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CDK for Terraform CLI


$ npm install -g cdktf-cli


$ cdktf --help

Help output:

  cdktf convert [OPTIONS]          Converts a single file of HCL configuration to Terraform CDK. Takes the file to be converted on stdin.
  cdktf deploy [stack] [OPTIONS]   Deploy the given stack                                                                                                                                                   [aliases: apply]
  cdktf destroy [stack] [OPTIONS]  Destroy the given stack
  cdktf diff [stack] [OPTIONS]     Perform a diff (terraform plan) for the given stack                                                                                                                       [aliases: plan]
  cdktf get [OPTIONS]              Generate CDK Constructs for Terraform providers and modules.
  cdktf init [OPTIONS]             Create a new cdktf project from a template.
  cdktf list [OPTIONS]             List stacks in app.
  cdktf login                      Retrieves an API token to connect to Terraform Cloud.
  cdktf synth [stack] [OPTIONS]    Synthesizes Terraform code for the given app in a directory.                                                                                                        [aliases: synthesize]

  --version                   Show version number                                                                                                                                                                  [boolean]
  --disable-logging           Dont write log files. Supported using the env CDKTF_DISABLE_LOGGING.                                                                                                 [boolean] [default: true]
  --disable-plugin-cache-env  Dont set TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR automatically. This is useful when the plugin cache is configured differently. Supported using the env CDKTF_DISABLE_PLUGIN_CACHE_ENV. [boolean] [default: false]
  --log-level                 Which log level should be written. Only supported via setting the env CDKTF_LOG_LEVEL                                                                                                 [string]
  -h, --help                  Show help                                                                                                                                                                            [boolean]

Options can be specified via environment variables with the "CDKTF_" prefix (e.g. "CDKTF_OUTPUT")

CI environment

If running in automated environments, the dynamic CLI output rendering can be forced to be static with the CI enviornment variable set to a trueish value.

Available commands

cdktf get

This command downloads the providers and modules for an application and generates CDK constructs for them. It can use the cdktf.json configuration file to read the list of providers and modules.

$ cdktf get --help

Help output:

cdktf get [OPTIONS]

Generate CDK Constructs for Terraform providers and modules.

  --version          Show version number                                                                                                            [boolean]
  --disable-logging  Dont write log files. Supported using the env CDKTF_DISABLE_LOGGING.                                           [boolean] [default: true]
  --log-level        Which log level should be written. Only supported via setting the env CDKTF_LOG_LEVEL                                           [string]
  --output, -o       Output directory for generated Constructs                                                                     [string] [default: ".gen"]
  --language, -l     Output programming language                                [string] [required] [choices: "typescript", "python", "java", "csharp", "go"]
  -h, --help         Show help                                                                                                                      [boolean]


Download providers and modules defined in the cdktf.json configuration file.

$ cat cdktf.json
  "language": "typescript",
  "app": "node main.js",
  "terraformProviders": ["aws@~> 2.0"]
$ cdktf get

cdktf init

This command creates a new CDK for Terraform project using a template.

$ cdktf init --help

Help output:

cdktf init [OPTIONS]

Create a new cdktf project from a template.

  --version                   Show version number                                                         [boolean]
  --disable-logging           Dont write log files. Supported using the env CDKTF_DISABLE_LOGGING.
                                                                                          [boolean] [default: true]
  --disable-plugin-cache-env  Dont set TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR automatically. This is useful when the plugin cache is
                              configured differently. Supported using the env CDKTF_DISABLE_PLUGIN_CACHE_ENV.
                                                                                         [boolean] [default: false]
  --log-level                 Which log level should be written. Only supported via setting the env CDKTF_LOG_LEVEL
  --template                  The template to be used to create a new project. Either URL to zip file or one of the
                              built-in templates: ["csharp", "go", "java", "python", "python-pip", "typescript"]
  --project-name              The name of the project.                                                     [string]
  --project-description       The description of the project.                                              [string]
  --dist                      Install dependencies from a "dist" directory (for development)               [string]
  --local                     Use local state storage for generated Terraform.           [boolean] [default: false]
  --cdktf-version             The cdktf version to use while creating a new project.    [string] [default: "0.0.0"]
  --from-terraform-project    Use a terraform project as the basis, CDK constructs will be generated based on the
                              .tf files in the path                                                        [string]
  -h, --help                  Show help                                                                   [boolean]


Create a new Typescript project.

$ cdktf init --template="typescript"

Create a new Python project and use a specific version of the cdktf package.

$ cdktf init --template="python" --cdktf-version="0.0.1"

Create a new Typescript project from an existing Terraform codebase. Please be aware that only Typescript is currently supported and that there are some known limitations.

$ cdktf init --template="typescript" --from-terraform-project /path/to/terraform/project

cdktf synth

This command synthesizes Terraform configuration for an application.

$ cdktf synth --help

Help output:

cdktf synth [OPTIONS]

Synthesizes Terraform code for the given app in a directory.

  --version          Show version number                                                                                                                                           [boolean]
  --disable-logging  Dont write log files. Supported using the env CDKTF_DISABLE_LOGGING.                                                                          [boolean] [default: true]
  --log-level        Which log level should be written. Only supported via setting the env CDKTF_LOG_LEVEL                                                                          [string]
  --app, -a          Command to use in order to execute cdktf app
  --output, -o       Output directory                                                                                                                                 [default: "cdktf.out"]
  --json             Provide JSON output for the generated Terraform configuration.                                                                               [boolean] [default: false]
  -h, --help         Show help                                                                                                                                                     [boolean]


Synthesize code for a given application.

$ cdktf synth

Synthesize code when providing a custom command to execute and an output directory.

$ cdktf synth --app="npm compile && node main.js" --output="dirname"

Synthesize code for a given application and output the Terraform JSON configuration.

$ cdktf synth --json

cdktf diff

This command generates a diff for a given application by running Terraform plan.

$ cdktf diff --help

Help output:

cdktf diff [OPTIONS]

Perform a diff (terraform plan) for the given stack

  --version          Show version number                                                                                                                                           [boolean]
  --disable-logging  Dont write log files. Supported using the env CDKTF_DISABLE_LOGGING.                                                                          [boolean] [default: true]
  --log-level        Which log level should be written. Only supported via setting the env CDKTF_LOG_LEVEL                                                                          [string]
  --app, -a          Command to use in order to execute cdktf app                                                                                                                 [required]
  --output, -o       Output directory                                                                                                                      [required] [default: "cdktf.out"]
  -h, --help         Show help                                                                                                                                                     [boolean]


Generate a diff for a given application.

$ cdktf diff

cdktf deploy

This command deploys a given application.

$ cdktf deploy --help

Help output:

cdktf deploy [OPTIONS]

Deploy the given stack

  --version          Show version number                                                                                                                                           [boolean]
  --disable-logging  Dont write log files. Supported using the env CDKTF_DISABLE_LOGGING.                                                                          [boolean] [default: true]
  --log-level        Which log level should be written. Only supported via setting the env CDKTF_LOG_LEVEL                                                                          [string]
  --app, -a          Command to use in order to execute cdktf app                                                                                                                 [required]
  --output, -o       Output directory                                                                                                                      [required] [default: "cdktf.out"]
  --auto-approve     Auto approve                                                                                                                                 [boolean] [default: false]
  -h, --help         Show help                                                                                                                                                     [boolean]


Deploy a given application.

$ cdktf deploy

Deploy a given application with auto approval of the diff (Terraform plan).

$ cdktf deploy --auto-approve

cdktf destroy

This command destroys a given application.

$ cdktf destroy --help

Help output:

cdktf destroy [OPTIONS]

Destroy the given stack

  --version          Show version number                                                                                                                                           [boolean]
  --disable-logging  Dont write log files. Supported using the env CDKTF_DISABLE_LOGGING.                                                                          [boolean] [default: true]
  --log-level        Which log level should be written. Only supported via setting the env CDKTF_LOG_LEVEL                                                                          [string]
  --app, -a          Command to use in order to execute cdktf app                                                                                                                 [required]
  --output, -o       Output directory                                                                                                                      [required] [default: "cdktf.out"]
  --auto-approve     Auto approve                                                                                                                                 [boolean] [default: false]
  -h, --help         Show help                                                                                                                                                     [boolean]


Destroy a given application.

$ cdktf destroy

Destroy a given application with auto approval of the diff (Terraform plan).

$ cdktf destroy --auto-approve

cdktf login

This command helps login to Terraform Cloud by fetching a Terraform Cloud API token.

$ cdktf login --help

Help output:

cdktf login

Retrieves an API token to connect to Terraform Cloud.

  --version          Show version number                                                                                                                                           [boolean]
  --disable-logging  Dont write log files. Supported using the env CDKTF_DISABLE_LOGGING.                                                                          [boolean] [default: true]
  --log-level        Which log level should be written. Only supported via setting the env CDKTF_LOG_LEVEL                                                                          [string]
  -h, --help         Show help                                                                                                                                                     [boolean]


Fetch an API token from Terraform Cloud.

$ cdktf login

cdktf convert

This command converts Terraform configuration written in HCL to CDK configuration that does the same in the language of your choice. The convert functionality only covers Terraform 1.0, everything below is not guaranteed to be working. There is also functionality not covered for Terraform 1.0, please see the known limitations.

cdktf convert [OPTIONS]

Converts a single file of HCL configuration to Terraform CDK. Takes the file to be converted on stdin.

  --version                   Show version number                                                   [boolean]
  --disable-logging           Dont write log files. Supported using the env CDKTF_DISABLE_LOGGING.
                                                                                    [boolean] [default: true]
  --disable-plugin-cache-env  Dont set TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR automatically. This is useful when the plugin
                              cache is configured differently. Supported using the env
                              CDKTF_DISABLE_PLUGIN_CACHE_ENV.                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --log-level                 Which log level should be written. Only supported via setting the env
                              CDKTF_LOG_LEVEL                                                        [string]
  --language                      [choices: "typescript", "python", "csharp", "java"] [default: "typescript"]
  -h, --help                  Show help                                                             [boolean]


  • Convert a local file: cat | cdktf convert > imported.ts
  • Convert HCL in your clipboard to Python on OSX: pbpaste | cdktf convert --language python | pbcopy

There are some known limitations, please check them out at the @cdktf/hcl2cdk package.