// Copyright (c) The Thanos Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

// Copyright 2016 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// This package is a modified copy from
// github.com/prometheus/prometheus/web/api/v1@2121b4628baa7d9d9406aa468712a6a332e77aff.

package v1

import (


	extpromhttp "github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/extprom/http"

const (
	DedupParam               = "dedup"
	PartialResponseParam     = "partial_response"
	MaxSourceResolutionParam = "max_source_resolution"
	ReplicaLabelsParam       = "replicaLabels[]"
	MatcherParam             = "match[]"
	StoreMatcherParam        = "storeMatch[]"
	Step                     = "step"

// QueryAPI is an API used by Thanos Querier.
type QueryAPI struct {
	baseAPI         *api.BaseAPI
	logger          log.Logger
	gate            gate.Gate
	queryableCreate query.QueryableCreator
	// queryEngine returns appropriate promql.Engine for a query with a given step.
	queryEngine func(int64) *promql.Engine
	ruleGroups  rules.UnaryClient

	enableAutodownsampling     bool
	enableQueryPartialResponse bool
	enableRulePartialResponse  bool

	replicaLabels []string
	storeSet      *query.StoreSet

	defaultRangeQueryStep                  time.Duration
	defaultInstantQueryMaxSourceResolution time.Duration
	defaultMetadataTimeRange               time.Duration

// NewQueryAPI returns an initialized QueryAPI type.
func NewQueryAPI(
	logger log.Logger,
	storeSet *query.StoreSet,
	qe func(int64) *promql.Engine,
	c query.QueryableCreator,
	ruleGroups rules.UnaryClient,
	enableAutodownsampling bool,
	enableQueryPartialResponse bool,
	enableRulePartialResponse bool,
	replicaLabels []string,
	flagsMap map[string]string,
	defaultRangeQueryStep time.Duration,
	defaultInstantQueryMaxSourceResolution time.Duration,
	defaultMetadataTimeRange time.Duration,
	gate gate.Gate,
) *QueryAPI {
	return &QueryAPI{
		baseAPI:         api.NewBaseAPI(logger, flagsMap),
		logger:          logger,
		queryEngine:     qe,
		queryableCreate: c,
		gate:            gate,
		ruleGroups:      ruleGroups,

		enableAutodownsampling:                 enableAutodownsampling,
		enableQueryPartialResponse:             enableQueryPartialResponse,
		enableRulePartialResponse:              enableRulePartialResponse,
		replicaLabels:                          replicaLabels,
		storeSet:                               storeSet,
		defaultRangeQueryStep:                  defaultRangeQueryStep,
		defaultInstantQueryMaxSourceResolution: defaultInstantQueryMaxSourceResolution,
		defaultMetadataTimeRange:               defaultMetadataTimeRange,

// Register the API's endpoints in the given router.
func (qapi *QueryAPI) Register(r *route.Router, tracer opentracing.Tracer, logger log.Logger, ins extpromhttp.InstrumentationMiddleware, logMiddleware *logging.HTTPServerMiddleware) {
	qapi.baseAPI.Register(r, tracer, logger, ins, logMiddleware)

	instr := api.GetInstr(tracer, logger, ins, logMiddleware)

	r.Get("/query", instr("query", qapi.query))
	r.Post("/query", instr("query", qapi.query))

	r.Get("/query_range", instr("query_range", qapi.queryRange))
	r.Post("/query_range", instr("query_range", qapi.queryRange))

	r.Get("/label/:name/values", instr("label_values", qapi.labelValues))

	r.Get("/series", instr("series", qapi.series))
	r.Post("/series", instr("series", qapi.series))

	r.Get("/labels", instr("label_names", qapi.labelNames))
	r.Post("/labels", instr("label_names", qapi.labelNames))

	r.Get("/stores", instr("stores", qapi.stores))

	r.Get("/rules", instr("rules", NewRulesHandler(qapi.ruleGroups, qapi.enableRulePartialResponse)))

type queryData struct {
	ResultType parser.ValueType `json:"resultType"`
	Result     parser.Value     `json:"result"`

	// Additional Thanos Response field.
	Warnings []error `json:"warnings,omitempty"`

func (qapi *QueryAPI) parseEnableDedupParam(r *http.Request) (enableDeduplication bool, _ *api.ApiError) {
	enableDeduplication = true

	if val := r.FormValue(DedupParam); val != "" {
		var err error
		enableDeduplication, err = strconv.ParseBool(val)
		if err != nil {
			return false, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: errors.Wrapf(err, "'%s' parameter", DedupParam)}
	return enableDeduplication, nil

func (qapi *QueryAPI) parseReplicaLabelsParam(r *http.Request) (replicaLabels []string, _ *api.ApiError) {
	if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
		return nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorInternal, Err: errors.Wrap(err, "parse form")}

	replicaLabels = qapi.replicaLabels
	// Overwrite the cli flag when provided as a query parameter.
	if len(r.Form[ReplicaLabelsParam]) > 0 {
		replicaLabels = r.Form[ReplicaLabelsParam]

	return replicaLabels, nil

func (qapi *QueryAPI) parseStoreDebugMatchersParam(r *http.Request) (storeMatchers [][]*labels.Matcher, _ *api.ApiError) {
	if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
		return nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorInternal, Err: errors.Wrap(err, "parse form")}

	for _, s := range r.Form[StoreMatcherParam] {
		matchers, err := parser.ParseMetricSelector(s)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}
		storeMatchers = append(storeMatchers, matchers)

	return storeMatchers, nil

func (qapi *QueryAPI) parseDownsamplingParamMillis(r *http.Request, defaultVal time.Duration) (maxResolutionMillis int64, _ *api.ApiError) {
	maxSourceResolution := 0 * time.Second

	val := r.FormValue(MaxSourceResolutionParam)
	if qapi.enableAutodownsampling || (val == "auto") {
		maxSourceResolution = defaultVal
	if val != "" && val != "auto" {
		var err error
		maxSourceResolution, err = parseDuration(val)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: errors.Wrapf(err, "'%s' parameter", MaxSourceResolutionParam)}

	if maxSourceResolution < 0 {
		return 0, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: errors.Errorf("negative '%s' is not accepted. Try a positive integer", MaxSourceResolutionParam)}

	return int64(maxSourceResolution / time.Millisecond), nil

func (qapi *QueryAPI) parsePartialResponseParam(r *http.Request, defaultEnablePartialResponse bool) (enablePartialResponse bool, _ *api.ApiError) {
	// Overwrite the cli flag when provided as a query parameter.
	if val := r.FormValue(PartialResponseParam); val != "" {
		var err error
		defaultEnablePartialResponse, err = strconv.ParseBool(val)
		if err != nil {
			return false, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: errors.Wrapf(err, "'%s' parameter", PartialResponseParam)}
	return defaultEnablePartialResponse, nil

func (qapi *QueryAPI) parseStep(r *http.Request, defaultRangeQueryStep time.Duration, rangeSeconds int64) (time.Duration, *api.ApiError) {
	// Overwrite the cli flag when provided as a query parameter.
	if val := r.FormValue(Step); val != "" {
		var err error
		defaultRangeQueryStep, err = parseDuration(val)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: errors.Wrapf(err, "'%s' parameter", Step)}

	// Default step is used this way to make it consistent with UI.
	d := time.Duration(math.Max(float64(rangeSeconds/250), float64(defaultRangeQueryStep/time.Second))) * time.Second
	return d, nil

func (qapi *QueryAPI) query(r *http.Request) (interface{}, []error, *api.ApiError) {
	ts, err := parseTimeParam(r, "time", qapi.baseAPI.Now())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}

	ctx := r.Context()
	if to := r.FormValue("timeout"); to != "" {
		var cancel context.CancelFunc
		timeout, err := parseDuration(to)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}

		ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
		defer cancel()

	enableDedup, apiErr := qapi.parseEnableDedupParam(r)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	replicaLabels, apiErr := qapi.parseReplicaLabelsParam(r)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	storeDebugMatchers, apiErr := qapi.parseStoreDebugMatchersParam(r)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	enablePartialResponse, apiErr := qapi.parsePartialResponseParam(r, qapi.enableQueryPartialResponse)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	maxSourceResolution, apiErr := qapi.parseDownsamplingParamMillis(r, qapi.defaultInstantQueryMaxSourceResolution)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	qe := qapi.queryEngine(maxSourceResolution)

	// We are starting promQL tracing span here, because we have no control over promQL code.
	span, ctx := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "promql_instant_query")
	defer span.Finish()

	qry, err := qe.NewInstantQuery(qapi.queryableCreate(enableDedup, replicaLabels, storeDebugMatchers, maxSourceResolution, enablePartialResponse, false), r.FormValue("query"), ts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}

	tracing.DoInSpan(ctx, "query_gate_ismyturn", func(ctx context.Context) {
		err = qapi.gate.Start(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorExec, Err: err}
	defer qapi.gate.Done()

	res := qry.Exec(ctx)
	if res.Err != nil {
		switch res.Err.(type) {
		case promql.ErrQueryCanceled:
			return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorCanceled, Err: res.Err}
		case promql.ErrQueryTimeout:
			return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorTimeout, Err: res.Err}
		case promql.ErrStorage:
			return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorInternal, Err: res.Err}
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorExec, Err: res.Err}

	return &queryData{
		ResultType: res.Value.Type(),
		Result:     res.Value,
	}, res.Warnings, nil

func (qapi *QueryAPI) queryRange(r *http.Request) (interface{}, []error, *api.ApiError) {
	start, err := parseTime(r.FormValue("start"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}
	end, err := parseTime(r.FormValue("end"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}
	if end.Before(start) {
		err := errors.New("end timestamp must not be before start time")
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}

	step, apiErr := qapi.parseStep(r, qapi.defaultRangeQueryStep, int64(end.Sub(start)/time.Second))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	if step <= 0 {
		err := errors.New("zero or negative query resolution step widths are not accepted. Try a positive integer")
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}

	// For safety, limit the number of returned points per timeseries.
	// This is sufficient for 60s resolution for a week or 1h resolution for a year.
	if end.Sub(start)/step > 11000 {
		err := errors.New("exceeded maximum resolution of 11,000 points per timeseries. Try decreasing the query resolution (?step=XX)")
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}

	ctx := r.Context()
	if to := r.FormValue("timeout"); to != "" {
		var cancel context.CancelFunc
		timeout, err := parseDuration(to)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}

		ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
		defer cancel()

	enableDedup, apiErr := qapi.parseEnableDedupParam(r)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	replicaLabels, apiErr := qapi.parseReplicaLabelsParam(r)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	storeDebugMatchers, apiErr := qapi.parseStoreDebugMatchersParam(r)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	// If no max_source_resolution is specified fit at least 5 samples between steps.
	maxSourceResolution, apiErr := qapi.parseDownsamplingParamMillis(r, step/5)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	enablePartialResponse, apiErr := qapi.parsePartialResponseParam(r, qapi.enableQueryPartialResponse)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	qe := qapi.queryEngine(maxSourceResolution)

	// We are starting promQL tracing span here, because we have no control over promQL code.
	span, ctx := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "promql_range_query")
	defer span.Finish()

	qry, err := qe.NewRangeQuery(
		qapi.queryableCreate(enableDedup, replicaLabels, storeDebugMatchers, maxSourceResolution, enablePartialResponse, false),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}

	tracing.DoInSpan(ctx, "query_gate_ismyturn", func(ctx context.Context) {
		err = qapi.gate.Start(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorExec, Err: err}
	defer qapi.gate.Done()

	res := qry.Exec(ctx)
	if res.Err != nil {
		switch res.Err.(type) {
		case promql.ErrQueryCanceled:
			return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorCanceled, Err: res.Err}
		case promql.ErrQueryTimeout:
			return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorTimeout, Err: res.Err}
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorExec, Err: res.Err}

	return &queryData{
		ResultType: res.Value.Type(),
		Result:     res.Value,
	}, res.Warnings, nil

func (qapi *QueryAPI) labelValues(r *http.Request) (interface{}, []error, *api.ApiError) {
	ctx := r.Context()
	name := route.Param(ctx, "name")

	if !model.LabelNameRE.MatchString(name) {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: errors.Errorf("invalid label name: %q", name)}

	start, end, err := parseMetadataTimeRange(r, qapi.defaultMetadataTimeRange)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}

	enablePartialResponse, apiErr := qapi.parsePartialResponseParam(r, qapi.enableQueryPartialResponse)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	storeDebugMatchers, apiErr := qapi.parseStoreDebugMatchersParam(r)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	var matcherSets [][]*labels.Matcher
	for _, s := range r.Form[MatcherParam] {
		matchers, err := parser.ParseMetricSelector(s)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}
		matcherSets = append(matcherSets, matchers)

	q, err := qapi.queryableCreate(true, nil, storeDebugMatchers, 0, enablePartialResponse, true).
		Querier(ctx, timestamp.FromTime(start), timestamp.FromTime(end))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorExec, Err: err}
	defer runutil.CloseWithLogOnErr(qapi.logger, q, "queryable labelValues")

	var (
		vals     []string
		warnings storage.Warnings
	// TODO(yeya24): push down matchers to Store level.
	if len(matcherSets) > 0 {
		// Get all series which match matchers.
		var sets []storage.SeriesSet
		for _, mset := range matcherSets {
			s := q.Select(false, nil, mset...)
			sets = append(sets, s)
		vals, warnings, err = labelValuesByMatchers(sets, name)
	} else {
		vals, warnings, err = q.LabelValues(name)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorExec, Err: err}

	if vals == nil {
		vals = make([]string, 0)

	return vals, warnings, nil

func (qapi *QueryAPI) series(r *http.Request) (interface{}, []error, *api.ApiError) {
	if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorInternal, Err: errors.Wrap(err, "parse form")}

	if len(r.Form[MatcherParam]) == 0 {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: errors.New("no match[] parameter provided")}

	start, end, err := parseMetadataTimeRange(r, qapi.defaultMetadataTimeRange)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}

	var matcherSets [][]*labels.Matcher
	for _, s := range r.Form[MatcherParam] {
		matchers, err := parser.ParseMetricSelector(s)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}
		matcherSets = append(matcherSets, matchers)

	enableDedup, apiErr := qapi.parseEnableDedupParam(r)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	replicaLabels, apiErr := qapi.parseReplicaLabelsParam(r)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	storeDebugMatchers, apiErr := qapi.parseStoreDebugMatchersParam(r)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	enablePartialResponse, apiErr := qapi.parsePartialResponseParam(r, qapi.enableQueryPartialResponse)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	q, err := qapi.queryableCreate(enableDedup, replicaLabels, storeDebugMatchers, math.MaxInt64, enablePartialResponse, true).
		Querier(r.Context(), timestamp.FromTime(start), timestamp.FromTime(end))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorExec, Err: err}
	defer runutil.CloseWithLogOnErr(qapi.logger, q, "queryable series")

	var (
		metrics = []labels.Labels{}
		sets    []storage.SeriesSet
	for _, mset := range matcherSets {
		sets = append(sets, q.Select(false, nil, mset...))

	set := storage.NewMergeSeriesSet(sets, storage.ChainedSeriesMerge)
	for set.Next() {
		metrics = append(metrics, set.At().Labels())
	if set.Err() != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorExec, Err: set.Err()}
	return metrics, set.Warnings(), nil

func (qapi *QueryAPI) labelNames(r *http.Request) (interface{}, []error, *api.ApiError) {
	start, end, err := parseMetadataTimeRange(r, qapi.defaultMetadataTimeRange)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}

	enablePartialResponse, apiErr := qapi.parsePartialResponseParam(r, qapi.enableQueryPartialResponse)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	storeDebugMatchers, apiErr := qapi.parseStoreDebugMatchersParam(r)
	if apiErr != nil {
		return nil, nil, apiErr

	var matcherSets [][]*labels.Matcher
	for _, s := range r.Form[MatcherParam] {
		matchers, err := parser.ParseMetricSelector(s)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}
		matcherSets = append(matcherSets, matchers)

	q, err := qapi.queryableCreate(true, nil, storeDebugMatchers, 0, enablePartialResponse, true).
		Querier(r.Context(), timestamp.FromTime(start), timestamp.FromTime(end))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorExec, Err: err}
	defer runutil.CloseWithLogOnErr(qapi.logger, q, "queryable labelNames")

	var (
		names    []string
		warnings storage.Warnings
	// TODO(yeya24): push down matchers to Store level.
	if len(matcherSets) > 0 {
		// Get all series which match matchers.
		var sets []storage.SeriesSet
		for _, mset := range matcherSets {
			s := q.Select(false, nil, mset...)
			sets = append(sets, s)
		names, warnings, err = labelNamesByMatchers(sets)
	} else {
		names, warnings, err = q.LabelNames()

	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorExec, Err: err}
	if names == nil {
		names = make([]string, 0)

	return names, warnings, nil

func (qapi *QueryAPI) stores(r *http.Request) (interface{}, []error, *api.ApiError) {
	statuses := make(map[string][]query.StoreStatus)
	for _, status := range qapi.storeSet.GetStoreStatus() {
		statuses[status.StoreType.String()] = append(statuses[status.StoreType.String()], status)
	return statuses, nil, nil

// NewRulesHandler created handler compatible with HTTP /api/v1/rules https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/api/#rules
// which uses gRPC Unary Rules API.
func NewRulesHandler(client rules.UnaryClient, enablePartialResponse bool) func(*http.Request) (interface{}, []error, *api.ApiError) {
	ps := storepb.PartialResponseStrategy_ABORT
	if enablePartialResponse {
		ps = storepb.PartialResponseStrategy_WARN

	return func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, []error, *api.ApiError) {
		typeParam := r.URL.Query().Get("type")
		typ, ok := rulespb.RulesRequest_Type_value[strings.ToUpper(typeParam)]
		if !ok {
			if typeParam != "" {
				return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: errors.Errorf("invalid rules parameter type='%v'", typeParam)}
			typ = int32(rulespb.RulesRequest_ALL)

		// TODO(bwplotka): Allow exactly the same functionality as query API: passing replica, dedup and partial response as HTTP params as well.
		req := &rulespb.RulesRequest{
			Type:                    rulespb.RulesRequest_Type(typ),
			PartialResponseStrategy: ps,
		groups, warnings, err := client.Rules(r.Context(), req)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorInternal, Err: errors.Errorf("error retrieving rules: %v", err)}
		return groups, warnings, nil

var (
	infMinTime = time.Unix(math.MinInt64/1000+62135596801, 0)
	infMaxTime = time.Unix(math.MaxInt64/1000-62135596801, 999999999)

func parseMetadataTimeRange(r *http.Request, defaultMetadataTimeRange time.Duration) (time.Time, time.Time, error) {
	// If start and end time not specified as query parameter, we get the range from the beginning of time by default.
	var defaultStartTime, defaultEndTime time.Time
	if defaultMetadataTimeRange == 0 {
		defaultStartTime = infMinTime
		defaultEndTime = infMaxTime
	} else {
		now := time.Now()
		defaultStartTime = now.Add(-defaultMetadataTimeRange)
		defaultEndTime = now

	start, err := parseTimeParam(r, "start", defaultStartTime)
	if err != nil {
		return time.Time{}, time.Time{}, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}
	end, err := parseTimeParam(r, "end", defaultEndTime)
	if err != nil {
		return time.Time{}, time.Time{}, &api.ApiError{Typ: api.ErrorBadData, Err: err}
	if end.Before(start) {
		return time.Time{}, time.Time{}, &api.ApiError{
			Typ: api.ErrorBadData,
			Err: errors.New("end timestamp must not be before start time"),

	return start, end, nil

func parseTimeParam(r *http.Request, paramName string, defaultValue time.Time) (time.Time, error) {
	val := r.FormValue(paramName)
	if val == "" {
		return defaultValue, nil
	result, err := parseTime(val)
	if err != nil {
		return time.Time{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "Invalid time value for '%s'", paramName)
	return result, nil

func parseTime(s string) (time.Time, error) {
	if t, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64); err == nil {
		s, ns := math.Modf(t)
		ns = math.Round(ns*1000) / 1000
		return time.Unix(int64(s), int64(ns*float64(time.Second))), nil
	if t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, s); err == nil {
		return t, nil
	return time.Time{}, errors.Errorf("cannot parse %q to a valid timestamp", s)

func parseDuration(s string) (time.Duration, error) {
	if d, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64); err == nil {
		ts := d * float64(time.Second)
		if ts > float64(math.MaxInt64) || ts < float64(math.MinInt64) {
			return 0, errors.Errorf("cannot parse %q to a valid duration. It overflows int64", s)
		return time.Duration(ts), nil
	if d, err := model.ParseDuration(s); err == nil {
		return time.Duration(d), nil
	return 0, errors.Errorf("cannot parse %q to a valid duration", s)

// Modified from https://github.com/eklockare/prometheus/blob/6178-matchers-with-label-values/web/api/v1/api.go#L571-L591.
// labelNamesByMatchers uses matchers to filter out matching series, then label names are extracted.
func labelNamesByMatchers(sets []storage.SeriesSet) ([]string, storage.Warnings, error) {
	set := storage.NewMergeSeriesSet(sets, storage.ChainedSeriesMerge)
	labelNamesSet := make(map[string]struct{})
	for set.Next() {
		series := set.At()
		for _, lb := range series.Labels() {
			labelNamesSet[lb.Name] = struct{}{}

	warnings := set.Warnings()
	if set.Err() != nil {
		return nil, warnings, set.Err()
	// Convert the map to an array.
	labelNames := make([]string, 0, len(labelNamesSet))
	for key := range labelNamesSet {
		labelNames = append(labelNames, key)
	return labelNames, warnings, nil

// Modified from https://github.com/eklockare/prometheus/blob/6178-matchers-with-label-values/web/api/v1/api.go#L571-L591.
// LabelValuesByMatchers uses matchers to filter out matching series, then label values are extracted.
func labelValuesByMatchers(sets []storage.SeriesSet, name string) ([]string, storage.Warnings, error) {
	set := storage.NewMergeSeriesSet(sets, storage.ChainedSeriesMerge)
	labelValuesSet := make(map[string]struct{})
	for set.Next() {
		series := set.At()
		labelValue := series.Labels().Get(name)
		labelValuesSet[labelValue] = struct{}{}

	warnings := set.Warnings()
	if set.Err() != nil {
		return nil, warnings, set.Err()
	// Convert the map to an array.
	labelValues := make([]string, 0, len(labelValuesSet))
	for key := range labelValuesSet {
		labelValues = append(labelValues, key)
	return labelValues, warnings, nil