diff --git a/ThermoFun/Database.cpp b/ThermoFun/Database.cpp
index b53ae193..2e2e51b2 100644
--- a/ThermoFun/Database.cpp
+++ b/ThermoFun/Database.cpp
@@ -46,16 +46,14 @@ struct Database::Impl
         //jsonio::FJson file (filename);
         //type_ = file.Type();
-        fromFile( filename );
-        if (elements_map.size()>0)
-            setDBElements( elements_map );
+        fromFile(filename);
+        setDBElements(elements_map);
     Impl(std::vector<std::string> jsons, std::string _label)
         fromJSONs(jsons, _label);
-        if (elements_map.size()>0)
-            setDBElements( elements_map );
+        setDBElements(elements_map);
     template<typename Key, typename Value>
@@ -68,15 +66,18 @@ struct Database::Impl
         return collection;
-    auto setDBElements(ElementsMap elements ) -> void
+    auto setDBElement(Element& element) -> void
-        thfun_logger->debug("Database::setDBElements() elements {}", elements.size());
         ChemicalFun::ElementValues eldata;
-        for (auto& e : elements)
-        {
-            auto elkey = e.second.toElementKey(eldata);
-            all_elements.addElement(elkey, eldata);
+        auto elkey = element.toElementKey(eldata);
+        all_elements.addElement(elkey, eldata);
+    }
+    auto setDBElements(ElementsMap elements) -> void
+    {
+        thfun_logger->debug("Database::setDBElements() elements {}", elements.size());
+        for (auto& e : elements) {
+            setDBElement(e.second);
@@ -91,12 +92,14 @@ struct Database::Impl
     auto addElement(const Element& element) -> void
         elements_map.insert({element.symbol(), element});
+        setDBElement(elements_map[element.symbol()]);
     auto setElement(const Element& element) -> void
         checkIfSymbolExists(elements_map, "element", element.symbol());
         elements_map[element.symbol()] = element;
+        setDBElement(elements_map[element.symbol()]);
     auto addSubstance(const Substance& substance) -> void
@@ -113,6 +116,7 @@ struct Database::Impl
     auto addMapElements(const ElementsMap& elements) -> void
         elements_map = elements;
+        setDBElements(elements_map);
     auto addMapSubstances(const SubstancesMap& substances) -> void
@@ -166,28 +170,70 @@ struct Database::Impl
         return reactions_map.size();
-    auto getElement(std::string symbol) -> Element&
+    auto getElement(std::string symbol) -> const Element&
-        if(elements_map.count(symbol) == 0)
+        if(!containsElement(symbol)) {
             errorNonExistent("element", symbol, __LINE__);
-        return elements_map.find(symbol)->second;
+        }
+        return elements_map[symbol];
-    auto getSubstance(std::string symbol) -> Substance&
+    auto getSubstance(std::string symbol) -> const Substance&
-        if(substances_map.count(symbol) == 0)
+        if(!containsSubstance(symbol)) {
             errorNonExistent("substance", symbol, __LINE__);
-        return substances_map.find(symbol)->second;
+        }
+        return substances_map[symbol];
-    auto getReaction(std::string symbol) -> Reaction&
+    auto getReaction(std::string symbol) -> const Reaction&
-        if(reactions_map.count(symbol) == 0)
+        if(!containsReaction(symbol)) {
             errorNonExistent("reaction", symbol, __LINE__);
+        }
+        return reactions_map[symbol];
+    }
+    auto element(std::string symbol) -> Element&
+    {
+        if(!containsElement(symbol)) { // try restore data from defaults
+            auto el_key =ChemicalFun::ElementKey(symbol,0);
+            Element empty_element;
+            if( all_elements.elements().find(el_key) != all_elements.elements().end()) {
+                empty_element = elementKeyToElement(el_key);
+            }
+            else {
+                empty_element.setSymbol(symbol);
+                empty_element.setName(symbol);
+            }
+            elements_map[symbol] = empty_element;
+        }
+        return elements_map[symbol];
+    }
-        return reactions_map.at(symbol);
+    auto substance(std::string symbol) -> Substance&
+    {
+        if(!containsSubstance(symbol)) {
+            Substance empty_subst;
+            empty_subst.setSymbol(symbol);
+            empty_subst.setName(symbol);
+            // ... set other default data
+            substances_map[symbol]=empty_subst;
+        }
+        return substances_map[symbol];
+    }
+    auto reaction(std::string symbol) -> Reaction&
+    {
+        if(!containsReaction(symbol))
+        {
+            Reaction empty_react;
+            empty_react.setSymbol(symbol);
+            empty_react.setName(symbol);
+            // ... set other default data
+            reactions_map[symbol]=empty_react;
+        }
+        return reactions_map[symbol];
     auto mapElements() -> ElementsMap&
@@ -466,6 +512,22 @@ auto Database::getReaction(std::string symbol) const -> const Reaction&
     return pimpl->getReaction(symbol);
+auto Database::element(std::string symbol) -> Element&
+    return pimpl->element(symbol);
+auto Database::substance(std::string symbol) -> Substance&
+    return pimpl->substance(symbol);
+auto Database::reaction(std::string symbol) -> Reaction&
+    return pimpl->reaction(symbol);
 auto Database::mapElements() const -> const ElementsMap&
     return pimpl->mapElements();
@@ -496,6 +558,38 @@ auto Database::getReactions() const -> std::vector<Reaction>
     return pimpl->getReactions();
+// Return all elements in the database
+auto Database::getElementsList() const -> std::vector<std::string>
+   std::vector<std::string> list;
+   for(const auto& item: pimpl->elements_map) {
+      list.push_back(item.first);
+   }
+   return list;
+// Return all substances in the database
+auto Database::getSubstancesList() const -> std::vector<std::string>
+   std::vector<std::string> list;
+   for(const auto& item: pimpl->substances_map) {
+      list.push_back(item.first);
+   }
+   return list;
+// Return all reactions in the database
+auto Database::getReactionsList() const -> std::vector<std::string>
+   std::vector<std::string> list;
+   for(const auto& item: pimpl->reactions_map) {
+      list.push_back(item.first);
+   }
+   return list;
 auto Database::numberOfElements() const -> size_t
     return pimpl->numberOfElements();
@@ -531,7 +625,7 @@ auto Database::parseSubstanceFormula(std::string formula_) const -> std::map<Ele
     std::map<Element, double> map;
     ChemicalFun::FormulaToken formula(formula_);
     // ??? Do we need props, do not save
-    auto props = formula.properties(pimpl->all_elements.elements());
+    //auto props = formula.properties(pimpl->all_elements.elements());
     for (const auto& element : formula.getStoichCoefficients())
diff --git a/ThermoFun/Database.h b/ThermoFun/Database.h
index 77205275..bb70f183 100644
--- a/ThermoFun/Database.h
+++ b/ThermoFun/Database.h
@@ -139,6 +139,15 @@ class Database
     /// Return all reactions in the database
     auto getReactions() const -> std::vector<Reaction>;
+    /// Return list of all elements in the database
+    auto getElementsList() const -> std::vector<std::string>;
+    /// Return list of all substances in the database
+    auto getSubstancesList() const -> std::vector<std::string>;
+    /// Return list og all reactions in the database
+    auto getReactionsList() const -> std::vector<std::string>;
     /// Returns the map of elements in the database
     auto mapElements() const -> const ElementsMap&;
@@ -166,6 +175,15 @@ class Database
     /// Return a reactions in the database
     auto getReaction(std::string symbol) const -> const Reaction&;
+    /// Reference to the element in the database
+    auto element(std::string symbol) -> Element&;
+    /// Reference to the substance in the database
+    auto substance(std::string symbol) -> Substance&;
+    /// Reference to the reaction in the database
+    auto reaction(std::string symbol) -> Reaction&;
     /// Check if the database contains a given element
     /// @param symbol The name of the element
     auto containsElement(std::string symbol) const -> bool;
diff --git a/ThermoFun/Element.cpp b/ThermoFun/Element.cpp
index a6bbb61a..b11e98e9 100644
--- a/ThermoFun/Element.cpp
+++ b/ThermoFun/Element.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#include <iostream>
 #include "Element.h"
 #include "ChemicalFun/FormulaParser/ChemicalData.h"
 #include "Common/ParseJsonToData.h"
@@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ ChemicalFun::ElementKey Element::toElementKey(ChemicalFun::ElementValues &eldata
     eldata.number = number();
     eldata.name = symbol(); // was e.name();
-    return ChemicalFun::ElementKey(symbol(), class_(), isotopeMass() );
+    return ChemicalFun::ElementKey(symbol(), class_(), isotopeMass());
 auto operator<(const Element& lhs, const Element& rhs) -> bool
@@ -265,4 +266,22 @@ auto operator==(const Element& lhs, const Element& rhs) -> bool
            (lhs.isotopeMass()   == rhs.isotopeMass());
+auto operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Element& element) -> std::ostream&
+    stream << "Element(\n";
+    stream << "    name: " << element.name() << "\n";
+    stream << "    symbol: " << element.symbol() << "\n";
+    stream << "    molarMass: " << element.molarMass() << "\n";
+    stream << "    entropy: " << element.entropy() << "\n";
+    stream << "    heatCapacity: " << element.heatCapacity() << "\n";
+    stream << "    volume: " << element.volume() << "\n";
+    stream << "    valence: " << element.valence() << "\n";
+    stream << "    class: " << element.class_() << "\n";
+    stream << "    isotopeMass: " << element.isotopeMass() << "\n";
+    stream << "    number: " << element.number() << "\n)" << std::endl;
+    return stream;
 } // namespace ThermoFun
diff --git a/ThermoFun/Element.h b/ThermoFun/Element.h
index 521fc7ed..c36709fd 100644
--- a/ThermoFun/Element.h
+++ b/ThermoFun/Element.h
@@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ auto operator<(const Element& lhs, const Element& rhs) -> bool;
 /// Compare two Element instances for equality
 auto operator==(const Element& lhs, const Element& rhs) -> bool;
+auto operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Element& element) -> std::ostream&;
 } // namespace ThermoFun
 #endif // ELEMENT_H
diff --git a/ThermoFun/GlobalVariables.h b/ThermoFun/GlobalVariables.h
index e4419de8..09726a90 100644
--- a/ThermoFun/GlobalVariables.h
+++ b/ThermoFun/GlobalVariables.h
@@ -775,6 +775,18 @@ static const char * reacFMcoeff            = "dr_marshall_franck_coeffs.values";
 //typedef std::vector<struct ReactionData>  Reactions;
+/// Output a array instance
+template<typename V>
+auto operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::vector<V>& array) -> std::ostream&
+    out << std::string("[ ");
+    for(const auto& val: array) {
+      out << val << " ";
+    }
+    out << std::string("]");
+    return out;
diff --git a/ThermoFun/Reaction.cpp b/ThermoFun/Reaction.cpp
index 715ec252..8a641828 100644
--- a/ThermoFun/Reaction.cpp
+++ b/ThermoFun/Reaction.cpp
@@ -519,7 +519,73 @@ auto Reaction::calc_logK_fT_coefficients() -> vd
 //    setThermoParameters(th_param);
+auto operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const ThermoPropertiesReaction& data) -> std::ostream&
+    stream << "( " << data.ln_equilibrium_constant << ", " << data.log_equilibrium_constant << ", "
+           << data.reaction_gibbs_energy << ", "<< data.reaction_helmholtz_energy << ", "
+           << data.reaction_internal_energy << ", "<< data.reaction_enthalpy << ", "
+           << data.reaction_entropy << ", "<< data.reaction_volume << ", "
+           << data.reaction_heat_capacity_cp << ", "<< data.reaction_heat_capacity_cv << " )";
+    return stream;
+auto operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const ThermoParametersReaction& data) -> std::ostream&
+    if( !data.temperature_intervals.empty() ) {
+        stream << "        temperature_intervals: " << data.temperature_intervals << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.pressure_intervals.empty() ) {
+        stream << "        pressure_intervals: " << data.pressure_intervals << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.reaction_logK_fT_coeff.empty() ) {
+        stream << "        reaction_logK_fT_coeff: " << data.reaction_logK_fT_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.logK_TP_array.empty() ) {
+        stream << "        logK_TP_array: " << data.logK_TP_array << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.reaction_Cp_fT_coeff.empty() ) {
+        stream << "        reaction_Cp_fT_coeff: " << data.reaction_Cp_fT_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.reaction_V_fT_coeff.empty() ) {
+        stream << "        reaction_V_fT_coeff: " << data.reaction_V_fT_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.reaction_RB_coeff.empty() ) {
+        stream << "        reaction_RB_coeff: " << data.reaction_RB_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.reaction_RB_coeff.empty() ) {
+        stream << "        reaction_RB_coeff: " << data.reaction_RB_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.reaction_FM_coeff.empty() ) {
+        stream << "        reaction_FM_coeff: " << data.reaction_FM_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.reaction_DM10_coeff.empty() ) {
+        stream << "        reaction_DM10_coeff: " << data.reaction_DM10_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    return stream;
+auto operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Reaction& react) -> std::ostream&
+    stream << "Reaction(\n";
+    stream << "    name: " << react.name() << "\n";
+    stream << "    symbol: " << react.symbol() << "\n";
+    stream << "    equation: " << react.equation() << "\n";
+    stream << "    reactants: ";
+    stream << std::string("[ ");
+    for(const auto& val: react.reactants()) {
+        stream << "( " << val.first << " : " << val.second << " ) ";
+    }
+    stream << std::string("]\n");
+    stream << "    thermoReferenceProperties: " << react.thermoReferenceProperties() << "\n";
+    stream << "    thermo_ref_prop: " << react.thermo_ref_prop() << "\n";
+    stream << "    thermoParameters: \n" << react.thermoParameters();
+    stream << "    T: ( " << react.referenceT() << ", " << react.lowerT() << ", " << react.upperT() << " )\n";
+    stream << "    P: ( " << react.referenceP() << ", " << react.lowerP() << ", " << react.upperP() << " )\n";
+    stream << "    methodGenEOS: " << react.methodGenEOS() << "\n";
+    stream << "    method_T: " << react.method_T() << "\n";
+    stream << "    method_P: " << react.method_P() << "\n)" << std::endl;
+    return stream;
 } // namespace ThermoFun
diff --git a/ThermoFun/Reaction.h b/ThermoFun/Reaction.h
index f4a297f0..4cd14df6 100644
--- a/ThermoFun/Reaction.h
+++ b/ThermoFun/Reaction.h
@@ -172,6 +172,8 @@ class Reaction
+auto operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Reaction& react) -> std::ostream&;
 } // namespace ThermoFun
 #endif // REACTION_H
diff --git a/ThermoFun/Substance.cpp b/ThermoFun/Substance.cpp
index c8164e49..a17c8e19 100644
--- a/ThermoFun/Substance.cpp
+++ b/ThermoFun/Substance.cpp
@@ -364,5 +364,83 @@ auto operator==(const Substance& lhs, const Substance& rhs) -> bool
            (lhs.name()          == rhs.name());
+auto operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const ThermoPropertiesSubstance& data) -> std::ostream&
+    stream << "( " << data.gibbs_energy << ", " << data.helmholtz_energy << ", "
+           << data.internal_energy << ", "<< data.enthalpy << ", "
+           << data.entropy << ", "<< data.volume << ", "
+           << data.heat_capacity_cp << ", "<< data.heat_capacity_cv << " )";
+    return stream;
+auto operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const ThermoParametersSubstance& data) -> std::ostream&
+    stream << "( " << data.isothermal_compresibility << ", " << data.isobaric_expansivity << " )\n";
+    if( !data.temperature_intervals.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        temperature_intervals: " << data.temperature_intervals << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.pressure_intervals.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        pressure_intervals: " << data.pressure_intervals << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.Cp_coeff.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        Cp_coeff: " << data.Cp_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.Cp_nonElectrolyte_coeff.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        Cp_nonElectrolyte_coeff: " << data.Cp_nonElectrolyte_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.phase_transition_prop.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        phase_transition_prop: " << data.phase_transition_prop << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.phase_transition_prop_Berman.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        phase_transition_prop_Berman: " << data.phase_transition_prop_Berman << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.m_landau_phase_trans_props.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        m_landau_phase_trans_props: " << data.m_landau_phase_trans_props << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.HKF_parameters.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        HKF_parameters: " << data.HKF_parameters << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.volume_coeff.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        volume_coeff: " << data.volume_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.critical_parameters.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        critical_parameters: " << data.critical_parameters << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.volume_BirchM_coeff.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        volume_BirchM_coeff: " << data.volume_BirchM_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.empirical_coeff.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        empirical_coeff: " << data.empirical_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    if( !data.solute_holland_powell98_coeff.empty() ) {
+       stream << "        solute_holland_powell98_coeff: " << data.solute_holland_powell98_coeff << "\n";
+    }
+    return stream;
+auto operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Substance& subst) -> std::ostream&
+    stream << "Substance(\n";
+    stream << "    name: " << subst.name() << "\n";
+    stream << "    symbol: " << subst.symbol() << "\n";
+    stream << "    formula: " << subst.formula() << "\n";
+    stream << "    reactionSymbol: " << subst.reactionSymbol() << "\n";
+    stream << "    molarMass: " << subst.molarMass() << "\n";
+    stream << "    T: ( " << subst.referenceT() << ", " << subst.lowerT() << ", " << subst.upperT() << " )\n";
+    stream << "    P: ( " << subst.referenceP() << ", " << subst.lowerP() << ", " << subst.upperP() << " )\n";
+    stream << "    thermoProperties: " << subst.thermoProperties() << "\n";
+    stream << "    thermoParameters: " << subst.thermoParameters();
+    stream << "    thermoReferenceProperties: " << subst.thermoReferenceProperties() << "\n";
+    stream << "    methodGenEOS: " << subst.methodGenEOS() << "\n";
+    stream << "    method_T: " << subst.method_T() << "\n";
+    stream << "    method_P: " << subst.method_P() << "\n";
+    stream << "    substanceClass: " << subst.substanceClass() << "\n";
+    stream << "    thermoCalculationType: " << subst.thermoCalculationType() << "\n";
+    stream << "    aggregateState: " << subst.aggregateState() << "\n";
+    stream << "    charge: " << subst.charge() << "\n)" << std::endl;
+    return stream;
 } // namespace ThermoFun
diff --git a/ThermoFun/Substance.h b/ThermoFun/Substance.h
index 00c1c9c5..d85553f6 100644
--- a/ThermoFun/Substance.h
+++ b/ThermoFun/Substance.h
@@ -208,6 +208,8 @@ auto operator>(const Substance& lhs, const Substance& rhs) -> bool;
 /// Compare two Substance instances for equality
 auto operator==(const Substance& lhs, const Substance& rhs) -> bool;
+auto operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Substance& subst) -> std::ostream&;
 } // namespace ThermoFun
 #endif // SUBSTANCE_H
diff --git a/ci/pipelines/install.sh b/ci/pipelines/install.sh
index 4381ef10..6094d57d 100644
--- a/ci/pipelines/install.sh
+++ b/ci/pipelines/install.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 if [ ! -f $HOME/miniconda/bin/conda ]; then
     echo "Downloading and installing miniconda"
-    wget -O miniconda.sh https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
+    wget --no-check-certificate -O miniconda.sh https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
     rm -rf $HOME/miniconda
     bash miniconda.sh -b -p $HOME/miniconda
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no
 conda config --add channels conda-forge
 conda install conda-devenv
 conda update -q conda
+conda config --set ssl_verify false || exit 1
 conda info -a
 conda devenv
 source activate thermofun
diff --git a/examples/database_api.py b/examples/database_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fe229b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/database_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import thermofun as thermofun
+database = thermofun.Database('test-database-thermofun.json')
+print("Elements \n", database.getElementsList())
+print("Substances \n", database.getSubstancesList())
+print("Reactions \n", database.getReactionsList())
+# Element
+elment_O = database.getElement("O")
+elment_ref = database.element("H")
+elment_new = database.element("Co");  # get from defaults
+elment_empty = database.element("Ac"); #empty data
+# Substance
+subst = database.substance("Quartz")
+subst_H2O = database.substance("H2O@")
+subst_Co = database.substance("Co+2")
+# Reaction
+react = database.reaction("Gedrite-Mg")
diff --git a/examples/test-database-thermofun.json b/examples/test-database-thermofun.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f499a0f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/test-database-thermofun.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1121 @@
+    "thermodataset": "compiled for testing the database parser",
+    "datasources": [],
+    "date": "09.12.2019 13:03:05",
+    "substances": [
+        {
+            "name": "Water HGK",
+            "symbol": "H2O@",
+            "formula": "H2O@",
+            "formula_charge": 0,
+            "aggregate_state": {
+                "4": "AS_AQUEOUS"
+            },
+            "class_": {
+                "3": "SC_AQSOLVENT"
+            },
+            "Tst": 298.15,
+            "Pst": 100000,
+            "TPMethods": [
+                {
+                    "method": {
+                        "32": "water_eos_iapws95_reaktoro"
+                    }
+                },
+                {
+                    "method": {
+                        "25": "water_diel_jnort91_reaktoro"
+                    }
+                }
+            ],
+            "sm_heat_capacity_p": {
+                "values": [
+                    75.360527038574
+                ],
+                "errors": [
+                    0
+                ],
+                "units": [
+                    "J/(mol*K)"
+                ]
+            },
+            "sm_gibbs_energy": {
+                "values": [
+                    -237183
+                ],
+                "errors": [
+                    100
+                ],
+                "units": [
+                    "J/mol"
+                ]
+            },
+            "sm_enthalpy": {
+                "values": [
+                    -285881
+                ],
+                "errors": [
+                    200
+                ],
+                "units": [
+                    "J/mol"
+                ]
+            },
+            "sm_entropy_abs": {
+                "values": [
+                    69.922996520996
+                ],
+                "errors": [
+                    0.10000000149012
+                ],
+                "units": [
+                    "J/(mol*K)"
+                ]
+            },
+            "sm_volume": {
+                "values": [
+                    1.8068397045136
+                ],
+                "errors": [
+                    0
+                ],
+                "units": [
+                    "J/bar"
+                ]
+            },
+            "references": [
+                "[1992JOH/OEL]"
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "Quartz (q)",
+            "symbol": "Quartz",
+            "formula": "SiO2",
+            "formula_charge": 0,
+            "aggregate_state": {
+                "3": "AS_CRYSTAL"
+            },
+            "class_": {
+                "0": "SC_COMPONENT"
+            },
+            "Tst": 298.15,
+            "Pst": 100000,
+            "TPMethods": [
+                {
+                    "method": {
+                        "0": "cp_ft_equation"
+                    },
+                    "limitsTP": {
+                        "range": true,
+                        "lowerT": 273.15,
+                        "upperT": 2273.15
+                    },
+                    "m_heat_capacity_ft_coeffs": {
+                        "values": [
+                            110.69999694824,
+                            -0.0051890001632273,
+                            0,
+                            -1128.3000488281,
+                            0,
+                            0,
+                            0,
+                            0,
+                            0,
+                            0,
+                            0,
+                            0
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+                            "J/(mol*K)",
+                            "J/(mol*K^2)",
+                            "(J*K)/mol",
+                            "J/(mol*K^0.5)",
+                            "J/(mol*K^3)",
+                            "J/(mol*K^4)",
+                            "J/(mol*K^5)",
+                            "(J*K^2)/mol",
+                            "J/mol",
+                            "J/(mol*K^1.5)",
+                            "J/(mol*K)"
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+                {
+                    "method": {
+                        "5": "landau_holland_powell98"
+                    },
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+                        "values": [
+                            573.84997558594,
+                            4.9499998092651,
+                            0.11879999935627
+                        ]
+                    }
+                },
+                {
+                    "method": {
+                        "38": "mv_eos_murnaghan_hp98"
+                    }
+                }
+            ],
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+                ],
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+                    0
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+                    "J/(mol*K)"
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+            },
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+                    -856433
+                ],
+                "units": [
+                    "J/mol"
+                ]
+            },
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+                    -910830
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+                    "J/mol"
+                ]
+            },
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+                "values": [
+                    41.5
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+                    "J/(mol*K)"
+                ]
+            },
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+                    0
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+                    "J/bar"
+                ]
+            },
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+                    750
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+                    "1e-05/K"
+                ]
+            },
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+                "values": [
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+                    "kbar"
+                ]
+            },
+            "datasources": [
+                "[1998HOL/POW]"
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "Al(OH)2+",
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+            "formula_charge": 1,
+            "aggregate_state": {
+                "4": "AS_AQUEOUS"
+            },
+            "class_": {
+                "2": "SC_AQSOLUTE"
+            },
+            "Tst": 298.15,
+            "Pst": 100000,
+            "TPMethods": [
+                {
+                    "method": {
+                        "3": "solute_hkf88_reaktoro"
+                    },
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+                            -169.08999633789,
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+                            -27091,
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+                            -43785.56,
+                            53240,
+                            0
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+                            "cal/mol",
+                            "(cal*K)/(mol*bar)",
+                            "(cal*K)/mol",
+                            "cal/(mol*K)",
+                            "(J*K)/mol",
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+                    0
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+                    "J/(mol*K)"
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+                    "J/mol"
+                ]
+            },
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+                "values": [
+                    -995581
+                ],
+                "units": [
+                    "J/mol"
+                ]
+            },
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+                "values": [
+                    -27.530000686646
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+                "units": [
+                    "J/(mol*K)"
+                ]
+            },
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+                    0
+                ],
+                "units": [
+                    "J/bar"
+                ]
+            },
+            "references": [
+                "[2001TAG/SCH]",
+                "[2017MIR/WAG]"
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "Al(OH)3 (aq)",
+            "symbol": "Al(OH)3@",
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+            "formula_charge": 0,
+            "aggregate_state": {
+                "4": "AS_AQUEOUS"
+            },
+            "class_": {
+                "2": "SC_AQSOLUTE"
+            },
+            "Tst": 298.15,
+            "Pst": 100000,
+            "TPMethods": [
+                {
+                    "method": {
+                        "3": "solute_hkf88_reaktoro"
+                    },
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+                            828.15997314453,
+                            2.4949998855591,
+                            -31214,
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+                            -10644,
+                            104610,
+                            0
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+                            "cal/(mol*bar)",
+                            "cal/mol",
+                            "(cal*K)/mol",
+                            "cal/(mol*K)",
+                            "(cal*K)/mol",
+                            "cal/mol"
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+                    }
+                }
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+                    0
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+                    "J/mol"
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+                    -1262898
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+                    "J/mol"
+                ]
+            },
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+                "values": [
+                    5.1609997749329
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+                "units": [
+                    "J/(mol*K)"
+                ]
+            },
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+                    0
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+                    "J/bar"
+                ]
+            },
+            "references": [
+                "[2016MIR/WAG]",
+                "[2017MIR/WAG]"
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "Al(OH)4-",
+            "symbol": "Al(OH)4-",
+            "formula": "Al(OH)4-",
+            "formula_charge": -1,
+            "aggregate_state": {
+                "4": "AS_AQUEOUS"
+            },
+            "class_": {
+                "2": "SC_AQSOLUTE"
+            },
+            "Tst": 298.15,
+            "Pst": 100000,
+            "TPMethods": [
+                {
+                    "method": {
+                        "3": "solute_hkf88_reaktoro"
+                    },
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+                        "values": [
+                            0.8493999838829,
+                            1295.7600097656,
+                            0.65700000524521,
+                            -33147,
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+                            -114047,
+                            104030,
+                            0
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+                            "cal/(mol*bar)",
+                            "cal/mol",
+                            "(cal*K)/mol",
+                            "cal/(mol*K)",
+                            "(cal*K)/mol",
+                            "cal/mol"
+                        ],
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+                    }
+                }
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+                "values": [
+                    96.54020690918
+                ],
+                "errors": [
+                    0
+                ],
+                "units": [
+                    "J/(mol*K)"
+                ]
+            },
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+                    -1305097
+                ],
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+                    "J/mol"
+                ]
+            },
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+                    -1502391
+                ],
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+                    "J/mol"
+                ]
+            },
+            "sm_entropy_abs": {
+                "values": [
+                    103.55000305176
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+                "units": [
+                    "J/(mol*K)"
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+            },
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+                "errors": [
+                    0
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+                    "J/bar"
+                ]
+            },
+            "references": [
+                "[2017MIR/WAG]",
+                "[2001TAG/SCH]"
+            ]
+        }
+    ],
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+        {
+            "symbol": "Meionite-Ca",
+            "equation": "Ca4Al6Si6O24(CO3) + 25H+ = HCO3- + 6H4SiO4@ + 4Ca+2 + 6Al+3",
+            "reactants": [
+                {
+                    "symbol": "Meionite-Ca",
+                    "coefficient": -1
+                },
+                {
+                    "symbol": "Ca+2",
+                    "coefficient": 4
+                },
+                {
+                    "symbol": "H+",
+                    "coefficient": -25
+                },
+                {
+                    "symbol": "Al+3",
+                    "coefficient": 6
+                },
+                {
+                    "symbol": "HCO3-",
+                    "coefficient": 1
+                },
+                {
+                    "symbol": "H4SiO4@",
+                    "coefficient": 6
+                }
+            ],
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+                "lowerP": 0.1,
+                "lowerT": 273.15,
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+                "upperT": 298.15
+            },
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+                {
+                    "method": {
+                        "7": "logk_3_term_extrap"
+                    },
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+        },
+        {
+            "symbol": "Gedrite-Mg",
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+            "reactants": [
+                {
+                    "symbol": "Al+3",
+                    "coefficient": 4
+                },
+                {
+                    "symbol": "H+",
+                    "coefficient": -22
+                },
+                {
+                    "symbol": "Mg+2",
+                    "coefficient": 5
+                },
+                {
+                    "symbol": "H4SiO4@",
+                    "coefficient": 6
+                },
+                {
+                    "symbol": "Gedrite-Mg",
+                    "coefficient": -1
+                }
+            ],
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+                    "method": {
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+        },
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+            "symbol": "Tschermakite-Mg",
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+            "reactants": [
+                {
+                    "symbol": "Tschermakite-Mg",
+                    "coefficient": -1
+                },
+                {
+                    "symbol": "Ca+2",
+                    "coefficient": 2
+                },
+                {
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+                },
+                {
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+                },
+                {
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+                },
+                {
+                    "symbol": "H4SiO4@",
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+                },
+                {
+                    "symbol": "H4SiO4@",
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+                },
+                {
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+                {
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+                },
+                {
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+                },
+                {
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+                "name": "M0i"
+            },
+            "references": [
+                "[1998SHO/EA]"
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "symbol": "O",
+            "class_": {
+                "0": "ELEMENT"
+            },
+            "entropy": {
+                "values": [
+                    102.569000244141
+                ],
+                "name": "S0i"
+            },
+            "atomic_mass": {
+                "values": [
+                    15.999400138855
+                ],
+                "name": "M0i"
+            },
+            "references": [
+                "[1998SHO/EA]"
+            ]
+        }
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pytests/test_database.py b/pytests/test_database.py
index e5445a76..cd686027 100644
--- a/pytests/test_database.py
+++ b/pytests/test_database.py
@@ -49,6 +49,55 @@ def test_append_element(self):
         assert self.database.parseSubstanceFormula('Co+2')
         assert self.database.numberOfElements() == 5
+    def test_reference_element(self):
+        elment_O = self.database.getElement("O")
+        elment_O.setValence(-3)
+        assert self.database.getElement("O").valence() != -3
+        assert elment_O.valence() == -3
+        elment_H = self.database.element("H")
+        elment_H.setValence(1)
+        assert self.database.getElement("H").valence() == 1
+        # new
+        elment_new = self.database.element("Co");  # get from defaults
+        assert self.database.numberOfElements() == 5
+        assert self.database.element("Co").name() == 'Co'
+        assert self.database.element("Co").symbol() == 'Co'
+        assert self.database.element("Co").molarMass() == 58.9332008361816
+        assert self.database.element("Co").entropy() == 30.0400009155273
+        assert self.database.element("Co").heatCapacity() == 24.8099994659424
+        assert self.database.element("Co").volume() == 6.61999988555908
+        assert self.database.element("Co").valence() == 2
+        assert self.database.element("Co").class_() == 0
+        assert self.database.element("Co").isotopeMass() == 0
+        assert self.database.element("Co").number() == 27
+    def test_reference_substance(self):
+        subst = self.database.substance("Quartz")
+        subst.setMolarMass(60.084300994873)
+        assert self.database.getSubstance("Quartz").molarMass() == 60.084300994873
+        subst2 = self.database.substance("H2O@")
+        subst2.setMolarMass(18.015300750732)
+        assert self.database.getSubstance("H2O@").molarMass() == 18.015300750732
+        # new empty
+        subst_new = self.database.substance("Co+2");  # zero values
+        assert self.database.numberOfSubstances() == 6
+        assert self.database.getSubstancesList() ==  ['Al(OH)2+', 'Al(OH)3@', 'Al(OH)4-', 'Co+2', 'H2O@', 'Quartz']
+        assert self.database.getSubstance("Co+2").name() == 'Co+2'
+        assert self.database.getSubstance("Co+2").symbol() == 'Co+2'
+        assert self.database.getSubstance("Co+2").molarMass() == 0
+    def test_reference_reaction(self):
+        react = self.database.reaction("Gedrite-Mg")
+        react.setUpperP(1e5)
+        assert self.database.getReaction("Gedrite-Mg").upperP() == 1e5
+        # new empty
+        react_new = self.database.reaction("Co+2");  # zero values
+        assert self.database.numberOfReactions() == 5
+        assert self.database.getReactionsList() ==  ['Co+2', 'Gedrite-Mg', 'Meionite-Ca', 'Pargasite-Mg', 'Tschermakite-Mg']
+        assert self.database.getReaction("Co+2").name() == 'Co+2'
+        assert self.database.getReaction("Co+2").symbol() == 'Co+2'
+        assert self.database.getReaction("Co+2").upperP() == 0
     def test_formula_parser(self):
         assert self.database.parseSubstanceFormula('FeFe|3|2O4')
diff --git a/python/pyThermoFun/pyDatabase.cpp b/python/pyThermoFun/pyDatabase.cpp
index 6c031386..4ca2a085 100644
--- a/python/pyThermoFun/pyDatabase.cpp
+++ b/python/pyThermoFun/pyDatabase.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 // along with ThermoFun code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <sstream>
 #if _MSC_VER >= 1929
 #include <corecrt.h>
@@ -78,6 +79,9 @@ void exportDatabase(py::module& m)
         .def("getElements", &Database::getElements, "Return all elements in the database")
         .def("getSubstances", &Database::getSubstances, "Return all substances in the database")
         .def("getReactions", &Database::getReactions, "Return all reactions in the database")
+        .def("getElementsList", &Database::getElementsList, "List of all elements in the database")
+        .def("getSubstancesList", &Database::getSubstancesList, "List of all substances in the database")
+        .def("getReactionsList", &Database::getReactionsList, "List of all reactions in the database")
         .def("mapElements", &Database::mapElements, "Returns the map of elements in the database")
         .def("mapSubstances", &Database::mapSubstances, "Returns the map of substances in the database")
         .def("mapReactions", &Database::mapReactions, "Returns the map of reactions in the database")
@@ -87,10 +91,14 @@ void exportDatabase(py::module& m)
         .def("getElement", &Database::getElement, "Return a element in the database")
         .def("getSubstance", &Database::getSubstance, "Return a substance in the database")
         .def("getReaction", &Database::getReaction, "Return a reactions in the database")
+        .def("element", &Database::element, py::return_value_policy::reference, "Reference to the element in the database")
+        .def("substance", &Database::substance, py::return_value_policy::reference, "Reference to the substance in the database")
+        .def("reaction", &Database::reaction, py::return_value_policy::reference, "Reference to the reaction in the database")
         .def("containsElement", &Database::containsElement, "Check if the database contains a given element")
         .def("containsSubstance", &Database::containsSubstance, "Check if the database contains a given substance")
         .def("containsReaction", &Database::containsReaction, "Check if the database contains a given reaction")
         .def("parseSubstanceFormula", &Database::parseSubstanceFormula, "Parses a given substance formula present in the database")
+        .def("__str__", [](const Database& self) { std::stringstream ss; ss << self.getElements(); ss << self.getSubstances(); ss << self.getReactions(); return ss.str(); })
diff --git a/python/pyThermoFun/pyElement.cpp b/python/pyThermoFun/pyElement.cpp
index aaf0a004..cf4c53c8 100644
--- a/python/pyThermoFun/pyElement.cpp
+++ b/python/pyThermoFun/pyElement.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 // along with ThermoFun code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <sstream>
 #if _MSC_VER >= 1929
 #include <corecrt.h>
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ void exportElement(py::module& m)
         .def("isotopeMass", &Element::isotopeMass, "Return the rounded isotopic mass of the element")
         .def("number", &Element::number, "Return the Mendeleev table number of the element")
         .def("jsonString", &Element::jsonString, "Return the record as a json string")
+        .def("__str__", [](const Element& self) { std::stringstream ss; ss << self; return ss.str(); })
diff --git a/python/pyThermoFun/pyReaction.cpp b/python/pyThermoFun/pyReaction.cpp
index 5e834b10..0665264c 100644
--- a/python/pyThermoFun/pyReaction.cpp
+++ b/python/pyThermoFun/pyReaction.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 // along with ThermoFun code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <sstream>
 #if _MSC_VER >= 1929
 #include <corecrt.h>
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ void exportReaction(py::module& m)
         .def("method_T", &Reaction::method_T,"Return the temperature correction method code")
         .def("method_P", &Reaction::method_P,"Return the pressure correction method code")
         .def("jsonString", &Reaction::jsonString, "Return the record as a json string")
+        .def("__str__", [](const Reaction& self) { std::stringstream ss; ss << self; return ss.str(); })
diff --git a/python/pyThermoFun/pySubstance.cpp b/python/pyThermoFun/pySubstance.cpp
index 84c7c2eb..4ac3d251 100644
--- a/python/pyThermoFun/pySubstance.cpp
+++ b/python/pyThermoFun/pySubstance.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 // along with ThermoFun code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <sstream>
 #if _MSC_VER >= 1929
 #include <corecrt.h>
@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ void exportSubstance(py::module& m)
         .def("aggregateState", &Substance::aggregateState, "Return the aggregate state of a substance")
         .def("charge", &Substance::charge, "Return the charge of a substance")
         .def("jsonString", &Substance::jsonString, "Return the record as a json string")
+        .def("__str__", [](const Substance& self) { std::stringstream ss; ss << self; return ss.str(); })
diff --git a/python/thermofun/CMakeLists.txt b/python/thermofun/CMakeLists.txt
index cb4460fe..4d7b8ccc 100644
--- a/python/thermofun/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/python/thermofun/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -34,8 +34,26 @@ add_dependencies(thermofun PyThermoFun)
 # Set the path where the python package is installed to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX if not given
+# Install the thermofun python package using setuptools
+    if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../../lib/PyThermoFun.pdb)
+        execute_process(
+            COMMAND \${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ../../lib/PyThermoFun.pdb \${THERMOFUN_PDB_FILENAME}
+    endif()
+    execute_process(
 # If the path is already in Windows format (with backslashes), it can't be added directly
 # to the string below, otherwise CMake will later complain about "Invalid escape sequence".
@@ -58,3 +76,5 @@ install(CODE
diff --git a/tests/interfaceTest/src/main.cpp b/tests/interfaceTest/src/main.cpp
index 26299c72..b63363c4 100644
--- a/tests/interfaceTest/src/main.cpp
+++ b/tests/interfaceTest/src/main.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-    #include "ThermoFun.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include "ThermoFun.h"
 #include "ChemicalFun/FormulaParser.h"
 #include "GlobalVariables.h"
 //#include "ThermoFun/Common/ThermoScalar.hpp"
@@ -89,8 +90,39 @@
       // Test mines add string
       Database db("mines16-thermofun.json");
-      auto test = db.getSubstance("O2");
+      std::cout << "Elements \n" << db.getElementsList() << endl;
+      //std::cout << "Substances \n" << db.getSubstancesList() << endl;
+      //std::cout << "Reactions \n" << db.getReactionsList() << endl;
+      auto elment = db.getElement("O");
+      std::cout << elment << endl;
+      elment.setValence(ChemicalFun::DBElements::defaultValence("O"));
+      std::cout << elment << endl;
+      std::cout << db.getElement("O") << endl;
+      auto& elment_ref = db.element("H");
+      std::cout << elment_ref << endl;
+      elment_ref.setValence(ChemicalFun::DBElements::defaultValence("H"));
+      std::cout << elment_ref << endl;
+      std::cout << db.getElement("H") << endl;
+      std::cout << db.getElement("H").valence() << endl;
+      auto& elment_new = db.element("Ir");  // get from defaults
+      std::cout << elment_new << endl;
+      auto& elment_empty = db.element("Ac");  // get from defaults
+      std::cout << elment_empty << endl;
+      auto sbst = db.getSubstance("O2");
+      //std::cout << sbst << endl;
+      auto react = db.getReaction("ZrCl+3");
+      //std::cout << react << endl;
+      //std::cout << db.getElements() << endl;
+      //std::cout << db.getSubstances() << endl;
+      //std::cout << db.getReactions() << endl;
+      return 0;
       ThermoEngine engine("aq17-thermofun.json");