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Tim Cameron Ryan edited this page Feb 20, 2015 · 3 revisions

For all intents and purposes, using the Tessel V2 should feel exactly the same as using Tessel V1. The only difference is that multiple languages will eventually be supported (not just JS, but Rust, Python, others as needed).


Installation should be a single command line call. We may need to port the CLI to the other supported languages so they can be installed from the appropriate package manage. For JavaScript/Node users, it will continue to be npm install tessel -g.

CLI Commands


command options description
tessel run <FILE.lang> a runs the provided FILE.lang
tessel register registers the tessel with our provided ‘cloud’ in order to allow remote pushing
[-l] list the current registered name
tessel provision configure a device for mass update to a fleet of devices in the field
tessel push <FILE.lang> writes the provided FILE.lang to flash and runs it at boot
tessel erase clears any program in flash
tessel wifi [-l] lists the available networks
-n connects to the provided SSID
-p connects with the given PASS
tessel logs lists the recent activity
tessel list lists whether there are any Tessels connected to the computer
tessel status prints the name of the script that’s running on each, how long it has been running, whether that script is in RAM or Flash, and wifi connection status
-s prints the running script information
-w prints the wifi status
tessel update checks for any firmware updates
tessel init like npm init. Sets this up as the working tessel project directory
tessel root provides access to the SoC
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