All paths start from /
Windows C: drive is thus /c/
Your user home folder is /c/users/myname
works as a shortcut for user home folder, so:
equals /c/users/myname/projects
is the current directory.
is the parent directory.
(list files)
ls -l
(list files in long form)
ls -a
(list all including hidden files)
cd <foldername>
cd ..
(go up one folder)
cd project
(go into project folder)
cat file.txt
prints content of the file.txt to screen
echo "Hello world" > file.txt
Writes the string "Hello World" to a file.txt, overwriting current content or creating the file if needed.
echo "More stuff" >> file.txt
appends "More stuff" to the end of the file on a new line.
touch file.txt
Create an empty file. If file.txt
exists, only update its timestamp.