AWARE is iOS and Android framework dedicated to instrument, infer, log and share mobile context information, for application developers, researchers and smartphone users. AWARE captures hardware-, software-, and human-based data (ESM). They transform data into information you can understand.
- Accelerometer
- Gyroscope
- Magnetometer
- Gravity
- Rotation
- Location
- Barometer
- Battery
- Network
- Call
- Processor
- Proximity
- Timezone
- Wifi
- Screen Events
- Fitbit
Google Login- Memory
- NTPTime
- OpenWeatherMap
- Headphone Motion (iOS 14 or later)
The following sensors can be used under extension(s)because these sensors need additional permission(s) into Info.plist and take a review by apple. You can get detail information from here.
- Motion Activity
- Pedometer
- Bluetooth
- Heartrate (BLE)
- Microphone (Ambient Noise)
- Calendar
- Contact
- HealthKit
If you can develop the application with a physical device, you can skip this step.
AWAREFramework-iOS is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'AWAREFramework', '~> 1.14.10'
And run pod install
in your Xcode project.
For collecting data in the background, you need to edit Info.plist
and Capabilities/Background Modes
in the project as follows.
[NOTE] The following settings are a minimum condition, so then you might need to do more modification if you are using special sensors (e.g., Ambient Noise, HealthKit, Activity Recognition and more). Please check this link about the configuration.
- Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description
- Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description
- Privacy - Location Always Usage Description
To use AWAREFramework in the project, you need to (1) import AWAREFramework
into your class and (2) request permission for accessing the iOS location sensor always.
After the permission is approved, you can (3) activate AWARECore
(4) AWARECore
and AWARESensorManager
are singleton instances for managing sensing/synchronization schedules in the library. You can control any sensors by the way which is described in How To Use session.
We recommend you to activate AWARECore
at -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions:
in AppDelegate
which is called one time when the application is launched.
/// AppDelegate.swift ///
import UIKit
import AWAREFramework /// (1) import `AWAREFramework` into your source code.
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate{
override func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
let core = AWARECore.shared()
let study = AWAREStudy.shared()
let manager = AWARESensorManager.shared()
/// (2) request permissions
core.requestPermissionForBackgroundSensing{ (status) in
/// (3) activate AWARECore
/// (4) use sensors
/// EDIT HERE ///
return true
Just the following code, your application can collect sensor data in the background. The data is saved in a local-storage.
/// Example1 (Swift): Accelerometer ///
let accelerometer = Accelerometer()
accelerometer.setSensorEventHandler { (sensor, data) in
AWAREFramework-iOS allows us to synchronize your application and AWARE server by adding a server URL to AWAREStudy. About AWARE server, please check our website.
/// Example2 (Swift): Accelerometer + AWARE Server ///
let accelerometer = Accelerometer(awareStudy: study)
// or
Moreover, this library allows us to apply the settings on AWARE Dashboard by using -joinStuyWithURL:completion
/// Example3 (Swift): AWARE Dashboard ////
let url = ""
study.join(withURL: url, completion: { (settings, studyState, error) in
manager.addSensors(with: study)
This library supports ESM. The method allows us to make questions in your app at certain times. The following code shows to a radio type question at 9:00, 12:00, 18:00, and 21:00 every day as an example. Please access our website for learning more information about the ESM.
/// Swift ///
let schdule = ESMSchedule()
schdule.notificationTitle = "notification title"
schdule.notificationBody = "notification body"
schdule.scheduleId = "schedule_id"
schdule.expirationThreshold = 60
schdule.startDate = Date.init()
schdule.endDate = Date.init(timeIntervalSinceNow: 60*60*24*10)
schdule.fireHours = [9,12,18,21]
let radio = ESMItem(asRadioESMWithTrigger: "1_radio", radioItems: ["A","B","C","D","E"])
radio.setTitle("ESM title")
radio.setInstructions("some instructions")
let esmManager = ESMScheduleManager.shared()
// esmManager.removeAllNotifications()
// esmManager.removeAllESMHitoryFromDB()
// esmManager.removeAllSchedulesFromDB()
Please call the following chunk of code for appearing ESMScrollViewController
(e.g., at -viewDidAppear:
/// Swift ///
let schedules = ESMScheduleManager.shared().getValidSchedules() {
if(schedules.count > 0){
let esmViewController = ESMScrollViewController()
self.present(esmViewController, animated: true){}
This library supports 16 typs of ESMs. You can see the screenshots from the link
- Text
- Radio
- Checkbox
- Likert Scale
- Quick Answer
- Scale
- DateTime
- Numeric
- Web
- Date
- Time
- Clock
- Picture
- Audio
- Video
We are providing several example applications. You can refer, or modify these applications for your purpose.
- RichClient (aware-client-ios-v2)
- SensingApp
- SimpleClient
- DynamicESM
- ScheduleESM
- CustomESM
- CustomSensor
- Visualizer
Yuuki Nishiyama [email protected]
Please cite the following paper(s) in your publications if this library helps your research.
author={Nishiyama, Yuuki and Ferreira, Denzil and Eigen, Yusaku and Sasaki, Wataru and Okoshi, Tadashi and Nakazawa, Jin and Dey, Anind K. and Sezaki, Kaoru},
title={IOS Crowd--Sensing Won't Hurt a Bit!: AWARE Framework and Sustainable Study Guideline for iOS Platform},
booktitle={Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions},
author = {Nishiyama, Yuuki and Ferreira, Denzil and Sasaki, Wataru and Okoshi, Tadashi and Nakazawa, Jin and Dey, Anind K. and Sezaki, Kaoru},
title = {Using IOS for Inconspicuous Data Collection: A Real-World Assessment},
year = {2020},
doi = {10.1145/3410530.3414369},
booktitle = {Adjunct Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers},
pages = {261–266},
numpages = {6},
series = {UbiComp-ISWC '20}
AWAREFramework is available under the Apache2 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.