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This is a linear program solver. It's reasonably quick, but it's decidedly research-grade. I wrote it as a graduate student. It comes in two parts.

  • The lp program solves the linear program on stdin using an interior-point method and prints to stdout information about its progress.
  • The lp_canon program converts the linear program in GNU LP format on stdin to the format accepted by lp.

The lp program solves problems of the form

max        c^T x
subject to A x  = b
           x >= 0,

and, simultaneously, their duals, of the form

min        b^T y
subject to A^T y + s = c
           s >= 0.

The variables in these problems are x, y, and s. Both x and s are n-vectors, while y is an m-vector. The data of these problems are the m-vector b, the n-vector c, and the m x n matrix A.


Type make lp lp_canon to build both programs. You will probably need to hack the variables at the top of the Makefile to suit your installation.

The solver depends on SuiteSparse and OpenBLAS. As configured, the build process also depends on SuiteSparse being built with METIS support; however, this can be disabled by removing -lmetis from the CHOLMOD_FLAGS definition.

The solver requires OpenBLAS. There is a dirty hack at the bottom of where I override how base-case Cholesky factorisation is done. The only immediately-visible symptom of linking against a different BLAS might be an undefined reference error for openblas_set_num_threads. You can remedy this by deleting the call to that function, but Cholesky factorisation will behave differently and the solver might bomb out prematurely.

Input format

The solver lp accepts its input in the following format

m n
b1 b2 ... bm
c1 c2 ... cn
i1 j1 a1
i2 j2 a2

Everything named above is a number. m is the number of linear equations in Ax = b and n is the number of variables in x. b1 through bm give the right-hand sides of b. c1 through cn give the objective coefficients of the variables in x. Each triple ik jk ak specifies that the entry of A in the ik row and the jk column takes the value ak. All unspecified entries of A are assumed to be zero.

Output format

The solver lp first gives some information on the Cholesky factorisation it's about to repeatedly compute, such as

one cholesky will take about 5.40147e+08 flops
factor has about 961654 nonzeros

Then it prints out an iteration log, which has a number of lines of the form

m    1| 5.4e+14 -7.0e+08| 7.0e+04  1.0e+00  5.9e+00| 0.39  1.77  9.06|     67044
s    2| 5.4e+14 -7.6e+08| 7.0e+04  1.0e+00  5.0e+00| 0.46  1.37  9.29|     74575
s    3| 5.4e+14 -7.8e+08| 7.0e+04  1.0e+00  4.7e+00| 0.46  1.36  9.31|     81995
s    4| 5.4e+14 -8.0e+08| 7.0e+04  1.0e+00  4.6e+00| 0.47  1.65  9.32|     89451
  • The first column indicates what kind of step was just taken. m means a Mehrotra step; s means a stale step.
  • The second column gives the iteration number.
  • The third and fourth columns give the primal and dual objective values.
  • The next three columns give the primal and dual residuals and the duality gap in a certain reformulation of the problem.
  • The next three columns give the log of the barrier parameter, the (log of the) ratio between the largest and smallest complementarity products, and the (log of the) ratio between kappa and tau.
  • The last column tells you how many microseconds have been spent since the beginning of the iteration loop.

Then it prints out something like

1.12484e+07 1.12484e+07 5.50353e-08 7.45058e-09
Did 34 Choleskies, 0 halfsolves
Average Mehrotra potential reduction:  11244.4 (0.182446 per usec)
Average    stale potential reduction:  -1 (-inf per usec)

Only the first line deserves attention here; the others are misleading or inaccurate. The first two entries are the primal and dual objective values at termination. The last two entries are the worst violation of a primal and dual constraint at termination.

Afterward are twenty or so lines of the form

                     aat:       34        68685         2020
                    chol:       34      1330724        39139
               cholbuild:       34      1536361        45187
        dfp::update_root:       34      1538603        45253

This is a kind of performance profile. The first column gives the name of a ScopeTimer somewhere in the code. The second column says how many times that ScopeTimer was constructed. The third column says how much time, in total, was spend with one of the ScopeTimers with that name alive. The final column gives the average time a ScopeTimer with that name was alive. All times are in microseconds.

If you were hoping to recover the solution to your problem, a little bit of work needs to be done inside the code to make that possible. Somewhere in, the matrix A is permuted. You need to keep track of that permutation and apply its inverse before reading off the entries of x.

Running the code

Given an MPS file and a (working) installation of GLPK, you can get a GNU LP file via the incantation

glpsol --nomip --check --mps foo.mps --wglp foo.glp

Then, after successfully building this package, you can solve it via the incantation

lp_canon < foo.glp | lp --no-stale

The solver lp accepts a number of arguments:

  • --no-stale: Disables "stale steps," which use an old Cholesky factorisation to find search directions at the current iterate. Also sets a longer default Mehrotra step length.
  • --max-stale=42: Do 42 stale steps with each Cholesky factorisation.
  • --meh-neigh=0.987: Go a fraction 0.987 of the distance to the boundary to step when doing a Mehrotra step.
  • --stale-neigh=0.678: Go a fraction 0.678 of the distance to the boundary with each stale step.
  • --no-stale-corr/--stale-corr: Enable/disable the "stale corrector."
  • --no-rebuild-factor/--rebuild-factor: Enable/disable rebuilding the Cholesky factor in blocked form.
  • --no-simplicial-factor/--simplicial-factor: Enable/disable converting CHOLMOD's supernodal factor to simplicial.

Simply running lp with no arguments will crash. This is because I haven't yet made the "stale steps", which are enabled by default, work with either of CHOLMOD's data structures. Disabling the "stale steps" or building the blocked supernodal factor remedies this problem.


A linear program solver







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