Terry Brady
Georgetown University Library
Google App Script is a server-side implementation of JavaScript with access to several Google API's.
Google Apps Script Documentation
- Google Script Project on Google Drive
- Embedded in a Google Product
- Document
- Sheet
- Google Form
- Google Site
- Packaged for the Chrome Store as an Add-On
- Runnable on demand from the script editor
- Deploy-able as a web service
- Schedule-able as a trigger (time-driven)
- Runnable from a custom menu item
- Invoke-able as a spreadsheet formula
- Triggered by a user event
- onOpen()
- onEdit()
- Offered to the Public
- For Sale or For Free
- Offered to your Google Apps Domain
- Offered Privately by URL
- It is available where your users already are
- No need to introduce another login
- Sometimes a Document or a Spreadsheet provides the correct level of complexity to solve a problem
- Can be authorized to access personal Google Services (Mail, Calendar, Drive)
- Sharable using existing Google Drive sharing options
- User must authorize the specific functions that will be performed by the script
- Configurable Authorization
- Run as the user running the script
- Run as the author of the script
- App Example 1: Building a Web Service
- Saves Results to Google Drive
- App Example 2: Extending Google Sheets
- Publish from Sheets to Google Sites and Gmail
- Code Example 3: Embed Interactive HTML App
- Add an HTML Panel to Google Sheets
- Add client-side JavaScript
- Perform ISBN Lookup
- Librarians often work with text strings that look like numbers or dates
- Call numbers, Accession Numbers
- What would happen to this data (by default) in Excel or Google Sheets?
Col A, Col B, Col C
One,Preserve date as MM/DD/YYYY,01/01/2017
Two,Preserve date as YYYY-MM-DD,2017-01-01
Three,Preserve Number with leading zeros,00002222
- What happens when the data is shared?
- Load data to CSV
- Disable auto-correct in all cells
- Sample Script Project
- Select "Make a Copy" to save an editable copy
- Click "Deploy as Webapp", set the run as parameters as appropriate to you
- Copy the current web app URL
- Code.gs
- doGet() Display upload page (Index.html)
- doPost()
- Process CSV Upload, create Google Sheet
- Display a link to the generated Sheet (Response.html)
- Index.html: CSV Upload Page
- Response.html: HTML Fragment to display link to uploaded Sheets
- Open the URL you saved - calls doGet()
- Supply a CSV as a file or in the text box provided
- Upload CSV data
Col A, Col B, Col C
One,Preserve date as MM/DD/YYYY,01/01/2017
Two,Preserve date as YYYY-MM-DD,2017-01-01
Three,Preserve Number with leading zeros,00002222
- Click the link to the generated spreadsheet
- Developed for an org in which several folks had limited computer literacy
- Edit assignments in a spreadsheet (upcoming dates as column headers)
- Publish assignment updates to Google Sites daily
- Email upcoming assignments once a week (with a link to Google Sites)
- Due to limited time, try this one yourself
- See the instructions on the slides below
- Sample Spreadsheet
- Select "Make a Copy" to save an editable copy
- Create a personal Google Site
- Create a page within the site named "rotasearch"
- Set a script property named "siteid" with a URL to your new site
- Make an edit
- Send email
- Publish to Google Sites. See the following example
- Create a trigger to call "sendRota" on a daily basis
- Create an application in Google Sheets that looks up ISBN numbers and returns book titles
We will build the sample ISBN lookup app in 6 parts
- 3A: Simulated ISBN Lookup
- 3B: Lookup ISBN with Google Books API
- 3C: Display Lookup Results with Google Sheets UI
- 3D: Display a static HTML panel
- 3E: Display a Templated HTML panel (with lookup results)
- 3F: Display an Interactive HTML panel (to lookup results)
Create a Google Sheet with the following data
ISBN | Google Books Lookup |
9780141977263 | |
9780590328197 |
- Tools -> Script Editor
- This will open up the App Script Cloud IDE
function isbnLookup(id) {
return "Sample ISBN Lookup " + id;
function test() {
var isbn = "9780141977263";
var title = isbnLookup(isbn)
var msg = "The title for ISBN " + isbn + " is " + title;
Name the project something like "Test Project"
From the "Select function" drop down, select "test" and click the "Run" or "Debug" button
Click "View Logs" to confirm that the function ran.
Modify cell B2 to contain the following formula
Copy cell B2 into cell B3 to create the following formula
- Google Apps Script API Reference for UrlFetchApp
- Update the isbnLookup function to use the Google Books API to lookup the isbn
function isbnLookup(id) {
var url = "https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?country=US&q=isbn:"+id+getApiKey();
var options = {contentType : "application/json"};
var resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
if (resp == null || resp == "") return "N/A";
var respdata = JSON.parse(resp.getContentText());
if (respdata["items"] == undefined) return "Not found";
if (respdata["items"].length == 0) return "Not found";
var data = respdata["items"][0]["volumeInfo"];
return (data["subtitle"] == undefined) ?
data["title"] : data["title"] + ": " + data["subtitle"];
Without an API key, Google may throttle your requests
function getApiKey() {
//Request a booksapi key from Google
//Set a script property using File->Project Properties->Script Properties
var key = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("booksapi");
return key == undefined ? "" : "&key="+key;
- The first time you run this, you will need to authorize Google Apps to send data to an external URL
- Add Menu to Google Sheets
function onOpen(e) {
.addItem("Test Function", "test")
Modify the test() function to access the Spreadsheet UI
function test() {
var isbn = "0764506331";
var title = isbnLookup(isbn)
var msg = "The title for ISBN " + isbn + " is " + title;
In the script IDE, create "Sidebar.html"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<h2>Sample HTML Panel in Google Sheets</h2>
<div>We will use this panel to add additional features to the Spreadsheet</div>
Create a function showSidebar()
function showSidebar() {
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("Sidebar.html");
Add showSidebar() to the Add On Menu
function onOpen(e) {
.addItem("Test Function", "test")
.addItem("Show Sidebar", "showSidebar")
A template can take an interpret values passed to the template.
- In the script IDE, create "Template.html"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<h2>Sample HTML Panel in Google Sheets</h2>
<div>The title for ISBN <?=isbn?>: <?=title?></div>
Create a function showSidebarTemplate() which passes data to a template
function showSidebarTemplate() {
var t = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("Template.html");
t.isbn = "0596517742";
t.title = isbnLookup(t.isbn);
var html = t.evaluate();
Add a call to showSidebarTemplate() to the Add On Menu
function onOpen(e) {
.addItem("Test Function", "test")
.addItem("Show Sidebar", "showSidebar")
.addItem("Show Template", "showSidebarTemplate")
Your client JavaScript can invoke server-side methods using google.script.run
- In the script IDE, create a new html file named "SidebarWithClientJS.html"
#VSLIDE HTML File With Client JS: SidebarWithClientJS.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- Client JavaScript Goes Here (See Next Slide) -->
<!-- HTML Body Goes Here (See 2 slides ahead) -->
#VSLIDE HTML Body (Will be Modified by JS)
<h2>Sample HTML Panel in Google Sheets</h2>
The title for ISBN
<input id="isbn" type="text" size="14"/>:
<textarea id="booktitle" rows="5" cols="35">--</textarea>
#VSLIDE Client JavaScript Overview
- Ready function $(function()) is called on page load
- onBlur() event added to ISBN
- User enters a value into ISBN
- onBlur() is called
- BOOKTITLE is cleared
- The value entered into ISBN is passed to the server-side function isbnLookup()
- If successful, showValue() will be invoked
- BOOKTITLE is updated with the title
- If successful, showValue() will be invoked
#VSLIDE Client JavaScript
function showValue(data) {
$("#isbn").on("blur", function(){
#VSLIDE Complete File (For Copy/Paste)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
function showValue(data) {
$("#isbn").on("blur", function(){
<h2>Sample HTML Panel in Google Sheets</h2>
The title for ISBN
<input id="isbn" type="text" size="14"/>:
<textarea id="booktitle" rows="5" cols="35">--</textarea>
Create a function showSidebarWithClientJS()
function showSidebarWithClientJS() {
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("SidebarWithClientJS.html");
Add a call to showSidebarWithClientJS() to the Add On Menu
function onOpen(e) {
.addItem("Test Function", "test")
.addItem("Show Sidebar", "showSidebar")
.addItem("Show Template", "showSidebarTemplate")
.addItem("Show Sidebar With Client JS", "showSidebarWithClientJS")
An onBlur event is bound to the ISBN field.
The title field is updated after entering an ISBN.
- When installing an onOpen() trigger or other special triggers some restrictions apply to what your script can do
- You may need to simplify the actions performed with a trigger and defer them to a user-driven action
- If you see unexpected behavior in your scripts, evaluate if one of these restrictions has applied
- Creating a Google Doc Add-On Example
- Templated HTML
- Calling Server Side Functions from Client JavaScript
Terry Brady
Georgetown University Library