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Release v1.4 |
####v1.4.0 (Brighton Beach) Date: August 2012
- Node Manager
- Support for P2P Protocol over SSH
- P2P Protocol improved convergence time
- Included classes for reporting statistics on P2P protocol and search results
- Search
- Support for Aggregations:
- New Solr core "aggregations" is installed
- When harvesting THREDDS catalogs, aggregations at all levels are harvested and ingested into the new core
- The search API was extended to allow query for object of type=Aggregation
- RSS bug fix: remove default=NOW for timestamp field, which effectively made the RSS fields useless because the oldest datasets (with no date) showed up as the newest records
- Support for super-nodes - nodes that maintain a local copy of remote shards
- On each node, the traditional Solr slave instance now becomes also a master, so it can be replicated on demand by other servers
- The installer supports installation of replica shards on demand
- The search back-end is configured via a locally maintained file /esg/config/ which contains a list of all the facets used by the local Index Node
- The maximum number of files limit per wget script is increased to 1000
- Updated to Solr 3.6 release
- Support for Aggregations:
- Security
- Implemented back-end federated attribute service that can query all attribute services in the federation to retrieve all attributes for a given user. Not exposed directly as web service, rather intended to be used as service layer by the web user interface.
- Federation certs loaded on startup.
- Web Front End
- Improved data cart behavior, faster response
- Lock widget prevents user from issuing simultaneous queries
- Bug fixes
- wget script (see ESGF wget for more detailed info)
- renew certificate automatically if it was retrieved by the script the first time
- directory generation for downloaded files (download_structure and download_emptypath wget API modifications) wrong published checksum check
- download file modification check (report if remote file was modified, i.e. checksum changed, if downloading latest it will report if there's a new version available)
- added "update" option (-u) to compare the wget script with the latest version of itself and redownload if different (preserving old one, that is). This enables the previous option of reporting changed files.
- file list overflow check and report message to user (if files in the script are less than the ones returned by the query)
- wget version check
- Dashboard/Desktop(new)
- data usage statistics management at node level (back-end).
- statistics aggregator at federation level (back-end)
- new Desktop interface (Rssfeed viewer, management console, data usage statistics, twitter and dashboard gadgets)
- Other
- Updated Thredds server to 4.2.10, which should greatly improved the internal memory management.
#####Release Instructions and Notes
- The format of the file /esg/config/ has changed to support additional functionality. If you have a local version of that file, move it somewhere else prior to running the installer, so that a new version can be copied in place (which you can later customize).
- The location of the Solr index data has changed to /esg/solr-index. The installer will automatically copy the old Solr indexes for master and slave into the new location.
- Thredds Data Server
- Because of a change in how the TDS application is being versioned, you must remove the current TDS installation for the installer to pick up the new version:
- mv /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/thredds /tmp/.
- Optionally, you can turn caching off in the file /esg/content/thredds/threddsConfig.xml - it's not yet clear wether this will improve memory usage or not:
- <Catalog><cache>false</cache></Catalog>
- Because of a change in how the TDS application is being versioned, you must remove the current TDS installation for the installer to pick up the new version:
- "Super-Node" configuration.
- After updating to this release, an Index Node administrator has the option of creating a local replica of any other up-to-date Index Node, and configure the search services to query the local replica shard, as opposed to the remote shard. For example, to create and query a local replica of the JPL Index Node (which is up to date), using port 8985:
- esg-node --add-replica-shard
- esg-node --list-shards (should show the local master and slave shards, plus any additional replica shards)
- esg-node --check-shards (lists the configured shards and tests the integrity of the configuration)
- esg-node (re)start
Note that every replica shard will run in a separate Jetty container, on a dedicated port: 8985, 8986, 8987, etc... Also, when adding a replica the port value is optional. If one is not supplied the next 'free' port is used. However when deleting a replica shard run --list-shards first and specify the hostname and the port (hostname:port). Use; esg-node --list-shards, (view the shard you wish to remove) then, esg-node --remove-replica-shard <shard to remove hostname>:<port>
####v1.4.2 (Brooklyn Heights) Date: December 2012
- esgf-installer: version 1.4.2 new node maintenance flags new sanity checking flags
- esgf-node-manager: version 0.6.14 SSL P2P protocol support New registry entries for dashboard support.
- esg-security: version 2.2.5
- esgf-orp: version 2.3.0 Bug fix: Chrome users not able to register for CMIP5 membership because Chrome does not load insecure content (http) within a secure page (https). Solved by serving YUI libraries from Google CDN ( instead of YUI site ( since only the first allows connections via HTTPS.
- esgf-idp: version 2.3.0 Big fix: fixed Chrome problem related to mixing secure and unsecure content (now all content loaded through https)
- esg-search: version 3.6.0 Enhancement: provide top-level summary of dataset access points (ESGF/esg-search#1) Bug fix: harvest geospatial and temporal information into top-level dataset (ESGF/esg-search#2)
- esgf-web-fe: version 2.3.2 Bug fix: fixed problem affecting Chrome users trying to create an account, related to mix secure and un-secure content within the same page Bug fix: enforcing HTTPS for login page
- esgf-dashboard: version 1.3.1
- esgf-desktop: version 0.0.1