- C
- ANSI C Cheat Sheet
- K&R C book (ANSI C)
- Make, Clang (video)
- GDB:
- Let us C
- C++
- C++ Cheat Sheet
- STL Cheat Sheet
- basics
- pointers
- class and object
- functions
- references
- templates
- compilation
- scope & linkage
- namespaces
- functors
- C++ at Google (video)
- Google C++ Style Guide
- Google uses clang-format (there is a command line "style" argument: -style=google)
- Efficiency with Algorithms, Performance with Data Structures (video)
- Review of C++ concepts (video)
- Let us C++
- C++ Primer
- Python
- Python Cheat Sheet
- Python in One Video
- Series on 3.4 (video)
- Statistics for Hackers (video)
- Faster Python (video)
- CPython Walk (video)
- 10 Tips for Pythonic Code (video)
- Beyond PEP 8 -- Best practices for beautiful intelligible code (video)
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
- Coding Interview Essentials
- Data Structures And Algorithms in Python
- Java
- Go
- Javascript
- Other Language 1
- Other Language 2
- etc