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executable file
78 lines (53 loc) · 1.86 KB


This is the code base for our paper Amortized Finite Element Analysis for Fast PDE-Constrained Optimization on ICML 2020.


  • python 3.7.3
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • matplotlib
  • fenics
  • dolfin-adjoint
  • mshr
  • pytorch

We recommend using conda

conda install python==3.6.3
conda install numpy scipy matplotlib
conda install -c conda-forge fenics
conda install -c conda-forge dolfin-adjoint
conda install -c conda-forge mshr
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=$YOUR_TOOLKIT_VERSION -c pytorch


To run a runner module, do:

python -m

or similar. The package currently contains three examples (linear, dolfin and robot) and module names should be indicative.


The following descriptions use dolfin example for instructions.

To compute traditional finite element analysis (FEA) solutions, do:

python -m src.pde.poisson_dolfin

To draw i.i.d. data for control parameters, do:

python -m

To train a neural network model using amortized finite element analysis (AmorFEA), do:

python -m

To perform PDE-constrained optimization with AmorFEA enabled surrogate model, do:

python -m src.opt.optimizer_dolfin

To visualize results, do:

python -m src.vis.demo_dolfin


To define hyperparameters / arguments / defaults for a module, create a file src/arguments/, with a method add_args(parser) which adds argparse arguments to the parser.

To access arguments for all modules:

from src import arguments
args = arguments.args

Modules use relative imports (e.g. to import arguments from a module in src/, from . import arguments, to do it from a module in src/pde/, from .. import arguments, ...).

Generally follow PEP8.