These examples are applicable to a range of instruments, not having the same level of focus as those in the higher-level paths dedicated to specific instrument models.
Creating GUIs Quick generic examples to inspire your own GUI creating initiatives.
Instructables Quick generic tutorials for controlling instruments but not dedicated to any one specific model.
Instrument Communication Resources Reusable code that can be used to help streamline instrument communications setups.
Send a Script File to a Keithley Touchscreen Instrument Series of examples in different programming languages, showing how you can upload a custom script file to your TSP-enabled instrument.
Send a Script File to a Keithley TSP-Enabled Instrument Series of examples in different programming languages, showing how you can upload a custom script file to your TSP-enabled instrument. This directory offers examples for the Series 2600B SourceMeters, Series 3706A Switch/Multimeter System, and the 700 Series Switching Systems.
Synchronize Internal Clock with NTP Server Example script used to synchronize your Keithley touchscreen instrument time to NTP server time.
TSP-Net Seed Ideas Basic TSP code to get you started on using TSP-Net to control instruments over LAN from a TSP-enabled instrument.