Azure Files offers shares of up to 100,000 IOPS, accessible via SMB or REST, providing high throughput storage in a familiar format from the Windows world (SMB). We've talked repeatedly about the flexibility of using Azure CLI (bash) in your day-to-day, non-prod releases. Today, we offer a script, designed to run in a release pipeline in Azure Pipelines, and by request, we've left in Azure KeyVault integration for storing secrets related to the Azure Files instance. I've used this in a release pipeline with great results.
This performs the following configuration of an Azure File Share, including:
- Logs in as a service principal
- Switches context to the Azure subscription
- Checks for the prerequisites needed on the build agent
- Creates the resource group
- Creates an Azure storage account
- Deploys the Azure File Share
- Sets the file share SKU you specify
- Sets the file share name and quota
- Retrieves and stores the file share user and access key in Azure KeyVault
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The script, and command line syntax are shown here, well-commented so you know what's happening at every stage. The full script is shown below, as well as in the day66 folder in the resources in this Git repository.
./ -i 5345deaa-0037-4785-8ce9-7c6a3c4e5e7b -t e7453b1c-6356-4cc1-a495-d74eccd5e205 -u mysvcprin -p 'MyPassword!' -s Standard_GRS -d 'swdemo' -f pkgs -l 'eastus' -x 'swpgdemo' -y 5120
# Name: Deploy Azure File Share
# Author: Pete Zerger
# Description: This script is responsible for deploying an Azure File Share
# Parse Script Parameters.
while getopts ":i:t:u:p:s:d:f:l:x:y:" opt; do
case "${opt}" in
i) # Azure Subscription ID.
t) # Azure Subscription Tenant ID.
u) # Management Service Principal Username.
p) # Management Service Principal Password.
# s) # Storage Account Name.
# ;;
s) # Azure Storage SKU
d) # The naming prefix for associated K8s environment.
f) # The purpose of the Azure File Share.
l) # Azure Location.
x) # Azure File Share name.
y) # Azure File Share Quota.
\?) # Unrecognised option - show help.
echo -e \\n"Option [-${BOLD}$OPTARG${NORM}] is not allowed. All Valid Options are listed below:"
echo -e "-i AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID - The Azure Subscription ID."
echo -e "-t AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_TENANT_ID - The Azure Subscription Tenant ID."
echo -e "-u MGMT_SP_USERNAME - Management Service Principal Username."
echo -e "-p MGMT_SP_PASSWORD - Management Service Principal Password."
echo -e "-s STORAGE_SKU - Azure Storage SKU : Standard_GRS or Premium_LRS"
echo -e "-d ENVIRONMENT - The naming prefix for associated environment."
echo -e "-f FILE_SHARE_FUNCTION - The purpose of the Azure File Share. Just a short user-defined code"
echo -e "-l AZURE_LOCATION - The Azure Location where the File Share will be deployed."
echo -e "-x AZURE_FILE_SHARE - Azure File Share name."
echo -e "-y SHARE_QUOTA - Azure File Share Quota."
echo -e "Script Syntax is shown below:"
echo -e "An Example of how to use this script is shown below:"
echo -e "./ -i 5345deaa-0037-4785-8ce9-7c6a3c4e5e7b -t e7453b1c-6356-4cc1-a495-d74eccd5e205 -u mysvcprin -p 'MyPassword!' -s Standard_GRS -d 'swdemo' -f pkgs -l 'eastus' -x 'swpgdemo' -y 5120 \\n"
exit 2
shift $((OPTIND-1))
# Verifying the Script Parameters Values exist.
if [ -z "${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The Azure Subscription ID must be provided."
exit 2
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The Azure Subscription Tenant ID must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${MGMT_SP_USERNAME}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Management Service Principal Username must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${MGMT_SP_PASSWORD}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Management Service Principal Password must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${STORAGE_ACCOUNT}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The Azure Storage Account Name being created must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${ENVIRONMENT}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The K8s naming prefix must be included."
exit 2
# if [ -z "${AZURE_FILE_RG}" ]; then
# echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The Azure Resource Group must be included."
# exit 2
# fi
if [ -z "${AZURE_LOCATION}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The Azure Location where to deploy the share must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${AZURE_FILE_SHARE}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The Azure File Share Name must be provided."
exit 2
if [ -z "${SHARE_QUOTA}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] The Azure File Share Quota must be provided."
exit 2
# Logging in to Azure as the Management Service Principal.
# /usr/bin/az login --service-principal -u "$MGMT_SP_USERNAME" -p $MGMT_SP_PASSWORD --tenant $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_TENANT_ID
/usr/bin/az login --service-principal -u "http://$MGMT_SP_USERNAME" -p $MGMT_SP_PASSWORD --tenant $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_TENANT_ID # > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---success---] Logged into Azure as the Management Service Principal [$MGMT_SP_USERNAME]."
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Failed to login to Azure as the Management Service Principal [$MGMT_SP_USERNAME]."
exit 2
# Setting the Azure Subscription to work with.
/usr/bin/az account set -s $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---success---] Azure CLI set to Azure Subscription [$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID]."
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Failed to set Azure CLI to Azure Subscription [$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID]."
exit 2
# Step 1: Create the Resource Group
# Checking to see if the Resource Group already exists.
# /usr/bin/az group show --resource-group $AZURE_FILE_RG --subscription $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_IDc
/usr/bin/az group show \
--resource-group $AZURE_FILE_RG \
--subscription $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] Resource Group [$AZURE_FILE_RG] already exists."
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] Resource Group [$AZURE_FILE_RG] not found."
# Create a resource group
# az group create --name $AZURE_FILE_RG --location $AZURE_LOCATION > /dev/null 2>&0
az group create \
--name $AZURE_FILE_RG \
--location $AZURE_LOCATION > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---success---] Created the Resource Group [$AZURE_FILE_RG] for the storage acct."
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Failed to create the Resource Group [$AZURE_FILE_RG] for the storage acct."
exit 2
# Step 2: Create the Storage Account
# Set unique storage account
# Checking to see if the Storage Account already exists in the Azure Subscription.
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CHECK=$(/usr/bin/az storage account list | jq --arg STORAGE_ACCOUNT "$STORAGE_ACCT" '.[] | select(.name == $STORAGE_ACCOUNT).name' | tr -d '"')
if [ -z "${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CHECK}" ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] The Storage Account [$STORAGE_ACCT] was not found in the Azure Subscription."
# Creating the Storage Account in the Resource Group.
# /usr/bin/az storage account create --name $STORAGE_ACCT --resource-group $AZURE_FILE_RG --sku Standard_LRS --encryption-services blob --https-only true > /dev/null 2>&0
# 9/5/2019 - STORAGE_SKU is either Standard_GRS or Premium_LRS for now
if [ "$STORAGE_SKU" == "Premium_LRS" ]; then
KIND_ARG="--kind FileStorage"
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] /usr/bin/az storage account create --name $STORAGE_ACCT --resource-group $AZURE_FILE_RG --sku $STORAGE_SKU --encryption-services $ENCRYPTION_SERVICES_ARG --https-only true $KIND_ARG"
/usr/bin/az storage account create \
--name $STORAGE_ACCT \
--resource-group $AZURE_FILE_RG \
--sku $STORAGE_SKU \
--encryption-services $ENCRYPTION_SERVICES_ARG \
--https-only true $KIND_ARG > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] Created the [$STORAGE_SKU] Storage Account [$STORAGE_ACCT] in File Share Resource Group [$AZURE_FILE_RG]."
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] Failed to create the [$STORAGE_SKU] Storage Account [$STORAGE_ACCT] in File Share Resource Group [$AZURE_FILE_RG]."
exit 2
# Retrieving the Storage Account Primary Key.
# STORAGE_ACCOUNT_PRIMARY_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group $AZURE_FILE_RG --account-name $STORAGE_ACCT | jq '.[0] |select(.value).value')
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_PRIMARY_KEY=$(az storage account keys list \
--resource-group $AZURE_FILE_RG --account-name $STORAGE_ACCT \
| jq '.[0] | select(.value).value')
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] Retrieved the Primary Storage Account Key from the Storage Account [$STORAGE_ACCT]."
#echo "Storage key is [$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_PRIMARY_KEY]"
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] Failed to retrieve the Primary Storage Account Key from the Storage Account [$STORAGE_ACCT]."
exit 2
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] The Storage Account [$STORAGE_ACCT] already exists in the Azure Subscription."
# Step 3: Create the Azure File Share
# Create the Storage Account Connection String
current_env_conn_string=$(az storage account show-connection-string \
--query 'connectionString' -o tsv)
if [[ $current_env_conn_string == "" ]]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] Couldn't retrieve the connection string."
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] Retrieved the file share connection string."
# Checking to see if the Azure File Share already exists.
# az storage share show -n $AZURE_FILE_SHARE --connection-string "$current_env_conn_string"
AZURE_FILE_SHARE_CHECK=$(/usr/bin/az storage share exists \
--account-name $AZURE_FILE_RG -n $AZURE_FILE_SHARE \
--connection-string "$current_env_conn_string" | grep -ic "true")
if [[ $AZURE_FILE_SHARE_CHECK -gt 0 ]]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] File Share [$AZURE_FILE_SHARE] already exists."
echo "[$(date -u)][---info---] File Share [$AZURE_FILE_SHARE] not found."
az storage share create \
--connection-string "$current_env_conn_string" \
--quota 5120 > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---success---] Created the File Share [$AZURE_FILE_SHARE] successfully."
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Failed to create the Resource Group [$AZURE_FILE_SHARE]."
exit 2
# Step 4: Add storage connection info to Azure Key Vault
# Retrieve the access key
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_PRIMARY_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group $AZURE_FILE_RG --account-name $STORAGE_ACCT | jq '.[0] | select(.value).value')
# Adding the Azure File Share User to Azure Key Vault.
/usr/bin/az keyvault secret set \
--name "test-${ENVIRONMENT}-${FILE_SHARE_FUNCTION}-storage-acct" \
--vault-name "$KEYVAULTNAME" \
--subscription "$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" \
--value "$STORAGE_ACCT" > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---success---] The ${ENVIRONMENT} ${FILE_SHARE_FUNCTION} storage acct name has been added to Key Vault [$KEYVAULTNAME]."
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Failed to add the ${ENVIRONMENT} ${FILE_SHARE_FUNCTION} storage acct name to Key Vault [$KEYVAULTNAME]."
exit 2
# Adding the Azure File Share Access Key (password) to Azure Key Vault.
/usr/bin/az keyvault secret set \
--name "test-${ENVIRONMENT}-${FILE_SHARE_FUNCTION}-storage-access-key" \
--vault-name "$KEYVAULTNAME" \
--subscription "$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" \
--value "$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_PRIMARY_KEY" > /dev/null 2>&0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[$(date -u)][---success---] The $ENVIRONMENT ${FILE_SHARE_FUNCTION} storage access key has been added to Key Vault [$KEYVAULTNAME]."
echo "[$(date -u)][---fail---] Failed to add the $ENVIRONMENT ${FILE_SHARE_FUNCTION} storage access key to Key Vault [$KEYVAULTNAME]."
exit 2
If you've been holding back from using Azure CLI in your Infrastructure-as-Code practice, here's another reason to give it a try. Hope you find it helpful.