This document will give you a detailed account of how to transfer your bugs, blueprints and milestones from Launchpad to GitHub and explain what to do once you've moved.
- python-github3 (included in the lp2gh tree)
- launchpadlib (
- most of the files in the bin directory
- a launchpad account that has access to your project's branches (actually the code only handles anonymous access at the moment)
- a github account
- if you want to be cool, a mapping of your project members' Launchpad usernames to their GitHub usernames
The import process works by first exporting the current content of the bugs, blueprints and milestones associated with your project, and then feeding those files into the import tools.
The import tools will push them to GitHub while translating some of their content to point to the new issue numbers and adding a summary to the description that shows some additional history of the issue and a link to the original Launchpad bug or blueprint.
They will all be imported as GitHub issues and tagged appropriately.
Bugs are so Launchpad, we want to make some Issues, but the first step is getting all the data.
To begin the export run the following:
# <your_project_name> is the part after 'lp:', e.g. nova instead of lp:nova $ bin/lp2gh-export-bugs <your_project_name> > my_bugs.json
That will export the bugs from Launchpad and dump a JSON file that looks a bit like:
[ { "status": "Fix Released", "security_related": false, "description": "nova/objectstore/\nimageResoure#render_GET\n\nYou can call image.is_authorized(context, True)", "tags": [], "duplicates": [], "assignee": "xtoddx", "milestone": "austin", "owner": "xtoddx", "id": 653344, "duplicate_of": null, "title": "Image downloading should check project membership and publicity settings", "comments": [ { "owner": "dendrobates", "content": "what is the status if this fix", "date_created": "2010-10-19T16:12:08Z" }, { "owner": "xtoddx", "content": "Fix in lp:~xtoddx/nova/imagedownload, proposing now", "date_created": "2010-10-19T23:42:40Z" } ], "importance": "Critical", "lp_url": "", "date_created": "2010-10-01T23:50:09Z" } ]
It may take a while for big projects, but should give you some progress updates as it moves along.
Keep track of that file, you are going to use it again later.
Pretty much the same process here as for exporting bugs:
# <your_project_name> is the part after 'lp:', e.g. nova instead of lp:nova $ bin/lp2gh-export-milestones <your_project_name> > my_milestones.json
Which will result in a my_milestones.json that looks like:
[ { "active": false, "date_targeted": null, "name": "2010.1-rc2", "summary": "Austin Release Candidate 2" }, { "active": true, "date_targeted": "2011-09-10T00:00:00Z", "name": "diablo-integrated-freeze", "summary": "" } ]
The same process here as for exporting bugs:
# <your_project_name> is the part after 'lp:', e.g. nova instead of lp:nova $ bin/lp2gh-export-blueprints <your_project_name> > my_blueprints.json
Which will result in a my_blueprints.json that looks like:
[ { "whiteboard": "Setting this to diablo-4 because it is vital to have for our next release, but we haven't fully defined all of the functions needed. Some of this can be informed by the effort to move dashboard over. --vish", "name": "admin-account-actions", "title": "Admin API: Actions to perform on accounts", "url": "", "milestone": "diablo-4", "bugs": [], "definition_status": "Approved", "priority": "Essential", "assignee": "rackspace-titan", "dependencies": [ "api-additions" ], "lp_url": "", "drafter": "glen-campbell", "lifecycle_status": "Not started", "date_created": "2011-04-13T18:59:40Z", "summary": "As a service provider, Rackspace needs to perform certain actions on a per-account basis. For example, an account needs to be suspended for violations of terms of service or non-payment. This specification is for a set of actions that can be performed on an account, which usually translates to actions performed on all the servers belonging to an account. ", "implementation_status": "Not started" } ]
This part starts getting a bit more complicated because the order you do things in will matter more. While it is possible to import only bugs or only blueprints or only milestones this guide will focus on the more involved process of importing all three.
The general way of the importers is that as they are run they produce an output that is a mapping of the old Launchpad identifiers to the new GitHub identifiers. Those mappings will be used by other importers to support the translation of content in the bugs, etcetera.
Milestones don't have any other dependencies so we'll import those first.
You'll need to have your my_milestones.json file around:
$ ./bin/lp2gh-import-milestones --username=<your_github_username> \ --password=<your_github_password> \ --repo_user=<target_github_repo_user> \ --repo_name=<target_github_repo_name> \ my_milestones.json > my_milestones_map.json
Which will output a my_milestones_map.json that looks like:
{ "diablo-4": 3, "cactus-gamma": 9, "diablo-1": 6, "diablo-2": 5, "diablo-3": 4, "bexar-gamma": 13, "2010.1-rc2": 1, "2011.1.1": 10, "austin-final-freeze": 17, "2010.1": 15, "2011.2": 7, "austin-feature-freeze": 18, "2011.1": 11, "bexar-rc": 12, "austin-rc": 16, "austin": 14, "cactus-rc": 8, "diablo-integrated-freeze": 2 }
And will result in a a variety of empty milestones, preserving any targeted dates.
Similar to importing the milestones, but will make use of the mapping file created earlier to allow attaching bugs to milestones:
$ ./bin/lp2gh-import-bugs --username=<your_github_username> \ --password=<your_github_password> \ --repo_user=<target_github_repo_user> \ --repo_name=<target_github_repo_name> \ --milestones_map=my_milestones_map.json my_bugs.json > my_bugs_map.json
This will output a my_bugs_map.json file that looks similar to:
And will result in all the issues being created over three passes, the first pass will generate all the labels (tags in Launchpad) that are being used by any bug. The second pass will create the basic content of the issue as it existed on Launchpad. Finally, the third pass will use the new bug mapping to translate autolinks from the Launchpad bug numbers to the GitHub issue numbers, add a summary to the issue description that includes additional information from the launchpad history of the project, and finally add all the comments made so far on the issue.
The summary will currently look similar to:
Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh. date created: 2011-04-04T17:52:50Z owner: tpatil assignee: mihgen the launchpad url was
The comments will look similar to:
(by blamar) What version of glance are you running? Although snapshotting doesn't work for me in nova trunk, this looks to be a glance issue?