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Building Simple Apps with Google App Script

Terry Brady

Georgetown University Library

Presentation Checklist


What is Google App Script?

Google App Script is a server-side implementation of JavaScript with access to several Google API's.

Google Apps Script Documentation


How can Google App Script be Accessed?

  • Google Script Project on Google Drive
  • Embedded in a Google Product
    • Document
    • Sheet
    • Google Form
    • Google Site
  • Packaged for the Chrome Store as an Add-On


Standalone Google Script Project

  • Runnable on demand from the script editor
  • Deploy-able as a web service
  • Schedule-able as a trigger (time-driven)


When embedded in a Google Document...

  • Runnable from a custom menu item
  • Invoke-able as a spreadsheet formula
  • Triggered by a user event
  • onOpen()
  • onEdit()


Packaged for the Chrome Store as an Add-On

  • Offered to the Public
    • For Sale or For Free
  • Offered to your Google Apps Domain
  • Offered Privately by URL


Why Use Google Apps Script?

  • It is available where your users already are
    • No need to introduce another login
  • Sometimes a Document or a Spreadsheet provides the correct level of complexity to solve a problem
  • Can be authorized to access personal Google Services (Mail, Calendar, Drive)


Sharing Google Apps Script?

  • Sharable using existing Google Drive sharing options
  • User must authorize the specific functions that will be performed by the script
  • Configurable Authorization
    • Run as the user running the script
    • Run as the author of the script


App Examples

  • App Example 1: Building a Web Service
  • Saves Results to Google Drive
  • App Example 2: Extending Google Sheets
  • Publish from Sheets to Google Sites and Gmail
  • Code Example 3: Embed Interactive HTML App
  • Add an HTML Panel to Google Sheets
  • Add client-side JavaScript
  • Perform ISBN Lookup


Example 1: Web Service to Facilitate Metadata Collaboration
  • Librarians often work with text strings that look like numbers or dates
  • Call numbers, Accession Numbers
  • What would happen to this data (by default) in Excel or Google Sheets?
Col A, Col B, Col C
One,Preserve date as MM/DD/YYYY,01/01/2017
Two,Preserve date as YYYY-MM-DD,2017-01-01
Three,Preserve Number with leading zeros,00002222
  • What happens when the data is shared?


Example 1: A Web Service to Upload a CSV to Google Sheets
  • Load data to CSV
  • Disable auto-correct in all cells


Example 1: Clone Project for Yourself
  • Sample Script Project
  • Select "Make a Copy" to save an editable copy
  • Click "Deploy as Webapp", set the run as parameters as appropriate to you
  • Copy the current web app URL


Example 1: Project Components
  • doGet() Display upload page (Index.html)
  • doPost()
    • Process CSV Upload, create Google Sheet
    • Display a link to the generated Sheet (Response.html)
  • Index.html: CSV Upload Page
  • Response.html: HTML Fragment to display link to uploaded Sheets


Example 1: Run it Yourself
  • Open the URL you saved - calls doGet()
  • Supply a CSV as a file or in the text box provided
  • Upload CSV data
Col A, Col B, Col C
One,Preserve date as MM/DD/YYYY,01/01/2017
Two,Preserve date as YYYY-MM-DD,2017-01-01
Three,Preserve Number with leading zeros,00002222
  • Click the link to the generated spreadsheet


Example 1: References


Example 2: Publish Weekly Volunteer Assignments from Google Sheets

  • Developed for an org in which several folks had limited computer literacy
  • Edit assignments in a spreadsheet (upcoming dates as column headers)
  • Publish assignment updates to Google Sites daily
  • Email upcoming assignments once a week (with a link to Google Sites)


Example 2: Publish Weekly Volunteer Assignments from Google Sheets

  • Due to limited time, try this one yourself
  • See the instructions on the slides below


Example 2: Clone/Configure for Yourself
  • Sample Spreadsheet
  • Select "Make a Copy" to save an editable copy
  • Create a personal Google Site
    • Create a page within the site named "rotasearch"
    • Set a script property named "siteid" with a URL to your new site


Example 2: Run it for yourself
  • Make an edit
  • Send email
  • Publish to Google Sites. See the following example
  • Create a trigger to call "sendRota" on a daily basis


Example 2: Sceenshot of Trigger Menu

Screen Shot


Example 2: Screenshot of Create Trigger

Screen Shot


Example 2: Create Trigger

Screen Shot


Example 2: References


Code Example 3: Add Interactive HTML App to Google Sheets
  • Create an application in Google Sheets that looks up ISBN numbers and returns book titles


Code Example 3: Add Interactive HTML App to Google Sheets

We will build the sample ISBN lookup app in 6 parts

  • 3A: Simulated ISBN Lookup
  • 3B: Lookup ISBN with Google Books API
  • 3C: Display Lookup Results with Google Sheets UI
  • 3D: Display a static HTML panel
  • 3E: Display a Templated HTML panel (with lookup results)
  • 3F: Display an Interactive HTML panel (to lookup results)


Example 3A: Creating a Test Google Sheet With Fake ISBN Lookup

Create a Google Sheet with the following data

ISBN Google Books Lookup


Example 3A: Create a Script within the Sheet
  • Tools -> Script Editor
  • This will open up the App Script Cloud IDE


Example 3A: Add the following script code
function isbnLookup(id) {
    return "Sample ISBN Lookup " + id;

function test() {
  var isbn = "9780141977263";
  var title = isbnLookup(isbn)
  var msg = "The title for ISBN " + isbn + " is " + title;


Example 3A: Save the Script Project

Name the project something like "Test Project"


Example 3A: Test the script

From the "Select function" drop down, select "test" and click the "Run" or "Debug" button screenshot


Example 3A: View Log Output

Click "View Logs" to confirm that the function ran. screenshot


Example 3A: View Log Output



Example 3A: Use the script as a Spreadsheet formula

Modify cell B2 to contain the following formula


Copy cell B2 into cell B3 to create the following formula



Example 3A: View Formula Output



Example 3B: Enhance the script with an external service call


Example 3B: Call Google Books Service
function isbnLookup(id) {
  var url = ""+id+getApiKey();
  var options = {contentType : "application/json"};

  var resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
  if (resp == null || resp == "") return "N/A";

  var respdata = JSON.parse(resp.getContentText());
  if (respdata["items"] == undefined) return "Not found";
  if (respdata["items"].length == 0) return "Not found";

  var data = respdata["items"][0]["volumeInfo"];
  return (data["subtitle"] == undefined) ? 
    data["title"] : data["title"] + ": " + data["subtitle"];


Example 3B: API Key for Google Books

Without an API key, Google may throttle your requests

function getApiKey() {
  //Request a booksapi key from Google
  //Set a script property using File->Project Properties->Script Properties
  var key = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("booksapi");
  return key == undefined ? "" : "&key="+key;


Example 3B: Run the "test()" function again
  • The first time you run this, you will need to authorize Google Apps to send data to an external URL



Example 3B: Reload the Spreadsheet



Example 3C: Call Your Function from the Sheets UI
  • Add Menu to Google Sheets
function onOpen(e) {
    .addItem("Test Function", "test")


Example 3C: Reload to See the New Menu



Example 3C: Add UI Confirmation to the test() function

Modify the test() function to access the Spreadsheet UI

function test() {
  var isbn = "0764506331";
  var title = isbnLookup(isbn)
  var msg = "The title for ISBN " + isbn + " is " + title;


Example 3C: Call the test function from the new menu



Example 3D: Adding Custom HTML to Your Script

In the script IDE, create "Sidebar.html"

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <h2>Sample HTML Panel in Google Sheets</h2>
    <div>We will use this panel to add additional features to the Spreadsheet</div>


Example 3D: Create HTML



Example 3D: Add a menu option to load the sidebar

Create a function showSidebar()

function showSidebar() {
  var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("Sidebar.html");


Example 3D: Add Menu Option

Add showSidebar() to the Add On Menu

function onOpen(e) {
    .addItem("Test Function", "test")
    .addItem("Show Sidebar", "showSidebar")


Example 3D: Screenshot of Menu Option



Example 3D: Display Sidebar Output



Example 3E: Create HTML Template

A template can take an interpret values passed to the template.

  • In the script IDE, create "Template.html"
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <h2>Sample HTML Panel in Google Sheets</h2>
    <div>The title for ISBN <?=isbn?>: <?=title?></div>


Example 3E: Display Template Function

Create a function showSidebarTemplate() which passes data to a template

function showSidebarTemplate() {
  var t = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("Template.html");
  t.isbn = "0596517742";
  t.title = isbnLookup(t.isbn);
  var html = t.evaluate();


Example 3E: Add Menu Option

Add a call to showSidebarTemplate() to the Add On Menu

function onOpen(e) {
    .addItem("Test Function", "test")
    .addItem("Show Sidebar", "showSidebar")
    .addItem("Show Template", "showSidebarTemplate")


Example 3E: Screenshot of Menu Option



Example 3E: Screenshot of Template Output



Example 3F: HTML Template with Client JavaScript

Your client JavaScript can invoke server-side methods using

  • In the script IDE, create a new html file named "SidebarWithClientJS.html"

#VSLIDE HTML File With Client JS: SidebarWithClientJS.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <script src="//"></script>
    <!-- Client JavaScript Goes Here (See Next Slide) -->
    <!-- HTML Body Goes Here (See 2 slides ahead) -->

#VSLIDE HTML Body (Will be Modified by JS)

    <h2>Sample HTML Panel in Google Sheets</h2>
      The title for ISBN 
      <input id="isbn" type="text" size="14"/>: 
      <textarea id="booktitle" rows="5" cols="35">--</textarea>

#VSLIDE Client JavaScript Overview

  • Ready function $(function()) is called on page load
  • onBlur() event added to ISBN
  • User enters a value into ISBN
  • onBlur() is called
    • BOOKTITLE is cleared
    • The value entered into ISBN is passed to the server-side function isbnLookup()
      • If successful, showValue() will be invoked
        • BOOKTITLE is updated with the title

#VSLIDE Client JavaScript

function showValue(data) {
  $("#isbn").on("blur", function(){

#VSLIDE Complete File (For Copy/Paste)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <script src="//"></script>
    function showValue(data) {
      $("#isbn").on("blur", function(){
    <h2>Sample HTML Panel in Google Sheets</h2>
      The title for ISBN 
      <input id="isbn" type="text" size="14"/>: 
      <textarea id="booktitle" rows="5" cols="35">--</textarea>


Example 3F: Method to Display Template

Create a function showSidebarWithClientJS()

function showSidebarWithClientJS() {
  var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("SidebarWithClientJS.html");


Example 3F: Add Menu Item

Add a call to showSidebarWithClientJS() to the Add On Menu

function onOpen(e) {
    .addItem("Test Function", "test")
    .addItem("Show Sidebar", "showSidebar")
    .addItem("Show Template", "showSidebarTemplate")
    .addItem("Show Sidebar With Client JS", "showSidebarWithClientJS")


Example 3F: Screenshot of Menu Option



Example 3F: Display HTML Page

An onBlur event is bound to the ISBN field. screenshot


Example 3F: Invoke Server JS from Client JS

The title field is updated after entering an ISBN. screenshot


Note About Trigger Restrictions
  • When installing an onOpen() trigger or other special triggers some restrictions apply to what your script can do
  • You may need to simplify the actions performed with a trigger and defer them to a user-driven action
  • If you see unexpected behavior in your scripts, evaluate if one of these restrictions has applied


Useful Reference


Thank You!

Terry Brady

Georgetown University Library