A generic library useful when you need to work with points/vectors in 2d space.
var a = new Vec2(10, 10), // new keyword
b = Vec2(100, 10); // call the constructor directly
console.log(a.distance(b)); // 90
Stuff to Note: most of the Vec2's methods take a returnNew
as the last parameter. If passed a truthy value, a new vector will be returned to you. Otherwise the operation will be applied to this
and this
will be returned.
Also, since Infinity
and NaN
are so insidious, this library will throw as soon as it detects either of these so you can take action to fix your data/algorithm.
Add an observer fn
that will be called whenever this vector changes. Calling this method without a function causes it to notify observers.
signature: function(vec, prev) {}
- where prev
is a clone of the vector before the last operation.
this function returns the passed fn
returns: Vec2
Pass a fn
to remove it from the observers list. Calling this function without a fn
will remove all observers.
returns: Vec2
set(x, y [, notify]) or set(vec2 [, notify])
Sets the x
and y
coordinates of this vector. If false
is passed for notify
, none of the observers will be called.
returns: Vec2
Sets the x
and y
of this vector to 0
returns: Vec2
Returns a clone of this vector.
Note: this does not clone observers
returns: Vec2
Negate the x
and y
coords of this vector. If returnNew
is truthy, a new vector with the negated coordinates will be returned.
returns: Vec2
add(x, y [, returnNew]) or add(array, [, returnNew]) or add(vec2 [, returnNew])
Add the x
and y
to this vector's coordinates.
If returnNew
is truthy, return a new vector containing the resulting coordinates. Otherwise apply them to this vector and return it.
returns: Vec2
subtract(x, y [, returnNew]) or subtract(array, [, returnNew]) or subtract(vec2 [, returnNew])
returns: Vec2
multiply(scalar [, returnNew]) or multiply(x, y [, returnNew]) or multiply(array, [, returnNew]) or multiply(vec2 [, returnNew])
Multiply this vectors components with the incoming, returning a clone if returnNew
is truthy.
returns: Vec2
divide(scalar [, returnNew]) or divide(x, y [, returnNew]) or divide(array, [, returnNew]) or divide(vec2 [, returnNew])
Divide this vectors components by the incoming, returning a clone if returnNew
is truthy.
note: this method will throw if you attempt to divide by zero or pass values that cause NaNs
returns: Vec2
rotate(radians [, inverse [, returnNew]])
Rotate this vector's cordinates around (0,0)
. If returnNew
is specified, a new Vec2
will be created and populated with the result and returned. Otherwise the result is applied to this vector and this
is returned.
- inverts the direction of the rotation
- causes the result to be applied to a new Vec2
, otherwise the result is applied to this
returns: Vec2
Returns the length of this vector from (0,0)
returns: double
Returns the length of this vector prior to the Math.sqrt
This is usefull when you don't need to know the actual distance, but need a normalized value to compare with another Vec2#lengthSquared
or similar.
returns: double
returns: the distance between this vector and the incoming
returns: closest vector in array to this vector.
Normalizes this vector. If returnNew
is truthy, a new vector populated with the normalized coordinates will be returned.
returns: Vec2
equal(vec2) or equal(x, y) or equal(array)
returns true if the incoming coordinates are the same as this vector's
returns: boolean
Return a Vec2
that contains the absolute value of each of this vector's parts.
If returnNew
is truthy, create a new Vec2
and return it. Otherwise apply the absolute values to to this
returns: Vec2
Return a Vec2
consisting of the smallest values from this vector and the incoming
When returnNew is truthy, a new Vec2
will be returned otherwise the minimum values in either this or vec
will be applied to this vector.
returns: Vec2
Return a Vec2
consisting of the largest values from this vector and the incoming
When returnNew is truthy, a new Vec2
will be returned otherwise the maximum values in either this
or vec
will be applied to this vector.
returns: Vec2
clamp(low, high [, returnNew])
Clamp the coordinates of this vector to the high/low of the incoming vec2s. If returnNew
apply the result to the new vector and return. Otherwise apply to this vector.
returns: Vec2
lerp(vec, amount [, returnNew])
Perform linear interpolation between this vector and the incoming.
- the percentage along the path to place the vector
- if truthy
, apply the result to a new vector and return it, otherwise return this
returns: Vec2
Returns a vector set with the (-y,x)
coordinates of this vector. If returnNew
a new vector is created and the operation is applied to the new vector.
returns: Vec2
returns: double
returns: double
returns the angle from this vector to the incoming.
returns: double
isPointOnLine(start, end)
where start
and end
are vec2-like (e.g. start.x
and start.y
returns: boolean
returns: [x, y]
Applies the [0]
to this.x
and [1]
to this.y
returns: Vec2
returns: { x: ..., y: ...}
returns: '(x, y)'
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://raw.github.com/tmpvar/vec2.js/master/vec2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var v = new Vec2();
install with npm
npm install vec2
and then require it!
var Vec2 = require('vec2');
MIT (see LICENSE.txt)