Releasing a new version of the project is easy, but you need to take all of the right steps, so that everything is in the right place.
First, make sure you've got a good build.
$ mvn clean install
Then prepare for the release. The following command will ask you lots of questions about version numbers and whatnot. The defaults are fine.
$ mvn release:prepare -Prelease
This will create the git tags, and counter intuitively, you'll need to push those tags upstream before continuing.
$ git push origin master --tags
Then, perform the release. This pushes the build artifacts to the JBoss Nexus sonatype repository.
$ mvn release:perform -Prelease
Next, publish the documentation. TODO: This step could/should be improved.
$ cd api
$ mvn javadoc:javadoc
$ mvn scm-publish:publish-scm
$ git co master
Note: In order to actually publish the artifacts to sonatype, you'll need to sign the artifacts. This is handled automatically by the maven build and release process, but in order for it not to barf all over your shoes, you need to make sure you're set up correctly for this to work. To do that, follow the instructions here and here
Then you'll need to update the javadoc index page to include the latest version that you just published. It's simple enough to do this directly from the github interface.
Finally, head over to the Sonatype website and login.
Click Staging Repositories
. Click the Updated
tag twice to get your just
published repository at the top of the list. Select it and confirm the contents.
Click Close
. Click Refresh
. Click Release
. Ridiculous, isn't it?
Congratulations, you are done.