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Datatypes for ILIAS

This service should contain standard datatypes for ILIAS that are used in many locations in the system and do not belong to a certain service.

The keywords “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Table of Contents

Other examples for data types that could (and maybe should) be added here:

  • Option (akin to rusts type)
  • (il)Datetime
  • ObjectId, ReferenceId
  • HTML, Text, Markdown
  • List, List, ...

This is not to be confused with the service for types. This services is about the data, not the types thereof. It still uses types to talk about data (like a lot of code does), but it does not reify types as data (which the service for types and the PHP-ReflectionClass does).


A result encapsulates a value or an error and simplifies the handling of those.

Example 1: Ok


$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// Build a value that is ok.
$pi = $f->ok(3.1416);

// Value is ok and thus no error.

// Do some transformation with the value.
$r = 10;
$A = $pi->map(function($value_of_pi) use ($r) { return 2 * $value_of_pi * $r; });

// Still ok and no error.

// Retrieve the contained value.
$A_value = $A->value();
itIsTrueThat($A_value == 2 * 3.1416 * 10);

// No error contained...
$raised = false;
try {
	itIsTrueThat(false); // Won't happen, error raises.
catch(\LogicException $e) {
	$raised = true;


Example 2: Error


$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// Build a value that is ok.
$pi = $f->ok(3.1416);

// Build a value that is not ok.
$error = $f->error("There was some error...");

// This is of course an error.

// Transformations do nothing.
$A = $error->map(function($v) { itIsTrueThat(false); });

// Attempts to retrieve the value will throw.
$raised = false;
try {
	itIsTrueThat(false); // Won't happen.
catch (\ILIAS\Data\NotOKException $e) {
	$raised = true;

// For retrieving a default could be supplied.
$v = $error->valueOr("default");
itIsTrueThat($v == "default");

// Result also has an interface for chaining computations known as promise
// interface (or monad interface for pros!).

$pi = $pi->then(function($value_of_pi) use ($f) {
	// replace contained value with a more accurate number.
	return $f->ok(3.1415927);

// $pi is ok("3.1415927") now. If one had used map instead of then, $pi
// would have been ok(ok(3.1415927).

// One could also inject an error with then, this is not possible with map.
$pi = $pi->then(function($_) use ($f) {
	return $f->error("Do not know value of Pi.");

// The error can be catched later on and be corrected:
$pi = $pi->except(function($e) use ($f) {
	itIsTrueThat($e === "Do not know value of Pi.");
	return $f->ok(3); // for large threes

itIsTrueThat($pi->value() === 3);



Color is a data type representing a color in HTML. Construct a color with a hex-value or list of RGB-values.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

//construct color with rgb-values:
$rgb = $f->color(array(255,255,0));

//construct color with hex-value:
$hex = $f->color('#ffff00');

itIsTrueThat($rgb->asHex() === '#ffff00');
itIsTrueThat($hex->asRGBString() === 'rgb(255, 255, 0)');


Object representing an uri valid according to RFC 3986 with restrictions imposed on valid characters and obliagtory parts. Construct a uri with a valid string.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct uri
$uri = $f->uri('');

itIsTrueThat($uri->getBaseURI() === '');
itIsTrueThat($uri->getSchema() === 'https');
itIsTrueThat($uri->getAuthority() === '');
itIsTrueThat($uri->getHost() === '');
itIsTrueThat($uri->getPath() === 'test');
itIsTrueThat($uri->getQuery() === 'search=test');
itIsTrueThat($uri->getFragment() === 'frag');
itIsTrueThat($uri->getPort() === 12345);
itIsTrueThat($uri->getParameters() === ['search' => 'test']);
itIsTrueThat($uri->getParameter('search') === 'test');


Object representing the size of some data. Construct a data size object with a size and an unit.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct data size
$data_size = $f->dataSize(123, 'GB');

itIsTrueThat($data_size->getSize() === 123.0);
itIsTrueThat($data_size->getUnit() === 1000000000);
itIsTrueThat($data_size->inBytes() === 123000000000.0);


Object representing a password. Construct a password with a string.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct password
$password = $f->Password('secret');

itIsTrueThat($password->toString() === 'secret');


Object representing a a alphanummeric string plus #, _, . and -. Construct a client with a valid string.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct client id
$client_id = $f->clientId('Client_Id-With.Special#Chars');

itIsTrueThat($client_id->toString() === 'Client_Id-With.Special#Chars');


ReferenceId is a data type representing an integer. Construct a reference id with an integer.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct reference id
$ref_id = $f->refId(9);

itIsTrueThat($ref_id->toInt() === 9);


ObjectId is a data type representing an integer. Construct an object id with an integer.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct object id
$ref_id = $f->objId(9);

itIsTrueThat($ref_id->toInt() === 9);


Alphanumeric is a data type representing an alphanumeric value. Construct an alphanumeric with an integer and an alphanumeric value.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct alphanumric with integers
$numeric = $f->alphanumeric(963);

// construct alphanumeric with mixed values as string
$alphanumeric = $f->alphanumeric('23da33');

itIsTrueThat($numeric->getValue() === 963);
itIsTrueThat($alphanumeric->getValue() === '23da33');


PositiveInteger is a data type representing an positive integer. Construct an positive integer with an integer.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct a positive integer
$positive_integer = $f->positiveInteger(963);

itIsTrueThat($positive_integer->getValue() === 963);


DateFormat is a data type representing a dateformat. Construct a date format representing a standard, german_short, german_long or custom date format.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct standard date format
$standard = $f->dateFormat()->standard();

// construct german short date format
$german_short = $f->dateFormat()->germanShort();

// construct german long date format
$german_long = $f->dateFormat()->germanLong();

// construct custom date format
$custom = $f->dateFormat()->custom()->twoDigitYear()->dash()->month()->dash()->day()->get();

itIsTrueThat($standard->toString() === "Y-m-d");
itIsTrueThat($standard->toArray() === ['Y', '-', 'm', '-', 'd']);

itIsTrueThat($german_short->toString() === "d.m.Y");
itIsTrueThat($german_short->toArray() === ['d', '.', 'm', '.', 'Y']);

itIsTrueThat($german_long->toString() === "l, d.m.Y");
itIsTrueThat($german_long->toArray() === ['l', ',', ' ', 'd', '.', 'm', '.', 'Y']);

itIsTrueThat($custom->toString() === "y-m-d");
itIsTrueThat($custom->toArray() === ['y', '-', 'm', '-', 'd']);


Range is a data type representing a naive range of whole positive numbers. Construct an range with a start integer and a length integer.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct a range
$range = $f->range(10, 20);

itIsTrueThat($range->unpack() === [10, 20]);
itIsTrueThat($range->getStart() === 10);
itIsTrueThat($range->getLength() === 20);
itIsTrueThat($range->getEnd() === 30);


Order is a data type representing a subject with a specific order. Construct an order with a subject and a direction.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct a order
$order1 = $f->order('subject1', 'ASC');

// append subject to order
$order2 = $order1->append('subject2', 'DESC');

// join the subjects to an order statement
$join = $order2->join('sort', function($pre, $k, $v) { return "$pre $k $v,"; });

itIsTrueThat($order1->get() === ['subject1' => 'ASC']);
itIsTrueThat($order2->get() === ['subject1' => 'ASC', 'subject2' => 'DESC']);
itIsTrueThat($join === 'sort subject1 ASC, subject2 DESC,');


This package provides a fully psr-20 compliant clock handling.


System Clock

The \ILIAS\Data\Clock\SystemClock returns a \DateTimeImmutable instance always referring to the current default system timezone.

$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

$clock = $f->clock()->system();
$now = $clock->now();

UTC Clock

The \ILIAS\Data\Clock\UtcClock returns a \DateTimeImmutable instance always referring to the UTC timezone.

$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

$clock = $f->clock()->utc();
$now = $clock->now();

Local Clock

The \ILIAS\Data\Clock\UtcClock returns a \DateTimeImmutable instance always referring to the timezone passed to the factory method.

$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

$clock = $f->clock()->local(new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin'));
$now = $clock->now();



Object representing a metric order, where the distances of the categories are known and can be described quantitatively. Construct a cardinal dimension object with numerical or textual variables representing the categories.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct dimension
$cardinal = $f->dimension()->cardinal(["low", "medium", "high"]);

itIsTrueThat($cardinal->getLabels() === ["low", "medium", "high"]);


Object representing a range on a cardinal dimension. Construct a range dimension object with an existing cardinal dimension.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct dimensions
$cardinal = $f->dimension()->cardinal(["low", "medium", "high"]);
$range = $f->dimension()->range($cardinal);

itIsTrueThat($range->getLabels() === $cardinal->getLabels());


Object representing a dataset for one or more dimensions. Construct a dataset with an amount of named dimensions. Extend a dataset with one or more items by determining e.g. points for each dimension of the dataset.



$f = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory;

// construct dimensions and dataset
$cardinal = $f->dimension()->cardinal([
    0 => "very low",
    1 => "low",
    2 => "medium",
    3 => "high",
    4 => "very high"
$range = $f->dimension()->range($cardinal);
$dataset = $f->dataset([
    "Measurement 1" => $cardinal,
    "Measurement 2" => $cardinal,
    "Target" => $range
$dataset = $dataset->withPoint(
    "Item 1",
        "Measurement 1" => 1,
        "Measurement 2" => 0,
        "Target" => [0, 1.5],
$dataset = $dataset->withPoint(
    "Item 2",
        "Measurement 1" => -1,
        "Measurement 2" => 1.75,
        "Target" => [0.95, 1.05],

itIsTrueThat($dataset->getMinValueForDimension("Measurement 1") === -1.0);
itIsTrueThat($dataset->getMaxValueForDimension("Target") === 1.5);


To make this run, we need a little helper:


function itIsTrueThat(bool $truth) {
    if (!$truth) {
        throw new \LogicException("Some code in the Data/ is wrong!");
