A web game based on the great board game Neuroshima Hex.
This program requires a linux distribution with the boost library at version at
least 1.54 and cmake version at least 2.8 installed. If you are using Ubuntu or
some similar system sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
followed by
sudo apt-get install cmake
should install those, if you are using any other
distribution you probably know how to do this.
To install neccessary data files run the following commands:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/neurohex
cp -R data/* ~/.local/share/neurohex
To compile the program run cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
followed by make all
Afterwards running bin/NeurohexServer
runs the server, while bin/NeurohexClient
runs the client. They have internal documentation, if you need to know any commands
available at some point just type help