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Ekino NewRelic Bundle

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This bundle integrates the NewRelic PHP API into Symfony2. For more information about NewRelic, please visit

The bundle can use either the route name or the controller name as the transaction name. For CLI commands the transaction name is the command name.


Ekino NewRelicBundle


Step 0 : Install NewRelic

review ...

Step 1: Using Composer (recommended)

Use composer.phar:

$ php composer.phar require ekino/newrelic-bundle

You just have to specify the version you want : master-dev. It will add the package in your composer.json file and install it.

Or you can do it by yourself, first, add the following to your composer.json file:

// composer.json
    // ...
    require: {
        // ...
        "ekino/newrelic-bundle": "master-dev"

Then, you can install the new dependencies by running Composer's update command from the directory where your composer.json file is located:

$ php composer.phar update ekino/newrelic-bundle

Step 1 (alternative) : Using deps file (Symfony 2.0.x)

First, checkout a copy of the code. Just add the following to the deps file of your Symfony Standard Distribution:


Then, run

$ bin/vendors install

Make sure that you also register the namespace with the autoloader:


// app/autoload.php
    // ...
    'Ekino'              => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
    // ...

Step 2 : Register the bundle

Then register the bundle with your kernel:


// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
    // ...
    new Ekino\Bundle\NewRelicBundle\EkinoNewRelicBundle(),
    // ...

Step 3 : Configure the bundle

# app/config/config.yml

    enabled: true                         # Defaults to true
    application_name: Awesome Application # default value in newrelic is "PHP Application", or whatever is set
                                          # as php ini-value
    api_key:                              # New Relic API
    license_key:                          # New Relic license key
    xmit: false                           # if you want to record the metric data up to the point newrelic_set_appname is called, set this to true
    logging: false                        # If true, logs all New Relic interactions to the Symfony log
    instrument: false                     # If true, uses enhanced New Relic RUM instrumentation (see below)
    log_exceptions: false                 # If true, sends exceptions to New Relic
    log_commands: true                    # If true, logs CLI commands to New Relic as Background jobs (>2.3 only)
    using_symfony_cache: false            # Symfony HTTP cache (see below)
    transaction_naming: route             # route, controller or service (see below)
    transaction_naming_service: ~         # Transaction naming service (see below)
    ignored_routes: []                    # No transaction recorded for this routes
    ignored_paths: []                     # No transaction recorded for this paths
    ignored_commands: []                  # No transaction recorded for this commands (background tasks)

Enhanced RUM instrumentation

The bundle comes with an option for enhanced real user monitoring. Ordinarily the New Relic extension (unless disabled by configuration) automatically adds a tracking code for RUM instrumentation to all HTML responses. Using enhanced RUM instrumentation, the bundle allows you to selectively disable instrumentation on certain requests.

This can be useful if, e.g. you're returning HTML verbatim for an HTML editor.

If enhanced RUM instrumentation is enabled, you can disable instrumentation for a given request by passing along a _instrument request parameter, and setting it to false. This can be done e.g. through the routing configuration.

Transaction naming strategies

The bundle comes with two built-in transaction naming strategies. route and controller, naming the New Relic transaction after the route or controller respectively. However, the bundle supports custom transaction naming strategies through the service configuration option. If you have selected the service configuration option, you must pass the name of your own transaction naming service as the transaction_naming_service configuration option.

The transaction naming service class must implement the Ekino\Bundle\NewRelicBundle\TransactionNamingStrategy\TransactionNamingStrategyInterface interface. For more information on creating your own services, see the Symfony documentation on Creating/Configuring Services in the Container.

Symfony HTTP Cache

When you are using Symfony's HTTP cache your app/AppCache.php will build up a response with your Edge Side Includes (ESI). This will look like one transaction in New Relic. When you set using_symfony_cache: true will these ESI request be separate transaction which improves the statistics. If you are using some other reverse proxy cache or no cache at all, leave this to false.

If true is required to set the application_name.

Deployment notification

You can use the newrelic:notify-deployment command to send deployment notifications to New Relic. This requires the api_key configuration to be set.

The command has a bunch of options, as displayed in the help data.

$ app/console newrelic:notify-deployment --help
 newrelic:notify-deployment [--user[="..."]] [--revision[="..."]] [--changelog[="..."]] [--description[="..."]]

 --user         The name of the user/process that triggered this deployment
 --revision     A revision number (e.g., git commit SHA)
 --changelog    A list of changes for this deployment
 --description  Text annotation for the deployment — notes for you

The bundle provide a Capifony recipe to automate the deployment notifications (see Resources/recipes/newrelic.rb).

Integration with SonataBlockBundle

Step 0: Install SonataBlockBundle

Review SonataBlockBundle

Step 1: Enable your block:

# app/config/config.yml


Integration with SonataAdminBundle

Step 0: Install SonataBlockBundle

Review preview section

Step 1: Install SonataAdminBundle

Review SonataAdminBundle installation

Step 1: Enable your block:

# app/config/config.yml
            - {
                position: left,
                type: ekino.newrelic.block.simple,
                settings: {
                    reference: 3Y5rCib3JmH   # Url charts (https://... or 3Y5rCib3JmH)

More details for configuration SonataAdminBundle

Integration with Twig

{{ sonata_block_render({ 'type': 'ekino.newrelic.block.simple' }, {
    'reference': '3Y5rCib3JmH'
}) }}

More details for Twig extension


Add NewRelic support to Symfony2







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  • PHP 98.0%
  • Ruby 2.0%