
- "id": 79,
- "tag": "ByuL",
- "name": "한지원",
- "romanized_name": "Han Ji Won",
- "birthday": "1992-08-07",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2302,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 106614
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- "id": 52,
- "tag": "VortiX",
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- "birthday": "1993-09-10",
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- "rating": 2107,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 106480
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- {
- "id": 223,
- "tag": "FruitDealer",
- "name": "김원기",
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- "birthday": "1985-07-27",
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- "rating": 1204,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 102641
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- {
- "id": 31,
- "tag": "Losira",
- "name": "황강호",
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- "birthday": "1992-04-11",
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- "rating": 1969,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 102448
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- "id": 54,
- "tag": "YoDa",
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- "romanized_name": "Choi Byung Hyun",
- "birthday": "1992-12-24",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1736,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 101774
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- "id": 317,
- "tag": "Nina",
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- "birthday": "1990-08-15",
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- "rating": 2081,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 101540
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- "id": 19591,
- "tag": "MaxPax",
- "name": null,
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- "id": 139,
- "tag": "ThorZaIN",
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- "birthday": "1991-02-09",
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- "rating": 1571,
- "position": "NULL",
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- {
- "id": 24,
- "tag": "KeeN",
- "name": "황규석",
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- "birthday": "1994-10-02",
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- "rating": 2520,
- "position": 40,
- "sum_earnings": 93783
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- {
- "id": 68,
- "tag": "Hurricane",
- "name": "남기웅",
- "romanized_name": "Nam Ki Woong",
- "birthday": "1995-11-18",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 2350,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 93414
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- "id": 1649,
- "tag": "MarineLorD",
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- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1995-06-01",
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- "rating": 2553,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 93284
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- "id": 5064,
- "tag": "Lilbow",
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- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1995-06-27",
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- "rating": 2103,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 89171
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- {
- "id": 8106,
- "tag": "Nice",
- "name": "黄昱翔",
- "romanized_name": "Huang Yu Shiang",
- "birthday": "1999-05-15",
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- "rating": 2204,
- "position": 56,
- "sum_earnings": 89036
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- {
- "id": 18,
- "tag": "Symbol",
- "name": "강동현",
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- "birthday": "1992-01-02",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1801,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 88730
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- {
- "id": 43,
- "tag": "Genius",
- "name": "정민수",
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- "birthday": "1991-08-01",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1539,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 87094
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- {
- "id": 1813,
- "tag": "Bunny (DK)",
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- "birthday": "1992-12-04",
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- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1924,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 86152
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- {
- "id": 75,
- "tag": "SortOf",
- "name": "Rickard Bergman",
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- "birthday": "1993-07-24",
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- "rating": 2166,
- "position": 62,
- "sum_earnings": 85572
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- "id": 4120,
- "tag": "Probe",
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- "rating": 2110,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 83062
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- {
- "id": 17,
- "tag": "Squirtle",
- "name": "박현우",
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- "birthday": "1992-07-06",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1597,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 82622
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- {
- "id": 41,
- "tag": "Kas",
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- "rating": 1929,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 82588
- },
- {
- "id": 39,
- "tag": "First",
- "name": "강현우",
- "romanized_name": "Kang Hyun Woo",
- "birthday": "1992-06-11",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1860,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 81888
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- "id": 83,
- "tag": "HasuObs",
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- "rating": 1479,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 81445
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- {
- "id": 86,
- "tag": "Alicia",
- "name": "양준식",
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- "birthday": "1987-08-01",
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- "rating": 1489,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 81058
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- {
- "id": 1660,
- "tag": "Impact",
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- "birthday": "1995-09-07",
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- "rating": 2383,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 80427
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- {
- "id": 249,
- "tag": "XY",
- "name": "向瑶",
- "romanized_name": "Xiang Yao",
- "birthday": "1987-05-14",
- "country": "CN",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1959,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 79610
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- {
- "id": 4521,
- "tag": "DnS",
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- "position": 49,
- "sum_earnings": 78837
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- {
- "id": 152,
- "tag": "DIMAGA",
- "name": "Дмитро Філіпчук",
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- "birthday": "1986-06-03",
- "country": "UA",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1940,
- "position": 81,
- "sum_earnings": 78310
- },
- {
- "id": 2053,
- "tag": "Zoun",
- "name": "박한솔",
- "romanized_name": "Park Han Sol",
- "birthday": "1997-06-17",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2845,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 75594
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- {
- "id": 16,
- "tag": "Curious",
- "name": "이원표",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Won Pyo",
- "birthday": "1990-03-28",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1811,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 74199
- },
- {
- "id": 82,
- "tag": "Oz",
- "name": "김학수",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Hak Soo",
- "birthday": "1989-04-23",
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- "rating": 1633,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 73593
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- {
- "id": 80,
- "tag": "RorO",
- "name": "신노열",
- "romanized_name": "Shin No Yeol",
- "birthday": "1991-01-19",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1720,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 72278
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- {
- "id": 55,
- "tag": "Flash",
- "name": "이영호",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Young Ho",
- "birthday": "1992-07-05",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1995,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 71486
- },
- {
- "id": 163,
- "tag": "Socke",
- "name": "Giacomo Thüs",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1987-02-02",
- "country": "DE",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1461,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 71166
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- {
- "id": 21,
- "tag": "Seed",
- "name": "안상원",
- "romanized_name": "Ahn Sang Won",
- "birthday": "1991-01-13",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1559,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 70592
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- {
- "id": 2566,
- "tag": "Armani",
- "name": "박진혁",
- "romanized_name": "Park Jin Hyuk",
- "birthday": "1996-04-29",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2269,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 70175
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- {
- "id": 208,
- "tag": "Ret",
- "name": "Joseph de Kroon",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1985-11-03",
- "country": "NL",
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- "rating": 1598,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 69973
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- {
- "id": 8676,
- "tag": "SKillous",
- "name": "Никита Гуревич",
- "romanized_name": "Nikita Gurevich",
- "birthday": "2001-04-17",
- "country": "RU",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2798,
- "position": 24,
- "sum_earnings": 67181
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- {
- "id": 95,
- "tag": "Happy (RU)",
- "name": "Дмитрий Костин",
- "romanized_name": "Dmitry Kostin",
- "birthday": "1991-06-17",
- "country": "RU",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2033,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 65413
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- {
- "id": 50,
- "tag": "LucifroN",
- "name": "Pedro Moreno Durán",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1991-10-31",
- "country": "ES",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1576,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 64665
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- {
- "id": 155,
- "tag": "IdrA",
- "name": "Gregory Fields",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1990-08-21",
- "country": "US",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1240,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 64643
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- {
- "id": 9,
- "tag": "Sniper",
- "name": "권태훈",
- "romanized_name": "Kwon Tae Hoon",
- "birthday": "1995-01-22",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1455,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 63980
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- {
- "id": 4198,
- "tag": "Zanster",
- "name": "Anton Dahlström",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1996-11-21",
- "country": "SE",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2008,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 63973
- },
- {
- "id": 153,
- "tag": "Welmu",
- "name": "Vesa Matti Hovinen",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1993-12-05",
- "country": "FI",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1811,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 62846
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- {
- "id": 882,
- "tag": "iaguz",
- "name": "Ethan Zugai",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1990-11-09",
- "country": "AU",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1726,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 61311
- },
- {
- "id": 144,
- "tag": "Grubby",
- "name": "Manuel Schenkhuizen",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1986-05-11",
- "country": "NL",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1501,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 61129
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- {
- "id": 90,
- "tag": "Revival",
- "name": "김동현",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Dong Hyun",
- "birthday": "1992-01-31",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1629,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 59678
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- {
- "id": 4723,
- "tag": "Namshar",
- "name": "Christoffer Kolmodin",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1993-01-16",
- "country": "SE",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2197,
- "position": 58,
- "sum_earnings": 59442
- },
- {
- "id": 42,
- "tag": "Heart",
- "name": "김민혁",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Min Hyuk",
- "birthday": "1990-11-16",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1743,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 57270
- },
- {
- "id": 32,
- "tag": "SuperNova",
- "name": "김영진",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Young Jin",
- "birthday": "1990-05-17",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1799,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 56337
- },
- {
- "id": 164,
- "tag": "White-Ra",
- "name": "Олексій Крупник",
- "romanized_name": "Aleksey Krupnyk",
- "birthday": "1980-11-15",
- "country": "UA",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1142,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 56135
- },
- {
- "id": 4370,
- "tag": "GunGFuBanDa",
- "name": "Fabian Mayer",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1998-04-23",
- "country": "DE",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2524,
- "position": 39,
- "sum_earnings": 54442
- },
- {
- "id": 9990,
- "tag": "Seither",
- "name": "Sheldon Barrow",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1994-06-29",
- "country": "AU",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1853,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 51707
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- {
- "id": 655,
- "tag": "FireCake",
- "name": "Sébastien Lebbe",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1990-04-27",
- "country": "FR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1739,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 51662
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- {
- "id": 37,
- "tag": "duckdeok",
- "name": "김경덕",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Kyeong Deok",
- "birthday": "1995-01-27",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1656,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 51576
- },
- {
- "id": 8913,
- "tag": "Gerald",
- "name": "Mateusz Budziak",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1998-10-16",
- "country": "PL",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2345,
- "position": 48,
- "sum_earnings": 50777
- },
- {
- "id": 13216,
- "tag": "Wayne",
- "name": "Иван Чепурнов",
- "romanized_name": "Ivan Chepurnov",
- "birthday": "2001-06-09",
- "country": "RU",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2560,
- "position": 36,
- "sum_earnings": 50215
- },
- {
- "id": 4388,
- "tag": "JonSnow",
- "name": "Jarod George",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1997-01-13",
- "country": "US",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1903,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 49180
- },
- {
- "id": 13017,
- "tag": "Future",
- "name": "Joseph Stanish",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "2002-05-09",
- "country": "US",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2458,
- "position": 43,
- "sum_earnings": 49101
- },
- {
- "id": 5933,
- "tag": "Jieshi",
- "name": "胡家骏",
- "romanized_name": "Hu Jiajun",
- "birthday": "1995-11-05",
- "country": "CN",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2330,
- "position": 52,
- "sum_earnings": 48278
- },
- {
- "id": 300,
- "tag": "FanTaSy",
- "name": "정명훈",
- "romanized_name": "Jung Myung Hoon",
- "birthday": "1991-07-01",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2505,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 47471
- },
- {
- "id": 65,
- "tag": "July",
- "name": "박성준",
- "romanized_name": "Park Sung Joon",
- "birthday": "1986-12-18",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1326,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 46957
- },
- {
- "id": 92,
- "tag": "kiwian",
- "name": "김정훈",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Jung Hoon",
- "birthday": "1990-11-26",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1833,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 46256
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- {
- "id": 267,
- "tag": "Dayshi",
- "name": "Antoine Stievenart",
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- "birthday": "1994-08-08",
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- "rating": 1869,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 44180
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- {
- "id": 146,
- "tag": "TargA",
- "name": "Kristoffer Marthinsen",
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- "birthday": "1990-04-15",
- "country": "NO",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1787,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 44142
- },
- {
- "id": 131,
- "tag": "Brat_OK",
- "name": "Павел Кузнецов",
- "romanized_name": "Pavel Kuznetsov",
- "birthday": "1987-01-03",
- "country": "RU",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1837,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 44099
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- {
- "id": 103,
- "tag": "elfi",
- "name": "Samuli Sihvonen",
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- "birthday": "1990-10-24",
- "country": "FI",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1694,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 43193
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- {
- "id": 151,
- "tag": "MorroW",
- "name": "Carl Stefan Andersson",
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- "birthday": "1992-08-11",
- "country": "SE",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1398,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 43058
- },
- {
- "id": 12125,
- "tag": "MeomaikA",
- "name": "Trần Hồng Phúc",
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- "birthday": "1994-01-12",
- "country": "VN",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1968,
- "position": 78,
- "sum_earnings": 42088
- },
- {
- "id": 169,
- "tag": "HalfBreed",
- "name": "Felipe Zuñiga",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1989-12-16",
- "country": "CL",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1548,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 41916
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- {
- "id": 206,
- "tag": "RainBOw",
- "name": "김성제",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Seong Je",
- "birthday": "1984-02-08",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1432,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 41264
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- {
- "id": 128,
- "tag": "SaSe",
- "name": "Kim Hammar",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1987-07-12",
- "country": "SE",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1531,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 40842
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- {
- "id": 2309,
- "tag": "Rex",
- "name": "雷皓成",
- "romanized_name": "Lei Haocheng",
- "birthday": "1993-04-23",
- "country": "TW",
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- "rating": 2011,
- "position": 75,
- "sum_earnings": 40539
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- {
- "id": 38,
- "tag": "TheStC",
- "name": "최연식",
- "romanized_name": "Choi Yeon Sik",
- "birthday": "1989-01-02",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1476,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 40525
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- {
- "id": 105,
- "tag": "Super",
- "name": "서성민",
- "romanized_name": "Seo Sung Min",
- "birthday": "1994-05-01",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 2058,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 39671
- },
- {
- "id": 200,
- "tag": "SeleCT",
- "name": "류경현",
- "romanized_name": "Ryoo Kyung Hyun",
- "birthday": "1988-10-21",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1083,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 39257
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- {
- "id": 224,
- "tag": "SjoW",
- "name": "Jeffrey Brusi",
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- "birthday": "1986-12-23",
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- "rating": 1387,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 38711
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- {
- "id": 4564,
- "tag": "Denver",
- "name": "Clément Coste",
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- "birthday": "1997-04-10",
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- "rating": 2468,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 38613
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- {
- "id": 5409,
- "tag": "ShaDoWn",
- "name": "Thomas Labrousse",
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- "birthday": "1995-07-21",
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- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2292,
- "position": 53,
- "sum_earnings": 38564
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- {
- "id": 1148,
- "tag": "EnDerr",
- "name": "Caviar Napoleon Marquises-Acampado",
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- "birthday": "1992-12-02",
- "country": "PH",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1883,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 38267
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- {
- "id": 5499,
- "tag": "PiLiPiLi",
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- "birthday": "1996-05-11",
- "country": "US",
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- "rating": 2077,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 36991
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- {
- "id": 87,
- "tag": "Golden",
- "name": "조명환",
- "romanized_name": "Jo Myung Hwan",
- "birthday": "1994-07-19",
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- "rating": 1698,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 36892
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- {
- "id": 8980,
- "tag": "Coffee",
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- "romanized_name": "Wu Yishen",
- "birthday": "1999-12-05",
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- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2422,
- "position": 46,
- "sum_earnings": 36552
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- {
- "id": 2567,
- "tag": "Pigbaby",
- "name": "양희수",
- "romanized_name": "Yang Hee Soo",
- "birthday": "1992-12-14",
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- "rating": 1763,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 36490
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- "id": 21244,
- "tag": "trigger",
- "name": null,
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- "rating": 2427,
- "position": 45,
- "sum_earnings": 35528
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- {
- "id": 121,
- "tag": "DeMusliM",
- "name": "Benjamin Baker",
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- "birthday": "1990-01-24",
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- "rating": 1882,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 34996
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- {
- "id": 119,
- "tag": "mOOnGLaDe",
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- "birthday": "1986-07-14",
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- "rating": 1378,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 34393
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- {
- "id": 310,
- "tag": "Top",
- "name": "胡涛",
- "romanized_name": "Hu Tao",
- "birthday": "1990-01-29",
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- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1579,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 34304
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- {
- "id": 46,
- "tag": "JYP",
- "name": "박진영",
- "romanized_name": "Park Jin Young",
- "birthday": "1991-10-13",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1333,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 34294
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- {
- "id": 2568,
- "tag": "Trust",
- "name": "최성일",
- "romanized_name": "Choi Sung Il",
- "birthday": "1995-04-12",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 2110,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 34286
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- {
- "id": 13361,
- "tag": "Firefly",
- "name": "薛涛",
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- "birthday": "2000-10-02",
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- "rating": 2671,
- "position": 31,
- "sum_earnings": 33879
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- {
- "id": 1709,
- "tag": "MyuNgSiK",
- "name": "김명식",
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- "birthday": "1994-11-05",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1991,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 33381
- },
- {
- "id": 104,
- "tag": "Rain (T)",
- "name": "박서용",
- "romanized_name": "Park Seo Yong",
- "birthday": "1993-12-04",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1378,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 33175
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- {
- "id": 93,
- "tag": "NaDa",
- "name": "이윤열",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Yun Yeol",
- "birthday": "1984-11-20",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1257,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 32999
- },
- {
- "id": 353,
- "tag": "Lyn",
- "name": "박준",
- "romanized_name": "Park Joon",
- "birthday": "1986-12-21",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1541,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 32997
- },
- {
- "id": 221,
- "tag": "ViBE",
- "name": "Dan Scherlong",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1987-05-09",
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- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1525,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 32910
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- {
- "id": 910,
- "tag": "JimRising",
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- "birthday": "1990-10-12",
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- "rating": 1698,
- "position": "NULL",
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- {
- "id": 141,
- "tag": "InCa",
- "name": "송준혁",
- "romanized_name": "Song Joon Hyuk",
- "birthday": "1991-07-23",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1060,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 32108
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- {
- "id": 5118,
- "tag": "Semper",
- "name": "Alex Dimitriu",
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- "birthday": "1995-09-06",
- "country": "CA",
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- "rating": 1905,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 32031
- },
- {
- "id": 274,
- "tag": "Rail",
- "name": "Артём Авраменко",
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- "birthday": "1993-12-15",
- "country": null,
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- "rating": 2082,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 32020
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- {
- "id": 8148,
- "tag": "NightMare",
- "name": "장욱",
- "romanized_name": "Jang Wook",
- "birthday": "1999-02-23",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 2862,
- "position": 19,
- "sum_earnings": 31513
- },
- {
- "id": 14887,
- "tag": "Krystianer",
- "name": "Krystian Szczęsny",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "2004-01-29",
- "country": "PL",
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- "rating": 2528,
- "position": 38,
- "sum_earnings": 31457
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- {
- "id": 242,
- "tag": "Loner",
- "name": "戴逸",
- "romanized_name": "Dai Yi",
- "birthday": "1991-02-10",
- "country": "CN",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1318,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 31028
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- {
- "id": 20,
- "tag": "YongHwa",
- "name": "최용화",
- "romanized_name": "Choi Yong Hwa",
- "birthday": "1992-01-30",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1657,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 30988
- },
- {
- "id": 57,
- "tag": "GanZi",
- "name": "김동주",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Dong Joo",
- "birthday": "1987-12-30",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1382,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 30870
- },
- {
- "id": 193,
- "tag": "GoOdy",
- "name": "Sascha Lupp",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1985-10-27",
- "country": "DE",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1498,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 30688
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- {
- "id": 246,
- "tag": "PiG",
- "name": "Jared Krensel",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1988-12-11",
- "country": "AU",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1627,
- "position": 127,
- "sum_earnings": 29947
- },
- {
- "id": 107,
- "tag": "Suppy",
- "name": "Conan Liu",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1993-03-05",
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- "rating": 1712,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 29867
- },
- {
- "id": 175,
- "tag": "Bbyong",
- "name": "정우용",
- "romanized_name": "Jung Woo Yong",
- "birthday": "1992-09-08",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2103,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 29656
- },
- {
- "id": 70,
- "tag": "Moon",
- "name": "장재호",
- "romanized_name": "Jang Jae Ho",
- "birthday": "1986-12-14",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1405,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 29528
- },
- {
- "id": 747,
- "tag": "Petraeus",
- "name": "Mackenzie Smith",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1996-06-25",
- "country": "NZ",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1753,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 29354
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- {
- "id": 1655,
- "tag": "Kane",
- "name": "Sam Morrissette",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1992-11-16",
- "country": "CA",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1827,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 28684
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- {
- "id": 10953,
- "tag": "Hellraiser",
- "name": "Богдан Козар",
- "romanized_name": "Bogdan Kozar",
- "birthday": "1998-12-28",
- "country": "UA",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2330,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 28407
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- {
- "id": 174,
- "tag": "ToD",
- "name": "Yoan Merlo",
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- "birthday": "1985-03-20",
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- "rating": 1375,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 28139
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- {
- "id": 941,
- "tag": "Sacsri",
- "name": "이예훈",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Yeh Hoon",
- "birthday": "1992-02-18",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1908,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 27842
- },
- {
- "id": 136,
- "tag": "HongUn",
- "name": "안홍욱",
- "romanized_name": "Ahn Hong Wook",
- "birthday": "1987-03-26",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1104,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 27738
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- {
- "id": 7958,
- "tag": "Erik",
- "name": "Erik Bermelho",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1996-11-20",
- "country": "BR",
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- "rating": 2176,
- "position": 60,
- "sum_earnings": 27711
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- {
- "id": 8169,
- "tag": "Vindicta",
- "name": "Miguel Marmolejo",
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- "birthday": "2000-11-23",
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- "rating": 2111,
- "position": 66,
- "sum_earnings": 27028
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- {
- "id": 189,
- "tag": "BlinG",
- "name": "Samayan Kay",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1991-11-07",
- "country": "UK",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1459,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 26946
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- {
- "id": 2453,
- "tag": "RiSky",
- "name": "Joshua Hayward",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1996-02-27",
- "country": "UK",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2036,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 26927
- },
- {
- "id": 9846,
- "tag": "goblin",
- "name": "Leon Vrhovec",
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- "birthday": "2002-02-03",
- "country": "HR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2252,
- "position": 55,
- "sum_earnings": 26812
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- {
- "id": 195,
- "tag": "Billowy",
- "name": "김도경",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Do Kyung",
- "birthday": "1994-08-19",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1998,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 26801
- },
- {
- "id": 271,
- "tag": "Jinro",
- "name": "Jonathan Walsh",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1989-01-14",
- "country": "SE",
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- "rating": 1116,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 26710
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- {
- "id": 261,
- "tag": "qxc",
- "name": "Kevin Riley",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1989-10-11",
- "country": "US",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1620,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 26583
- },
- {
- "id": 81,
- "tag": "Zenio",
- "name": "최정민",
- "romanized_name": "Choi Jung Min",
- "birthday": "1991-03-31",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1335,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 25194
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- {
- "id": 112,
- "tag": "TAiLS",
- "name": "김원형",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Won Hyung",
- "birthday": "1992-08-02",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1706,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 24823
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- {
- "id": 74,
- "tag": "sC",
- "name": "김승철",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Seung Chul",
- "birthday": "1995-02-14",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1486,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 24699
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- {
- "id": 88,
- "tag": "sLivko",
- "name": "Артём Гаравцов",
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- "birthday": "1989-08-27",
- "country": "RU",
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- "rating": 1319,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 24647
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- {
- "id": 172,
- "tag": "Strelok",
- "name": "Євген Опаришев",
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- "birthday": "1985-05-25",
- "country": "UA",
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- "rating": 1489,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 24610
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- {
- "id": 11820,
- "tag": "ExpecT",
- "name": null,
- "romanized_name": "Tsung Yen Wu",
- "birthday": "NULL",
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- "rating": 1662,
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- "sum_earnings": 24536
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- {
- "id": 187,
- "tag": "Adelscott",
- "name": "Benoît Strypsteen",
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- "birthday": "1985-09-23",
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- "rating": 1138,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 24506
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- {
- "id": 115,
- "tag": "BabyKnight",
- "name": "Jon Andersen",
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- "birthday": "1992-06-15",
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- "rating": 1499,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 24231
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- {
- "id": 381,
- "tag": "Reality",
- "name": "김기현",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Ki Hyun",
- "birthday": "1993-06-06",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 2256,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 23940
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- {
- "id": 192,
- "tag": "Naama",
- "name": "Santeri Lahtinen",
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- "birthday": "1992-10-13",
- "country": "FI",
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- "rating": 1049,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 23888
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- {
- "id": 60,
- "tag": "TitaN",
- "name": "Олег Купцов",
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- "birthday": "1989-11-04",
- "country": "RU",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1375,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 23779
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- {
- "id": 243,
- "tag": "Minigun",
- "name": "Chad Richard Jones",
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- "birthday": "1990-07-10",
- "country": "US",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1393,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 23590
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- {
- "id": 210,
- "tag": "Tefel",
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- "birthday": "1988-01-18",
- "country": "PL",
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- "rating": 1605,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 23380
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- {
- "id": 140,
- "tag": "NightEnD",
- "name": "Silviu Lazar",
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- "birthday": "1988-02-19",
- "country": "RO",
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- "rating": 1608,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 23257
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- {
- "id": 365,
- "tag": "KingKong",
- "name": "유충희",
- "romanized_name": "Yoo Choong Hee",
- "birthday": "1990-04-26",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1956,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 23246
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- {
- "id": 9314,
- "tag": "DisK",
- "name": "Alexandre Corriveau",
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- "birthday": "1997-01-01",
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- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2197,
- "position": 57,
- "sum_earnings": 23218
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- {
- "id": 537,
- "tag": "Ian",
- "name": "呂家宏",
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- "birthday": "1990-08-31",
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- "rating": 1226,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 22605
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- {
- "id": 113,
- "tag": "Swagger",
- "name": "신상호",
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- "birthday": "1990-02-09",
- "country": "KR",
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- "rating": 1319,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 22588
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- "id": 15204,
- "tag": "ButAlways",
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- "country": "TW",
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- "rating": 1701,
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- "sum_earnings": 22231
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- "tag": "GogojOey",
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- "rating": 1931,
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- "sum_earnings": 22115
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- {
- "id": 56,
- "tag": "Hack",
- "name": "김영일",
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- "birthday": "1994-08-15",
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- "rating": 1749,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 21844
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- {
- "id": 220,
- "tag": "Ensnare",
- "name": "김상철",
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- "birthday": "1987-09-21",
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- "rating": 1160,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 21641
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- {
- "id": 978,
- "tag": "PSiArc",
- "name": "西村 直紘",
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- "birthday": "1989-07-18",
- "country": "JP",
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- "rating": 1852,
- "position": 93,
- "sum_earnings": 21612
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- "id": 6058,
- "tag": "Silky",
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- "birthday": "1996-09-01",
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- "rating": 2263,
- "position": 54,
- "sum_earnings": 21292
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- {
- "id": 215,
- "tag": "Arthur",
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- "birthday": "NULL",
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- "rating": 1616,
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- "id": 216,
- "tag": "Kyrix",
- "name": "한준",
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- "birthday": "1993-03-16",
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- "rating": 1096,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 21040
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- {
- "id": 219,
- "tag": "Illusion",
- "name": "이유성",
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- "birthday": "1996-03-04",
- "country": "US",
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- "rating": 1366,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 20545
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- "id": 1819,
- "tag": "Xenocider",
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- "birthday": "1997-08-12",
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- "rating": 1617,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 20365
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- {
- "id": 5109,
- "tag": "Demi",
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- "romanized_name": "Varun Immanuel",
- "birthday": "NULL",
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- "rating": 1654,
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- {
- "id": 156,
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- "rating": 1012,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 20189
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- "id": 78,
- "tag": "monchi",
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- {
- "id": 124,
- "tag": "BoxeR",
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- "rating": 1262,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 19960
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- {
- "id": 1978,
- "tag": "Sora",
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- "rating": 1775,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 19866
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- {
- "id": 114,
- "tag": "AcE",
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- "rating": 1365,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 19570
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- {
- "id": 118,
- "tag": "Beastyqt",
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- "rating": 1825,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 19507
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- {
- "id": 142,
- "tag": "CranK",
- "name": "최재원",
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- "birthday": "1989-08-29",
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- "rating": 1434,
- "position": 154,
- "sum_earnings": 19355
- },
- {
- "id": 59,
- "tag": "BBoongBBoong",
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- "romanized_name": "Choi Jong Hyuk",
- "birthday": "1988-08-05",
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- "rating": 1588,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 19124
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- {
- "id": 40,
- "tag": "Happy (KR)",
- "name": "안호진",
- "romanized_name": "Ahn Ho Jin",
- "birthday": "1991-01-22",
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- "rating": 1377,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 18993
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- {
- "id": 61,
- "tag": "Sleep",
- "name": "김성한",
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- "birthday": "1992-09-16",
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- "rating": 1392,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 18982
- },
- {
- "id": 1171,
- "tag": "Strange",
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- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2570,
- "position": 35,
- "sum_earnings": 18601
- },
- {
- "id": 25,
- "tag": "CoCa",
- "name": "최종환",
- "romanized_name": "Choi Jong Hwan",
- "birthday": "1994-04-14",
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- "rating": 1773,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 18598
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- {
- "id": 67,
- "tag": "Lucky",
- "name": "이인수",
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- "birthday": "1991-12-02",
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- "rating": 1413,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 18263
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- {
- "id": 183,
- "tag": "Bischu",
- "name": "Jesper Johansson",
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- "birthday": "1990-01-18",
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- "rating": 1358,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 18159
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- {
- "id": 12918,
- "tag": "MilkiCow",
- "name": "Илья Потапов",
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- "country": "RU",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2059,
- "position": 72,
- "sum_earnings": 18104
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- {
- "id": 6937,
- "tag": "Guru",
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- "birthday": "1994-05-12",
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- "rating": 1949,
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- "sum_earnings": 17946
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- {
- "id": 162,
- "tag": "DarKFoRcE",
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- {
- "id": 9338,
- "tag": "eGGz",
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- "birthday": "1999-08-22",
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- "rating": 2077,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 17538
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- {
- "id": 5114,
- "tag": "Cloudy",
- "name": "高源",
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- "birthday": "1994-04-20",
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- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1712,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 17390
- },
- {
- "id": 5635,
- "tag": "Shana",
- "name": "王雨伦",
- "romanized_name": "Wang Yulun",
- "birthday": "1997-07-08",
- "country": "CN",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1579,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 17370
- },
- {
- "id": 181,
- "tag": "Bulldozer",
- "name": "서기수",
- "romanized_name": "Seo Ki Soo",
- "birthday": "1984-11-29",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1139,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 17316
- },
- {
- "id": 9299,
- "tag": "TeebuL",
- "name": "Haseeb Ishaq",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "NULL",
- "country": "UK",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1748,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 17123
- },
- {
- "id": 122,
- "tag": "Clide",
- "name": "한규종",
- "romanized_name": "Han Kyu Jong",
- "birthday": "1987-11-04",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1201,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 17043
- },
- {
- "id": 253,
- "tag": "anypro",
- "name": "이정환",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Jung Hwan",
- "birthday": "1987-08-19",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1111,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 16829
- },
- {
- "id": 4455,
- "tag": "NXZ",
- "name": "Ryan Jones",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1996-06-16",
- "country": "AU",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1585,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 16536
- },
- {
- "id": 217,
- "tag": "LoveCD",
- "name": "李俊峰",
- "romanized_name": "Li Junfeng",
- "birthday": "NULL",
- "country": "CN",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1378,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 16257
- },
- {
- "id": 6235,
- "tag": "ArT",
- "name": "Tymoteusz Makaran",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1997-10-18",
- "country": "PL",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2156,
- "position": 64,
- "sum_earnings": 16185
- },
- {
- "id": 66,
- "tag": "Sage",
- "name": "우경철",
- "romanized_name": "Woo Kyung Chul",
- "birthday": "1990-11-21",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1864,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 16067
- },
- {
- "id": 245,
- "tag": "State",
- "name": "Ryan Visbeck",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1992-09-24",
- "country": "US",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1463,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 15923
- },
- {
- "id": 98,
- "tag": "YugiOh",
- "name": "정승일",
- "romanized_name": "Jung Seung Il",
- "birthday": "1992-06-17",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1605,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 15785
- },
- {
- "id": 149,
- "tag": "Sheth",
- "name": "Shawn Simon",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1988-10-11",
- "country": "US",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1216,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 15597
- },
- {
- "id": 64,
- "tag": "Sting",
- "name": "주훈",
- "romanized_name": "Joo Hoon",
- "birthday": "NULL",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1518,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 15539
- },
- {
- "id": 33,
- "tag": "Puzzle",
- "name": "김상준",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Sang Jun",
- "birthday": "1992-10-02",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 2016,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 15352
- },
- {
- "id": 1656,
- "tag": "Starbuck",
- "name": "Matic Dejak",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1997-01-30",
- "country": "SI",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 2035,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 15341
- },
- {
- "id": 97,
- "tag": "LiveZerg",
- "name": "Андрей Гульдяшов",
- "romanized_name": "Andrey Guldyashov",
- "birthday": "1992-05-03",
- "country": "RU",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1562,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 15113
- },
- {
- "id": 295,
- "tag": "CatZ",
- "name": "Paulo Vizcarra",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1986-07-04",
- "country": "PE",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1569,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 14642
- },
- {
- "id": 239,
- "tag": "Stork",
- "name": "송병구",
- "romanized_name": "Song Byung Goo",
- "birthday": "1988-08-04",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1737,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 14451
- },
- {
- "id": 213,
- "tag": "Apocalypse",
- "name": "김민형",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Min Hyeong",
- "birthday": "NULL",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1800,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 14106
- },
- {
- "id": 904,
- "tag": "Blysk",
- "name": "Thomas Kopankiewicz",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1995-11-23",
- "country": "SG",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1594,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 13971
- },
- {
- "id": 8958,
- "tag": "Epic",
- "name": "Alex Damain",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "NULL",
- "country": "US",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 2105,
- "position": 67,
- "sum_earnings": 13874
- },
- {
- "id": 437,
- "tag": "Slam",
- "name": "劉彥呈",
- "romanized_name": "Liu Yancheng",
- "birthday": "1990-05-10",
- "country": "TW",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1293,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 13809
- },
- {
- "id": 134,
- "tag": "Virus",
- "name": "박준용",
- "romanized_name": "Park Joon Yong",
- "birthday": "1992-10-26",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1208,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 13638
- },
- {
- "id": 9237,
- "tag": "MCanning",
- "name": "Chris Canning",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "NULL",
- "country": "US",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1800,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 13575
- },
- {
- "id": 315,
- "tag": "Infi",
- "name": "王诩文",
- "romanized_name": "Wang Xuwen",
- "birthday": "1989-09-14",
- "country": "CN",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1042,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 13524
- },
- {
- "id": 458,
- "tag": "Forte",
- "name": "김기용",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Ki Yong",
- "birthday": "1996-12-26",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1995,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 13372
- },
- {
- "id": 260,
- "tag": "MaFia",
- "name": "Timothy He",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "NULL",
- "country": "AU",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1650,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 13346
- },
- {
- "id": 108,
- "tag": "Feast",
- "name": "Jérémy Vansnick",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1993-06-14",
- "country": "BE",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1339,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 13321
- },
- {
- "id": 96,
- "tag": "Daisy",
- "name": "이종혁",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Jong Hyuk",
- "birthday": "1991-09-25",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1416,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 13311
- },
- {
- "id": 2102,
- "tag": "Bails",
- "name": "Bailey Thomas",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1996-06-25",
- "country": "US",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1621,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 13168
- },
- {
- "id": 180,
- "tag": "TT1",
- "name": "Payam Toghyan",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1988-03-18",
- "country": "CA",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1259,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 13140
- },
- {
- "id": 3608,
- "tag": "Ein",
- "name": "高坤",
- "romanized_name": "Gao Kun",
- "birthday": "1990-04-11",
- "country": "CN",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1522,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 12958
- },
- {
- "id": 227,
- "tag": "ClouD",
- "name": "Carlo Giannacco",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1987-05-31",
- "country": "IT",
- "race": "T",
- "rating": 1216,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 12947
- },
- {
- "id": 53,
- "tag": "fraer",
- "name": "Ігор Турчин",
- "romanized_name": "Igor Turchin",
- "birthday": "1991-11-18",
- "country": "RU",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1544,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 12879
- },
- {
- "id": 7555,
- "tag": "Ryu",
- "name": "Eduard Condori",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "NULL",
- "country": "PE",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1961,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 12376
- },
- {
- "id": 166,
- "tag": "Check (1986)",
- "name": "이형주",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Hyung Joo",
- "birthday": "1986-02-14",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1346,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 12365
- },
- {
- "id": 285,
- "tag": "XluoS",
- "name": "宋迎",
- "romanized_name": "Song Ying",
- "birthday": "1990-02-20",
- "country": "CN",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1245,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 12364
- },
- {
- "id": 2966,
- "tag": "Bioice",
- "name": "Jackson Wroblewski",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "NULL",
- "country": "CA",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1835,
- "position": 94,
- "sum_earnings": 12337
- },
- {
- "id": 481,
- "tag": "DeParture",
- "name": "현성민",
- "romanized_name": "Hyun Sung Min",
- "birthday": "1995-08-22",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1998,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 12327
- },
- {
- "id": 30,
- "tag": "NAKSEO",
- "name": "탁현승",
- "romanized_name": "Tak Hyun Seung",
- "birthday": "1994-03-29",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1515,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 12274
- },
- {
- "id": 143,
- "tag": "Choya",
- "name": "이형섭",
- "romanized_name": "Lee Hyung Sup",
- "birthday": "1988-08-08",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1212,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 12255
- },
- {
- "id": 1663,
- "tag": "Check (1993)",
- "name": "김민규",
- "romanized_name": "Kim Min Kyu",
- "birthday": "1993-01-05",
- "country": "KR",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1590,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 12176
- },
- {
- "id": 6459,
- "tag": "NoRegreT",
- "name": "Jake Umpleby",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "1996-03-25",
- "country": "CA",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1610,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 12118
- },
- {
- "id": 4740,
- "tag": "Pezz",
- "name": "Jack Perry",
- "romanized_name": "",
- "birthday": "NULL",
- "country": "AU",
- "race": "P",
- "rating": 1840,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 12027
- },
- {
- "id": 102,
- "tag": "LoWeLy",
- "name": "Антон Плебановіч",
- "romanized_name": "Anton Plebanovich",
- "birthday": "1986-10-02",
- "country": "BY",
- "race": "Z",
- "rating": 1325,
- "position": "NULL",
- "sum_earnings": 11991
- }
-function initializeFuse() {
- const fuseOptions = {
- // isCaseSensitive: false,
- // includeScore: false,
- // shouldSort: true,
- // includeMatches: false,
- // findAllMatches: false,
- // minMatchCharLength: 1,
- // location: 0,
- threshold: 0.3,
- // distance: 100,
- // useExtendedSearch: false,
- // ignoreLocation: false,
- // ignoreFieldNorm: false,
- // fieldNormWeight: 1,
- keys: [
- "tag"
- ]
- };
- return new Fuse(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(players)), fuseOptions);
-var fuse = initializeFuse();
-// Variables
-var easyMode = false;
-var guessesPerGame = 5;
-var tableHeader = "Tag \
-Race \
-Country \
-$$$ \
-Rating \
-Age \
-Active ";
-// Initial game state
-var main_player = players[Math.floor(Math.random() * players.length)];
-var number_of_guesses = guessesPerGame;
-var guesses = [];
-var guessesCompares = [];
-const earnings_format = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD', minimumFractionDigits: 0 })
-var currentListItemFocused = -1;
-var won = false;
-// ----- SEARCH -----
-function elementSelectCallback(event) {
- document.getElementById('search-result').innerHTML = "";
- var input = document.getElementById('player_tag');
- input.value = this.innerText;
- input.focus;
-function renderListElementWithCallback(text, index) {
- var element = document.createElement("li");
- element.id = "autocomplete-item-${index}";
- element.role = "listitem";
- element.tabindex = "0";
- element.innerText = text;
- element.addEventListener("click", elementSelectCallback);
- return element;
-function search(event) {
- var key = event.keyCode || event.charCode;
- //console.log(key);
- if (key == 40 || key == 38) { // down && up
- currentListItemFocused++;
- var suggestions = document.getElementById('search-result').childNodes;
- if (!suggestions || suggestions.length <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (currentListItemFocused >= suggestions.length) {
- currentListItemFocused = 0;
- } else if (currentListItemFocused < 0) {
- currentListItemFocused = suggestions.length - 1;
- }
- suggestions[currentListItemFocused].focus();
- //suggestions[currentListItemFocused].setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
- document.getElementById('player_tag').value = suggestions[currentListItemFocused].innerHTML;
- //document.getElementById('player_tag').setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", suggestions[currentListItemFocused].id);
- return;
- } else if (key == 13) { // Enter
- document.getElementById('search-result').innerHTML = "";
- currentListItemFocused = -1;
- guess(document.getElementById('player_tag').value);
- return;
- }
- const input = document.getElementById('player_tag').value;
- //console.log(input);
- const result = fuse.search(input, { limit: 10 });
- const tags = result.map(function (item) { return players[item["refIndex"]].tag; });
- var suggestions = document.getElementById('search-result');
- suggestions.innerHTML = "";
- for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
- suggestions.appendChild(renderListElementWithCallback(tags[i], i));
- }
-// ----- GUESSING & RENDERING -----
-function formatRace(race) {
- const imgPrefix = " ";
- } else if (race === "T") {
- return imgPrefix + "terran.svg\" alt=\"T\" />";
- } else if (race === "Z") {
- return imgPrefix + "zerg.svg\" alt=\"Z\" />";
- } else if (race === "R") {
- return imgPrefix + "random.svg\" alt=\"R\" />";
- } else {
- return race;
- }
-function formatActive(text) {
- if (text) {
- return "🎮";
- } else {
- return "🚫";
- }
-function birthdayEmptyOrNull(player) {
- return player.birthday == "NULL" || player.birthday == "";
-function _calculateAge(birthday) {
- var ageDifMs = Date.now() - birthday.getTime();
- var ageDate = new Date(ageDifMs);
- return Math.abs(ageDate.getUTCFullYear() - 1970);
-function actualOlder(guess, actual) {
- if (guess > actual) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
-function renderHigher(higher) {
- if (higher) {
- return "⏫";
- } else {
- return "⏬";
- }
-function withinPercentMargin(guess, actual, percent) {
- return Math.abs((actual - guess) / parseFloat(guess)) <= percent;
-function compare(guess, actual, no_name) {
- var displayData = {};
- displayData.correct = guess.tag === actual.tag;
- if (!no_name) {
- displayData.tag = guess.tag;
- displayData.aligulacId = guess.id;
- } else {
- displayData.tag = "???";
- displayData.unknown = true;
- }
- displayData.race = {
- race: guess.race,
- correct: guess.race == actual.race,
- }
- displayData.country = {
- country: guess.country,
- correct: guess.country == actual.country,
- close: guess.country != "KR" && actual.country != "KR",
- }
- displayData.sum_earnings = {
- sum_earnings: guess.sum_earnings,
- correct: guess.sum_earnings == actual.sum_earnings,
- close: withinPercentMargin(guess.sum_earnings, actual.sum_earnings, 0.10),
- higher: guess.sum_earnings < actual.sum_earnings,
- }
- displayData.rating = {
- rating: guess.rating,
- correct: guess.rating == actual.rating,
- close: withinPercentMargin(guess.rating, actual.rating, 0.10),
- higher: guess.rating < actual.rating,
- }
- if (!birthdayEmptyOrNull(guess) && !birthdayEmptyOrNull(actual)) {
- const guessAge = _calculateAge(new Date(guess.birthday));
- const actualAge = _calculateAge(new Date(actual.birthday));
- displayData.age = {
- hasAge: true,
- age: guessAge,
- correct: guessAge == actualAge,
- close: Math.abs(guessAge - actualAge) <= 1,
- higher: actualOlder(guessAge, actualAge),
- }
- } else {
- displayData.age = {
- hasAge: false,
- }
- }
- const activeGuess = !(guess.position === "NULL");
- const actualActive = !(actual.position === "NULL");
- displayData.active = {
- active: activeGuess,
- correct: activeGuess === actualActive,
- }
- //console.log(JSON.stringify(displayData));
- return displayData;
-function renderCorrectClose(data) {
- if (data.correct) {
- return "🟩";
- } else if (data.close) {
- return "🟨";
- } else {
- return "🟥";
- }
-function socialRow(displayData) {
- var result = ""
- result += renderCorrectClose(displayData.race);
- result += renderCorrectClose(displayData.country);
- result += renderCorrectClose(displayData.sum_earnings);
- result += renderCorrectClose(displayData.rating);
- if (displayData.age.hasAge) {
- result += renderCorrectClose(displayData.age);
- } else {
- result += "🤷♂️"
- }
- result += renderCorrectClose(displayData.active);
- return result;
-function stats(displayData) {
- var result = ""
- if (displayData.unknown) {
- result += "" + displayData.tag + " ";
- } else {
- result += "" + displayData.tag + " ";
- }
- if (displayData.race.correct) {
- result += "" + formatRace(displayData.race.race) + " "
- } else {
- result += "" + formatRace(displayData.race.race) + " "
- }
- if (displayData.country.correct) {
- result += ""
- } else if (displayData.country.close) {
- result += " "
- } else {
- result += " ";
- }
- result += displayData.country.country + " "
- if (displayData.sum_earnings.correct) {
- result += "" + earnings_format.format(displayData.sum_earnings.sum_earnings) + " "
- } else if (displayData.sum_earnings.close) {
- result += "" + earnings_format.format(displayData.sum_earnings.sum_earnings) + renderHigher(displayData.sum_earnings.higher) + " "
- } else {
- result += "" + earnings_format.format(displayData.sum_earnings.sum_earnings) + renderHigher(displayData.sum_earnings.higher) + " "
- }
- if (displayData.rating.correct) {
- result += "" + displayData.rating.rating + " "
- } else if (displayData.rating.close) {
- result += "" + displayData.rating.rating + renderHigher(displayData.rating.higher) + " "
- } else {
- result += "" + displayData.rating.rating + renderHigher(displayData.rating.higher) + " "
- }
- if (displayData.age.hasAge) {
- if (displayData.age.correct) {
- result += "" + displayData.age.age + " "
- } else if (displayData.age.close) {
- result += "" + displayData.age.age + renderHigher(displayData.age.higher) + " "
- } else {
- result += "" + displayData.age.age + renderHigher(displayData.age.higher) + " "
- }
- } else {
- result += "🤷♂️ "
- }
- if (displayData.active.correct) {
- result += "" + formatActive(displayData.active.active) + " ";
- } else {
- result += "" + formatActive(displayData.active.active) + " ";
- }
- var table = document.getElementById('result-display');
- var row = table.insertRow(1);
- if (displayData.correct) {
- row.class = "correct-result"
- }
- row.innerHTML = result;
-function reset() {
- main_player = players[Math.floor(Math.random() * players.length)];
- number_of_guesses = guessesPerGame;
- document.getElementById('countdown-display').innerHTML = "" + number_of_guesses + " tries left.";
- document.getElementById('result-display').innerHTML = tableHeader;
- guesses = [];
- guessesCompares = [];
- currentListItemFocused = -1;
- won = false;
- if (easyMode) {
- const displayData = compare(main_player, main_player, true);
- stats(displayData);
- }
-function guess(tag) {
- if (won || number_of_guesses <= 0) {
- reset();
- }
- var foundPlayers = players.filter(x => x.tag === tag);
- if (foundPlayers.length <= 0) {
- alert('Player not found, try again!');
- return;
- } else if (foundPlayers.length > 1) {
- alert('error: multiple players found!');
- return;
- }
- if (guesses.includes(foundPlayers[0].tag)) {
- alert('Already guessed! Try a diffrent player.');
- return;
- }
- guesses.push(foundPlayers[0].tag);
- document.getElementById('player_tag').value = "";
- number_of_guesses--;
- document.getElementById('countdown-display').innerHTML = "" + number_of_guesses + " tries left.";
- if (foundPlayers[0].id == main_player.id) {
- const displayData = compare(foundPlayers[0], main_player, false);
- guessesCompares.push(displayData);
- stats(displayData);
- document.getElementById('result-display').innerHTML = "You won! 🎉 Try again? Share 📢 " + document.getElementById('result-display').innerHTML
- won = true;
- return;
- } else {
- const displayData = compare(foundPlayers[0], main_player, false);
- guessesCompares.push(displayData);
- stats(displayData);
- }
- if (number_of_guesses <= 0) {
- const displayData = compare(main_player, main_player, false);
- stats(displayData);
- document.getElementById('result-display').innerHTML = "You lost! 😢 Try again? Share 📢 " + document.getElementById('result-display').innerHTML
- document.getElementById('countdown-display').innerHTML = "" + number_of_guesses + " tries left.";
- }
-function socialGrid(guessArray) {
- var grid = "";
- for (i = 0; i < guessArray.length; i++) {
- grid += socialRow(guessArray[i]) + ' ';
- }
- return grid;
-function socialDialog() {
- const dialog = document.getElementById("socialDialog");
- const dialogCloseButton = document.getElementById("socialDialogButton");
- var socialTwitterDiv = document.getElementById("socialTwitterText");
- dialogCloseButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
- document.getElementById("socialDialog").close();
- });
- var socialText = "I played #guessthesc2pro " + socialGrid(guessesCompares) + " Try it out: https://guessthesc2pro.com";
- socialTwitterDiv.innerHTML = socialText;
- dialog.showModal();
-function playersList() {
- var result = "";
- for (i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
- result += (i + 1) + ": " + players[i].tag + " ";
- }
- document.getElementById('player-display').innerHTML = result;