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File metadata and controls

205 lines (161 loc) · 5.34 KB

v2.0 Migration Guide

Focus of v2.0 will be towards API cleanliness & solves pain points with v1.0+

Main feature of v2.0:

  1. Complete renaming of classes
    • With v1.0, naming of the classes weren't given enough thoughts. Names like CollectionProvider, ViewCollectionProvider, ViewProvider, DataProvider, etc.. are all quite confusing to use.
  2. Removing confusing initializer
  3. Sticky Header Support
  4. Initial support for mixed data type
  5. Layout cleanup
  6. Internal architectural & performance improvement

Breaking API Changes

Name changes

These won't be blocking your from compiling your app since we included a typealias bridge from 1.3 to 2.0. Old names will be shown as deprecated. Checkout Deprecated.swift for more info.

AnyCollectionProvider -> Provider
CollectionDataProvider -> DataSource
CollectionViewProvider -> ViewSource
CollectionSizeProvider -> SizeSource
CollectionLayout -> Layout
CollectionPresenter -> Animator
CollectionProvider -> BasicProvider
CollectionComposer -> ComposedProvider
ViewCollectionProvider -> SimpleViewProvider
EmptyStateCollectionProvider -> EmptyStateProvider
SpaceCollectionProvider -> SpaceProvider
ClosureDataProvider -> ClosureDataSource
ClosureViewProvider -> ClosureViewSource
ArrayDataProvider -> ArrayDataSource

BasicProvider (CollectionProvider in v1.3)

  • variable name changes
dataProvider -> dataSource
viewProvider -> viewSource
sizeProvider -> sizeSource
presenter -> animator
  • willReloadHandler & didReloadHandler is removed

  • designated init is now changed to the following. while other initializer has been removed.

public init(identifier: String? = nil,
            dataSource: DataSource<Data>,
            viewSource: ViewSource<Data, View>,
            sizeSource: @escaping SizeSource<Data> = defaultSizeSource,
            layout: Layout = FlowLayout(),
            animator: Animator? = nil,
            tapHandler: TapHandler? = nil) {}

If you are using any of the convenient init, please change to the following:

  data: data,
  viewUpdater: { (label: UILabel, data: Data, index: Int) in
    label.backgroundColor = .red
    label.layer.cornerRadius = 8
    label.textAlignment = .center
    label.text = "\(data)"
  sizeProvider: { (index: Int, data: Data, collectionSize: CGSize) -> CGSize in
    return CGSize(width: 50, height: 50)
  dataSource: ArrayDataSource(data: data),
  viewSource: ClosureViewSource(viewUpdater: { (label: UILabel, data: Data, index: Int) in
    label.backgroundColor = .red
    label.layer.cornerRadius = 8
    label.textAlignment = .center
    label.text = "\(data)"
  sizeSource: { (index: Int, data: Data, collectionSize: CGSize) -> CGSize in
    return CGSize(width: 50, height: 50)
  • TapHandler type is changed from
typealias TapHandler = (View, Int, DataSource<Data>) -> Void


typealias TapHandler = (TapContext) -> Void

protocol TapContext {
  var view: View { get }
  var index: Int { get }
  var dataSource: DataSource<Data> { get }
  var data: Data { get }
  func setNeedsReload() {}

ComposedProvider (CollectionComposer in v1.3)

  • following convenience init has been removed
public convenience init(identifier: String? = nil,
                        layout: CollectionLayout<AnyCollectionProvider> = FlowLayout(),
                        presenter: CollectionPresenter? = nil,
                        _ sections: AnyCollectionProvider...) {}

Please change the following:

 CollectionComposer(provider1, provider2, provider3)
 ComposedProvider(sections: [provider1, provider2, provider3])

SimpleViewProvider (ViewCollectionProvider in v1.3)

  • following convenience init has been removed
public convenience init(identifier: String? = nil,
                        _ views: UIView...,
                        sizeStrategy: (ViewSizeStrategy, ViewSizeStrategy) = (.fit, .fit),
                        insets: UIEdgeInsets = .zero) {}

Please change the following:

ViewCollectionProvider(view1, view2)
SimpleViewProvider(views: [view1, view2])


Layout becomes data independent.

FlowLayout<Int> -> FlowLayout

Layout only receives an abstract object LayoutContent during layout, instead of receiving dataProvider & sizeProvider.


func layout(collectionSize: CGSize,
            dataProvider: CollectionDataProvider<Data>,
            sizeProvider: @escaping CollectionSizeProvider<Data>)

is now:

public protocol LayoutContext {
  var collectionSize: CGSize { get }
  var numberOfItems: Int { get }
  func data(at: Int) -> Any
  func identifier(at: Int) -> String
  func size(at: Int, collectionSize: CGSize) -> CGSize

func layout(context: LayoutContext) {}

Animator (CollectionPresenter in v1.3)

The following has been removed. Base class Animator now doesn't do animation.


The following hass been added:


The following has been moved from CollectionKit to CollectionKitExample



LabelCollectionProvider & CollectionViewCollectionProvider has been removed.

They don't provide enough value to the core function of CollectionKit and makes the library bit more confusing.