Please make sure that you have the PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD
variable set within your .env file BEFORE running the rake oracle:initialize
command to initialize the database.
If you ran the initialization command before making sure that your private key password was what you want it to be, you will need to drop the nayru_development database and reinitialize (this will change your coordinator keys).
Follow along the instructions here to get your node up and running.
Connect to the database
sudo su postgres
psql nayru_development
Select the data
SELECT encrypted_private_key FROM key_pairs WHERE owner_type = 'Ethereum::Account';
It should look like this:
You can copy/paste this into a text file. This is what makes up a keystore file. You can now open it up with any application that uses keystore files with the password given to the PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD
variable in the .env file.
If using separate instances and you cannot log into the console for PostgreSQL, you can still access the data via ActiveRecord and the Rails console.
docker run -it --env-file=.env smartcontract/chainlink rails runner "puts\"encrypted_private_key\").where(\"owner_type = 'Ethereum::Account'\").as_json"
You will need to remove the escaped quotes, but the data itself is the same as if you were to connect to the database directly.
Assuming you haven't actually sent LINK to the address that was created, you can simply drop the nayru_development database and run the initize command to recreate it with your password set.
Connect to PostgreSQL
sudo su postgres
Drop the database
DROP DATABASE nayru_development;
Exit out of the psql and the postgres user
Make sure your environment variables are set in the .env file
edit .env
Reinitialize the database
docker run -it --env-file=.env smartcontract/chainlink rake oracle:initialize
That was used for testing in a previous release of the ChainLink software and will be deprecated in the future
Yes, you will need some ETH to be used for gas. The amount can vary depending on how many assignments the node will accept.
docker run -it --env-file=.env smartcontract/chainlink rails runner "puts Ethereum::Account.default.key_pair.ethereum_address"
docker run -it --env-file=.env smartcontract/chainlink rails runner "puts Ethereum::Account.default.key_pair.private_key"