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raster-fonts Documentation

This crate provides a command line utility for rasterizing true type fonts into bitmaps, both traditional and signed distance fields. It also provides a tiny library for deserializing the metadata required for dynamic text layout calculations; both serde and rkyv are supported here.

The font2img CLI

Installation Using cargo

> cargo install raster-fonts --features="bin"

Basic Usage

> font2img <InputFontFile> <OutputImagePath> <OutputMetadataPath>

This will generate a monochrome signed distance field texture containing all glyphs in the printable ASCII range from the given font file. As described by Chris Green, then working for Valve:

In the simplest case, this texture can then be rendered simply by using the alpha-testing and alpha-thresholding feature of modern GPUs, without a custom shader. [...]

With the use of programmable shading, the technique is extended to perform various special effect renderings, including soft edges, outlining, drop shadows, multi-colored images, and sharp corners.

For a short video demonstration of this technique, see this video by Martin Donald.

Supported output image formats include PNG, BMP, TIFF, TGA. The supported metadata formats are RON, JSON, and RKYV. Note that kerning information cannot be exported to JSON, because JSON dictionaries must be indexed by strings, whereas the other formats support indexing by pairs of characters.

Specifying Custom Character Ranges

> font2img <Font> <Img> <Meta> [Charset]...

To rasterize a different set of glyphs, one or more Unicode codepoint ranges must be specified after the input/output paths. Codepoints are given in hexadecimal, without any prefix, and may stand alone. Alternatively, a contiguous range may be specified by the inclusive minimum and maximum. For example:

# This is equivalent to the basic invocation from the previous section:
> font2img <Font> <Img> <Meta> 20-7F

# Additioanlly rasterize printable characters from the Latin-1 Supplement:
> font2img <Font> <Img> <Meta> 20-7F A1-FF

# Throw in the Pilcrow sign (¶) only:
> font2img <Font> <Img> <Meta> 20-7F B1

Generating Conventional Bitmap Fonts

If you do not wish to use signed distance fields for whatever reason, you can switch to conventional glyph rendering with the --coverage-levels <N> option (-l <N> for short), where <N> is the number of distinct grayscale values greater than 0 you want in the output image. Regardless of the number of levels, the output image will be a monochrome 8bpp image, with the highest level set to 255.

# Rasterize with maximum fidelity:
> font2img -l 255 <Font> <Img> <Meta>

# Generate a binary image, i.e. rasterize without anti-aliasing:
> font2img -l 1 <Font> <Img> <Meta>

# Use a happy medium with 16 total distinct values:
> font2img -l 15 <Font> <Img> <Meta>

This is still useful, especially if you know the exact text size you need, and want to manually process the texture after generating it with this tool.

Full Help Output

> font2img --help
Bitmap font creation tool and accompanying metadata deserialization library


  <FONT_PATH>   Path to the font file to convert
  <IMG_PATH>    Path to where the output image should be written
  <META_PATH>   Path to where the output meta data should be written
  [CHARSET]...  List of Unicode codepoint ranges written in hex

  -l, --coverage-levels <COVERAGE_LEVELS>
          Enable coverage-based (as opposed to SDF) rasterization with the specified number of distinct levels above 0
  -s, --scale <SCALE>
          Desired font pixel height [default: 24]
  -p, --padding <PADDING>
          Desired number of pixels between glyphs in output texture [default: 8]
  -o, --output-image-size <OUTPUT_IMAGE_SIZE>
          Side length of the square output texture [default: 512]
          Exclude additional kerning information from output metadata
  -h, --help
          Print help information
  -V, --version
          Print version information

The raster_fonts Library

This is a single-module library of just a few plain-old data types that implement various de-/serialization traits, depending on the cargo features you set. As such, you'll want to use different features depending on the data format of your choice. So if you prefer rkyv, put this into your Cargo.toml:

raster-fonts = { version = "0.1", features = ["rkyv-deserialize"] }
rkyv = "0.7"

If you want to use serde, you'll also need either serde_json or the ron crate:

raster-fonts = { version = "0.1", features = ["serde-deserialize"] }
# depending on data format:
serde_json = "1"
ron = "0.8"