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Playback Telemetry Log Files

Tim Eckel edited this page Aug 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

Please note: Log file playback works really well on Horus transmitters. However, while it works on my Taranis Q X7, for others it may crash with a "attempt to call a nil value" or "not enough memory" error. This means you're using too much memory for other things on your transmitter and it doesn't have enough memory to playback the logs. Not switching views and not using the pilot view will use less memory, but it's possible you just won't be able to playback log files on a Taranis transmitter if you have too little memory available.

Log file playback allows you to playback the latest 5 telemetry log files from up to the last 2 weeks on the currently selected model. You must be unarmed for this to work and if you arm while playing back a log file, the playback will be terminated.

To playback a log file, go to the config menu and scroll to the last item. If there's any log files in the last 2 weeks, you'll see a date (in YY-MM-DD format). You can cycle through the dates and select the one you wish to playback (exit will unselect the menu option).

Standard playback will be at close to normal speed (note the timestamp in the title bar). When playing back, you can use the right stick (mode 2) to fast forward (stick up), reverse (stick down), pause (hold stick right), or quit (stick left). The further you move the stick up and down the faster the forward or reverse. The stick center position is playback at normal speed. When it gets to the end of the log, it will pause.

As multiple flights from the same day are recorded to the same telemetry log files, the playback will continue to the next flight (note the timestamp in the title for time jumps which will be a new flight).