A thin self-hostable CI/CD wrapper around Pachyderm/Kubernetes that helps a tiny (1-20 members) startup not think about setting up something as elaborate as Jenkins, ArgoCD and Airflow to keep a cluster delivering value
DISCLAIMER: This tool encapsulates what could be considered "best practices" for... bad practices.
As a hipster sys-admin developer advocate, lurking on cloud-native, with an M1 macbook, I hit a severe roadblock being unable to build containers for x86_64 for use in cloud environments, most of which wouldn't accept an arm build, to overcome the same, Edith
was created as a CI stopgap until docker buildx caught up on m1, along the way, I discovered Metacontroller and Pachyderm and found myself being able to ship infrastructure pieces supafast, I call this pattern Do this, then that
If none of this makes sense to you, much to learn you have, young padawan, join me, and together we'll rule the galaxy!
Install dependencies with:
npm i
Compile ts to js:
npx tsc
Create an env file with the following:
Run it with pm2 to auto-restart when updating:
npm run pm2
To develop:
npm run start
kubectl apply -k https://github.com/metacontroller/metacontroller/manifests/production
[ ] Support .env
[x] Find a way to compile prior to pm2 restarting the app after update
[x] Delete previous image tags in dockerhub
[x] Upload new container to dockerhub
[ ] Test all the containers under /containers
[x] Blog https://twitter.com/awsgeek/status/1108049045635776512?lang=en
local RED='\e[31m';
local DEF='\e[0m'
local name=$1
pachctl stop pipeline $name
pachctl list commit __spec__@$name
commits_to_delete=$(pachctl list commit __spec__@$name --raw | jq -r "select(.subvenantCommitsSuccess==null) | select(.subvenantCommitsTotal) | .commit.id")
echo "Commits to delete, please confirm"
for i in $(echo "$commits_to_delete"); do
echo $RED $i $DEF
read confirm
for i in $(echo "$commits_to_delete"); do
pachctl delete commit __spec__@$i
echo "Delete done, start pipeline?"
read confirm
pachctl start pipeline $name