Moderator: @frijol Notes: @johnnyman727 Attending: @tcr, @rwaldron, @hipsterbrown
- @hipsterbrown needs help building up a survey to get feedback on Reach
- SC members have edit access on the survey to add helpful questions
- @hipsterbrown didn't get a chance to ask around at Hoodie about email lists but Tim did some research
- @hipsterbrown is still conceptually working through RFC he's going to make regarding captive portals
- @rwaldron is havin' a baaaabbayyyyy and he'll work with Nick on the RFC
- @hipsterbrown still needs to finish TWIT. Will work on it and get it out before the end of the week.
- @tcr finished completing list of sweatshirts to send out. Hooray!
- @tcr did not get a chance to send off the TELEC testing info to Seeeed. Action item added again for this week.
- @tcr did follow up with Mailchimp and it was not very useful (not a very large discount)
- @hipsterbrown emailed 61Local about meeting there but they have not yet responded
- Thursday and Friday afternoon from 1p - 6p are working/hack sessions for all attendees (hopefully at 61Local)
- Friday morning from 10a - 12p is time set aside for a Steering Committee meeting
- Saturday is open community day from 11a - 6p (at Meetup, need to confirm) for helping new people get started or just build things
- @hipsterbrown brought up that we may have a bunch of crusty, old issues on some of the repos. We should review all of them.
- @frijol suggests we talk about how to maintain issues better at Tessel Camp
- @johnnyman727 and @frijol will try to clean up the repos they spend the most time on
- We want to be more transparent about where the money goes but we're not sure the best way to do that. What's the right amount of effort?
- We will start a discussion on an issue and figure out the easiest way to make info accessible there.
- We had some conflict on an issue which @hipsterbrown jumped in on.
- @hipsterbrown brought up the suggestion of putting the code of conduct in every repo
- @tcr brought up that we can add a code of conduct badge on every repo. It's not necessarily intended to prevent conflicts like in the issue above, but will hopefully help potential contributors understand our commitment to uphold the CoC.
- We will reach out to parties of the conflict to confirm everyone's okay with resolution.
- @reconbot is continuing to work with Gitbooks to ensure subdomains work
- @frijol made a PR to update all links on website, need some help looking it over
- @nodebotanist wrote up some work about bridged connections and requested help building it in to Tessel. @hipsterbrown can help.
- @frijol to check in with prospective project champion about Reach
- @frijol to take a look at the Reach survey and provide feedback to @hipsterbrown
- @tcr to look further into switching over to cheaper email provider
- @hipsterbrown to make RFC for captive (work with @rwaldron on it)
- @hipsterbrown to follow up with @nodebotanist on bridged networks
- @hipsterbrown to complete TWIT for Nodebotsday
- @tcr to document setup for Seeed to recreate testing setup
- @frijol to comment on Tessel Camp issue to get comments on agenda
- @johnnyman727 will clean up issues on t2-cli
- @frijol will clean up issues on project, t2-start, and t2-docs
- @tcr will make an issue to discuss how to present finances publicly
- @tcr to add code of conduct badge to every active repo
- @hipsterbrown and @frijol to reach out to neopixel issue conflict parties
- @johnnyman727 will follow up on Neopixel thread