- Add in fix to take account of forces and resolution strategies when creating a global lock
- Performance improvements
- Merge in fix from 1.12.5
- Ability to update subset of dependencies with updateLock or updateGlobalLock
- merged in 1.12.4 changes
- Move to gradle 2.2.1
- Merge in 1.12.3
- Merge in 1.12.2
- Initial release using gradle 2.0
- Regression moving to configurations.all*.name, dependency locking behaving oddly switching back to defaulting to testRuntime
- Modify plugin so the lock is used by IDEs which skip taskGraph.whenReady
- Plugin can now be applied to a rootProject in a multiproject without configuration
- Added deleteLock and deleteGlobalLock takss
- Added globalLock so multiprojects can have a unified version of all transitive dependencies (useful in IDE)
- Set cacheDynamicVersion to 0 when generating lock
- Documentation improvements
- Deprecated plugin name gradle-dependency-lock in favor of dependency-lock
- Changed dependencyLock.ignore respect the value set on it instead of simple existence
- Add configuration to allow skipping certain dependencies from the lock
- nebula-plugin-plugin to 1.12.1
- Fix first level transitive calculation, makes sure project dependencies do not have locked versions
- Fix to commitLock tag
- Add -PdependencyLock.useGeneratedLock flag
- Allow command line overrides to work if plugin is applied, not just when creating a lock or in the presence of a lock.
- Bugfix: lock first level transitives of any project(':') depended on
- Bugfix: properly respect resolutionStrategy.force 'group:artifact:version' present in build.gradle
- Add commitLock task
- Bug fix: properly skip interproject dependencies in a multi-project build when including transitives in the lock
- Fix handling of circular references in transitive dependencies
- Allow locking of transitive dependencies
- Fix handling of overrides not used by a subproject
- Document if a locked dependency is at a specific version due to a command line override
- improve multi-project support for command line overrides
- make it so generateLock will never be up-to-date
- command line overrides will now affect the dependency resolution during lock generation, dependency.lock will continue to be ignored during lock generation
- add command line overrides
- add command line file overrides
- Fix to exclude inter-project dependencies in an multi-project build
- Documentation updates
- Update build to use nebula-plugin-plugin:1.9.9
- Added task for saving lock to build directory, and task for copying to main directory
- Property to override lock file used
- Property to ignore lock files
- Initial release