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Pull Request Title Checker

This action checks if PR titles conform to the Contribution Guidelines ☑️

Consistent title names help maintainers organise their projects better 📚

Shows if the author has reaaaaally read the Contribution Guidelines :P


Create a config file .github/pr-title-checker-config.json like this one below:

  "LABEL": {
    "name": "title needs formatting",
    "color": "EEEEEE"
  "CHECKS": {
    "prefixes": ["fix: ", "feat: "],
    "regexp": "docs\\(v[0-9]\\): ",
    "regexpFlags": "i",
    "ignoreLabels" : ["dont-check-PRs-with-this-label", "meta"]
    "success": "All OK",
    "failure": "Failing CI test",
    "notice": ""

You can pass in one of prefixes or regexp or even both based on your use case. regexpFlags and ignoreLables are optional fields.

If is set to "", adding or removing labels will be skipped. The CI test will continue to pass/fail accordingly.

If none of the checks pass, a label will be added to that pull request.
If at least one of them passes, the label will be removed.

This action causes CI tests to fail by default. However, if you do not want CI tests failing just because of this action, simply set alwaysPassCI as true in the CHECKS field. An invalid config file will always cause the action to fail.

Adding label names to the optional ignoreLabels field will forfeit any checks for PRs with those labels.

The config file is always pulled from the action's context, i.e., the branch from which the pull request is made.

See other ways to specify config file.

Action returns a single output: success that indicates if check has passed or failed.

Create Workflow

Create a workflow file (eg: .github/workflows/pr-title-checker.yml) with the following content:

name: "PR Title Checker"
      - opened
      - edited
      - synchronize
      - labeled
      - unlabeled

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: thehanimo/[email protected]
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          pass_on_octokit_error: false
          configuration_path: .github/pr-title-checker-config.json #(optional. defaults to .github/pr-title-checker-config.json)

To learn more about workflows, see Create an example workflow.

Other ways to specify config file

1. Remote URL to a valid JSON file

      - uses: thehanimo/[email protected]
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          pass_on_octokit_error: false
          remote_configuration_path: ""

Note that this has to be a url pointing to a valid, raw json file. See #28

2. Config file in a GitHub repo

      - uses: thehanimo/[email protected]
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          pass_on_octokit_error: false
          github_configuration_owner: RocketChat #(optional. defaults to the owner of the repo in which the action is run)
          github_configuration_repo: Rocket.Chat #(optional. defaults to the repo in which the action is run)
          github_configuration_path: .github/pr-title-checker-config.json #(optional. defaults to .github/pr-title-checker-config.json)
          github_configuration_ref: <named branch, tag, or SHA> #(optional. defaults to the latest commit on the default branch or, if the repo specified is the same as the one on which the action is running, it defaults to the current context's sha)
          github_configuration_token: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }} #(optional. defaults to GITHUB_TOKEN)

3. Config file in the local file system of the action

      - uses: thehanimo/[email protected]
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          pass_on_octokit_error: false
          local_configuration_path: .github/actions/enforce-pr-titles/config.json

This is useful if a repo containing the config file is pulled in a previous step using, for e.g., actions/checkout. See #36

Using output result

You can use the action output to execute follow up steps e.g. adding a comment.

      - uses: thehanimo/[email protected]
        id: check
        continue-on-error: true
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          pass_on_octokit_error: false
      - name: Add comment to fix PR title
        uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
        if: ${{ steps.check.outputs.success == 'false'}}
          header: 'PR Title Check'
          recreate: true
          message: |
              ### 🚨 PR Title Needs Formatting
              The title of this PR needs to be formatted correctly and include an Azure Boards Reference. 
              Please update the title to match the format `type: description AB#xxx`. Examples:
              * `bugfix: fix typo in AB#123`
              * `chore: update dependencies AB#456`
              * `feat: add new feature AB#789`
              * `chore: fixing build pipeline` - no AB reference

      - name: Add comment that PR title is fixed
        if: ${{ steps.check.outputs.success == 'true'}}
        uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
          header: 'PR Title Check'
          recreate: true
          message: |
              ### ✅ PR Title Formatted Correctly
              The title of this PR has been updated to match the correct format. Thank you!


  • pull_request_target event trigger should be used (not pull_request) in order to support checking PRs from forks. This was added in v1.3.2. See #8.
  • pass_on_octokit_error is an optional input which defaults to false. Setting it to true will prevent the CI from failing when an octokit error occurs. This is useful when the environment this action is run in is not consistent. For e.g, it could be a missing GITHUB_TOKEN. Thanks to @bennycode for pointing this out.